swordbirth · 5 years
Like for a oneliner
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swordbirth · 5 years
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swordbirth · 5 years
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CHARMING INTRODUCING THE BEST GIRL AND LIGHT OF MY LIFE.  REBLOG  OR  LIKE ( reblogs  preferred  )  if  you  are  willing  to  write  with  a  roleplay blog  for  NEXT  AVENGERS‘  torunn  thorsdottir.  i  am  multi-verse,  multi-fandom  and  original  character  friendly !
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swordbirth · 5 years
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swordbirth · 5 years
Studio Ghibli Sentence Meme
“Now I have something I want to protect. It’s you.”
“I’m not afraid to die!”
“You cannot change fate. However, you can rise to meet it, if you so choose.”
“They say that the best blaze brightest when circumstances are at their worst.”
“Fear and anger only make it grow faster.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Here’s another curse for you - may all your bacon burn.”
“Don’t worry! Stay right where you are, I’m coming to get you! You’re gonna be fine, I won’t let him hurt you.”
“I need something of yours. How ‘bout your eyes?”
“We gotta get out of here! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“You, you sabotaged me! Look! Look at what you’ve done to my hair! Look!”
“No more killing. It has to stop!”
“You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.”
“Guys, don’t take that food! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“Fight ‘em! C’mon!”
“Smile so we can make a good impression.”
“We each need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it’s not easy”
“I finally get a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present. That’s depressing.”
“Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep living.”
“Sorry, it looks like you’re involved.”
“Oh, my baby! Are you all right? Are you emotionally traumatized?”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“Leave before it gets dark.”
“Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember.”
“Cut off a wolf’s head and it still has the power to bite.”
“It’s all so familiar yet I know I’ve never been here before. I feel so at home.”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“I suggest you surrender. There is no ship coming to rescue you.”
“I had no idea that my rage could drive me to kill.”
“These days, there are angry ghosts all around us - dead from wars, sickness, starvation - and nobody cares.” 
“A heart’s a heavy burden.”
“Please! You must stop!”
“Well, well, well… hello kitty.” “You can’t be busy - you’re five!”
“So you say you’re under a curse? So what? So’s the whole damn world.”
“ I have really had enough of your incredible stupidity.”
“Lamebrain! They made an escape! Now step on it!”
“I didn’t want them to kill you.”
“It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.”
“Welcome the rich man, he’s hard for you to miss. His butt keeps getting bigger, so there’s plenty there to kiss!”
“You shouldn’t be here! Get out!”
“He said Mom was ugly, now go get him!”
“Kill him and you’ll be famous.”
“I’ve seen him do this once before when a girl dumped him.”
“S/He’s alive. There goes that dream.”
“That was the night I died.”
“I’d rather be a pig than a fascist.”
“You don’t remember your name?”
“Don’t be afraid, I just want to help you.”
“Poor kids. I’ll really miss them.”
“I don’t fight for honor. I fight for a paycheck.”
“ No, No, No! Don’t do this! Help! Help! Crazy lady with the shovel!”
“She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her, then I realized she wasn’t, so then, as usual, I ran away.”
“You’re in love. Don’t deny it, you’ve been sighing all day”
“She never woke up again.”
“You blubber heads! I’m not runnin’ a luxury cruise! Now get to work!”
“Why does everything that’s good for you have to taste so bad?”
“Whatever you don’t want me to clean, better hide it now!”
“This is our little secret. You tell anyone and I’ll rip your mouth off.”
“I give up. I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“If I lose my magic, that means I’ve lost absolutely everything.”
“ It’s… you’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave. ”
“There’s a demon inside you.”
“Don’t get alarmed but I’m being followed. Act normal.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got four-wheel drive.”
“This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It’s eating me alive, and very soon it will kill me!”
“Smooth. Very smooth. You definitely know how to make a good first impression.”
“Everyone fears their own mortality.”
“Play with me or I’ll break your arm!”
“I gotta get out of this place. Someday I’m getting on that train.”
“Wait give us a minute! This is clearly harassment.”
“Why do fireflies have to die so soon?”
“There you are, sweetheart. Sorry I’m late. I was looking everywhere for you.” 
“When you’re going to kill a god, let someone else do your dirty work.”
“Why did you stop me from killing her?”
“When I saw you, I just wanted to find a way to protect you.” 
“One thing you can always count on is that hearts change.”
“Tell me while you’re still alive!”
“This is a tomb for the both of us.”
“If nobody comes in, I’m gonna have to eat pancakes forever and be fat, fat, fat! And what am I supposed to do about that?”
“Even if you were a woman, you’d still be an idiot!”
“What do you say we give 'em a little demonstration of how fast we can run, huh?”
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swordbirth · 6 years
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swordbirth · 6 years
Torunn??? A big ol' gay.
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swordbirth · 6 years
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CHARMING INTRODUCING THE BEST GIRL AND LIGHT OF MY LIFE.  REBLOG  OR  LIKE ( reblogs  preferred  )  if  you  are  willing  to  write  with  a  roleplay blog  for  NEXT  AVENGERS'  torunn  thorsdottir.  i  am  multi-verse,  multi-fandom  and  original  character  friendly !
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swordbirth · 6 years
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swordbirth · 7 years
“ i added you on facebook, how come you didn’t add me? ”
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          lips  pursed,  brows  knitting  together;  her  expression  was  one  of  great  confusion.  now,  torunn  was  in  no  way  ignorant  to  the  technologies  of  this  world,  but  facebook  was  still  a  too  new  a  concept  to  grasp.  the  previous  lack  of  interest  keeping  the  young  asgardians  knowledge  of  social  media  to  a  minimum.  with  a  phone  in  hand,  she  fiddled  with  the  app  before  giving  a  small  sigh  of  frustration.
               “  so  you  have  attempted  to  ‘ add ’  me  on  your  BOOK  OF  FACES;  show  me  how.  ”
(     meme.          accepting !          @stxrsoldier​    )
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swordbirth · 7 years
social media sentence starters.
“ are you stalking that guy’s/girl’s twitter again? ” “ i really want to upload these pictures to instagram. ” “ my instagram pictures are all in black and white. it’s my aesthetic. ” “ hey, do you want to follow me on twitter? ” “ i stalk my favorite celebrities on their twitter’s, don’t judge me. ” “ do you want to follow me on my tumblr? ” “ i added you on facebook, how come you didn’t add me? ” “ my tumblr blog sucks, but that’s okay, so do i. ” “ you seriously update your status too much. ” “ i have a facebook page, you know, if you wanna add me. ” “ have you seen the new update for the app? it’s terrible! ” “ are you gonna give me your kik or not? ” “ i don’t use anything other than to talk, so. ” “ do you want to text me sometime? ” “ if i give you my number, are you going to text me? ” “ facebook is for old people now, i never get on there. ” “ follow me on instagram and i’ll follow you back. ” “ do you remember myspace? we should bring it back. ” “ haven’t you ever tried tumblr before? it’s pretty wicked. ” “ i have a blog, i’m an avid blogger. ” “ are you stuck reading in those forums again? ” “ google literally always jumps to worse conclusions at my questions. ” “ i think i have just been catfished. ” “ how come you never like my pictures? not a single one? ” “ i went through and liked all your stuff on facebook. ” “ you want to follow me on pinterest? i love that thing so much. ” “ i’m addicted to pinterest these days, sue me. ” “ facebook told me to write on your wall, i did, literally. ” “ do couples really have joint accounts on this thing? ” “ i can’t help but stalk him/her on their twitter and facebook! ” “ my thing to do is reblog and like stuff and watch netflix. ” “ the internet is so much fun! why didn’t i come here a long time ago! ” “ internet world is crazier than the real world. ” “ i wish i had a better wifi connection right about now. ” “ i need a new texting app to you, any ideas? ” “ we should facetime later, i am totally up for it. ” “ hey, facetime me real quick if you can. ” “ stop calling me on skype, you have my number! ” “ can you give me your skype maybe? for later? ” “ skype won’t let me login, what the crap! ” “ i have way too many accounts for way too many sites. ” “ who makes a fake facebook account? isn’t that old? ” “ snapchat me because i’m bored and need a friend! ” “ all i do is laugh whenever i’m on snapchat. ” “ i live for the snapchat filters! ”
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swordbirth · 7 years
Someone: that's not canon.
Me: I will face canon and walk backwards into hell.
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swordbirth · 7 years
im not passive-aggressive. im just aggressive. i dont even know what passive means. ill fucking kill you
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swordbirth · 7 years
send ⍟ for our muses to go to a carnival send ❀ for our muses to go to a park send ☸ for our muses to go ice skating send ♞ for our muses to go horseback riding send ♫ for our muses to sing together send ☼ for our muses to go to the beach send ☂ for our muses to play around in the rain
“Speed up or I’ll eat all your ice cream!” “Don’t tickle me!” “Would you look at that— It’s cuddle huddle ‘o’ clock!” “Isn’t the sunset beautiful?” “I just adore stars, don’t you?” “Oh my gosh! Look look look, a butterfly landed on me!” “I bet I can run to the aquarium faster than you!” “Mm, this is delicious! You made it yourself?” “NO. NO MORE PILLOWS. YOU ALREADY BOUGHT FIVE.” “Shhhh, don’t spoil the movie for me!” “Do you ever just… Really wanna pet a cat?” “Can I please have a hug?”
[ text ]: Don’t forget to bring me tacos [ text ]: i just ate a whole bag of sour skittles at once and I am filled with regret [ text ]: what do you do if a bird fuCKING POOPS ON YOUR SHOE [ text ]: One of my earbuds stopped working is this what hell is like [ text ]: HELP ME THIS REALLY JUDGMENTAL OLD NEIGHBOR ADOPTED THE CUTEST PUPPY DO I RISK GETTING AN HOUR LECTURE JUST TO PET SAID PUPPY YES OR NO [ text ]: What’s your favorite kind of flower? And food?
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swordbirth · 7 years
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I wish you could see how much I’m laughing at you and rolling my eyes simultaneously.
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swordbirth · 7 years
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i think my fav thing about torunn is how she talks. LIKE, she was raised on earth ( not to mention in a dome in the arctic ). the only times shes been around other as/gardians was when she was too small too remember and when she almost d i ed.
she talks the way she does on PURPOSE, her only reference would only be from what tony told her. the “as/gardian” dialect even sl ip s at times and i so b
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swordbirth · 7 years
(ง •̀_•́)ง
Reblog if (ง •̀_•́)ง
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