sweet--musings · 8 months
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sweet--musings · 8 months
One thing we have to mature in is realizing that we are not responsible for fixing other people and their (mental health) problems. It is not our job AND it will never be sucessful. You're not a liscensed therapist and any attempt you do at being one despite that will result in chaos. I get that it feels good to be helpful, it feels like a good deed, but it isn't, you're actually enabeling people a lot of the time, keeping them away from seeking out professionals plus you are ruining your own mental health. And a lot of the time we don't even realize that we have some sort of helper syndrome or saviour complex that is actually something we ourselves need help with. Just something to think about.
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sweet--musings · 9 months
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sweet--musings · 9 months
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Saw this tonight and felt like I needed to share.
You are not alone. ❤️
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sweet--musings · 9 months
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― Franz Kafka, Blue Octavo Notebooks
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sweet--musings · 9 months
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The council will decide your fate now 🐰✨
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sweet--musings · 9 months
maybe, just maybe, it's gonna be okay
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sweet--musings · 9 months
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First Reformed (Paul Schrader, 2017)
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sweet--musings · 9 months
I hate endings, I hate goodbyes, I hate changes. But that is life, no matter what, it must go on.
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sweet--musings · 4 years
Simply intriguing.
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* nature’s detox *
I want to be one
with the earth and
covering my flesh
in soil and the
escaping into the rocks and I
the serene waters
as my soul basks is
in the sun's rays
exhaling all of the toxins
allowing it to be ones that I
with the ashes
feeling the lightness
as it dissipates
in the strong winds
I touch the deepest roots of my life
and surrender
fully emerging out of my skin
my bones seek the mountains
as the rivers
run through my veins
my heart
overspills into the oceans is the way
the crashing of waves
is my pulse on
the night falls
as the forest,
becomes my thoughts on here and I
woven in my spirit
the coolness of the
rushes through me and I have to
as I breathe in the chill of a
wanting it to cleanse my body is
every fiber
deep within the
completing this detoxing is the best
tasting the salt of the
earth, in my tears
inhaling deeper
as my dreams
become one with the stars
the beauty of the moon
from the edges of my
wavy brunette strands
to the tip of my toes
the songs of the earth
each step
ridding the old
awakening the new
the wild becoming
the new found melody
the music
of my soul
Pic credit - Pinterest
©ScriptedSilence. All rights reserved
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sweet--musings · 4 years
ㅤ🌼 ❜
— sister by heart.
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I've continuously thought of you as a songbird, utterly magnificent and enthralling. Gifted with many peculiarities, you are born to be the glimmering highlight of your own world. A lovely girl with an equally delightful voice that can lull me to sleep— someone who is capable to create the most wonderful of arts. I adore you so much more than you think, can't you see that?
In you, I have finally found all I never dared dream I could deserve or have— the kind of friendship that is rare. Being known in a way that touches the deepest parts of me. Accepted in a way, that I thought no one else could ever had.
Throughout multiple broken friendships that I had undergone in the past, it was beyond my expectations to unexpectedly receive what my heart has been longing for. A genuine friendship, where true and sincere love lies— a sister. Although not by blood, but strongly by heart.
I want to thank you for always staying longer beside me, just to make me feel better. I am grateful, for still accepting me after you had already seen who I truly am behind my mask. You are the one who knows my secrets, difficulties and struggles. You often know how to handle me, especially during those times where I felt so weak and bothered. You protected me— you cared for me more than anyone else. I trust you with my whole life, and I pledge to return all the love you are continuously giving me without pause.
I appreciate you. I love you, sister. Thank you for coming into my life, you are one of my undeniable miracle.
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sweet--musings · 4 years
— ripped letter of cursives.
Heart keeper of mine.
I fell in love with his courage, his sincerity and his flaming self-respect, and it's these things I'd believed in even if the world indulged in wild suspicions that he wasn't all that he should be. But of course, the true reason is that, I adore him— and that's the beginning and end of everything.
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sweet--musings · 4 years
— épanoui 🌻
A term in French, the precise language I genuinely regard as the most wonderful and beautiful language of all, that means “blooming” along with “joyful”.
The word of the day! It is something I recently encountered throughout my search for new words in French, since I am currently intrigued to learn more of the said language. And somehow, it instantly reminds me of sunflowers; must be because of how I see them as the cherished symbol of happiness.
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sweet--musings · 4 years
— foreign and innocence.
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I noticed that my gradually beating heart, seems to always run a mile whenever my hazel eyes would take a glimpse of you. Whether it is momentary or overlong, the whirlwind beating of this small organ of mine appears to remain exactly the same each time. If it is not a particular feeling that derives from restlessness or agitation, what could this be... I wonder?
Simply what, is this unfamiliar warmth I am consistently experiencing whenever I am with you?
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sweet--musings · 4 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ🌼 ❜
— unbidden visit.
It strikes at midnight, where the flickering stars reign over the silent night sky. A visit from an unwelcomed guest, once again.
The endeavour to refrain it from entering remains futile, despite the countless attempts I had made. An endless cycle of returning and departing. Like a persistent child that knows of no boundaries, doing it over and over again— unaware of the havoc it is causing in my head. And with its departure, comes a wonderful gift it always leaves me with.
“Wonderful” seems to be the perfect word to describe the present it gave me.
Well, it entirely is.
For those who finds pleasure in pain.
The gift from sadness.
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