#//sorry hes a little bittwe
coleyo · 1 year
Twilight soon fell upon the people, most lights were out; it was dead silent. The only one up at the time was master leonardo or so he thought.
   The man sat at the table, so much happened in just one singular day, so much that he could bearly comprehend.. Its been a wild ride ever since Mikey came along, but luckily, his appearance was a blessing in disguise. At least Sesnei Angelo got an opportunity to redeem himself.
  Suddenly, footsteps echoed throughout the halls, cauding Leonardo to sit up straight. In came Donnie, A smile plastered onto his face with his hands behind his back.
   "..What are you doing here." Growled Leo, he'd get defensive almost immediately.
  Donatello's smile would twist into a frown, he'd glare. "..Leon. you're up late."
"-I thought you were leaving.."
Leo furrowed his brows as Donnie took a seat across from him. "Pushing me away, are you? What a classical move." Leon fell silent until Donnie gave an efficient answer. "I want to see my little brother, Leo. I want to make sure he's okay."
Donnie flinched lightly as Leo stood and slammed his hands down on the table,
"You decide to walk back into his life just as he's getting better only to leave again? What a joke you are. I bet you've influenced the kid too.." "-Who, Mikey? Oh, Mikey... A sweet one, isn't he?" The man grinned.. Leo stared in disbelief before asking, ".. How long have you two been interacting.." "Oh, I don't know Leo.. a few weeks? A month? Heck, even more.. not to long ago we said our goodbyes to big mama.." Leo froze; his expression softened shortly after. Donnie slowly rose from his position..
"You knew we were alive Leo. Why did you lie. Do you know how hurt our.. dear brother be if he figured out you've lied? How hurt would he be if he knew that we were alive, but you... Oh, you. You were selfish. You wanted Angelo to stay unhappy.." "N-no, that's not what i--" "Mikey told me how bad his state was at the time, he was hurting and what did you do? NOTHING." "..Thats not true, I tried to help--" "-Hah! As if." Donnie smiled with glee. "EIGHTEEN YEARS OF ANGELOS LIFE WAS WASTED BECAUSE OF YOU--" "-And thirty nine with you. You were never there for him.."
Silence lingered between the Brothers until Donnie spoke.. "I will be in my old lab, making a new limb for Angelo.. it won't be long.. a few hours. All night maybe."
  Donnie eyed Leo up and down, "-Or more.." he sighed before begining to walk off, before suddenly pausing.
"We used to be close, you and I.. maybe, Just maybe.. if you would think about how Angelo, our baby brother felt, just for once, we could be a family.. or atleast half of a family. Me, you, Casey, Angelo... Mikey."
With that's said, Donnie walked off.. there Leo stood, holding back tears. Maybe he had to tell Angelo the truth.. it would hurt less. It would benefit everyone. The ninja sighed, figuring it was time to head to bed.. today was exhausting.
7:00 AM
   Michealangelo winced as the sunlight hit his face, he would cover his eyes with a groan before sitting up properly. Their mask was almost undone, they looked like a mess. The boy yawned and stretched a bit before tidying up.. they couldn't remember what happened after leaving Mondo that night, and it felt horrible. "Why the hell would I do that.. I keep leading him on, make up your mind Mikey!" He spoke softly, tugging at the end of his masks. "..Okay, okay.. Or-- ugh!" He'd whine, sitting up and adjusting his bows..
"..How is Sensei doing.."
The mutant wondered aloud, leaving The room shortly after. Casey was, probably training with master Leonardo again-- or, atleast that's what Mikey thought.
    The ninja entered the clinic, and to his surprise, sensei Angelo was doing well..
  "Sesnei!" Called the boy, catching the others attention. "Good morning, Mikey. How was your rest?" "It was great dude! Im super ready for train--...ing... Oh.. right, hah.. sorry." Angelo flashed a smile before Mikey spoke, "Feelin' any better?" "I don't feel much of anything, really. Sure, certain arm movement's hurt but it's whatever." "Thats amazing!.. er-- the first time we met-- I thought it was so cool that you could make portals and--" "-So you still want to learn how to make them?" "..Kind of. But after seeing what happened to you I'm not too sure if I want to anymore.."
"Thats understandable. I really didn't want to make portals myself either, I always feared my own power, never knew how to manage it. but now.. nothing's really changed." "I mean.. at least you have some control?"
"..yeah.. you're right.." the mutant smiled.. "..what happened with you and mondo last night?" "..Wait what!?" Mikey was taken aback, how could he know!?
"Apparently hugging and muninn were sneakin' around. They put lots of detail into their story.." Angelo said with a hint of concern, Mikey's face reddened as he laughed, "It- it was nothing hah! Just -- best friends activities yo'! Nothin' more dude." "Right. Y'know, if you want advice on couples and stuff--" "-We aren't a couple!" Mikey interrupted, this was extremely embarrassing.. "Well-- I dunno, I kind of want to say yes but at the same time-- I'm not sure dude, I can't leave him hangin' like that all the time! You have to help me, I'm sure you've had some-- similar problem!"  "Well.." Angelo trailed off before the door suddenly opened, causing the two to end their conversation. It was Leo!..and.. Donnie? The purple one held a bag in hand.
  "Dee'!" Mikey chirped, while Angelo stared in disbelief. "I-..Donnie?" The mutant mumbled, "..Are you feeling better, Miguel..?" Angelo held back tears and smiled, nodding eagerly. "..i- I thought you died.. I mean-- I was begining to think--" "Its okay now, Angelo.." "..A- are you leaving again.." "..Not quite." Donnie smirked before looking down at the object held. "Oh and!-- about your leg.. I kind of made a replacement for it.. you like robotic parts?" The older one teased, Mikey's eyes lit up. "Robotic parts?" He chimed in, peaking over donatellos shoulder.
"..That was fast." Angelo sat up as donnie pulled out the supply, begining to alter his brother. "Oh and Leo , about your arm, I.. kind of made something for you too. You're welcome. I'll work on you afterwards." Donnie gave a half smile. Leo sighs, "..Thank you?"
As the adults engaged in conversation, well, mainly Donnie and Angelo, Mikey snuck out of the room and made his way down the hall to find mondo,,
Maybe Mikey did make up his mind..
In the matter of seconds Mikey would spot mondo in the main room, sitting at a table and stroking mayhems fur lightly. Nobody else was in sight.. Mikey clenched his fist and sighed, before hesitantly approaching the gecko.
"Hey, mondo!.." Mikey put on a smile and sat next to the boy, mondo perked his head up and gave a smile back. "Hey Mike'..." Mondo muttered, devastating silence lingered between the two. They had everything, yet nothing to say to each other. "Mondo, I was thinking about what you said last night, and.. I don't want to leave you hanging anymore, I don't want to keep leading you on by being so.. I don't know, stubborn?" "What are you tryna' say?" The mutant said, resting his hand on mayhems back. "..Despite everything that's going on right now, I.. would..maybe use.. somebody to comfort me right now, i- want to be.. together? Maybe? Finally?.." Mikey tried to avoid eye contact, but that didn't work out too well . Mayhem let out a displeased noise, then up and left. Mondo stared at Mikey, processing what he just said "-You.. you're not-- unsure this time?" "I'm not unsure, I'm positive, but.. scared.." a smile appeared on mondos face as Mikey sat closer. ".. So you're my boyfriend huh?" "..Mhm.. I- I mean I kind of like the term girlfriend but-- either or is fine, I don't really care!
Mondo chuckled and held Mikey's hand tightly, "This is really cheesy but.. you're all I ever wanted, Mikey.." mondo smiled, hugging him tightly. Mikey melted into his touch once more and let out a relaxed sigh, "Thats all I wanted to hear, dude.."
The two sat in the comforting silence before they heard a sudden crash, a scream followed shortly after.
"YOU KNEW!?" Sensei Angelo shouted, walking up to Leo with an angered expression. Their attention locked onto them as mondo let go, they glanced at one another before jumping up, "Sensei!" Mikey shouts, "dude, what the matter!"
Donnie followed Angelo from behind, in an attempt to calm him down.. "YOU-- YOU LIED TO ME!" tears of gold pricked at the corners of angelos eyes as he clenched his fist, "I would've told you sooner! I- I couldn't --" "-W- WHY!? y-...you knew Donnie was alive and you kept him and big mama AWAY from me? Do you KNOW how much I've suffered because of you?" The man scolded, his tail swaying back and forth vigorously, hatred filled his heart. "I thought it would keep you safe damn it, I never meant to hurt you.."
"I would've done Anything Donnie asked of me, he is my brother, and you're telling me, all of these years.. all of these years I've spent crying and BLAMING myself for our fathers death, donnies disappearance, I.. Could've been.. happy?" Angelo paused before gritting his teeth together, "i HATE you.. now, big mama, the only one who really comforted me, is gone, because you kept them away from me and told me that they were Dead?.. what is wrong with you.." "..Angelo, please." Donnie placed a hand on his shoulder, he was scolding hot.. Donnie pulled away and grumbled. "I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen.." said leon.. Angelo let out a frusterated growl before raising his hand, but suddenly, was stopped.
"..Sensei?" Mikey tugged at his arm, a frown on his face. "..Pa'..? What happened.." "..What.." Angelo would suddenly pause.. "I-- damn it." Angelo pulled away, as mikey hugged him tightly. "-I- it's okay! You're okay.."
Donnie and Leo glanced at one another, Donnie felt pity for Angelo, but Leo.. oh, Leo. He felt horrible.. maybe he was a bad brother.. after all, it was his fault raph died..
"..Sorry.." Angelo pulled away from Mikey. "Its fine sensei.. hey, instead of sensei, is Pa' okay?" "..Sure, 'kid."
Mikey decided to take Angelo away from this drama, mondo followed after..
Hopefully some friendships.. or family issues could be repaired
"He's strong enough.. quite the fighter. You have until tomorrow to bring him. Understood?"
"Yes 'sir. We will not disappoint.."
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coleyo · 1 year
Mikey sat next to sensei angelo for the past few minutes, Donnie was only gone for fifteen but it felt like an eternity to Mikey, he couldn't wait any longer.
  Soon, Donatello had approached mikey, a bundle of sheets in hand. Mikey shot up from his seat and smiled.
"Okay, you've got the sheets, let's go!" Said the mutant. Donnie took a deep breath before nodding, he'd pick his younger brother up, wrapping him in the fabric. Angelo winced, though he couldn't hear or see anything, they could feel everything..
  Donnie and Mikey exited donnies lab cautiously, they bearly had anything to defend themselves. If they kept low, they wouldn't be caught.
   Luckily, they did just that. Very soon, The two arrived at the lair, but.. Donnie froze.
Mikey had only noticed his after meer seconds of walking, "-Dude, c'mon! The doors right there.." Donnie glared at Mikey before looking down at Angelo, the cracks getting worse as his blood drenched the snow white sheets. "-I-..I can't.."
".. why?" Suddenly, without a moments notice, it all clicked for Mikey..
"You're scared.. right?"
Donnie looked back at the mutant before a smile formed..
"..What gave it away." The ninja spoke in a monotone voice, Mikey frowned. "..I know it's hard but-.. please. You're holding your unconscious brother in your arms, he's bleeding out.. master Leonardo will resolve all of this, I promise.."
"-Fine." Donnie paused before he'd furrow his brows, approaching the large metal doors. Mikey let out a pleasant hum before following Donnie.. Mikey would open the door, allowing him to enter. Immediately, Donnie spotted an absurd amount of humans and mutants.
He'd take a deep breath before hesitantly making his way through the crowd, but unfortunately, Mikey drew attention to them.
",OUT OF THE WAY! Can't you see we have a problem here?"
Yokai and humans alike began to stare, whispers and gasps spread through the area.
'Is it really him?'
'What happened to Angelo..'
'Did he hurt him? God, his leg!'
'Thats horrible..'
Donnie stopped dead in his tracks and glared at a mutant. "-Excuse me sir, Where can I locate.. Leonardo?" Donnie gave a toothy grin, the mutant would nervously point over to the clinic. "..J- just down the hall..?" "Thank you.." Donnie smirked before making his way towards the down the slim hallway with ease. Mikey looked up at the ninja, "Was that necessary dude!" "-Well-- I'm sorry for having a little fun!" He spoke as he knocked on the door.
"If fun means scaring people, go right ahead.."
"..Come in." A voice murmured, it sounded like..Leo.
Mikey would open the door for Donnie, upon first glance, they'd spot Casey, Leo, huginn, and muninn. Were they in the middle of a conversation? Maybe.
"-Long time no see, 'nardo." Donnie said with a hint of anger in his tone. Leo sat up, clenching his fist. "-What makes you think you could just waltz in here!? You have alot of nerve doing domething like that.."
Mikey backed away, trying to distract himself. Oddly enough, this wasn't the reaction Mikey expected.. it was like Leo knew something that he didn't.
"-Mikey.."  Leo growled, giving him a glare.
"If I may."
Donnie raised a brow before walking towards the bed and pushing last Leonardo. Leo scoffed..
Donnie placed Angelo on the bed, causing Leo's expression to soften. "..Good god, what happened.." Leon said in a panic, huginn, muninn, and Casey rushed over. "-Thats gotta hurt!" Muninn added, huginn agreed shortly after.
"-Give her some space. She's been through enough.." "..Her leg, what--..." "-Ask Mikey over here. He's the one who came to me, beggin' for help."
Everyone's attention shifted onto Mikey, he'd press his index fingers together and mutter, "w- well . I was..trying to come back home and something chased me- it tried to eat me-!" "..Right. are you sure you're not reciting the first time we met?" Donnie teased as Leo glared. Mikey had lots of explaining to do after this.. "w- well, sensei saved me but soon we were.. trapped. Sensei Angelo had Injured his leg, the rocks were closing in ,and.. since I had master Leonardo's odachi.. he took it a- and.." Mikey paused as tears began to form, the meer thought of it made him anxious. "..You don't have to tell me everything, I won't make you remember it.." Leo placed a hand on his shoulder.
"..so.. you're not mad at me?" "-Of course I am, you have alot of work to do after this!" Leo scolded, folding his arms a moment later.  "I think it's time for me to help Angelo here. Chatting won't do us any favor, Leon." Donnie narrowed his eyes. Leo rolled his, "Kid, leave.. you can visit him later."
Mikey gulped before nodding, leaving the room in a heartbeat. Talking about hearts, his was beating fast.. what if sensei Angelo didn't make it? It was a scary thought.
Mikey entered his room, sudden spotting mondo shortly after. He pace around the room, but once Mikey entered, he froze.
"Mikey, dude! Do you know how damn worried I was, what the hell is wrong with you, don't you ever do that again, and--... What's wrong." The gecko paused, noticing tears streaming down Mikey's face.
"S- sensei's hurt and.. i- I feel like it's my fault.. I should've tried harder, What if he dies, I cant--" "-Woah, slow down!" Mondo paused, "..it'll be okay."
The gecko sat on the nearby bed, Mikey did the same. ".. He'll be fine, have you seen how strong he is? Cheer up." Mondo placed his hands on Mikeys cheek, wiping his tears away. Mikey froze before melting into his touch and smiling.. he looked back at mondo, who seemed nervous.. mondo pulled Mikey and bit closer, their faces meer inches away. Neither said anything to one another. they knew what was happening. Just then, Mondo Suddenly went for it and kissed mikey, it wasn't a short one, it was long and meaningful. Mikey was shocked at first and grew tense, but suddenly, he relaxed his muscles and placed a hand on mondos cheek.. after a moment or two, they pulled away, both blushing intensely. Mondo, after a few breaths, pulled Mikey into another. His hand slid down to mikeys lap before Mikey moved his hand down to the geckos shoulders, but this kiss was not as long lasted as the other.
Mikey suddenly pushed away and crossed his arms.
". Did I.. do something wrong?" "N-- no, you.. still like me.," "..d- don't you like me too..?" "I don't know mondo! I've never been in something serious and I don't want to screw up.." "-.. mikey.. we don't.. have to-- you don't have to like me." "Then.. what is this? I don't know what I'm doing, i- I just need time." "..it's alright 'dude. I understand." Mondo said, but deep down inside, he was heart broken.. Mikey sat up and looked down,
"I'm sorry but..I'm just not ready. Especially with all of this.. drama going around." "-R- right, cool!..cool.." mondo looked away from mikey, a sigh following shortly after.
   "Don't feel bad.. you know what you want and I don't, that makes you way better than me.." "..I--... Thanks Mikey. So.. we.. stay friends?" "Yeah.. Atleast until I'm ready.. I.. actually think you're adorable.." Mondo would smile and nod, before Mikey turned and left the area, looking back before shutting the door.
His smile dropped as he looked back at the ground, they'd sigh. It was no big deal, of course..
Mikey ventured throughout the Hall, dragging his hand along the textured walls.. his hand graced over the knob of the clinic, causing the boy to pick his head up and hesitantly push the door open, closing it behind him meer moments later. To his surprise, Angelo was awake, but he seemed a bit tipsy at the time.
"Sensei!" Mikey squeaked, the warrior would jerk back a bit due to the sudden pain that hit her. "M- Mikey.." They'd mumble as the other walked up to them. "-Are you okay? How do you feel?" Angelo was showered with questions, despite the fact that he just woke up, they were able to answer most. "..I'm..fine..w- where are we.." "Home!" Mikey said with a smile, angelo looked down at his hands with an annoyed expression. The cracks were still there, but they were less severe. "..What happened. I.. don't remember too much." "..You saved me but--..it wasn't worth it, not al all.. your leg.." Angelo sighed, "..I- it's fine, really.. a- atleast you're safe.." "-me!? Why are you worrying about me so much, you could've died!"
Sensei Angelo fell silent before Mikey noticed his unsure expression and moved on.. "-W- well I've got good news...donnie-- your brother, he's alive!" Angelos eyes lit up as he glanced at Mikey. "..H-- he's.. alive?" "-yup! He's here now, but..i- I'm not sure if he wants to be hear right now, i-.. H-- he's just bonding with Leon, I bet!"
The man smiled, adjusting his position.
"..thank you, Mikey."
"No problem, sensei.."
0 notes
coleyo · 1 year
SUMMARY: Mikey and Sensei Angelo have a bonding moment, meanwhile,Leo and Angelo cannot get along.
Some... Time has passed ever since Casey Jones had led Michealangelo out of the lair. To be specific, about.. two, three days? It was hard to keep track of time when you have to worry about The kraang all day, However; Casey was right.. they were not as active at night, so occasionally, the two would sneak out of the lair willingly. It was like a hobby, their little secret. Both Casey and Mikey were now as close as they could ever be! Casey was nothing like Mikey's Casey.. This Casey was more.. Curious and cautious. He genuinely only cared about his friends or people who were close to him. It was a nice change in pace..
Mikey sat up and stretches, a yawn escaping his mouth as his vision began to fidget.
Eventually it had stopped, thankfully. Casey of course, was already out of bed, probably training with master Leonardo.. oh, how Mikey wished Sensei Angelo was like Leonardo, it would've been so much fun, but everytime Mikey tried to get closer to his senesi, it only pushed them further apart.. it was almost impossible to satisfy him! But Mikey wasn't one to quit.. ever. They would smile, reaching under their sheet and grabbing the mask with long tails.. today was the day Mikey decided to finally put it on, after questioning himself for what seemed like forever! Enthusiastically, they yanked their old mask off of their face and replaced it with the new one.. Mikey already felt so complete with it and.. comfortable. Enthralled with joy, the boy ran out of his room, only to bump into commander o'neil.. he'd fall down to the ground, letting out a yelp. "-Oh my! Sorry kid' didn't see ya there.. here, let me help you up." She spoke in a calm, centered tone of voice. She'd reach her hand out for Mikey, which he Glady accepted with a smile.. "..you've got a new look,
huh'? Oh, you're just adorable!" She entwined her fingers and squealed.  Mikey pressed his index fingers together and laughed nervously. "Thanks.. I dunno how to feel about them yet,, is-- sensei Angelo in the dojo?" "-Oh,, yeah, he should be." "-Great!" The mutant sped past O'Neil, she'd look back, hexed by his enthusiasm. Oh well, what's wrong with a kid having a little bit of fun? She would shrug, continuing her walk down the hall.
"SENSEI ANGELO!" Mikey screamed, practically bouncing up and down. Angelo groaned, crossing her arms. "-..Kid' it's seven in the morning.. training doesn't start until later, what do you want?" She said in a dull tone of voice. "-Look, look! Do you notice anything.. different about me?" Mikey smiles as he flipped the tails of the masks with a smile.. unfortunately; Sensei Angelo didn't look too.. thrilled. "..Do.. do you like them?" Mikey looked up at the other, a hopefully look embedded onto his face. "..Eh.. they're.. alright. Though, they may get Caught during battle, caught while running, caught anywhere actually--" Sensei Angelo went on and on about the difficulties of having long tail ends, but Mikey just wasn't having it.. he gritted his teeth, turning around and slamming the door. The noise echoed throughout the halls, as Mikey Walked through with tears in his eyes. "-Stupid mask, stupid sensei.." he'd clear his tears with his palms, entering Casey's room and hiding under the sheet.. he'd just figure that he'd skip training for the day.
A moment or two later the door flung open, a Familiar voice calling out for Casey. "-Casey?.. there you are!" Footsteps approached the area as Leon pulled the sheet off of Mikey. He whined, turning the other way. "..Kid'? What are you.." he'd pause, noticing the mask. "..You dont like it, huh? You don't have to wear it, I can--" "-No!" Mikey cut him off, "-I like it! I- I love it, but Sensei Angelo doesn't. he kept telling me how bad it was to have a mask like this.. I was already struggling enough as it was, but he just-- just added onto my problems! It's not fair.." "..Mikey, listen, I know it may seem like she doesn't like it but she loves your mask, you've seen the tapes.. maybe.. confront her? A gentle approach would suffice." Mikey sniffles before he stood up. "-..Y- yeah, sure..", he left the room, begining his journey down to the dojo. Needless to say, Mikey was tired of mater Angelo's behavior. He cares about nothing and no one, right...? Whatever.
Mikey creaked the door open, his gaze shifted onto the floor. "..Back so soon? What was that about--" "-It was about you, you hurt my feelings.. yet again!.. I really, really, REALLY like this bandana, but.. you.. you're just-- making me feel so.. ridiculous.."
Silence lingered between the two before angelo sighed. "..I didn't mean it like that, I.. like how it looks.. it just needs to be adjusted, here.." Angelo fell down to his feet, walking over to Mikey and grabbing the ends of the mask. Mikey was confused, but followed through as this made him feel a bit better..
"..And.. done!" Angelo said, letting go of the ends. ".. What'd you do?" Micheal mumbled, looking over to his alternate. Angelo pointed over at the nearby mirror, a pleased look on his face. Angelo looked over at his reflection, his eyes widening as he gasped with pure excitement and joy.. the ends of their mask were now put up in a bow like formation, small strands of the remains of the mask hanging from his shoulders. "-I- look so.. so--" "pretty?, Yeah, I like that feeling too.." Angelo smiled at Mikey, which surprised him, so.. he smiled back. "..now let's get to training." He cleared his throat, lifting himself off of the ground yet again. Angelo smiled, gladly accepting this direction..
A while later, the training was still going on, but, it was stopped by Leo, entering the dojo. Mikey and Sensei angelo paused what they were doing and looked over at Leon. "-'Angelo, can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked in a rather serious tone of voice. Mikey and his sensei glanced at one another before 'Angelo spoke up. "You are dismissed, Mikey.. What is it, Leon." He walked up to the other as Mikey scampered out of the room, put on edge. What could they be talking about? Was it a secret? He was good at keeping secrets! A little eavesdropping would not hurt, no, not at all!
7) At first, Mikey could hear low mumbles, but then, it evolved into shouting. Were they arguing? why were they always arguing? Mikey rolled his eyes, letting out a Sigh. He and his brothers didn't argue nearly as much as they did in one day! Mikey began to wonder if they used to be close back then.. just as they were to leave, the name Donnie was mentioned.. that caught Mikey's attention. Why were they always talking about him..? He was dead, right?..
"Why can't you just get over him.." Leo mumbled, as Angelo gave him a bitter look. "..You can't just get over it.. hes-- he's not dead, he just.. left." Angelo looked down at the ground as she held back tears. "-..Even if he isn't gone, he STILL left us. He doesn't even care for us.." Leo raised his voice, causing sensei Angelo to flinch out of shock. Though, he still stood his ground. "Yes he does! Who wouldn't want to leave this place!.. Listen, just .. leave. I don't want to argue anymore." Leo frowned, giving his little brother a worrisome look. "..'Angelo.. its not about why he left. It's about how and when he left.. instead of isolating yourself, talk to us--" "-NO!--.. I don't want to, I just want to be alone.." "..I get that you're upset. I just want you to be healthy.. emotionally, atleast.. Don't end up like how I used to be, please.." he'd pause, "..Or how I am now. Sure, when usagi passed I was sad but.. I had to keep going.. you have to keep going for Donnie.. and--" "-Leo.. please, leave." Leo sighed, shaking his head. "Alright then.. have it your way."
0 notes
coleyo · 1 year
SUMMARY; Mikey and Angelo have a little pep talk.. Casey jr. and Mikey have other ideas.
Mikey's eyes fluttered open as he awoke to the sound of a rather loud thud. "IM UP--!" he would shout, hyperventilating. He looked around the room, nothing.. they hadn't seen casey all night. Odd. He probably had better things to do, who knows.. "Second day!..Hah'.., Donnies portal should be ready any second now.. any second.." he'd wait, his legs crossed with a smile and a hopeful look.. moment past, Mikey started to bore himself.. his hands clenched into a fist just as he realized that the bandana he held the day before still remained in his hands.. "-Oh..", Mikey smiled, looking down at the mask before scanning the room for something, anything... Reflective. Eventually, he'd spot a large shard of glass hidden right under a sheet. "-Aha!" He'd exclaim, snatching it from under the object. He'd stare at his reflection with a smile, which faded overtime.. he couldn't choose what he enjoyed more, This.. new given bandana with long tails, ones that he could tie in a nice bow.. something that he really wanted. And then you had his regular mask, something that resembled loyalty in the hamato clan. A gift from his father.. it was a hard decision.. one that he'd have to think on.
Michealangelo shrugs, hiding the mask under his blanket. Suddenly, a knock on the door startles the young boy as he looked over to the entry way, nerved. Surprise surprise, Casey Jones! "-Oh-- hey Casey!" Mikey waved, a smile on his face. "-Hey mikey'!.. Master Angelo wants you at his dojo for training.." "-Already?" Mikey whines, a wry expression on his face. "This is no different from my dimension.." Jones chuckled, "-Good luck. Cya' soon?" "-Yeah, sure.." he'd mumble.
Just as Casey were to leave , he glared at the other and smiled.
"Hey, Mikey.." Casey walked up to the boy and leveled down to his height. "-Tonight maybe we can.. I dunno, sneak out.. the kraang aren't nearly as active at night.. I can show you the roots if you'd like!" "..Is that even a question, heck yeah! Im Already bored!" "--Alright, great!..so uh.. Friends?" "-sure!"
Casey flashed a smile before sitting up to leave. Mikey lets out a sigh before placing his new mask under his sheet. As they stood from their current spot, they'd yawn, Not too exhilarated for the day.. they weren't even supposed to be here really, it was a mistake, a big mistake! Master Leonardo had stated that this universe was almost impossible to reach, unless you had the proper Adequate to push through, but.. all they had was sensei angelo, the only one strong enough to witstand making a portal with her bare hands, but unfortunately, it was all too good to be true.. or that easy. she wasn't strong enough.. it was dangerous for her.
With Every passing second Mikey lost a spark of hope to escape this cruel, wretched dimension.
But staying positive.. always worked out. Right? Mikey took a deep breath bedore smiling, his tail swaying side to side as they skipped out of the room and down the narrow halls, in order to reach sensei Angelo's dojo. He'd burst through the door, a wide smile to his face. "-Good mornin' sensei Angelo!"
Angelo gasped, placing a hand on his chest. He'd glare at the other, shooting him a sour look. Mikey shrank, a nervous smile forms as he'd laugh nervously. "..sorry sensei.. you called for training?" "Yes, yes I have." Angelo crossed his arms, his bandages stained with dried blood, and his Express grim. Mikey entered the room, slamming the door behind him. "-Eugh.." Angelo groaned as they'd flinch. "Why are you so.. Loud! and hyper.." Mikey smirked as he'd object, "Hey, I saw those tapes of you from when you were younger! Don't act like you weren't the same way--" "-Well-- I grew up." Angelo growled, he obviously didn't take Mikey's snarky remark too lightly. Her voice raised in tone, as she'd narrow his eyes towards the alternate being "-And you're going to need to do the same and act your age.. Got it, kid'?" "..Yeah. sure." Mikey would pout as sensei Angelo took a deep breath.
"-Hey, uh.. I have.. a question.." "What is it.." "..Will.. I be able to get back home?" "..You serious? Of course.. not." Angelo said, as Mikey's eyes widened with both shock and sadness. "-Its almost impossible, and I'm not risking my LIFE to send you to another dimension."
"-T- then I can do it myself, I'll be just like you--" "Not a chance.  Not every mortal being can make a portal, this isn't taught." "..But.." Mikeys breathing pattern quickened as he began to panic, he would rather die than to stay here..!
"..W- were the same person.. I.. I can--" "I know nothing about you, all I know is that you're a bit.. weak. In need of more training."
Mikey held back tears as the crushing realization began to sink in, slowly but surely. Angelo looked away, unsure of what to say.. ".. You'll get used to it. Stop whining.", Mikey used his palm to clear his tears, "You sound just like my Raph, why are you being so rude! It's only day two and you're already giving me a hard time dude, it's not cool!" He shouts. Angelo took his gaze off of the other, his expression softening before shaking his head, "you need to learn something leonardo won't teach you, this world is a  cruel, violent place. It's not sunshine and rainbows, it's NOTHING as you'd expect.. but if you expect blood and horror then I'll be damned." Angelo paused as Mikey looked down at the floor.
"..Our training begins now."
Mikey sniffles before sitting on his knees, right Infront of his Sensei.. it was going to be a long training day.
!5:00 PM!
Mikey fell to the floor, breathing heavily. "..H-how was.."he panted out before being interrupted by his own sudden pause, reaching his hand up to his cheek. Blood poured from a fresh wound formed , he'd look down at the sight and gulped. "..It was fine at least you got a hit or two this time. There is still room for improvement.. this session is over." Sensei Angelo placed his feet on the ground and left the room.. they were tall, compared to Mikey. He squeaked, a shiver crossing their body as angelo passed. "..Bandages.." Mikey said aloud as he staggered over to a nearby cabinet. He'd open it, numerous supply loaded inside. Mikey was curious but ignored it, his attention shifted onto a picture, stapled on the other side of cabinets door.. A picture of a mutant, and a human. The mutant was easily identifiable, of course it had to be Sensei Angelo, but.. younger, like as he was in those tapes Mikey had seen a day before.. and then there was this human boy, hugging angelo tightly.. Mikey stared for a bit before shrugging, it was probably nothing. He'd scan the inside of the cabinet, snatching the med kit and pulling out a few bandages.
Micheal carefully patched himself up, kicking his legs as he did so. Once they had finished, they'd leave the med kit on the ground as they rushed out of the room. It was already getting dark, odd.. it was also a bit chilly, so Mikey could assume that it was mid-Winter in this dimension.. They didn't mind, they could handle the cold. Michealangelo skipped out of the room, Joyced. He'd watch the humans and yokai pass by, smiling as he realized that they wouldn't have to fight anymore.. this was .. normal. soon, he'd spot Casey, Leo, and commander O'Neil talking over by a large table. Mikey, of course, walked up to the. Enthusiastically as he didn't know who else to trust. "-Hey!" He'd call out, appearing next to Casey, startling the other. "Hey kid', Done with your training session..? How was it?" "-Eh-.." Mikey shrugged, showing Leon the wound given to him. His eyes widened, he'd furrow his brows soon after. ".. Must've been intense." "-No kidding! He was so sour towards me too.." "-Im sure he didn't mean it.." April reassured, placing a hand on her hip Casey looked around before sighing, "..Follow me. We'll back." Leo cocked his head to the side, signaling the other rti follow him. He would soon lead Mikey to an empty corner.
"..What did you want to tell me?" "..,Look, ah'... Your Sensei isn't exactly.. there yet. He's sour because he doesn't want to form bonds with anyone.. well, anymore. That's why i wanted you to try to get through to him!" Leo explained, as Mikey gave him a certain glare. "..Well, why doesn't he wanna form bonds? When i watched those tapes he seemed pretty different.." silence lingered between the two before leo finally answered, reluctantly of course. "..Ever since Donnie and raph died, he remained... Sheltered. And quiet. And then dad went.. and.. draxum.. Cassandra.. everyone. But what really pushed him over the edge was when her loved one died, not too long into the Apocalypse.." Mikey frowned, thinking back on the photo he saw just a few moments prior. "--And so he began to.. ya know. Act like this. But I know he has a soft spot, we just.. can't reach it, ya' know? I have a feeling that he doesn't want to do this.. but.. If he doesn't have anyone to care about, why feel all this pain and sorrow, am I right?" "..I guess.." Mikey looked down at the ground.. "listen, he just went.. through alot. I shouldn't have ordered him to train you, but he needs to open up. So.. whatever he does, whatever he says, just.. don't take it too seriously. Okay?" "-Got it.. " "..Now let's go back to the others!"
Leo pats the boys shoulder before they walked back to the others.
"Mikey!" Casey called out. Mikey ran up to the boy with a smile. "-Yeah?" "..It's a getting dark now, let's go.." he whispered. "Oh, right!"
"uh, sensei! Mikey and I are going to.. have a private chat, okay?" "..Alright." master Leonardo said, weary.. "-Dont run off, okay?" April buds in. "-We won't... I promise."
0 notes
coleyo · 1 year
SUMMARY; sensei Angelo and Mikey have a few bonding moments, but Leo and Angelo cannot get along.
Some... Time has passed ever since Casey Jones had led Michealangelo out of the lair. To be specific, about.. two, three days? It was hard to keep track of time when you have to worry about The kraang all day, However; Casey was right.. they were not as active at night, so occasionally, the two would sneak out of the lair willingly. It was like a hobby, their little secret. Both Casey and Mikey were now as close as they could ever be! Casey was nothing like Mikey's Casey.. This Casey was more.. Curious and cautious. He genuinely only cared about his friends or people who were close to him. It was a nice change in pace..
Mikey sat up and stretches, a yawn escaping his mouth as his vision began to fidget.
Eventually it had stopped, thankfully. Casey of course, was already out of bed, probably training with master Leonardo.. oh, how Mikey wished Sensei Angelo was like Leonardo, it would've been so much fun, but everytime Mikey tried to get closer to his senesi, it only pushed them further apart.. it was almost impossible to satisfy him! But Mikey wasn't one to quit.. ever. They would smile, reaching under their sheet and grabbing the mask with long tails.. today was the day Mikey decided to finally put it on, after questioning himself for what seemed like forever! Enthusiastically, they yanked their old mask off of their face and replaced it with the new one.. Mikey already felt so complete with it and.. comfortable. Enthralled with joy, the boy ran out of his room, only to bump into commander o'neil.. he'd fall down to the ground, letting out a yelp. "-Oh my! Sorry kid' didn't see ya there.. here, let me help you up." She spoke in a calm, centered tone of voice. She'd reach her hand out for Mikey, which he Glady accepted with a smile.. "..you've got a new look,
huh'? Oh, you're just adorable!" She entwined her fingers and squealed.  Mikey pressed his index fingers together and laughed nervously. "Thanks.. I dunno how to feel about them yet,, is-- sensei Angelo in the dojo?" "-Oh,, yeah, he should be." "-Great!" The mutant sped past O'Neil, she'd look back, hexed by his enthusiasm. Oh well, what's wrong with a kid having a little bit of fun? She would shrug, continuing her walk down the hall.
"SENSEI ANGELO!" Mikey screamed, practically bouncing up and down. Angelo groaned, crossing her arms. "-..Kid' it's seven in the morning.. training doesn't start until later, what do you want?" She said in a dull tone of voice. "-Look, look! Do you notice anything.. different about me?" Mikey smiles as he flipped the tails of the masks with a smile.. unfortunately; Sensei Angelo didn't look too.. thrilled. "..Do.. do you like them?" Mikey looked up at the other, a hopefully look embedded onto his face. "..Eh.. they're.. alright. Though, they may get Caught during battle, caught while running, caught anywhere actually--" Sensei Angelo went on and on about the difficulties of having long tail ends, but Mikey just wasn't having it.. he gritted his teeth, turning around and slamming the door. The noise echoed throughout the halls, as Mikey Walked through with tears in his eyes. "-Stupid mask, stupid sensei.." he'd clear his tears with his palms, entering Casey's room and hiding under the sheet.. he'd just figure that he'd skip training for the day.
A moment or two later the door flung open, a Familiar voice calling out for Casey. "-Casey?.. there you are!" Footsteps approached the area as Leon pulled the sheet off of Mikey. He whined, turning the other way. "..Kid'? What are you.." he'd pause, noticing the mask. "..You dont like it, huh? You don't have to wear it, I can--" "-No!" Mikey cut him off, "-I like it! I- I love it, but Sensei Angelo doesn't. he kept telling me how bad it was to have a mask like this.. I was already struggling enough as it was, but he just-- just added onto my problems! It's not fair.." "..Mikey, listen, I know it may seem like she doesn't like it but she loves your mask, you've seen the tapes.. maybe.. confront her? A gentle approach would suffice." Mikey sniffles before he stood up. "-..Y- yeah, sure..", he left the room, begining his journey down to the dojo. Needless to say, Mikey was tired of mater Angelo's behavior. He cares about nothing and no one, right...? Whatever.
Mikey creaked the door open, his gaze shifted onto the floor. "..Back so soon? What was that about--" "-It was about you, you hurt my feelings.. yet again!.. I really, really, REALLY like this bandana, but.. you.. you're just-- making me feel so.. ridiculous.."
Silence lingered between the two before angelo sighed. "..I didn't mean it like that, I.. like how it looks.. it just needs to be adjusted, here.." Angelo fell down to his feet, walking over to Mikey and grabbing the ends of the mask. Mikey was confused, but followed through as this made him feel a bit better..
"..And.. done!" Angelo said, letting go of the ends. ".. What'd you do?" Micheal mumbled, looking over to his alternate. Angelo pointed over at the nearby mirror, a pleased look on his face. Angelo looked over at his reflection, his eyes widening as he gasped with pure excitement and joy.. the ends of their mask were now put up in a bow like formation, small strands of the remains of the mask hanging from his shoulders. "-I- look so.. so--" "pretty?, Yeah, I like that feeling too.." Angelo smiled at Mikey, which surprised him, so.. he smiled back. "..now let's get to training." He cleared his throat, lifting himself off of the ground yet again. Angelo smiled, gladly accepting this direction..
A while later, the training was still going on, but, it was stopped by Leo, entering the dojo. Mikey and Sensei angelo paused what they were doing and looked over at Leon. "-'Angelo, can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked in a rather serious tone of voice. Mikey and his sensei glanced at one another before 'Angelo spoke up. "You are dismissed, Mikey.. What is it, Leon." He walked up to the other as Mikey scampered out of the room, put on edge. What could they be talking about? Was it a secret? He was good at keeping secrets! A little eavesdropping would not hurt, no, not at all!
7) At first, Mikey could hear low mumbles, but then, it evolved into shouting. Were they arguing? why were they always arguing? Mikey rolled his eyes, letting out a Sigh. He and his brothers didn't argue nearly as much as they did in one day! Mikey began to wonder if they used to be close back then.. just as they were to leave, the name Donnie was mentioned.. that caught Mikey's attention. Why were they always talking about him..? He was dead, right?..
"Why can't you just get over him.." Leo mumbled, as Angelo gave him a bitter look. "..You can't just get over it.. hes-- he's not dead, he just.. left." Angelo looked down at the ground as she held back tears. "-..Even if he isn't gone, he STILL left us. He doesn't even care for us.." Leo raised his voice, causing sensei Angelo to flinch out of shock. Though, he still stood his ground. "Yes he does! Who wouldn't want to leave this place!.. Listen, just .. leave. I don't want to argue anymore." Leo frowned, giving his little brother a worrisome look. "..'Angelo.. its not about why he left. It's about how and when he left.. instead of isolating yourself, talk to us--" "-NO!--.. I don't want to, I just want to be alone.." "..I get that you're upset. I just want you to be healthy.. emotionally, atleast.. Don't end up like how I used to be, please.." he'd pause, "..Or how I am now. Sure, when usagi passed I was sad but.. I had to keep going.. you have to keep going for Donnie.. and--" "-Leo.. please, leave." Leo sighed, shaking his head. "Alright then.. have it your way."
0 notes