#/ this is of course a bond lvl 15 cao. gotta get all the way there to unlock her soft smile™
caemthe · 2 years
Lovely as you are | Lady of Cao’s Valentine 
     The sea is a playful thing. Often acting like a child that splashes water on family and friends before they get used to the temperature of the water. Other times, pulling and pulling each time, then retreating as if you had been pushed to the edge of the beach, and then repeating the same dance. If one was having too much to pay attention to the trickster sea, by the time they realize how far they had gotten, a cheerful day had turned into a very sad one. That was the explanation she gave you as she held your hand and walked away from the rough sea, towards where the sand was dry but not hot. It seemed it wasn’t a good day to learn to ride the little totora boats. ‘Unfortunately, the waves are breaking too much today’, it’s what she had said.  
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     It was a little upsetting that things didn’t go as planned but weather was beyond’s their control. It would’ve been different in a simulation of the beach and sea, but she had insisted on coming all the way here. She wasn’t one to waste time or resources on leisure so it had come as a surprise. But the sunlight warming your face and shoulders, the salty breeze and the small crabs coming to the surface here and there were impossible to replicate.
     [ ... ]
     [ Is that why she wanted to come here? ]
     Is she disappointed by how today turned out What is she thinking about? Questions that pop here and there, like those curious crabs around. She’s not a person of many words, but her eyes go beyond the wild waves and where the sea ends. She looks lost in thought and her hand still hasn’t let go of yours. It’s serene.
     “It has been hundreds, no, over a thousand of years, but the sight is the same as the one in my memories.” And she finally looked away from the horizon, turning her head to look at you. Her hand still was on top of yours and a smile decorated her features. It was sincere and small enough to make one wonder if it would be stolen by the next strong wind. “But there’s a slight variation this time, a lovely one. So rather than the sea or sand, it will be that lovely variation whenever I think of this day.”
    [ ! ]
     She didn’t say much after that so the rest of the day was spent looking around for the tiny seashells on the sand. The most fragile ones turned to dust if you pressed them with your fingers, but there were at least a few that didn’t crumble despite how small they were. But the breeze was becoming chillier, the sun would soon go down and it would soon be time to return. Time really flies when you’re having fun.
     Actually, did she have fun? It was impossible to try and decipher what she could be thinking about. She always looked deep in thought, though, today, she didn’t feel as unreachable as before. And before you could swallow your own thoughts, the question slipped from your lips. You were expecting her to frown and walk away. And yet...
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     She was smiling again. “My bad, was I staring for too long?”
     [ Ah... ]
Lady of Cao (Ruler) | Memories drawn on seashells
But that same night, there was a small box left on your nightstand. Inside of it, there was a single seashell that had been cleaned and polished. If you flip it, you will see a simple drawing of a shrimp on it. It’s not a gift you would expect from a demigod, a priestess or great lord, much less from someone who was all of the above. But it was a small detail from a girl that would soon be washed away by the sea.
‘Memories slip from one’s head while new ones are made to take its place all the time. That doesn’t mean the previous one was of lesser importance. It just means time passes, space changes and life continues. I know this, and yet, the human part in me hopes and wants you to remember me. If only for a little longer.’
‘It’s strange, to have a selfish wish like this. It’s strange, to be at a loss of what to do. So, against my better judgement, I’m going ahead and leaving this. So that, hopefully, you’ll remember me the next time you come across this silly thing.”
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