#//my brain feeling inspired to write this an hour and a half before the q2 deadlines is evil but here we are
fmdminaharchive · 3 years
❧ one way ticket.
date(s): 2 april 2021 mentions of: lipstick word count: +/- 500 words warnings: none details:  minah reflects on the sweet rendez-vous album and ticket era mere minutes before it’s release while waiting backstage at the album showcase. (a/n: yes i counted the words ‘ticket’ and ‘one way’ for this, i have no life)
ticket was... a choice. that was the best minah could describe it, a choice. not neccesarily a bad choice but also not truly a good one. the song kind of just, existed without her being able to form a strong opinion on it either way.
by default, it was not a bad song, at moments it’s even a good song, high paced, powerful vocals things that by all means, usually checked the boxes in minah’s book and made lipstick comebacks enjoyable for her. it was what had elevated wild from a mediocre to a good comeback to minah personally regardless of the uncomfortable male-gazey music video and questionable styling. 
but with ticket, there were just a few too many decisions made that just leave minah wondering why most of all. they were no glaring mistakes or shortcomings, no major deal breakers. they were just... weird, hard for minah to puzzle together. even with lipstick songs or comebacks in the past that she didn’t really enjoy minah could always at least see why those decision had been made, could imagine what that executive meeting had been like and how it lined up with the tasted of the general public. 
with ticket, minah was kind of at a loss.
again, it definitely didn’t make the comeback irredeemable, she would just like a word with their producers, their choreographers, their creative directors to get to the bottom of why exactly certain decision had been made. 
the chorus for example, the chorus of the song felt sloppily done, lazy almost in the midst of what apart from that, was a good song. the rest of the song struck a good balance for both the vocal and the rapline, the pre-chorus probably minah’s favorite part of the song only to bleed out into something so utterly boring and repetitive. sure, a chorus was supposed to stick, but this felt a bit redundant truly. out of sheer curiosity, minah had counted, only to conclude the song included the word ‘ticket’ a total of 32 times and the phrase ‘one way’ a whopping 42. surely the listener got the point no?
and what else did the chorus have to show for it? the absolute tennis elbow minah had developed from that stupid arm spinning movement? minah was far from a good dancer, considerably the worst one within lipstick but even to her the whole thing felt boring.
it made minah wonder what had happened, had the producers fallen short on coming up with a chorus and just put a placeholder in instead, never bothering to swap it out again before selling the song off to bc. perhaps minah couldn’t even really blame their choreographer for the boring, repetitive steps, how else had they been able to fill up something so incredibly boring.
one thing minah knew for sure, there would be little she would take away from ticket era other than a sore shoulder and the words ‘one way ticket’ engraved into her brain.
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