#//usually i try to use official names but i must admit. dryas fucks me up. it just never looks right.
anruraiocht · 7 months
obscure sorrows
(the feeling of emptiness after a long and arduous process is finally complete.)
Six months.
It's half a year after the steel jaws of Leif and Miranda's promise close around Dryas' neck. It's half a year of the Liberation Army suffering under siege in Leonster Castle without even the faintest glimmer of hope. Half a year is enough time for the passing of two seasons, all spent cooped up in a fortress.
"Did you hear?"
It starts as a whisper first, gradually murmuring its way through the army until exhausted voices ring out in exuberant cheers. After six long, arduous months, there is finally good news to boost morale, brought by a flaxen haired messenger.
"Lord Seliph's army has taken Ulster! We're saved!"
The person who should feel the happiest about this news does not join in on the cheering. She goes through the motions, yes, smiling and thanking anyone that offers her their congratulations. She plays her part well, as is expected of her.
"You must be so happy, Princess!"
She should be.
Is it supposed to feel like this? She's been waiting for this moment her whole life as the poor, deposed princess of Ulster. This should be the happiest moment of her life. Her heart should be swelling and she should be crying tears of gratitude. That's how she always imagined it would feel to have her kingdom returned to her.
But she feels nothing.
...Huh? Why?
It must be shock, she tells herself. When it finally sets in that this isn't a dream, that's when she'll be happy, right? She just hadn't expected that someone else would manage where they had failed, that's all. It's been a long six months, so maybe she's just tired from the fighting.
That must be the reason for this numbness she feels.
Even if the steel jaws of the trap they had both set up only ever managed to hurt their own, so long as someone managed to catch the fox, then couldn't all be forgiven?
When she catches sight of Leif across the hall, she finds that he doesn't look very happy, either. For the first time in her life, Miranda thinks that she and Leif are more similar than she would care to admit.
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