t-travelsblog · 3 years
The Gondola ride was amazing and affordable the price may have changed from the €80 however you can split the price between those you get in with #venice #Italy #Gondala #ttravels #soloblacktraveller #solowomantraveller
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t-travelsblog · 4 years
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*Cries* right now I would be updating you all on how beautiful the beaches are in St. Lucia and how much they have changed since I was a child. Instead I share a picture and pray that next year I will be able to take a picture from this exact angle!...
Anyone else supposed to be on holiday but stuck at home, or changed a long distance holiday for a closer one? 
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t-travelsblog · 4 years
So I begin this journey a few years back in 2014 when I was blessed with the courage to go on a solo soul searching trip to Italy.
I’m from the UK (London to be exact), so the flight wasn’t very long however before I get to the flight I need to tell you about the research I did (especially all I knew in Italian was hello and goodbye ciao aaaand ciao 🤦🏾‍♀️).. All the .gov, blogs, trip advisor etc information I read told me to be vigilant and that there was high theft and to wear a specific type of bag. This may not have been an exaggeration for when it was written however the advice was far from helpful. A theif looks for anomolies the one that stands out from their locals. Wearing a fanny pack/bum bag in Italy not as a fashion statement says you’re a tourist wearing a huge backpack with numerous pockets along with it also screams tourist. To some it’s obvious but a 25yr old travelling for the first time on her own is scared and wants to make sure she’s not going to go missing or be mugged.
So after the not so great advice and surviving what would be my first bite into this world of adventure on my own I would say;
1) If you’re from the city going to Italy, hold your bag as close as you would in a back street and just keep it zipped (that’s right just like you would at home in London, New York, Tokyo etc.)
2) Don’t make it obvious your a tourist walk in to a shop and read your map or ask for directions from a member of staff (Do not do what Joey from friends did and stand in your map lol).
3) learn how to ask if they speak English in whatever country you are going to, where English isn’t their first language. I know you can use your app to translate now, but sometimes accents can cause the app to ask for cereal instead of directions 😅 (trust me I’ve seen it happen).
Ciao for Now
#blog #Travel #Solotravel #picoftheday #world #2020 #family #fanilyholiday #mydorathirties #Italy
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t-travelsblog · 4 years
Hi I’m T and I love to Travel!
This is not your typical Travel blog as I’ll be going through past trips with tips and blog travels with the family. I’ve started this blog now because procrastination is a cow *sigh*...... Also I still see a need for awareness when travelling as a solo black female and also a black family, based on the experiences I’ve had and the information out there when I first travelled on my own (most wont completely reassure you when being a black female and travelling on your own).
So here we go!
Hope you enjoy
#blog #Travel #Solotravel #picoftheday #world #2020 #family #fanilyholiday #mydorathirties
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