#// LAST FOR THE NIGHT. im just messing with gradient sets
swanno-arts · 3 months
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sike. double feature
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fcking-lets-go · 5 years
Gwilym x Reader (and Joe x Carboard! Reader) Headcannons
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@borhap-socials was seeking something like this, and I was bored. Hope ya guys enjoy this XD
Warning: Swears
Sooooooo, you were hanging out with Joe and Ben at night.
Baby Gwilym was out getting interview sessions done, and going on talk shows.
He wouldn’t be done for another night, and you didn’t want to be alone.
So here your are, watching Scream for no good reason, while drinking with your best friends.
You happened to be at Joe’s house for the night, fyi.
Which means, a safe place to crash if you’re hammered (don’t drink and drive kids)
BUT, that also means a certain cut out is lying around the area.
While looking for some snacks, you found said cardboard cut out of Benny in his closet and pull the thing out.
The thing was honestly so cool, knowing that your best friend was so popular that they made a Carboard cutout of him.
Ben and Joe bolted up to the couch and met up to you to see why you were groaning.
“What the fuck was that?!”
“....BENNY IM JEALousssss”
They lost their shit when they what you were holding.
“...girl, you’re drunk” Joe manages to say through wheezes
“But Joeyyyyy it’s not fairrrr. There’s a literal Carboard cut out of my cool best friend. Mean while, boring me doesn’t get cool stuff like thisssss”.
You had to admit having celebrities as your friends and boyfriend made you jealous of their recognition.
Where as you were just a writer that was slowly making it out in the world.
It gets hard sometimes.
The two started to notice you were getting tears eyed, so they engulfed you in a hug and proceeded to carry you to Joe’s guest room for the night.
They hated seeing you like this, and honestly saw you as their sister.
They wanted you to feel special.
That’s where Joe comes up with an idea.
He runs to the kitchen and pull out his laptop.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Ben, do you have that pic of (y/n) from the oscars”
“...yeah why?”
“Send it to me NOw”
The very confused Brit pulled out his phone and started to search the pic.
Gwil asked Ben to take it for him, since (oddly enough) gwil had no room on his phone.
It was a full body shot of you in an elegant black, sleeveless dress with a white gem gradient at the skirt.
“Joe, before i ask. How much did you drink tonight?”
“Shat up”
“...Ok now I have to ask. What the fuck are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m ordering a cardboard cut out of (y/n)”
Surely enough, there on the screen was Joe’s order of one life size cut out of their best friend on his screen.
“What the fuck Joe?!”
“Look you saw how sad she was when she saw your cutout. And what she said....dude I think she’s jealous of the recognition we get as celebs”
“...again how drunk are you?”
“Goddammit Ben, I’m trying to be nice! Take me serious for once”
“Alright alright, damn”
“Thank you!”
“...you know, if your want me to take you serious, then put it on express”
They stayed up late editing that pic.
Ben managed to find a way to get it the next day with the express, IF they physically picked it up from the store.
Knowing that you would be a bit hungover in the morning. They made a compromise that Joe would go to the store to pick it up, while Ben would stay back and hangout with you.
Just as they were setting up for the day, Ben got a text from Gwilym.
He was finished with interviews earlier than expected and said that he was an hour away from their area.
He mentioned that he was texting you, but he was worried that you weren’t responding.
Ben not really thinking, texted Gwil that you were still at Joe’s house and told him to head there where he could pick you up.
It was probably 7am, where they checked in on you
Surely enough, the predicted hangover was evident as your body slept in.
It gave Joe a chance to sneak out, and Ben to surprise you with a nice breakfast.
(Small note, Ben had a hard time finding the pots and pans, which made him realize that Joe doesn’t cook much)
Maybe an hour or so passed, and he was finishing up washing some dishes as he cooked, but then the door bell rung.
Ben started smirking to himself, thinking it was Joe with the cutout of you and ran to the door.
“Hey Ben”
“Oh hey, Gwil you’re back”
Nope not Joe.
Gwilym was smiling, glad to be back in a familiar environment after dealing with long interviews with random strangers.
He hugged his best friend before stepping in.
“Is she still asleep?”
“Yeah. (Y/n) drank quite a bit last night. Might be hungover, but probably just tired”
“Of course hah. Wait, where’s Joe?”
“Oh um, that’s a long story, you see. Joe and I-“
The two faced the doorway to see Joe holding a life size Carboard cut out (nice ink might I add) of (y/n) in his arms.
“You’re home early”
Before Gwilym could express the utter confusion that was being held in his mind, Ben stepped in and started to explain the whole sitatuaion.
Meanwhile Joe was on the verge of an anxiety attack seeing how bad it looked that he had a cut out of his best friend’s girlfriend.
“So Joe. You ordered a life size cutout of my girlfriend, as a way to cheer her up?”
“How drunk were you?”
“Messing with ya”
That eased the tension in the room a little, oddly enough.
Gwil started to look at joe a bit more, making another confused face.
“....So Joe. Where’s my cutout?”
Joe made a face, “sorry what?”
“My cutout? I assume you got one for me too since she is my girlfriend”
*Joe* oh shit.
“Oh well um, haha, see the thing is Gwil I um..I just-I...I didn’t get you one”
*in Joe’s head* fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
“Fine, I’ll take yours”
“Wait what?”
“I’ll take yours and you can order another one for yourself”
“Wait what? No she’s mine”
“Sorry what?” Joe could’ve been killed right then and there.
“Wrong choice of words, what I mean is, this cutout is mine Gwil. I want this to be my little joke with her”
“But, I want to be able to have a cutout of (y/n)”
“Yeah I get it, but I paid express for her”
“You have money”
Meanwhile, Ben’s eating breakfast with his cardboard cut out of himself.
This eventually turned into a fucking tug o war between Joe and Gwil, with a freaking cardboard cut out of (y/n).
The bickering between the two echoed thorough the walls of the house, waking you form your slumber.
You groaned at the morning light, and started to head towards the center of the house.
Wondering what the fuck is all that noise coming from.
And there it was. A sight you never thought you would see.
Your boyfriend and your best friend, fighting over you.
...a Carboard you
“GWIL I bought her!”
“But she’s my girlfriend”
“Don’t bitch me!”
Joe’s grip switched from the middle, to the post of your legs.
“This is MINEEEEE”
Cue a loud ripping noise as Joe Mazzello has managed to rip you away from Gwil’s hands.
The head was nearly torn off.
And hung from a small strand of Carboard as Joe was now holding, a nearly headless (Y/n).
“...morning (y/n). How are you?!” Joe said, as he tried to not subtly hide the thing behind him.
You squinted at the two of them, noting that Gwil was there, but didn’t say anything.
Next thing they knew, they saw you pull out your phone and dial in some number.
“...hey Lucy. How are you? Yeah I’m good. Are you free at the moment? No, great! Can you pick me up at Joe’s house? I think Joe and Gwilym have to resolve some issues right now”
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wyrmwynd · 7 years
I was taggeroni’d by Good Friend @traumyu to do 2 tag memes and so here I am!
“Rules: Tag 9 people whom you’d like to know better.” See but like. I’m Shy and Afraid of tagging people so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Relationship Status: Living With And Probably Practically Married To A Literal Taro (jacoob)
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick bc i look like a fucko with lipstick on 
Last Song I Listened To: A song that someone I tangentally know via a friend’s discord’s soundcloud song titled “a track”.
Top 3 Shows: I. Dont Know? Probably,, even though I don’t really like it as much anymore, is steven universe, as far as western shows? Also right now is JJBA. I guess. A third would be. Hum. Fucken.... yoi i dunno dude. I don’t like, watch shows very much
Top 3 Characters: The Person Amethyst Could Be If Written Better, Joseph Joestar, Ari from the Obscure Game, Okage, That Everyone Should Play
Read More bc the next one is Longer
1) how old are you? I think I’m 23?
2. what are you currently doing in life? I wish I knew tbh? But rn im at community college for a library tech degree so I can work a good position at a library cuz. I like libraries i guess?
3. what are you talented at? See now this one is hard bc used to I’d say “drawing” but i have not drawn much in the last like years i dunno how many but it’s been a few since i’ve like, owned a sketchbook. But in a General Sense I am very good at learning new things. I can get a hang of pretty much anything pretty fast and I may not be like the best at it but I’m usually pretty good at it? So I Guess that’s a talent, is the ability to learn quickly, if that counts.
4. what is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? Like.... Get a stable job I guess? I don’t really work with “big goals” bc I don’t think I’ve ever achieved a “big goal” in my entire life, and so manking big goals just makes me worried. My big goal is to move out of my dad’s house I guess but framing it as a big goal makes me nervous so yea.
5. what’s your aesthetic? i have like.... 2 distinct aesthetics. This first is like, pink, and glittery, and soft, like, a small and fluffy grandma who knits things. And like plants and nature, and softer pastel colors, and vintage my little ponies, and children’s toys in general. Light purple, light pinks, light blues, even browns sometimes? sometimes even light yellows? flowers, and gardens, and little succulents, and like Sweet Lolita Fashion (the japanese kind not the nasty kind) and stuffed animals, and water creatures, and no makeup, and just in general Very Soft And Cute, like a big fluffy pompom ball. Here are links to sets on my polyvore like this.
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Then the other aesthetic is very very different, it’s neons, pastels, black and white, translucent things, reflective clothes, shitty plastic, neon signs, eyeballs, General Not-Bloody Body Horror, “Vaporwave”, when pastels then also paired with neon or dark colors or black or white, very defined like... color blocking? but gradients are okay too, but harsh color blocking is a Fave, weird looking plants and animals, FUNGI, polka dots and patterned things, Honestly Enjoys Cyberpunk Aesthetic, heavily into videogame aesthetics and merch and things, likes gaudy makeup and doesn’t mind wearing more unorthodox clothing, and in general Very Harsh And Punkish, kind of like a Team Skull Aesthetic. Here are links to my polyvore of things that fall into this
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the rest of my polyvore is generally a mix between the 2 aesthetics which i guess could be considered My Aesthetic
6. do you collect anything? Hmmmmmmmmmmm vintage my little ponies mostly, but I haven’t actively collected them in like a year or so? maybe more? I’m really bad with the concept of time. But I do have like A Collection of them that I love dearly.
7. what’s a topic you always talk about? Bideogames to be fucking honest
8. what’s a pet peeve of yours? I have. So many. Like I’m being overwhelmed thinking about them bc there’s so damn many. In General Though recently a Big Little Issue i have is people who mess up Big Time in bideogames (like ffxiv when they cause a wipe) but then when someone else messes up in a much smaller and less impactful way (dies but doesn’t kill anyone else bc they just vaguely messed up like one mechanic) the person who messed up Big Time before is like “fuck you why are you even here”. Like bitch???? Fuck OFF??? And Like i’m generally very Accepting of when people mess up mechanics but when they then go on to tell other people off for something it’s like. Literally, asshole. Literally, shut the fuck up.
Another is just erp in general. Also when people try to be ~kawaii!!! uguu~~ and its just Annoying. And also when other people cut me off or don’t respond to me when I say things, even multiple times at multiple volumes (which is often both irl and online). Anyways I could go on forever but I’m going to stop myself before i get too frustrated just Thinking about these things.
9. good advice to give? i don’t like. have any good advice ever. lmao. the best advice i can give is to Not disorder your eating with diets bc it is absolutely disordered eating bc it will fuck you up For Life. Even if you get “”cured”” from anorexia you’ll still have disordered eating bc it Never Fucking Goes Away. So basically don’t even fucking START dieting or ANYTHING bc it WILL fuck you up for life. Diets don’t work anyways if you’ve ever done or looked up any really unbiased (meaning not funded by the diet/food/pharmaceutical industry) research ever in your entire life.
10. what are three songs you’d recommend?
The JJBA Battle Tendency Opening  of which I am currently Obsessed with
Butter Sugar Cream by tomggg and really anything by tomggg
Mottai Night Land by Kyary and basically anything by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
I’m too shy and afraid to tag people so I’m Apology,,,
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dmat574-blog · 6 years
Where Are You Spring?? 4/4/2018
If you’ve lived in Pennsylvania long enough, you know and totally understand the old adage of being able to see all four seasons in one day. The old saying is what inspired the name for my blog and it definitely held true as recently as yesterday. This has been the year of intensifying and occluding storm systems in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, and another swung through yesterday. After snow covered the ground Monday, thunderstorms stretched all the way down the cold front and along the warm front from Texas to Ohio and Pennsylvania yesterday, with a line of severe storms prompting a severe thunderstorm warning in the city last night. Once the front passed, temperatures dropped sharply, and now we’re talking light snow showers this morning in the colder but drier SW quadrant of the low. This also puts western PA right along the pressure gradient of this mature cyclone, so winds have been blowing steadily at 20-25 mph with gusts near 40 mph. Hence a wind advisory has been put into effect until the low tracks further northeast and the gradient slackens. The pictures below from Dave DiCello illustrate the ever-changing weather of late in Pittsburgh. 
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Now, I’ve had a lot of people from back home asking me when the warmer air will arrive. I’m sad to say that you all may come chasing after me with torches and pitchforks because it’s going to stay cold as this pattern of storm systems continues. Through the rest of today and into tonight, the low will become even more vertically stacked and will occlude right as the dry slot at upper levels sets up over Pennsylvania. This will allow for some breakup of clouds through the night, but entrenched low level moisture and continued upslope flow will make it difficult to completely clear clouds. A bright side to this will be the insulation the clouds will provide, as lows will only drop into the middle and upper 20′s even with strong west to northwest flow. WInds will quickly once again though, as a weak ridge develops over the Carolinas. Upper level winds are staying strong, so this surface-based ridge will be here and gone by Thursday night. Even so, skies will clear a bit more to be partly cloudy with highs chilly in the lower to middle 40′s.
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With such strong upper level winds and a progressive pattern, through the weekend and into next week is going to be filled with successive storm systems. Each one will have light precipitation for the most part due to lack of forcing and available moisture, except for the last one that should have enough time to ramp up. The first of these storms comes in Thursday night into Friday along the same trough axis that’s been set up over eastern Canada and the Northeast. Again, the forcing won’t be great here with how fast the storm is moving, with little available moisture within the atmosphere due to the recent passage of the latest system. Precipitation over this time frame will be mainly caused by orographic uplift, with the storm tapping into the still ample available moisture at the surface. There’s been enough snow and rain the last couple weeks to warrant a flood advisory across the area though Saturday.
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Despite the precipitation, I anticipate very light snow/rain, depending on location. Overnight Thursday, any precipitation that falls will occur late, with rain around the city, transitioning to snow north of Interstate 80 closer to the lakes and also in the higher elevations along the mountains in the Laurel Highlands to the east. Lows overnight Thursday should actually stay just above freezing, with plenty of warm air in the middle levels keeping precipitation type in a clear divide from rain to snow with no mix. It will all depend on elevation and the temperature at the time as to what precipitation is received at your location. By morning on Friday any leftover precipitation will be rain with temperatures approaching 50 in the valleys, though by lunchtime this storm system will be already occluded as it rides off into the sunset to the east. Winds will again be a concern along the pressure gradient with this storm Friday, though they should only gust to 30 mph with steady winds from 15-20 since this is a weaker system. The image below shows peak wind gusts in mph for Friday afternoon, with yellows and oranges showing 30-35 mph.
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As this storm progresses east, western PA will be situated in a similar location relative to the path of the last storm. There will be a brief dry period as the drier southwest portion of the storm passes over Friday afternoon, when the highest winds will occur and the high will still approach 50 degrees. One difference the models are picking up on is that the northwest quadrant of the storm will situate itself over western PA, where upslope winds could lead to some precipitation and training snow showers are possible. Right now I feel that all of the precipitation will come in the form of snow with decent northwest flow and colder air streaming in at night. The snow showers won’t start until after midnight and should only last until noon on Saturday. These snow showers will once again be light, with the highest amounts reaching an inch in higher elevations with a dusting closer to downtown Pittsburgh and in the valleys.
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Ending out the weekend and into next week, it looks like there’s some major disagreements between models in terms of the final storm system expected Monday-Tuesday. Right now though, both Saturday and Sunday look to be the coldest days of the coming week thanks to all the cold air streaming in and high pressure bringing clear skies on Saturday night and Sunday. Highs will mainly be in the upper 30′s both days, with lows well below seasonal norms in the upper teens Saturday night and middle 20′s Sunday night. Now, as for the models and the storm system, it all depends on how much cold air sets up over the Mid-Atlantic. As this next trough axis passes through, some models are either going all snow with some decent accumulations of 2-4 inches over the two day period. Other models are expecting more warmth, with rain/snow mixes during the day and some light snow showers overnight. 
There is still a lot of time for available for the models to sort this mess out, but given the recent string of cold along with the strong northwest winds expected over the weekend, I think precipitation will be mainly snow early next week, mixing with some rain during the peak heating of the afternoons when highs just get above 40 degrees. In terms of accumulations, up in the mountains there could easily be 2-4 inches. However, for the Pittsburgh metro and surrounding areas in lower elevations, im tapering back snow to be closer to 1-2 inches by Tuesday night. Regardless, it’s going to stay cold, somewhat snowy, and just not a prime start to April in general.
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