#/And/ autotags don't work
sysig · 11 months
Okay honestly I might have to take a break from posting with the lack of legacy editor, the new system is fucked in so many ways
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e1998799 · 10 months
RPM 3.0 - 60% CONVERSION-Review
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RPM 3.0 is FINALLY ready! With new income streams, higher converting pages and many new features, this is not the RPM you knew and loved, this is a new beast entirely… Using a new autotag technology, the user can have a full system set up without ever editing anything. Using our unique affiliate marketing system. You can earn fromn dozens of income streams using one main link that tracks across all the income streams we have.
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RPM 3.0 is FINALLY ready!
With new income streams, higher converting pages and many new features, this is not the RPM you knew and loved, this is a new beast entirely… [13/08 3:31 PM] Manik: want to help you get rid of those fears of making money online and make you a success with your very own online business that will stand the test of time… 
PLUS fill your bank account with real money, when you get started with the RPM system and implement the strategies that actually work.
The so-called Gurus don't want you to use this system and RPM funnel because you will start winning with this proven to work system today. 
ATTENTION: I'd Like To Give You Access TO My Brand New RPM System, ASAP! https://acortar.link/YMhw36
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jannatuls-blog · 1 year
Rapid Profit Machine Review|(Vendor:  jet32123)
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RPM is an important product for affiliates. Affiliates will benefit a lot from this product. This is a system through which affiliates can generate multiple streams of income. This product can add a new auto tag to set up a complete system without any resources.
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About vendor:
Vendor Name – jet32123
Product Description:
The RPM is a new system which helps affiliates build multiple income streams. Using a new autotag technology, the user can have a full system set up without ever editing anything. Using our unique affiliate marketing system. You can earn fromn dozens of income streams using one main link that tracks across all the income streams we have.
Never Worry About Wasting Your Valued Time Again...
Because with the RPM system you'll never have to worry about wasting your valued time or money again. The only thing to expect with this brand new system is to be showered with immense value that you can take home to the bank.
I personally wish that I had something like this myself when I first started back in 2017.
All I had was people promising me the world if i just bought one more of their products that claimed would make me a super affiliate and millionaire over night.
I don't want you to have to struggle as I did, I want you to be able to have the chance I never did right now, that's why...
There Is NO CATCH!
Let's be honest, there is loads out there that offer you something amazing for an incredibly low price but then stick you into some program that charges your card money every month.
Don't worry... This isn't one of them.
There's NO hidden fees continuity program - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...
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Well, there are actually a few reasons...
​It's my way of giving back for the success I've had...
​Start making sales from my funnel and system, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
Why Time Is Of The Essence...
Here's why...
I don't know how long I can keep giving this away for my proven to work RPM Funnel and system that is easier than anything else out there today.
If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.
What To Do Next?...
From here it's just finalising the details and getting you inside the RPM system!
Click on the Green button below right now, and we can finally get started!
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I can't wait to see you succeeding with the system in no time.
To your continued Success,
James Neville-Taylor
Final opinion:
Our affiliates use this system and dozens of income methods using one main link can find out. So affiliates go a long way in changing their lives. So you can improve your life by using this product.
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Thank You
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Not to go attacking that anon but since we only see things through Katniss’ eyes and she tries not to care about romantic entanglements, how do we know for sure that Gale’s the “straightest character” in thg?
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gostaks · 4 years
the motte and bailey fallacy is a useful tool but fuck if I remember which one’s the motte and which is the bailey
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serabiet · 5 years
Do you like Natasha Una and Opal Contrary
To be honest I’ve never played Desiderata Valley much by itself, so there’s no strong attachment to any of the premades who came with it. Even now in my current uberhood I moved the families to Riverblossom Hills. DV kind of is half-assed as a neighborhood compared to the others both visually and when it comes to the family backgrounds? Understandable since the focus is on hobbies and there’s only so much you can do with that, but I’d still rank it lowest out of the premade hoods. The houses are kind of bad and you can smell how building the neighborhood wasn’t a priority for the developers, just something-anything to showcase the EP’s new features.
I like Natasha! Out of all of the DV residents she’s one of the most interesting, by virtue of being the only grilled cheese sim and an artist. In my Riverblossom Hills she runs a motel with her cousin and is very anti-establishment as a character, but I haven’t really dug deep into that yet.
Opal’s a bit of a nonperson to me? Never really played the Contrary family much although!! Now that I look at it, their last name starts making sense! Her bio talks about how much she loves her family and job to the point it makes her look Stepfordian or at least well medicated, yet she’s enemies with her son and her husband’s a sidekick to the town secret agent, and her personality points (3 in nice) don’t really warrant all that loving in the biography :o Huh, maybe there is some interesting potential to them after all. Thanks for asking and stirring the pot a little :)!
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sunrisetune · 3 years
the 'hyphen URLs are bad' thing started bc tags don't work with hyphens, so if my url was vitamin-d20 and someone tagged me in a post (in the post tags, not with an @), it wouldn't show up. this was a bigger deal back in 2012ish when everyone was using missing e or xkit or whatever that would autotag asks with the asker's url. idk why it's cringe tho. but that's why they were undesirable at least
Noted! That makes sense, which is the weirdest part (/j) Thank you for the knowledge~
... I am actually using the new xkit at this current moment, so this post’ll probably tag itself with your url, highlighting the original source of the problem p:
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nebulova · 6 years
hiii, ik this is super random, but i don't really know who else to ask?? but i've been trying to set up a queue and i just don't know how it works???? i'm p new to tumblr and i'm still trying to figure things out, could you potentially give me a brief explanation or smth?? the last time i tried to use it, it didn't work the way i thought it would and now i'm just confused. sorry isuehrbtgsuyirtbhi
i gotcha fam! im gonna make this a lil guide to queuing on tumblr for anyone else who wants it!
queuing basics for desktop:
first off, install xkit!! not only will it help with quick tagging and doing things like shuffling your queue, but there’s tons of other handy features for the rest of your tumblr experience!!
i suggest having a queue tag, this can help let your followers know if your posts are queued, or if you’re active. xkit has an autotag feature so anything that is in your queue can be given a tag! that way, you don’t have to manually put it in every time.
in the drop down account settings menu, going to the ‘queue’ section will let you decide how many posts your queue will post within a certain time frame. I have mine set to post 50 posts every 24 hours, but i rarely actually fill my queue. you can set your queue however you want! some people only have it run from 8-5 (standard work day) or only in the evening. 
queuing basics for mobile:
queuing on mobile is harder than on desktop, since there’s no xkit extension. if you’re a mobile blogger, you’ll have to queue everything manually. to do this, when reblogging a post you’ll find a little gear symbol near the top of the post. clicking that will bring up settings for reblogging, one of which is queuing. choosing that will queue the post!
the nice thing about mobile is that if you tag something frequently, it remembers and will show up as an option, and of course the tag-memory interface on mobile is a little more user friendly than desktop.
some things to remember:
queuing is different from scheduling! with scheduling, you’re telling tumblr exactly when on what day you want something to post. with queuing, you’re telling tumblr that you don’t want it to post right away, but you do want it within a set time frame. tumblr then decides when to post it based on your queued post rate.
having a queue will get your blog recommended to others more! this is techically unproven, but seems to prove fairly true. most blogs that have queues do better quicker
careful not to leave everything up to your queue! i like to queue generic reblogs, but if there’s a big reveal or discourse happening i just reblog. same goes for ask games and posts from my mutuals that arent just generic fandom content (e.g: i dont queue friends selfies, i reblog them immediately)
hope this helped! happy queuing! 
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