#& neelix enthusiastically falling for it every single time
smilesobrien · 2 years
what if post-tuvix tuvok & neelix had a telepathic bond... well, it's just an idea...
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coraclavia · 3 years
Star Trek: Choir Edition
just go with me here
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Benjamin Sisko: Bass 2
great attitude
first person to welcome new singers
always brings his pencil and a closed-top waterbottle
voted choir president every year
always practices
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Jean-Luc Picard: Tenor 2
always early to rehearsal
corrects the conductor’s French pronunciation
irons his choir robe
“I already sang this in my old choir”
brings his own pitchpipe
practices, and judges those who don’t
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Kathryn Janeway: Alto 2
will happily sing tenor if needed
ragged choir folder held together with duct tape
wears a t-shirt and gym shorts under her choir robe
drinks coffee during rehearsal because fuck you
does not practice, but is an excellent sightreader
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Beverly Crusher: Alto 1
not early to rehearsals, but not late
groans audibly when the conductor tells bad jokes
aces tricky chromatic lines at a cold sightread
has never sung a melody
writes down conductor quotes in her music
practices once or twice a year
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Harry Kim and Tom Paris: Tenor 1
constantly pranking each other throughout rehearsals
officially banned from ever touching the pitchpipe
think they know the solfege hand signals
do not actually know the solfege hand signals
don’t practice, but no one calls them on it because there aren’t enough tenors
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William Riker: Baritone
is pretty sure he’s actually a tenor
giggles if the conductor says anything about measure 69
can kind of read music
has been waiting all year for a song with an egg shaker
immediately volunteers to play the egg shaker
doesn’t practice, but writes his own music and shows everyone
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Chakotay: Tenor 2
joined choir because the girl he likes asked him to
lip-syncs the high notes
cried manly tears the first time he heard Eriks Esenvald’s “Stars”
sways the wrong direction
goes out of his way to tell the altos they sound great
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Tuvok: Bass 2
pre-1500 music only, please
corrects the conductor’s Latin
can read neumes, why can’t you
it’s ‘ut,’ not ‘do’
prefers pitches given by tuning fork
has music memorized by the second rehearsal
doesn’t practice. doesn’t need to.
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Deanna Troi: Soprano 1
does vocal warmups in the car on the way to rehearsal
“is there a descant?”
“can you play the descant?”
wears heels even when she’s in the third row
actually laughs at the conductor’s jokes
practices and comes to rehearsal with pertinent questions
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Ezri Dax: Soprano 2
has never been in a choir before, but is excited to be here
not entirely sure how her part goes
eighteen seconds late to rehearsal
thinks the basses sound awesome
forgot to practice once and felt terrible about it
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Kira Nerys: Alto 2
glares at people who walk into rehearsal late
refuses to sit anywhere but the back row
cries in verse 3 of “The Road Home” by Paulus
but will never, ever admit it
might practice 
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Odo and Quark: Baritone
hate each other
refuse to address each other directly
but refuse to sit apart from each other
only practice to make the other look bad
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Neelix: Tenor 2
a little too enthusiastic
drops choir folder, spills music across the floor
is not sure which piece we’re working on right now
has closed-top waterbottle but still manages to spill
“I love Eric Whitacre!”
practiced the wrong music
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Q: Baritone
lost his choir folder after the first rehearsal
metal waterbottle that falls over loudly
“I learn better by ear” = never learned to read music
was hoping this was a show choir
“I was going to practice but I lost my music”
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Lwaxana Troi: Soprano 1
will literally murder anyone who asks her to sing soprano 2
sits in the back row
has a pencil but never marks anything in her music
vibrato so wide you could drive a truck through it
has a standing reservation as the soloist for “O Holy Night” in her church choir
has never heard of practicing
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Miles O’Brien: Baritone
can’t sing low enough for bass 2
can’t sing high enough for tenor
so I guess he’s a baritone
has to be reminded to flip every single R in every single piece
meant to practice. he really did.
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quit when she realized this wasn’t show choir
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