#//i may edit this later to add all of the other gods featured in reapertale
the-judge-of-bones · 3 years
Reapertale AU and base differences
Sans --> Reaper/Espresso
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- First things first, Reaper or as much of the multiverse knows him as ‘Espresso’ because when the fuck isn’t this cynic showing up late with a cup of Starbucks. The answer is never, But regardless, Reaper is a full on God, Specifically the god of violent death (Papyrus, his brother is the god of merciful death). He is the one who handles the death’s of people who refuse to move on whether it because they died suddenly, Unjustly or believe it wasn’t ‘their time yet’. He will still reap them with impunity because he failed only once, Hesitated to reap someone and has managed to cause a terrible problem for everyone as a result.
- He has a hard time understanding ‘life’ and used to think that the goddess of life in her distant absence was a selfish, Sadistic god, Watching as her magic brought a baby back to life at the same time he ended the mother’s. He wondered at the time if she knew that her magic of life was so powerful that it made those gifted with it cry. His view on life held true with believing that magic despite hers being so soft and gentle, It let people life only to suffer and to eventually die...it seemed odd to him because often all he ever got to see was suffering. The dead, the dying and the begging of souls who didn’t want to move on.
- That was until he met her, He finds it ironic that it was death who was first to find life, She showed him a side to things that he hadn’t seen before. Whether it be the soft chirping of birds contrasted with the cawing of crows, She gave him a noticeable shift in his puns from the dark to the more positive side of things since he found he enjoyed hearing her laugh. Even so, He had a hard time understanding why mortals would go so far as to risk entering his and his brother’s realm, The underworld. To ‘rescue’ their deceased loved ones. Often to meet their own fates down there until she gave him the example of ‘what if she disappeared, what if she was taken away’
- Reaper gets angry and frustrated with emotions he doesn’t understand (Usually positive ones), he can’t stand thinking these ‘illogical’ emotions. He can’t afford to be illogical like a mortal, to think he’d give something up. Possibly anything up to get her back if he had to since he’s never had anyone to lose before? it scared him. His favorite flower is the white lily which was given to him by toriel (Although he accidentally wilted the first one) and she made him a stained glass version after that. As it’s a flower traditionally used by mortals to honor the death, He’s asked her occasionally for more flowers on the occasion so he has a small collection of stained glass flowers that he’ll pull out to look at. Toriels are the most special but he likes to collect other glass objects from various timelines because they don’t wilt.
- He experienced his first true gentle rainfall with toriel, His only other experience had been harsh rains and stormy seas so to feel the gentle plips of water on his skull, Well he’s basically fallen in love with the rainy weather ever since.
- While both he and his brother run the underworld together, His brother does a lot of the majority because he’s just better at it, He’s kinder and keeps things going while sans has always been better at judging the weight of the souls and whether they suffer in torment or move to possible rebirth in elysium one day. Also he has a dog, A three headed skeletal blaster dog who’s technically named ‘spot’ who helps keeps souls from leaving the underworld and living people from entering it.
- Reaper has a ‘death touch’ and this means in the exception of anti-voids or blank spaces (Error/Alter, Ink, Nightmare, etc-), He can’t touch living things or they will die. As a result, He has Haphephobia or the fear of touch/touching people because he’s so unused to being touched/touching (Other gods can touch him without harm/other beings in anti-voids or blank spaces) and it tends to make him jump despite desperately craving it. He’ll eventually get better at controlling his deathly touch and general death aura but he doesn’t want to cause any ‘accidents’
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