#//dokidoki don't u know ilu ari
yoshinyari · 7 years
Hands, gaze, warm
A woman’s heart is so… complex. Onemoment, her eyes are locked with determination, her stance tall, but the next,she’s a puddle, a soft fluff of cotton candy. So sweet and inviting… It’s his job to protect his charge, and she… for the time being, she’s become it. So long as she’s involved with Yanagi and the others, Okazaki won’t mind, will he?
No… he’d probably tease him about the whole thing.
At first he thought that he might crack under pressure, under just the nerves of the scenario and this job. They up in that ‘detective’ officer of theirs all put something of belief in her, and she hadn’t read threatening in her actions, just… concerned, confused, determined, and she kept coming back.
She keeps coming back.
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And he sees her, his eyes trailing her as she moves along, just briefly, before he lets out a soft sigh.
She’s really pretty…
He’s quickly snapped back to reality by ‘friendly’ banter courtesy of Okazaki. Right… he has some time to do something, and this order is just the chance he can take! He’d really rather not go on another weird snack run, but man, Okazaki’s strong to willingly stomach all that and… there’s something Yoshinari saw that he wanted to buy…
…as a gift for her.
There’s a lot on her mind, he thinks, so it’s the least he can do! One special treat, coming right up! It’s exciting to him too, the grin on his face is unmatched, and he’ll bear the backlash of it later (not that others hadn’t already caught on. Off duty, Yoshinari is an unfortunately obvious case when certain matters are in play). Right now, he has to hurry!
He truly does rush, far across the city to where some of the biggest sellers of the weird foods lay. None of that is for her, but he reluctantly picks up the deep-fried garlic ice cream he spots on the way in, intending it to be the next venture of his fate. But where is the kind he thinks… that could maybe help cheer her up.
It’s a long shot, but anything’s good as gold here!
Eyes so usually so dedicated to picking out the smallest details now scour this shop’s shelves for the prize he so seeks, something unique, but actually sweet. He saw it just a few days ago, but it… It can’t be sold out. It can’t be!
Swiftly, he grabs the treasure of the day and moves to pay, “Yeah, yeah, I know that one probably is something you should be careful around others for a few days after, thank you so much for still having these!” And away he goes! He doesn’t want to miss his window, this opportunity may not be easily upon him even the next day!
Yoshinari wants to walk Ichika home and give this to her! No time to wrap it, but he, after giving the ice cream to Okazaki and saying with certainty that he has to be the one to offer Ichika an escort, certainty in his stare, he’s let off. For now.
It seems he makes it right on time too, phew. Even if his breathing is a little quicker now, just from worry and hurry, it’s fine. He can try to get a smile out of her today!
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“Why, if it isn’t Hoshino-san!” He certainly sounds excited, “If you don’t mind, I’ll be the one walking you home today!” He’s been doing it more often lately. “And ta-dah! This is for you!” Finally, he presents the bag containing his hand-picked, sweet gift to her.
Gosh he hopes she likes it… it’s novelty, maybe, and not common, idea and vending wise, so it might be a little different than she’s accustomed to, especially since she’s really into home-cooking instead… which he does want to try sometime. From how she talks about it, it must be really good. But he promises this is nothing grossly weird like most of the stuff Okazaki tends to try out.
His heart skips a beat. How can it not when how she reached out to retrieve it went.
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Perhaps it’s by mistake, or maybe she did so to thank him, but as the warmth of her hand brushes and places atop his own, he meets her gaze. Thankful, reborn, resolute, but kind, genuine, a candle flickering and illuminating a beautiful piece of stained glass.
“It’s… chocolate-covered cotton candy! I thought it was really unique,” like you, “and sweet too! Nothing like the stuff Okazaki-senpai usually makes me buy.” He closes his eye and twitches, remembering the trap he’s already set into, “But I really hope you like it, Hoshino-san. There’s a lot that been weighing ya down, right? I wanted to cheer you right back up, even for a little.”
Chocolate-covered cotton candy, strawberry flavored… maybe I should have gotten flowers too… Would that have been too much? Maybe… Maybe for now, it is… There’s still so much more she needs to do. He can see it housed in these eyes of hers, her fluffy air never backing down to her sense of duty. Hoshino is easy to talk to. She makes him feel at ease, but also like he’s flying really high.
He wants to protect this warmth, this gaze. He’s come into this program to protect important people; just his luck he would find someone he likes that. Does he have a chance? Will she also talk about what an amazing friend he is and leave it at that?
Does he mind, so long as he can support her?
Not really, he thinks, as their hands separate and she claims the bag for her own. It’s fine no matter what, so long as she’s safe and happy! That’s his job… to defend what the future needs.
Truly, her heart is complicated. She’s not hard to read, her ideals, goals, valor, and presence boosted up on a platter. Yet a puzzle to place together is what Yoshinari still finds within her. He’s fluttering as she smiles up at him. He really, might actually melt! Still… even with all that, he wants to actually hold her hand… silly, right?
Is this what some would call a true love of his own?
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