Finale: “My impact on this game? Astronomical.” - Raffy
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My impact on this game? Astronomical. This is probably the best I've ever played in a long time. I literally survived a vote that I should have been gone at. My strong social bonds and strategic mind are literally shining. With my SWP, I am at F5 guaranteed. There's no reason to lie to Gian or Anastasia anymore. It's time I come clean to them so I don't lose to a bitter jury. It will be tough because I really like Gian, but this has to be done. Literally, my CP edit is over the charts. I am winning this game! My F3 plan is still in the air. I definitely want Steven there. So, it's between Elle and DeNara. I have a better chance at winning against Elle, but DeNara could be extremely bitter. Choices, choices.
Final 3 alliance with Elle and Anastasia? Yes please! I am feeling like I am in a good spot right now. I can use a break from stress for at least a day. We just cant have Gian win  immunity
I found an idol! I got it! I have it! I can make it to Final 4! These people are going to be MAD when I flip that thing out at Final 5. But, it doesn't matter anymore. I have the one thing that will keep me safe in these trying times. That's all that matters. Now, I just need to win the Final Immunity Challenge and I will the game. Honestly, things are looking a lot brighter for me. I came into this game thinking that there was no way I could possibly win, but now there is a real chance. My preferred boot order at the moment is Gian -> Anastasia -> DeNara. I think that gives me the best chances at getting my second win.
These puzzles are making me not like puzzles. I literally haven't talked to anyone cause Im trying to grind these things out.
I won individual immunity! We stan a king that's making it to FTC. My plan this round is to finally take out Gian. I am giving Steven the SWP to ensure he sticks around. So, it should be 3-2 against Gian which serves me well. I am not that worried about an idol because I am safe. In fact, it would do me well if Gian does have an idol and idols out one of DeNara or Elle. It takes one of them out for me so I do not have to do it later.
No one wants to talk with me, which means they’re unwilling to flip. So, 6th place it is I guess! Not bad for a noob in what’s like an All Star season. I’m proud of that.
hi between last round and this one i have contracted covid amazing hate that for me anyway this is a general run-through of the game stuff i did while i still had energy to do game stuff: - made an 'eventual final 3' alliance with denara and anastasia - made a plan of it being gian, raffy, then steven gone - texted the raffy steven denara and me alliance abt some meant for the other one and then had to cover a bit whoops - idk i think that's it, i started the puzzle challenge and then the next morning i woke up and was like "this... might not be it chief" and then took a nap and woke up and was like "this is Entirely Not It, Chief" Hope im not some secret blindside vote bc i have not been active enough to even guess what may be going on secretly I'm voting Gian and that's all i got
Oh my goodness, I can't believe I have made it to final 5! Yay me! I feel good about my final 3 deal with Anastasia and Elle. I am nervous about Steven and Raffy. Steven hasn't really been talking to me much lately so I am nervous he doesn't want to work with me anymore so I feel like he may have to be the next vote off. Anastasia said she searched 28 and was told there used to be something there, which is where Raffy said he found his idol. I didn't believe he had the idol, but now I do. Which means he is for sure going to be in the final 4. He cannot win final 4 immunity or I am hecked. Right now I am trying to figure out if there is a way to put the votes on Raffy  in case he doesn't play it. I don't want to only vote Steven and then have Raffy give his idol to Steven.
The only concern I have for this round is if Anastasia will win immunity. That presents a very big problem as I would have to move my betrayal plan up by one round. However, I am not terribly worried about this round since, with this idol, I will be getting to Final 4. There's not much tea. I am trying to discuss with Steven later who we should take out at 4, but he seems hesitant. That's a red flag that he might be targeting me. Oh well. He'll have to beat me at FIC first.
The only tea is very sad. I think I might be getting voted off. I only think this because Raffy sent me a goodbye message and it seems that's the way it's going to be. My only hope is DeNara and Steven and I talked with them and pleaded my case to keep me. I don't know what they'll do but I'm thinking they will vote me out because I'm a bigger threat than Elle. DeNara literally said earlier in the game that me, Gian, and Raffy were her biggest threats. I have like a 30% chance of staying but even if I do stay I probably wont win. And if they somehow get Raffy out next round, I don't even know who I'd even vote for. I think if I made it past this round I would maybe have a chance at winning or at least recieving some votes.
Steven and I had a small chat about our FTC plans. We came to the conclusion that we should bring DeNara to FTC. The logic behind it is that some of the jurors may be bitter against DeNara for not flipping at multiple occasions. She missed her shot to do anything really impactful in the late stages of the game. So, it would be best to take her to the end. Elle has a solid vote in Moth, but DeNara has no one like it. So, that is the current plan of action. Other than that, Anastasia should be getting the boot tonight unless she has an idol. In which case, it makes the FTC plan a lot simpler in my mind since we will not have to betray anybody.
Late game I feel like there's less and less to confess, probably bc there are less people to interact with, and especially with this vote not much choice. Unless Anastasia has an idol, she's going this round :(. I could've sworn there were 2 more idols out in the wild (well one more bc Raffy has one) but maybe I forgot to subtract once or something. Anyway I hope DeNara wins, even though I was thinking about it, and no matter which one of us wins at this point it's not a bad narrative. Steven will have won his first game in like 3 years, Raffy will have had years of losses only to win twice in a row which would be wild lol, and I'm not sure how long DeNara has been playing but it'll be her first win, and this is only my second game so I'm not like, dying to win, honestly. If Anastasia does have an idol tho :O now wouldn't that be interesting!! I hope she votes for me 😂since the only options are me and DeNara I really want DeNara to win :( but if I go to FTC I can't just be like "Hello everyone vote for DeNara pls 💖" Plus I've been getting like a stray vote like every round since before Julia left.
So basically Raffy conceded his chance of immunity to me cause of his idol. Like i guess I could've done the same but my idol is still a secret (shhhh). The plan is now to use it on Anastasia and maybe throw a vote on DeNara. Like it's in everyone's best interest to vote Raffy next round so I could pretty much do whatever this round with little repercussions. Like I know voting DeNara would probably hurt her feelings but she is apart of Raffy's ideal final 3 so whatever way I can mess with that I would be down for.
Dang it. It sucks that Steven got immunity. I love the guy, he is great, but he is the person connected the most to Raffy so now it is either myself, Elle or Anastasia going home :-(
Ahhhhhhh I am so nervous for tribal. I really hope I am not going to be blindsided. Right now the plan is for myself, Steven and Raffy to vote for Anastasia. I am nervous because I know I am probably a bigger threat than her and it has been super quiet lately. Sooooo.... either I am going to be blindsided or everyone is just super set with their plan. Part of me wants to take Elle out and work with Anastasia but that would require Steven's help and I don't think he is up for it. Sigh. It is harder because I like every one!
DeNara just comfirmed with me that I'm going home. Since this is probably my last confession in this game I will say my opinion. This whole situation in this game is very boring because everyone knows what's going to happen. And it's DeNara and Stevens fault for it too. DeNara could've voted him out but she got scared. Steven, to this round, is too scared of Raffy to vote Elle. They are letting the person that is supposed to be the biggest target control them. They are literally scared of "going against his wishes." It's rediculous and I'm sorry to say it but I don't like how Steven and DeNara played the game. I love them as people though! DeNara even made it seem like she was on my side but the only time we really worked together was when I saved her by voting out Madi. That was the only thing we actually got done. Steven also said he was my ally the whole game but whenever I would talk game with him he would just talk about how he's scared of what Raffy would think or do. It's so boring and dissappointing to me. Oh and Elle. The nicest girl here but also the least active in the game. She was good at challenges kind of but she also followed Raffy the whole game. If Raffy got voted out, I wouldn't want to vote for any of them. Sorry about it. I'm hoping I can play this game again and be an experienced player. Now that I know how this thing works I am ready to make moves and stuff. It's too bad I'm getting voted off tonight.
So everyone tried to get Anastasia out but Anastasia remains in this game. I survived the hardest week when the odds were against me somehow. And heres something awkward: I said out loud that Steven is such a Raffy follower and basically that I think hes a bad player and then he used idol on me. Laughs out loud I guess. Anyways i am so happy that I am safe and we got the most likable player outta here. I really hope I win immunity like I literally need to win please.
Holy crap!!!!!!! I knew I was going to get blindsided!!!!!!! Although I thought it was going to be Raffy doing that, not Steven! I am so thankful to Anastasia for voting Elle because I told her to vote Raffy and if she had done that, I would have gone home. I am also so thankful for Elle for saying she wanted to be voted out. I kind of feel like I don't deserve to be in the final 4  because I think Raffy would have voted me out, but I have played a great social game. I told Raffy I will send him to fire-making if he doesn't win immunity and I meant it when I said it. Now I have to figure out if I am actually going to do it. I have played a great social game and connected with just about everyone so I do feel like I have a chance to win.
I am not that surprised by Steven's move. Though, it didn't work. I figured he was wanting to make a big move to have some credit to his game. Though, it didn't work. Now, I have two options: win FIC or get DeNara to vote with me. It will be a tough road, but I have faith that I can get her to send me to fire along with someone else. I have found myself in a very sticky situation, but I'm a weasel. I can get out of it. It's possible. I am very nervous about this immunity challenge because I have no idea what I am going to get myself into. God. I want to win so badly it hurts.
So everyone tried to get Anastasia out but Anastasia remains in this game. I survived the hardest week when the odds were against me somehow. And heres something awkward: I said out loud that Steven is such a Raffy follower and basically that I think hes a bad player and then he used idol on me. Laughs out loud I guess. Anyways i am so happy that I am safe and we got the most likable player outta here. I really hope I win immunity like I literally need to win please.
I should get "Arrogant" tattooed on my forehead. There's something about that word that just gets me HEATED. But, during the conference, I feel I maintained my cool. I don't think it was necessarily helpful because I already know what I need to do to get to the end. Just got to find a way to get there.
Time to go cry. There's nothing left for me to do. Literally, nothing to do except wait and pray these people actually talk to me. DeNara will not be receiving my vote if she chooses to vote me out here as giving me false hope after last tribal is a bit too unflavorful for me. Anastasia is going to vote for me. Steven is going to vote for me. Literally, I just have to rely on DeNara which fucking sucks. I'm just so sad now. I've come so far in this game and done so much and have given up so much time, effort, and mental energy to a game. And now it's all going down the drain because of fucking trivia. Side note. I hate trivia. If there's one thing I am not good at, then it would be trivia. God. I just want to crawl into a hole until tribal.
GUYS I LITERALLY JUST WON THE CHALLENGE. We literally just need to vote out Raffy it's so easy but I'm scared DeNara is going to send him to fire like she promised WHICH WOULD BE DUMBEST GAME MOVE EVER I SWEAR IF SHE DOES IT.. Anyways I am a little bit excited for final tribal council i can't wait to plead my case and probably win. I mean maybe I wont but I talked to the jury today and they don't seem to like Steven or DeNaras games. So unless they have something really good to say I think that I might have a really good shot at winning.
Well I lost that challenge so hard. I am so glad I saved my advantage for that *insert eye roll here*. Seriously though I actually only knew two answers lol I felt so stupid. I hope people realize how incompetent I actually am and give me props for making it this far lol.
I feel so stressed. Steven and Anastasia are begging me to vote Raffy out and Raffy is begging me to let him make fire. I know that if I vote him out, I have a really good shot at winning, but I think the guilt would eat me alive. He saved me last vote 100% and now he is asking me, person to person, to just give him the opportunity to fight for his life in the game. I know that if I let him make fire, I am basically killing my chances of winning. If Steven wins fire-making, people will be mad I left it to chance and didn't vote Raffy out for the second time. If Raffy wins fire-making, he is likely to just straight up win the game. I have played a fantastic social game so I know I deserve to win, but I think everyone will be clouded over by Raffy that they won't even listen to me. Right now I plan on voting Steven because I know I would feel awful voting Raffy out, whether I win or not. But I know I am likely to flip flop about every 11 minutes until tribal lol. I honestly have no idea what I will end up doing. Greedy DeNara really wants to win, but kind DeNara wants to give Raffy the chance, even if she looses. DeNara loves to talk in third person btw.
Both Raffy and Steven are checking in on me constantly because they want to ensure my vote. It is kind of nice to feel like I am guaranteed a spot in the final 3 at this point. Unless something crazy happens and Steven and Raffy both vote me.... rip
DeNara is sending me to fire. I am going to cry.
Well.... it is 35 minutes before tribal. I am feeling stressed and pretty awful about voting Raffy, especially since all day I have told him I am going to send him to fire. I have been trying to not think about how I feel about this. I plan to vote Raffy and I feel awful about it right now.
This may be my final confessional. This game has been a journey of ups and downs from the start and I'm so happy to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It hurts to vote my friend out at the last possible tribal but I have gone over it in my head for rounds now and the only possible way for me to have a chance at final tribal is to have him out. Its so weird though going the end with both Anastasia and DeNara cause we just randomly made a final 3 rounds ago but we barely talked in it, and now it actually came to fruition and we are most likely being in the final 3 together. Now my life is in DeNara's hands and I'm just hoping that she sees the situation from a logical standpoint like she has for most of this game. I'm just worried cause she has got nervous in the past and I don't her to make any irrational decisions and keeps Raffy.
I was so worried before the challenge cause I told Raffy that the chances of me voting for him to stay was very unlikely. I just wanted to be honest cause I didn't want to get his hopes up and then hurt him right before he goes to jury. He was honest back and said that he will be voting for Anastasia and if she wins then me. Well Anastasia won (Just barely and oh my god Raffy had me so worried cause he almost won) and ultimately put Raffy's final target on me. Like if I do make it to final 3 with DeNara and Anastasia I do think it is kind of an even playing field. We all have different stories with our own person ups and downs. I know my biggest hurdle is going to be getting the jury to see me as anything as Raffy's goat first and then get them to understand my game second. I'm worried they will look at the other two and see them playing more individual games and I need to make everyone see that I played the same way. I don't say this much and actually mean it but it is anyone's game.
So we just voted Raffy out of this game. The vote was all up to DeNara at this vote and she is a very emotional player so I was so nervous. Luckily, she voted Raffy and that made it 3 votes Raffy and 1 vote Steven. And as a plus, Steven no longer has a perfect game so I think that is just perfect. DeNara was very upset about having to vote Raffy but she knew she had to do it. Raffy's goodbye speech was very extreme and I think he shouldn't have said some of the things he said. He had been playing with DeNaras emotions for a week up to this tribal and his speech just attacked her. He basically took all of this negative emotions that he felt from losing the game out onto emotional DeNara and I didn't feel it was right. Raffy just critisized DeNara for lying but everyone lies in this game including you. I know he's lied because he's lied to my face before. I just hated how he made DeNara feel it was not nice at all.
0 notes
Ep. 12: “This round feels like a season of glee” - Steven
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So I did something finally. I flipped on the newbies and sent Madi home. Honestly the only thing I did differently was actually think about the game and numbers. Plus I talked to people and made a really good bond with DeNara. I'm also a little better with Raffy, not that it matters bcs we are somehow getting Raffy outta here I think. I know the next competition is endurance and that's apperantly Raffy's strong suit. So frick. But I know where everything stands for once. I know who is working with who I THINK. So I just need to survive next round and gain the numbers.
My revenge is coming for being left out of this vote. Idk when and how I'll do it but I will do whatever it takes.
Thank goodness I survived this vote! All thanks to Anastasia! I need a brain break, I am so tired now lol
An hour before tribal council, Elle decided that she would give me the immunity necklace. The reasoning she told me is that we need a strong 4 votes to cause a tie. Anastasia told DeNara that she would be flipping on Madi and Gian by voting Rachel (which is what that side thought we were doing). Because of this, I wanted to use my SWP since they would have a 4-3 majority. However, Elle believed that we could not trust Anastasia until after tribal. Anastasia could be lying and wanting me to play the SWP (which Madi and Gian happily spread around) so the newbies would have 4-3. Despite this, I wanted to be safe because I was starting to worry that Madi would play her idol on herself. The compromise would be that Elle would give me the immunity necklace which did occur. Finally, the alliance's acting paid off as Madi misplayed the idol which caused her to get voted out. Now, the Faes alliance is the majority alliance. Wig.
I have new worries going into this round. Anastasia really wants to do big moves, so she should want to vote me out now that Madi is gone. My other worry is that Anastasia is much more loyal and is a solid ally for DeNara, not me. This means, if DeNara was so inclined, she could get the numbers to vote me out. DeNara is going to get a lot of power the further we get. It's very interesting to see what the breakdown is. Due to this, I have decided to keep my door open with Gian. Steven agreed that we could potentially work with Gian to hide behind him as a shield. Also, this is kind of an emotional thing because I really do feel close to Gian. I do not know what kind of move I'd do to keep Gian this round. If he wins immunity, then it would be great and I would not have to do any maneuvering. However, in all scenarios except one, I am betraying my allies which is not a good look for me. My idea is to finally get Rachel out this round, so it would keep Gian in the game while keeping my allies good with me.
I got on call with Gian earlier today to express a desire to work with him to target Anastasia or DeNara. I was doing a lot of talking during the call which had me worry as he seemed to just be taking in this information without providing any back. This had me skeptical on whether or not he wanted to work with me. My skepticism was correct. According to DeNara, Gian told Anastasia that I want to target her for being a wildcard this round. He used the information I gave him against me. However, thanks to my very good relationship with DeNara, I am now in the know that he does not want to work with me. Bye Gian. Say hi to Madi in jury for me. I might just use my SWP just to be sure. Plus, it forces Anastasia to target Gian instead of me for this round.
The current plan is for DeNara to tell Anastasia that she is willing to flip after a bit of reluctance. In actuality, we are just trying to make them think that Gian is the vote. At tribal, we will all vote for Rachel instead in case there is an idol. I am VERY nervous for this tribal. I do not want to be here. According to DeNara, Elle would be the person the newbies vote for if I leave which is perfectly fine with me. I need to survive. I have to get to F6. There's really no guarantee that this plan even works in the first place. And does DeNara even trust me after hearing all that information from Gian's rat mouth? UGH. The paranoia is way too high for my liking.
Honestly this game is so tiring, why do I torture myself with this stress? Oh because I love Survivor that's why. Lol. Soooooo Anastasia wants to flip on Raffy, Steven and Elle and take Raffy out of the game because he is a threat. Which means I am in the middle....AGAIN. It is Raffy, Elle, and Steven vs. Gian, Rachel and Anastasia. I want to stay with Raffy, Elle and Steven and take out Rachel this vote and then flip and take Raffy out next vote so I can keep the numbers but I am super super super nervous of Raffy. I caught Raffy in a lie today. I talked to Gian and he said he was on call with Steven and Raffy earlier and that Raffy was throwing my name out because I have a good relationship with Elle, Rachel and Anastasia (which I do). I called Steven and he admitted that the 3 of them did talk, but he said that Raffy was saying Rachel the whole time, not me. BUT when I went on call with Raffy, Steven and Elle I told Raffy that Gian said he went on call with him and he started to make an excuse saying he was at school all day and that wasn't true. THEN Steven said to Raffy that he already told me they were on call so Raffy had to back track..... All the newbies are saying to Raffy that they are voting for me.... so I am scared Raffy is working with the newbies to get me out since I have become such a threat.
Steven says it wouldn't make any sense for Raffy to flip and get me out now, but if they all think I have become a bigger threat than Raffy, he could very well flip and take me out. I really really hope Raffy is being honest about wanting to vote Rachel out or I am super hecked tomorrow. Here is to hoping I am in the game after the next tribal!!!!!!!
After a very insightful conversation with the VL, I've decided to grab the game by the balls and attempt to get out the kingpin of the game (again) or at least weaken him by taking out one of his minions. I'm being super careful this time about everything. Saying the right things to the right people can cause panic and paranoia and victimizing myself from the last vote--I'm using that to my advantage. Let's hope this pays off. If not, at least I'm leaving with a big swing!
My morning of paranoia continues. I don't think Raffy will flip because it would be a stupid move rn, but I do think I need to be careful. This will likely be the last time I can truly play the middle like I have been.
I feel so bad about lying to Anastasia because she did save me, but this is what is best for my game. I also feel bad for Rachel because we have gotten close and I dont want to vote her out. Really I want Gian out next but I have to stick with my alliance.
I love the misconceptions of this game. Even if i'm on the outside. That was an excellent play by the returnees. I am so sad to see Madi go! She was with Gian and I since day 1. I can never repay her for using her idol for me. I am just shocked Anastasia flipped too, but I understand her reasoning (even though i thought we we're a solid 4). Hopefully we can make a big move this round and if not, we'll go out trying! I just hope Gian and I are truly not at the bottom. I wish we got Raffy out sooner, but only cause he is such a great player-socially and strategically.
I'm in class rn lol but here's a convo I just had with Dylan in my Host Chat 10:10 AM VL: The amount of lies I've heard and confirmed they are lies before 9am is absolutely terrifying to me 😅 GUYS THIS IS GONNA BE SO MESSY OMG Dylan, 10:12 AM wild what all is happening 10:14 AM so yesterday, gian went on call with steven and raffy to vote denara out but then on our alliance call, raffy tried to deny any meeting when denara asked, until steven was like "no okay we called, to vote out rachel" and now denara is being a double agent trying to convince the newbies shes gonna vote for raffy in exchange for safety so it seems like maybe the newbies dont actually want denara out and are trying to scare her into siding with them? why raf and steven are lying i dont know Dylan, 10:18 AM spicy [tiktok voice] that’s suspicious...that’s weird re: raffy and steven 10:20 AM mhm?? like it's fine if they're tricking the newbies but why lie to us anyway im perfectly out of the direct loop completely because now ppl think im completely in raffy's pocket but also that me and denara are probs close so im just "she's there." Dylan, 10:22 AM oof not a fun position to be in 10:23 AM nah im fine w it i hate lying lmao this way im mostly just watching it happen while talking to ppl about like, good playlists khjdlsajldj
So I got Denara on board with teaming with the newbies and together we will all take down Raffys trio hopefully. We will most likely target Elle instead of Raffy so we can take out one of his minions. I think the safest option would be to vote Steven because I think nobody would expect that but Gian insists Elle. I think Elle has an idol. Lets just hope she feels safe. ALSO IM SO GLAD IM SAFE but now im just worried for my future because I obviously need numbers to move on.
D: I don't knowwww whats happening okay so basically it seems like neither side has an idol and is psyching the other out that they do but probability wise at least one person has an idol rn??? So idk ugh :/ what the heck is going on anyway I'm making a playlist and i need new music for it send me a song recc everyone reading this like a month later i promise ill give any song a listen🎶
The plan seems to be going well. DeNara has successfully infiltrated the newbie group and is leaking their shit. According to her, the newbies are scared that I have an idol and want to target Elle instead. I would love to push this narrative, but I don't know how. If I can get them to target Elle over me, then this would be great. However, I do believe now that they do not have an idol based on all that DeNara has spilled on their paranoia. It should be a successful 4-3 with Rachel getting the boot. Then, I am guaranteed F5 in this game.
This round feels like a season of glee where people are just trying to hit plot points with no rhyme or reason
I am in the middle and so stressed. Do I vote Rachel or Raffy?!?!?!?! Maybe it is me
I am so stressed... oh my gosh! If I get voted out, it was a great move by the others and I will regret not voting Raffy
0 notes
Ep. 11: “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” - DeNara
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omfg instant tribal -> ginny gone:( it was sad bc she cried and I rly rly like her as a person but she is just too messy to play with raffy out next? lets see if I can finesse that.... also, THE ONE NAME IS GET IN TOUCHY TOPICS IS WHO IS PLAYING MORE THAN YOU THINK?????? sounds like me
Oh my goodness, I am glad I had immunity for that tribal. It was pretty clear cut it was going to be Ginny but still sad to see Ginny go. Now that Julia and Ginny are gone, I am excited and nervous to see what is coming next. I have no idea who will be going next. Also, I love that I was voted more trust worthy, but being voted most likely to flip on their alliance is a big oof and puts a big target on me.
DeNara, Steven, and I hopped on a call after that emotional tribal council. We've come to the conclusion that a newbie needs to go in this next tribal council or it's going to be a mess. The newbie we have decided on is... Madi. Yes. We do plan to betray one of our closest allies at the moment. She's been playing an excellent game and she needs to be voted out sooner rather than later. Additionally, she is the one we suspect of having the idol. So, this needs to be a complete and utter blindside. For now, the plan is to tell Madi and Gian to target Rachel. Then, we get Elle to vote with us to target Madi. That would make the vote 4-3-1 which would lead to Madi being voted out. This plan has a lot of risk, but i's not Survivor if it isn't risky.
Okay so here is how things would go down if I had my way right now (even though I know that is unlikely). I would love to start by flipping on my alliance of 5 and working with Elle, Steven and Raffy to get Madi out and then Gian since they are the biggest newbie threats. After that I would then flip with the girls (and hopefully Steven) to get Raffy out of the game. That would leave Steven, Elle, Rachel, Anastasia, and myself in the game. Since Rachel has a relationship with Anastasia I would take her out next, leaving Steven, Elle, Anastasia, and myself in the game. I would then hopefully go to the end with 2 of those three. I feel like because I get along best with Steven and Elle right now I would like them to be in the final three with me even if I lose. My biggest concern right now is if Raffy is playing me since I got voted "most likely to flip on my alliance". So Raffy is someone I am paying close attention too.
Im kinda sad to see Ginny go :( But hey! Final 8✨ [I sent this to DeNara and then VL already but it works as a confessional and I only have so many things to say lol]
Well it's nice to know no one on my tribe's rooting for me 😂😂😂 lol my wins in the touchy subjects basically told this story: "she's honest, someone people can really root for, too bad she's never gonna win" which tbh im okay with 😅 my only goal starting this game was to make it to merge and then it was to avenge James so if i make it to F3 just to lose I'll be doing WAY better than i planned 💖 And honestly at least ppl don't think I'm a villain 😅 it's funny that Raffy got villain and I got hero since we're super close in this game (I feel the need to add 'I think' here lol)
I want either Elle or myself to win. If Elle wins, that forces Gian and Madi to target Rachel this round which would go perfectly with the plan I've laid out. If I win, I can fully go for this plan without any hesitation. That's why I am going all out for this challenge. I apologize in advance to Jay who will have to go through all the submissions, but I have to do what I gotta do considering I cannot go outside due to a snowstorm.
Man, this is such a tough game. The immunity challenge was hard, but i think as long as our majority newbies stick together, we will have control over the vote and who goes home. i'm glad to see elle won though! she is a great competitor. i still love that i got most honest and most likely to lie. i guess it shows how crazy of a game i'm playing socially
OK, so in order for this Raffy blindside to work PERFECTLY. He can’t catch wind of this plan because he’ll play his safety without power, which is a huge no no. We’ll be able to pull in Elle for this. If that happens, we fear DeNara might be a bad back up bc she’ll have something OR Elle won’t vote with us. So in this scenario of options, Steven is a great back up option.  This works to my advantage because that means if for some reason, my alliance tries to retaliate against me, Steven won’t be here for numbers.
I won immunity again 😅 ugh in hindsight I regret it. I wasn't really thinking gameplay-wise, more just "I have been given a challenge, time to go ham" 🔥🔥🔥  I should've maybe talked to my alliance abt it, though 😭. I might give Raffy my immunity?? idk I'm worried about tonight. 😅I'm just gonna trust Raffy's plan, but I am stressed✨I think I'm realizing for the first time kinda that I'm pretty far in the game and I don't wanna lose now 😂
So I just made an alliance with DeNara and Steven and my newbies alliance is wanting DeNara out. Our main target is Raffy but if Raffy plays an idol we will try to split the vote to DeNara which wouldn't be good for me if DeNara went home. I need the newbies and DeNara to fight so the attention is off of me. So I want her here. Hopefully Raffy will just not have an idol for one second
I've confirmed the plan with Elle to take out Madi. The Wild Faes alliance (Elle, Steven, DeNara, and I) are fully down to take out a newbie this round. That newbie will be Madi if all goes well. Madi and Gian seem to believe that the vote will be Rachel tonight. They confirmed it in the alliance chat. Additionally, they told me that Rachel wanted to target Steven this round. I believe that Steven is a bigger shield for me than I am for him. It has always been his name thrown out than mine since merge began. Last night, I confirmed a Final 2 deal with Steven. It is my belief that I do not have a shot if Steven isn't there so they cannot use the excuse of "well, he already won before." We discussed that, ideally, Anastasia would be our third in the Final 3. This is because Anastasia is the biggest goat around while Elle/DeNara could make a really strong case for themselves. Finally, Elle offered to give me her immunity necklace tonight, but I had to decline. If that happened, that would make Madi and Gian shift their gears to Elle which wouldn't work for the plan. Additionally, it would let them know something is up which we do not want.
Well....it is going down. Raffy, Steven, Elle and I are targeting Madi and Madi, Gian, Rachel and Anastasia are targeting Raffy. It could potentially be a show down tonight. I don't think I will flip though, I think it would be bad for my game. I need to get some newbies out before I flip on Raffy.
Elle told me earlier that Madi had came to her with a plan to vote me out this round. Elle declined it with a little aid from me, and Madi seemed to have backed off. It seems like the smart play to get rid of her now. I am just going to continue acting dumb to them and keep preaching Rachel. Hopefully, with Elle's rejection, Madi will decide to not go for me this round and bide her time a little longer.
I am getting nervous for tribal tonight. I hope we don't go to rocks, that would suck a lot. Rachel is saying she wants to vote for Steven, so idk if I should play into that or just flat out turn it down. I don't want Madi to get suspicious of us turning on her and Gian.
What the heck!?!?!? It is an hour before tribal and we are stressed af. Anastasia wanted to get Raffy out and I had to convince her not to vote that way and to vote for Rachel.
This tribal has just became a giant mess. So, Gian and Madi were fully comfortable trying to 4-4 tie it between me and someone else. Meanwhile, DeNara got tea from Anastasia and has "exposed" Gian/Madi to her. Now, Anastasia wants to flip and vote out Rachel. But, the Faes alliance has decided not to tell Anastasia the actual vote is Madi. And I want to use my SWP because now is the time to use it since Anastasia confirmed it's between me or DeNara for the newbies so Steven would be safe in that scenario. So, if everything works out, it should be a 3-3-1 vote with me not voting between Madi, DeNara, and Rachel. In that case, we get Anastasia to vote for Madi under the pretense that we just couldn't trust her yet but now we do. Apparently, Madi doesn't like DeNara and Gian doesn't like one of Steven or I. That's kind of sad cause I like them, but whatever. And if DeNara does end up the vote because Madi uses an idol, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make because Anastasia says she wants to flip so in the process of all this I gain a number and have a 4-3 majority next round guaranteed. Wish me luck y'all
oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!!!!! Raffy is using his safety without power tonight so that means that  Madi, Rachel and Gian are going to write my name and Elle, Steven and I are going to vote for Madi. Which leaves Anastasia as the swing vote to vote off either myself or Madi. I don't know if I have a close enough relationship with Anastasia for her to vote Madi. So I may be going home tonight!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
My only hope is to come clean to Anastasia about the plan and pray she votes for Madi instead of me. It may be my funeral tonight :'(
OKAY. So we think Anastasia is going to vote Rachel with us except we're not going to vote Rachel we're going to vote Madi and I'm going to give Raffy my immunity necklace so that at worst its a tie and then we use Raf's bargaining chip to Rach or anastasia before we go to rocks. Cool writing this JUST before tribal
I may have screwed myself over tonight.  I told Anastasia we were voting Madi so if she told Madi then I could be going home and it would be my own fault.
0 notes
Ep. 9&10: “I’m just--------peeing quite frankly” - Madi
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Was I entertained by this tribal and Julia playing her idol? Yes I very much was. Was I about to simultaneously puke and cry at the same time? Yes. Yes I was. Can this game have one single ounce of something that wont make me go into tears.
We are so dumb and stupid and dumb and stupid. I dont know why we would all vote for one person?? ESPEVIALLU if the person knows they are going and especially if that person is julia and shes already rlly good at lying. we were all blinded by our mutual force to get her out and we didnt think it out heck frick. sorry moth this is so unfair. moth was trying to get julia out the most bcs julia targetted moth last season. why julia has a thing against moth in this game? i dont know!! anyway we have to get that girl out next round and we will split vote pls it has to happen we cant give up she has to go
im just--------peeing quite frankly
go off julia, you did that, props to you
Julia playing that idol is the best and most iconic play in this game thus far. The dramatics of the fight to ensure that all the votes landed on her? Keeping the people who she knew would get skittish and snake-ish so she has a higher chance of staying next round? Literally, this all works in her favor. To be honest, I don't even want Julia gone at this point. I want someone like Ginnifer or Rachel gone for future security. Sure Julia will eventually snake me, but keep your enemies close and all that.
Ginnifer admitted ON CALL that she almost voted for Steven WHEN STEVEN WAS THERE. She also wanted an alliance with Julia, Madi, Steven, and I in the same call! Then, DeNara gets on call and Ginnifer ADMITS to wanting to create an alliance without her. I'm just kind of shook. Why would I want to work with Ginnifer anyways if she's been targeting me since the swap? There's no reason to other than being chaotic. Then, Julia transitions to pitching with working with her! And Madi is calling her out! This after-tribal call is a mess. But, now the target is fully off of me. Mwahahaha. These people???
Moth was idoled out yikes but I tried to make a new alliance but it failed
Im trying to figure out what Ginny's logic is. First you say that you wanna target all the winners cause we are the biggest threats in the game. Then you tell me TO MY FACE after a wild tribal that you almost voted for me to leave tonight. Even after all that you then turn around and try to align yourself with the winners that you were just targeting to spice it up???????? Im sorry but Im not following this.
According to DeNara, Elle wants to create an alliance with DeNara, Steven, and I. This could be a good back up alliance for the time being. Additionally, it gives us more numbers on our side if we ever need to turn on Gian and Madi. However, I don't want to do that anytime soon. They are great allies to have. Plus, they are able to think and are going after Julia. So, it should all work in my favor. I love being able to slip by each tribal with my target not being shot. I am thinking of throwing this challenge so Ginny can get the yeet though.
hi its madi and im being messy did I just text DeNara and ask her to be in a tighter alliance with me bc its gonna get to the point where the winners have to go? have I been reinforcing since the merge to anastasia that we are working together and that shes my partner in this game? did I just say “partner to partner” to anastasia that we should start an all girls alliance? did I also ask denara? me, denara, anastasia, rachel, and elle? rachel wont talk to me tho:( bc I “lied” so thats a speed bump denara also thinks she is the only one I told ab this and when I asked if we should tell anastasia she said that anastasia is a “blabber mouth” so “not yet”??????? am I fucking up my game? idkkk come back tomorrow thank the lords I have an idol if this blows up in my face???
That awkward moment when you don't remember what your confessionals say anymore and you are repeating yourself a lot lol
Soooo after Moth got voted out and Ginnifer decided to go a little crazy and try and make new alliances without us, Elle and I have decided to jump ship on the Lucky Charms alliance. She suggested talking to Steven and Raffy which was a great idea. I talked to them and they said they would be down with that so we are going to make a new alliance when Elle brings it up.
TEA. Steven and Raffy want to stick with our alliance of 5 with Madi and Gian because they trust them but Madi messaged me today saying she wanted to make a tighter alliance with me so we can eventually take out the winners. I am not sure if I should tell Steven and Raffy this or not yet, as it could end up worse for me if I do....
You know, I should give myself more credit in this game. I have played the middle so well this season so far. I have an alliance with literally everyone in this game except Julia and Anastasia and Anastasia tells me things when I ask her lol I think I can do well in this game if I play my cards right.
Oooooh so I made an alliance chat with Raffy, Steven and Elle. Sounds like we are gonna try and get Ginnifer out before Julia now. I did tell Julia I would try and spare her a round since she didn't vote me out o.O
✨A New Alliance Has Been Formed✨Me, DeNara, Steven, and Raffy ^_^ Which is great bc I trust DeNara, and I feel really good about Steven and Raf (I don't think?? they would betray us 😂but I am not sure of anything anymore lol ahhhh the post merge paranoia is real) I also feel really good about this challenge. I get to work on my layout designs for the magazine me and Madi are working on which is great! I don't know why I always worm in something I want to be practicing into these challenges lol, probs bc I'm prone to being like "I'll get right on that!" and then... not 😂 so the challenges are good excuses. I also would have Loved to make a tarot deck like the example ugh that seems so cool 😭
So I told Raffy and Steven about Madi bringing up a potential tighter alliance and I regret it. I feel like that was something I should have kept to myself Stevenhttps://youtu.be/dWdKo0iuaV4
DeNara created an alliance with Elle, Steven, and I. Steven and DeNara still don't want to tell Gian and Madi about it. Ok I guess. If they find out though, I am throwing DeNara under that bus so fast. Secondly, it seems Elle wants to target Ginnifer as well this round. I love ur impact. Now, we just need two more votes. One of them being Julia. The others possibly Gian and Madi if I can convince them. Rachel and Anatasia would probably still target Julia. I am trying to not obviously throw this challenge.
The way I ate Steven up on this lip sync. It was so fun to do! Im really happy we did this challenge :)
The judges are judging🎶 (to the tune of "The Lady's Improving" from The Prom) Anyway, I just want to preface that the first ad was supposed to be the only like, purposefully kinda bad layout in the magazine 😂 I was low on time and I regretted the color palette, it was way too saturated but Madi and I had agreed on it and I didn't want to be more annoying than I was already being about the magazine 😅. Also, I need to remember people read these afterward 😂 I'm incredibly bad at not just spewing whatever is in my mind sometimes, I feel like I might've overshared a couple of times but it happens! This probably counts as oversharing bc it's not about gameplay... yes okay back on topic I hope we win, if we don't I'll be okay I'll just be ticked at myself for staying up past 2AM but realistically if I didn't hyperfocus on that it'd be something else 🤷🏽‍♀️ atleast this was productive, I got to work on layouts a little (I mean technically I got quite a few layouts but so many are baddd 😭😭😭 like if a professor saw some of these they'd faint and then kick me out of graphic design lmao). But the point wasn't for it to be professional, so it's okay!!!!! I'm telling myself that so I don't go back and fix everything lol.
The plan as of right now is to target both Ginnifer and Julia. Personally, I want Ginnifer out because she has been a very chaotic mess since the merge started. I would rather want that gone now rather than later when we no longer have the chance. I made the plan to split the vote 4-4 against Ginnifer and Julia. DeNara, Steven, Elle, and I (the secret alliance hidden from Gian's and Madi's view) will vote for Ginnifer. Gian and Madi know about this. They, along with Anastasia and Rachel, will vote for Julia. So, it should not matter who either of them vote for. However, it would be nice if they could vote each other. This plan does come with its risks though. I am willing to take those risks. And, if I get a bad smell, I will use my SWP to get out of the sticky situation.
Well. Today is tribal day. I have been feeling worn down so much the past couple days and part of me just wants to be carried by others for a while. On the other hand, part of me feels like it might be time to make a big move soon because that is how you win. If Julia is still here after the vote tonight, then I feel like I just need to team up with her because clearly she needs to be blindsided. The lack of chatter has me worried.....like why is nobody talking??? Is it because they have all teamed up and are plotting against one of my alliances, or are they just tired and busy like me? I am not sure... I am suspicious that Julia hasn't really been talking. I know she said she had personal stuff going on but who knows if that is all of it, or just part of it. I am feeling the desire to flip on my alliance soon. Idk if I will because I feel tight with Steven and he plays loyal, but if I told him about Madi wanting to flip on the winners soon I may be able to do something... I kind of want to start actually lying to people, like... full blown lies... muahahaha! We shall see what happens if I am not blindsided tonight.
DeNara is so paranoid. This is what she told me: "I am pretty nervous about Julia teaming up with some ppl and making a play tonight. Should we come up with some crazy lie just to scare her? I am not sure what we could say, but I am feeling nervous about her?" Like, do you want to become the target? Doing that is a surefire way of becoming one. Everyone is BUSY. They're DOING things. The situation only becomes dire later on in the day. There's no reason to be doing all this when there is still time to discuss tribal. I might just dip because I am not going to get punished for DeNara being paranoid. Like, if Julia wanted to target us, she would have already done so. DeNara is just... very taxing to work with because she thinks that everyone is against her. I feel like I needed to talk her down from making a move that would have certainly gotten her voted out.
Ohhh girl I’m scared tonight I better not get blindsided because Lordy I got it when moth left and I wasn’t prepared whooo Jesus
So I have been talking to Elle a bunch and someone told her about the split vote between Ginny and Julia. I am trying to play as though she is the one giving me this information, even though I helped plan it. I actually am feeling really close with Elle and hoping I can get far with her. I might make her my real number one with Steven. I like Steven a lot but I am worried he won't turn on Raffy when it is time. Raffy keeps getting a little frustrtaed with how hard I am trying to play this game (which is fair) so he may have to go after Julia and Ginny. I am getting concerned about these newbies though. We should take one of them out soon to even out the numbers. Also, I have been trying to get idol hunt information from as many people as I can and I remembered that Gian got an advantage during a game, so I am trying to get him to tell me what number it was since he didn't add it to our group chart
Me and Julia were paired together for the challenge. Since we're trying to get that girl out I didn't want to win. I was a little worried that somehow ours would win but we got second to last. Julia was sadly going through stuff in real life and struggled. It's good for me but I sympathize with her.. Anyway Julia is out of here tonight.
Ok so last tribal was so sexy the looks on everyone’s faces are now burned into my brain
I’m really hoping it’s Ginny tonight. I’m going to try to pull out some shit and hope and pray put nothings in my hands tonight
i am so happy to be playing with such nice people. i really do be getting in my own head sometimes, but it is so nice to be reassured that i am playing a fun game and no one feels ill will towards me in anyway. i feel awesome to be supported by this group. i had a tragic event happen in my life this week, but plan to move forward and try to have the most fun while playing in his honor.
I’m at tribal right now and I feel like I’m going to puke. It’s definitely me. It’s been a ride friends. Julia out
So I got immunity, Julia went home. Sad but necessary. I really respect her as a player and would love to work with her sometime but just not this game. Also kinda annoyed that raffy called me out at tribal during the revote..... like yeah I came up with the revote but why call my name out for it???? like what is the deal with that. He is my next target tho so like hehehehe raffy its time to go. I am thinking we convince him ginny is going home and blindside him instead??? idk just thoughts
So we just voted Julia out and I am actually sad about it. I am glad the threat is gone, but she was fun for sure. Now my alliance of 5 is standing strong, if I stay loyal...
R.I.P. Julia, Queen of the Idol. The plan went off without a hitch which is pretty boring, but it means I have a lot of control in this game. I am excited for Touchy Subjects as it will be a very revealing challenge. If I had my choice, a newbie or Ginnifer would get voted out next.
My game is borderline UTR/Goat at this point and idk if that’s something I’d want to change lol. I’ve been feeling lazy >-<
0 notes
Ep. 8: “This isn't really my drama” - Anastasia
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Me getting votes in the first post-merge tribal? We absolutely hate to see it folks!! I feel like I'm being so pessimistic about my chances in this game but also like... shouldn't I be 😂😂 God I hope those two votes were Julia and Pietro (but still like, r00d. lol) I have a 10% DA in this next challenge... I'll be Frank [-but then who will be Elle?] Things aren't looking amazing for me but I don't think I'll go home next round (unless Julia has another idol 😭😭😭). I don't even know what to say I'm just bad at thisss 😅 I mean the game not confessionals I've been leaving my heart and soul in these lol. Anyway I'm gone for now I'll just leave with this: Liability is the best song off of Melodrama not Ribs mmk bye ✌🏽✨
Oh my gosh, that tribal!!! When Raffy pulled the idol I was like.... what the heck is happening?!?! I can understand Raffy playing it because he wasn't solid with the other warriors and newbies voting with him, but it was a waste of an idol. TBH I am glad he played it though since I didn't know he had it. I felt bad that Pietro went home just because he was aligned with Julia, but it happens. I had to try and do some damage control with Moth and Elle, as well as Rachel after tribal. They were shook when Julia pulled an idol and Pietro got votes. Anastasia just out right told me the magic beans she got at the auction allowed her to see if people have idols and said she would use it for me (I think she said this to everyone). I don't think Elle, Moth or Rachel suspect me playing both sides hard, but who knows. I really don't know who I should work with. I was thinking about making a big move and flipping to my new "Lucky Charms" alliance with Moth, Elle, Ginnifer, Rachel and potentially Julia, but it could be too early for that. The sad thing is I want to work with Rachel and Elle for sure but they aren't in my core alliance. I am suspicious of Gian because he seems to be playing pretty hard and he isn't aligned to me much. Madi and I don't talk much so that gets me worried as well. Raffy is super fun, but he is a big threat in this game. I honestly think it is just Steven keeping me with that group because he is my #1 in this game. I honestly am finding it hard to figure out who I want to work with because I like everyone in this game!!!!! I just can't get caught in the middle or I am hecked.
The plan went off without a hitch. I did waste an idol, but now no one can say that I have one. I am considering telling my alliance that I have the "Safety Without Power" so that they don't have any reason to distrust me. It might have hit a sour note with them to find out I had an idol that I didn't tell them about. Gian didn't seem to mind, but most people put on an act in this game. It would be a hard decision, however, since they can easily use that against me at the next tribal. I hope that neither Julia nor Ginnifer win immunity. Julia speaks for itself. I am targeting her, and I want her gone. However, Ginnifer has now alarm bells ringing in my ear. DeNara told Steven and I that Ginnifer wants us GONE. Like, Ginnifer is on some sort of vendetta mission to take us out. While we don't have the exact reasoning, we can assume that she is targeting us for simply being winners. She seems to think that we think we're master manipulators and puppet masters who need to be brought down a peg. Here's the thing with that kind of logic though. It isn't going to work with people who don't care about us being winners. My allies don't care, and they are even ratting on you to me. I love DeNara. She's a great ally. I told Steven that maybe we should reconsider our target and make it Ginnifer. He seems down, but he doubts there would be numbers (as do I). Speaking of numbers, I need to be way more social than I already am. I don't have as much social capital as Steven or Madi or DeNara. So, I am going to start with the people who are probably near the bottom of people's ally list or are considered non-factors: Elle, Moth, and Anastasia. If I get in good with them, I can gain some solid numbers. Moth and Elle had no idea about the split, so I had to do some damage control. Whether that worked... I have no idea. However, I need to be more transparent with them so that I can gain their trust for future tribals. Plus, I am pretty sure that Elle has an idol.
BITCHES THOUGHT I WAS DOWN AND OUT FOR THE COUNT. Found another idol baby. I’m basically Rick devens. Anastasia is going to use her stupid magic beans on me again though but I simple don’t care. Let them know I have an idol great. Then they’re going to have to figure out who they want to vote for instead, which will create massive cracks for me to work around. I love this
Since I went to exile I was safe from a tribal council on the first round of merge then when I got back I saw pietro was voted off in a chaotic tribal council but I’m in many different alliances but I’m choosing the original warriors alliance because warriors strong duh
I did not win this immunity challenge which sucks. I think I might want to use my SWP because if I don't then I'm just going to be a target everyone wants for now. And I want to at least make single digits. I told my alliance of Gian, Madi, DeNara, and Steven about my SWP to gain their trust after not telling them about my idol. And if I do plan to use it this round, it doesn't hurt to tell them about to plan around this. I've been focusing a lot more on socializing, so we'll see if it garners me any favor to not be voted out. Julia has tried reaching out. I think I want to get her to target Ginnifer since the latter is coming after me.
Heck ya, I may win individual immunity today! I find out soon if I will be competing in a tie breaker challenge to see if I win. I sure hope I do, I would feel great!
I am playing the middle so hard right now I may end up getting voted out because of it... oof
The vote should be unanimously Julia. I threw Ginnifer under the bus to Julia so that... she doesn't vote for me. Though, I doubt she has an idol. Plus, if she does, we are going to ask Anastasia to play a bean on her to see if she does. DeNara told me about an alliance with Ginnifer, Elle, Moth, Rachel, and herself. Apparently, Rachel is getting suspicious of Gian and Madi because they didn't tell her about the split vote. This works in my favor as it splits the newbie tribe a little bit because Gian and Madi seemed very pressed about it. This will sow the seeds of implosion for the newbies. The planned boot order would be Julia then Ginnifer. Apparently, Ginnifer, Elle, and Moth are a trio (but Ginnifer is the only person who cares about it). I'm not too concerned, but I am going to keep an eye on Rachel too now.
Since I went to exile I was safe from a tribal council on the first round of merge then when I got back I saw pietro was voted off in a chaotic tribal council but I’m in many different alliances but I’m choosing the original warriors alliance because warriors strong duh
I miss Pietro so much, it’s so fun deciding which person to send to jury with him tonight
GOD THIS IS FUN. Bitches being saying straight up in the tribe chat, oh I’m voting for Julia. Hwuxixkejwor this is actually so funny. I’m idoling elles ass out tonight and feeling absolutely no remorse
Not Julia coming for me within an inch of my life and then denying it 💀💀💀.
Holy fuck
I literally leave for 20 minutes and suddenly people are arguing and demanding tribal happens now Like noooooooo I hate this so much I need to do an exam in 20 minutes
What in the actual F is happening. All I was doing was trying to get ready for work and Julia just full on started calling everyone out. Apparently Rachel tried to make an alliance with Julia and included me in on it, then Julia sent that to Raffy. So I had to try and do damage control and try and get Rachel to stop talking to Julia. THEN apparently Julia tried to frame Elle as trying to plot against Ginny which isnt true and now EVERYBODY is fighting in the tribe chat. Like this is so crazy rn. I just hope me playing the middle doesn't heck me over. I may need to ditch one side to save my game.... rip me
This isn't really my drama. I am a spectator and my name is out of peoples mouths which is perfect. I really don't understand what just happened. Like I saw Julias and Ginnys texts but I don't understand what it means lol. I will probably quietly ask around what people thought of it and vote with them as to lay low and stuff. Don't worry, I am going to plan to get someone threatening out soon. I'm still new at this and I'm learning everyday what to say and what not to say. But hopefully I can try to convince people to get out my target (raffy) next round. He really needs to go because he dominated the last org. He is too good at this game and if people ignore that he literally won half of the challenges and the entire game last org they are dumb. Luckily we have Rachel that keeps winning immunity so none of the actual targets get it. But of course, this is a concern. Rachel might have to go at some point sadly.
Okay... so today I decided to pop off a bit (may be related to me being a little Done with irl stuff but that's not what this is about lol). Ginny came into our alliance with Moth DeNara and Rachel (we have another one without Rachel bc she's kinda on Julia's side/helped kick James off/p sure she knew what Anastasia's beans did and lied to us so she's very sus but we're keeping her close for now) and guns blazing was like "so I heard all of you were gonna vote me off" to which i was like ?? and then she said Julia told her I was a ringleader convincing everyone to vote Ginny out which. Incorrect. My now one and only goal in these games is to get Julia out and avenge James that's IT 😂 . And I have told so many people today but 👏🏽I👏🏽Am👏🏽Too👏🏽Dumb👏🏽To👏🏽Be👏🏽Conniving👏🏽. The idea that I could be a ringleader is hilarious honestly, and the idea that I would vote for anyone except Julia until she's out even more so. Anyway, I went into the tribe chat and said "So I've heard that there's a question as to who I'm voting, or who I'm endorsing, so I just want to clarify: *I'm voting for Julia* that is all ^_^" bc all I have is my word and the fact that I'm voting for Julia isn't a secret or anything lol. This got things very spicy at 11am and I'm sorry for everyone that had a class or job 😂 including me lol. me? missing an entire half of my class because survivor drama is way more interesting than typography? it's more likely than you think! We didn't end up having tribal right then and there even though I think about half of us were yelling for it 😂 (sorry again for the people at work or school idk why i woke up today and chose violence ajkjakhlalsjsj) We got on call with Julia to give us receipts but eh I don't trust it At all. Mostly because the receipts she gave weren't on the same stuff we were talking about??? Like she was calling out Raffy and Steven in them but that's not even where the convo started 😒. And nothing about how I'm this all-powerful ringleader trying to shoot someone down from my original tribe. I have to laugh. Anyway, I hope she goes tonight, if not it better be me bc this is getting 🎶frustrating🎶 and l am a complete angel until you talk shit about me or one of my closest allies and then you better be prepared for war it's that simple 😇
Julia claims that I refuse to talk to her when she legit hasn’t even reach out at all since the swap- like o k my dude- Jesus this is nuts
Why are people so obsessed with me 🤩
They really started a whole fight with me in the tribe chat today. It’s honestly super frustrating. But I think this could be good for me maybe? I think Elle is getting idoled out tonight, and then Ginny is still here. And Ginny has proved she’s a liar and a snake and is really chaotic so maybe she’ll be seen as a liability going forward
Rachel is trying to flip. Julia & Ginny are dangerous blabber mouths. The warriors won't take out one of their own and we still barely have majority. This is getting messssssssssy.
hey hey so heres the tea rachel is being a mf snake because she feels “betrayed” bc we “lied” to her for the pietro vote but like sis..... we didn’t LIE we just left out some details also have now tried to pin onto her that she has the other idol also so much tea went down while I was at work??????? it was pretty spicy but im just happy my name was nowhere near that I hope rachel does not start working with juli bc that would truly suck but having elle and moth and anastasia as numbers for us is very very good also anastasia has kinda gone AWOL and idk how much longer we are going to be able to keep her in too much longer but thats another story for another time I am scared people are starting to murmur my name, I might just be paranoid but Idk I hope this julia vote goes well
This morning, Elle took to the tribe chat to confirm that she is voting Julia. This is because, according to Ginnifer, Julia has been telling Ginnifer that Elle was trying to ring leader Ginnifer's vote out. Ginnifer also got in on the action by saying that Julia is a liar and trying to snake other people. As it turns out, Ginnifer might just be paranoid, but, at the end of the day, whatever makes the target on Julia bigger.
this game is so mentally draining. even if i've won immunity, i certainly don't feel safe. julia blew up the game by telling secrets, and it hurts cause i felt like i could trust her. i hate that i'm seeing viewing this game so personally, but i feel that i have lost such an epic battle and it is so frustrating.
Still the same tribal in a little less than an hour... I feel like I went a lot wild today, sure hope it isnt enough for everyone to switch and vote me out 🤷🏽‍♀️ I very well might be next after Julia though, or that's the paranoia. Idk, I miss pre-merge when I was just playing games with friends and not going to tribal 😂. Now it feels like a Lord of the Flies or Danganropa RPG and I feel like I let the craziness get to me a little. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I don't really ever know really. I'm tired 😅 and want to maybe read some fanfic before whatever happens next (maybe I'll have a lot more time to read fanfic after this lol).
Seems like this morning's craziness is calmed down a lot to the point of making people nervous because it is so quiet. I am hoping the plan is still to vote out Julia, but I am sad she is going. I do like her a lot as a person. Hopefully she doesn't take any of this personally!
0 notes
Ep. 7: “[whoopi voice] You in danger, girls.” - Gian
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Let the chaos start! Nicholas going home was a 10/10 tribal. 😈 Now I need to figure out who I can trust. I feel like I can keep working with the people on my tribe for sure. Can I trust my old warriors? Not sure yet. Elle says they havent been spoken too since tribal but who knows what happened over there.
OMG. So glad Gian and Madi have made it through that tribal! I literally have so much to tell them, but I also have a feeling they have a lot to tell me.  This is going to be a crazy next couple days, but at least i don't work! I am also way too nervous to join this merged call right now, but i'm glad my homies are here and happy to meet some new ones!
Looks like Raffy, Steven, Ginnifer, Madi, Gian and myself are gonna try to take out Julia and Pietro. Hopefully we can plan that
Lol, Julia and I arent even pretending to talk to each other. We both know it DeNara vs Julia lol
🎶MERGE, BABY MERGE (ᵈᶦˢᶜᵒ ᶦⁿᶠᵉʳⁿᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ)🎶🕺🏾WE MADE IT :DDDDD
Honestly roll credits like right now for me 😂😂😂😂. I do Not have high hopes!!! I'm gonna be voted out with a quickness I just know it :')
So anyway Do Not Cry for me Argentina, winning for me was making it to merge and guys: ✨we did it✨
(Just to be clear I'm still going to try my darndest *to* win; I'm just not all that hopeful for the prospects)
I literally hate merge. I never do well at merge. This is going to suck so much. I just know raffy is coming for me
Merge! I did what I, honestly, didn't expect to do this game. We love to see it. According to Madi and Gian, Julia has been spreading to her tribe that I am the one with the idol. Thankfully, I implanted the seeds into those two already, so they seem to really think Julia has an idol (which she does). However, due to this, I feel that I should play my idol soon to avoid any future hurt feelings from my lying. Thanks to my connection with Madi and Gian, Rachel and Anastasia seem to now not believe that I have the idol. Those two are doing the work for me which is fun. I want to bring in Elle and Moth to our little group to ensure numbers. I am unsure where Ginnifer's loyalties lie as she still seems to not trust me. Which is fair. Plus, she did vote for me which is..... Tragic. I think I will stick to the group I'm already in and try to get people to target Julia and Pietro for being far bigger strategic threats than me.
Merge tribe is going well. Anastasia and Rachel apparently really like me, so I am hoping to use that to my advantage. Hopefully they arent just playing me for Julia. She is such a great player she could have them with her.
Winning both reward and immunity challenge makes complete sense with my fantasy 😌 -from a deluded gay
The merge being 4 winners vs. 4 warriors vs. 4 wannabes just screams chaos. The war is here!
I have to say, I am super nervous for the first tribal council. Raffy and Steven have kind of been quiet since the merge and I am paranoid they might have flipped and joined the winners to get me out. Nobody seems to be talking strategy except Gian which is worrying me. I have no idea of our plan is to go after Julia and Pietro with the newbies, or with the warriors. Everyone could be playing each other. Honestly, I feel good with Rachel from the OG wannabe's tribe because we have connected well, but who knows if I can work with her. I am struggling between checking in with Raffyy and Steven about what to do, or try to start calling the shots now and make my own alliances. That could end up biting me in the butt so I am super stressing over what to do. Plus we have the auction today and that could either be really good or really bad for me.... guess we will find out 🤷‍♀️
Sooooo the merge is here
I have no clue what is happening I don’t wanna be the merge boot, so I’m hoping that I can glide by
We just had our auction and I spent $500 on literally nothing. Oof, now to play it as something or to tell the truth....I am thinking I might say it is a disadvantage and I lose my vote at next tribal just to see what comes of it, but who knows. So many things I can do! Also I was giving Raffy a play by play of what was happening and he told me to stop, then immediately started asking questions about what was happening in other chats.... oof
The way I won absolutely nothing in the auction is... homophobic. How am I supposed to send these people home in caskets without an arsenal? 
so we merged and I just went to the auction and I bought some magic beans for like all of my money.. I don't really know exactly what to do with them but I did tell Madi about what they do so hopefully that will make her trust me more and she can help me come up with a plan to trick someone!!
I wasn't at the auction, but Julia is already trying to pin that I have an advantage. Ginnifer is on exile, so that means Julia is trying to target me this round. I hope I win immunity so I don't have to use either of my advantages. Gian was trying to push me to reveal what I got, but.......... I don't like that. It's disgusting. Like, please back off. Otherwise, the plan should still be splitting between Julia and Pietro.
Right now, there should be a split vote between Pietro and Julia. Steven, Gian, and Madi are going to be voting for Pietro. Meanwhile, everyone else will be voting for Julia. Pietro and Julia will be voting for me. I am a little nervous. I want to use my idol to ensure I survive, but, based on how this game is going, I will most certainly need it for later. I just want everyone to be telling the truth here. Elle has come to me saying how she believes everyone should be voting Julia. If I have Elle, then I think I have Moth. If I have Madi and Gian, then I have Anastasia and Rachel. I want to confirm with people tomorrow without seeming as if I am coming too strong. People already see me as a Big Bad and someone with a chaotic play style. One wrong move and I am toast. For me, this is going to be the most stressful tribal of the whole season. No competition. However, I trust that I have rallied the troops. I have put it in the work. I will succeed. On a side note, I told Steven that I had a Safety Without Power. I know he can use this against me, but I really do trust Steven. I think he's my ride or die at this point. We were talking about how dangerously close the newbies were. It will present a big problem, especially with the Warriors and the Winners being so fractured. Final 9 will be the last chance to get a newbie out in my eyes. From the newbies, Anastasia would be the easiest out of them to get rid of. Plus, she is too inactive to be used as a flipper. After that, I would need to rally against Gian and Madi because Rachel is too tight with them. We need to fracture the newbies before we can go in for the kill. I think if any newbie (besides Anastasia) were to make it to the end, then they will win hands down. I know this is going to get me hate in the VL, but the newbies need to be taken down if I want to win. Right now, I am thinking of taking Steven and DeNara to FTC. This will, undoubtedly, change when I get closer to the goal. However, I'd be happy to see any three of us win the title at this point in time. Additionally, it'd be a great story arc for Steven and I. From enemies at the start to F3 ride or dies at the end. However, they would not crown us the winner. I get the vibe this cast may just very well come to the conclusion of "They have won before, so they should not win again." That's dumb. Should I not win a board game because I won it before? Should I never get an A if I got one already? It SHOULD be the most deserving (or at least most respected), but I have a sinking feeling that it won't be the case.
There is soooo much going on, ohmigoodness.... Okay so we had the survivor auction and the thing I bought was a big fat plate of NOTHING. Rip the dream. Then we found out that Rachel won individual immunity so that is good because Julia and Pietro not winning it is the best outcome. After that is when we all really started to talk about tribal. I connected with Moth and Elle and they said they want to vote Julia out. Rachel feels super close with me and she said her and all the newbies have a fake alliance with Julia and are willing to vote her out too. So right now everyone is against Julia and Pietro (or so they say). So we are going to split the vote 6 on Julia and 3 on Pietro. I just don't know who I can truly trust in this game. If we only put 3 votes on Pietro and someone flips and Julia plays an idol, whoever those 4 vote for is going home. Plus if Pietro and Julia both have idols, then someone else will be going home. I am just really nervous this won't go the way I expect it to. Part of me wants to switch my Julia vote to Pietro and make it a 5 Julia, 4 Pietro vote just in case someone flips so we still have numbers on Pietro... the question is, who can I trust? I DON'T KNOW..... cries forever Don't even get me started on what happens after this vote if I am still here....
Ughhhhhhh I got a 10% DA in the auction which I just knew was gonna happen 😂 Chance hates meeee or at least is like a slightly annoyed ambivalent to me lol. Anyway tribal is tonight and I think Julia is going home if people have lied to me Again Im going to CRY like SOB on call this is a threat 😂😂😂😂 lmao I dont think Steven would lie to me or my tribe mates though and I dont think Raffy is lying in this case (I'm choosing to trust him, ik everybody says he can be a chaotic player but eh I'm not like, calculating enough to like analyze what could be deception so I am choosing Trusttt until choosing trust gets me sent home lol). Just in general I'm not smart enough at this to play it like a game of chess or anything (which reminds me I need to watch Queen's Gambit) so my strategy is: be genuine and hope people believe that I'm actually being genuine and somehow that bringing me to the end 😅 yes great strat i know
I don’t wanna go home tonight If Julia gets voted out I’ll feel so relieved
jay I only know this bc she I trying to plan it only her calendar bc she is a busy boss bitch and we are always fucking together
Julia thinks she some kind of master manipulator. She thinks that she can come in my DMs and act like she had nothing to do with my name being thrown out. Do not come to me with that BS and expect me not to smell it. Allegedly, she claims that she wants to work with me in this game (bullshit). Also, Julia revealed her idol to Anastasia which is going to put a major damper on things. Now, Anastasia is getting paranoid about the idol when she really shouldn't be. She's not the one in danger. Leave it alone. The only time you should care is if the idol will harm you in any way. Julia has successfully caused chaos which is going to put a damper on things. I feel, at this point, that I almost have to use my idol considering that the chaos could easily lead to people stacking their votes on me. Plus, I wouldn't be at a total loss considering I still have the Safety Without Power. I still want the majority of votes on Julia though because I need to get her to use that idol.
I think the newbies are trying to work with raffy to try to plan shit, especially madi. I do not trust her at all. She’s playing way too hard right now. I know I’ve said this every fucking round but idol is coming out tonight Pietro I think I’m in trouble tonight. Now with that stupid beans Anastasia and everyone knows about Julia’s idol, and I think they will try to pretend to be voting her out to make her flush her idol and get me out instead. I have been able to get closer to Rachel and Gian, I really like them, but they havent talked much with me on the most important day - tribal day. But god sent me to this earth to be the protagonist of everything I put myself into, so going home tonight or not, I can say, I made my own.
hahahahahahahahah Tribal is scary omg. I'm writing this in class so I dont have too much time, but maaan am I worried for whats to come. It still seems to be Julia Vs. Raffy so as long as its not my name I dont care, but from what I'm hearing there's a lot going on that im not seeing. So I am just gonna sit here and pray no one targets me
I think I'll just play my idol to ensure my safety in this round. I still have the SWP. So, it should be good and fun. Julia seems to think I have an idol nullifier. She'll be in for a shock.
Pietro. Julia. [whoopi voice] You in danger, girls.
DeNaraCouple hours before tribal and Pietro is freaking out. I feel bad but it is also kinda funny since he hasn't talked to me before.
This is the most chaotic first tribal and it is still hours away... scared....
Julia has two options: Play her idol or go home. Stay tuned for a crazy tribal guys 🌞
OMG. what am i doing with my life. i really don't know who to trust. i can't trust the winner or warriors and really only have trust in my core OG tribe. thankfully we're in the middle and THANKFULLY i have immunity, but other than that, this vote will really show who's got ties with who. I am so nervous cause this will definitely draw the line in the sand. julia did make a good point. if raffy and steven are controlling this vote and play from the middle, we need to get them out before they can make it any further.
Our main focus this round is to get Julia out. We have the numbers but Julia has an idol. It will hopefully be Julia or Pietro if all goes as plan. I do still like Pietro and I hope he stays in the game but my alliance thinks they are a duo so one of them has to go. I'm pretty sure Julia will play her idol so it might be Pietros time  Unless something changes in half an hour.
0 notes
Ep. 6: “You never know what some people may have up their sleeve” - Rachel
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This has Julia written all over it.... I don't expect to make the merge now, but if I do, I am going for blood....
I cant believe this allow me and Julia to survive another round. We not only have now a 4 person alliance, but Julia told me she has an idol. We are running this game and we are here to stay, and we will keep slaying the favs. Julia was telling me earlier the day that she was gonna play her idol cause everyone was definately voted her out, but when I talked to Rachel I realised there was a chance she could flip, so I quickly made a group chat with me, Julia, Anastasia and Rachel to try to get them on our side... and it worked!! I LITERALLY THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA TAKE US HOURS TO FLIP THEM, and they decided to flip in 5 minutes.
AND ALSO, this people are playing so stupid! Like Elle in tribal saying how much she trusted James, and how Moth backstabbed her in the past like girllll why are you revealing so many info to EVERYONE?? you are a warrior or a wannabe?? I'm probably sounding very cocky but damn it this people are all so easy to read!!
So. Much. Happened. Tonight. Firstly, I think DeNara and Nicholas both realize that Warriors are on the bottom after watching the other tribe's tribal council. This put them both in Mess mode. According to Steven, Nicholas told him about a 5-person alliance that was created with Madi, Gian, DeNara, Ginnifer, and Nicholas. Nicholas said it was created to take out the Winners (Steven and I). He said to Steven that he wants to work with us and to get the tribe to a 2-2-2 tribe split by voting out Ginnifer. Voting Ginnifer did not require this amount of effort as I believe she was the easiest target tribe. But wait. It gets messier. DeNara comes to me and tells me that Nicholas is snaking everyone on the tribe. She says that Nicholas came up with the whole alliance, and that he's been trying to play Steven and I (which we already kind of figured from Gian and Madi). Steven told her that Nicholas was throwing her under the bus which prompted to send quote receipts to both of us about how Nicholas has been playing puppet master to get the newbies and winners to target each other. Now, DeNara fully thinks Nicholas is trying to snake her, and she created an alliance with Steven and I to get him out pre-merge. Meanwhile, this required no prompting from Steven or I as we watched the Warriors eat themselves alive without even going to tribal council. These people are a Mess. And I love it. DeNara also told me that she thinks Julia is running the other tribe from head to toe. She believes that Julia is the reason one of her allies (James) was voted out. Therefore, I told her about Julia's idol to get her to target her even more come merge. DeNara seems very willing to vote out Julia, and to enact some revenge from another ORG which I happily fueled. Now, I can go into merge with someone who will target Julia FOR me. This is what happens when you mess with me and try to play me. Julia whenever you read this, I hope it was worth voting out Ellie. Kisses ~Raffy
Well, Nicholas is screwed. I spilled the tea to Raffy and Steven about how hard Nic has been playing and they spilled some tea back. Nicholas has been playing all of us and got caught. They even tried to use me as a scape goat. Works for me because now I have an alliance with Steven and Raffy to get out Nicholas and get revenge for James by taking out Julia. TEA, she has an idol apparently. At least I know now! I really hope this goes my way.
Nicholas seems like they almost want to get voted out! They are so chaotic. Nicholas was on call with me and Steven saying we should vote out Ginnifer. Then they told me privately it was to lower our target and then take out the winners. THEN messaged Raffy saying he was their Ride or Die! oh my goodness! Nicholas you are a great person, I really think you are fun to video chat with, but this intense premerge play is gonna get you voted out next.
Nicholas is already thinking about tribal before the challenge has even ended. He's already trying to "manipulate" everyone into voting Ginnifer when it would not even take half the effort he is putting in to do it. I'm sure everyone would be happy to vote out Ginnifer, but Nicholas is playing so messy that we have to get rid of him now. He's calling me his "ride or die" and how we have "so much in common" when I have barely had two conversations with the dude. I suggested to Revenge R Us (DeNara, Steven, and I) that we could potentially throw next challenge if we win this challenge to get Nicholas out pre-merge. I feel like a devil on their shoulder.
God I hope it's actually round 6 😅 Not entirely sure lol uhm anyway yayyy Pictionary went great despite me rushing to get dinner done and then setting up my tablet on call 😂 and photoshop temporarily fighting against me its fine we did it folks we made it to merge✨ well after tribal tomorrow for the others. Now the annoying part: I severely doubt I'm lasting more than like, one, two rounds post merge 😔. I think by being an important piece on so many winning challenges (shape memory, with DeNara and Nicholas in Storytelephone, having a big role in the movie trailer challenge (which won in my heart ❤️), and being the drawer in the Pictionary) I'm like... well I'm entirely and utterly screwed 😂. I can hope people like me enough to keep me around maybe? But that's not really how the game is played... oh well. Oh and because I didn't make an earlier confession: I'm so upset they kicked off James it completely blindsided me D: my buddyyyyyyyyy ugh I should've known that if the math was obvious to me it was to the others as well, it was smart to boot an og warrior :(. James didn't deserve this though!! Upsetting, completely and utterly.
Me and the warriors strong alliance have a huge plan in store sucks to suck
Nicholas being a pot stirrer, but that’s gonna cost him his game :)
Holy Crap! This is pure chaos! We found out we we were going to tribal and it was scrambling and messages from everyone to everyone. After talking to Raffy and Steven, I made a group chat with the newbies calling out all of Nicholas' chaos. The 5 of us are splitting the votes between Nicholas and Ginnifer in case Nic plays an idol. My brain is hurting today lol.
DeNara started a 5 person alliance with Steven, Gian, Madi, and I called "Down to Business." She did this so the plotting of Nicholas' demise can begin. First of all, Ginnifer and Nicholas are throwing everyone's name under the sun out. Secondly, Nicholas has been PM'ing Madi and Gian about what they should do NEXT TRIBAL after they get Ginnifer out. I have no idea why he would ask that because we have to deal with THIS TRIBAL at the moment. Thirdly, it seems Nicholas has been trying to throw the Winners under the bus. Or, at least, he's trying to set himself up to play the middle between the Wannabes and the Winners. However, his plan only works if we don't talk to each other which we did. Now, it's a #NicholasExposedParty over in our alliance. The plan is to split the vote 3-2 to get out Nicholas and, in case he has an idol, vote out Ginnifer. This plan should work because even if Nicholas votes with Ginnifer he gets out. Plus, even if Nicholas votes for Ginnifer, it ties 3-3-1 which would send Nicholas out. Additionally, I threw Julia under the bus hard to Madi and Gian, making them not trust her at all. It's all coming together for me tbh. These next few rounds should be HIGHLY entertaining if you are a Raffy Stan or a Drama Stan.
I’m gonna make the merge omg. My life in the game was definitely on the line, I was worried about getting voted tonight because it was between me and Elle and I think they’d vote me out first
Morning of my first tribal day..... I really hope I can trust Steven and Raffy tonight. Really my fate rests with them for now. I trust Steven more because he seems to play a more loyal game. Raffy didnt want to make an alliance chat last night and that is suspicious to me... I really hope he isnt lying to me abs Revenge R Us is strong
Pietro and I are low key running this game right now it’s kind of amazing. I am so here for this it’s iconic. We’ve gotten what we’ve wanted each tribal so far and people really haven’t figured it out yet. I’m hoping Steven still wants to link with us at merge because I think the three of us could run this shit
Well, I know the merge is upon us. The plan is for hopefully Gian and Madi to survive the vote (i'm going to be praying all day at work; i miss them!) and us six make it to merge(which includes myself, julia, pietro, anastasia, gian, and madi). We could then have a 1/6 shot of winning this if we can convince someone from the other side to flip at the vote! but realistically, it will be hard and you never know what some people may have up their sleeve. *cough cough* raffy *cough cough*. This game is so mentally stressing, but I love it!
We won the competition thanks to Elle's really good drawing skills. I have a feeling merge is coming up so me and my alliance are making plans for majority. We know that if we have Madi and Gian, all we need is one more person and we have majority. So, we just need to persuade someone to join us before it's too late. I am thinking that we could recruit Moth or Elle (or both) but they could still be loyal to the warriors. Plus we voted their fellow warrior out... So I don't know what they would do. What if I just threw the idea out to both of them? I think I have nothing to lose? AHHH maybe I do have something to lose because I cant like expose our plans.
The tea is... I have no clue what’s gonna happen after tonight, I’m not sure anyone does but I feel like I definitely would have been voted out had we not won this challenge —
We finally are going to tribal! I’m a little nervous but hopefully the plan to vote out Ginny works. I’ve been using Ginny this whole game with the trading gear back and forth and etc. I think I’m the only person Ginny talks to. I got Ginny who was already people’s target to make herself even more of a target by throwing out lots of names. I also tested people by having Ginny tell them to vote me. Steven and Raffy immediately messaged me and Gian told me only after I was talking to him but that’s probably because he didn’t care what Ginny was saying. Hopefully Ginny doesn’t blow up and call me out at tribal when she starts getting votes.
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Ep. 5: “Am I allowed to swear?” “Fuck this tribe swap.” - Moth & Julia
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About to swap. I hope I don't get swapped screwed again.
[sorry Jay this was in my browser tabs i just hadn't submitted it yet :( so this goes like right after the swap im sorryyyy >.<] 😭😭😭 Tribe swap is consistently my forever least favorite part of playing these. At least this time it immediately feels different (better hopefully??), I hope I'm right about that...
So, that was a blindside. I guess Pietro and Julia really want me to not ally with them in a swap. Like, this just divides the tribe. If I am on a tribe with them, I am not going to want to work with them. I guess the reasoning is that Ellie and I were a duo? Ok. So, now I am just sitting with an idol ready to vote out the fellow winners. And Julia knows I have an idol? So this seems like a bad move on her part.
I am kinda relieved to have Ellie gone. Now I don't have that baggage of us being expected to work together, like I wanted. Though it's a shame that they couldn't trust me with that information. Oh well. Let's hope they don't get swapped on a tribe with me.
Please don't let this be the music video challenge. Please don't let this be the music video challenge.
Am I allowed to swear?
Fuck this tribe swap. All my homies hate this tribe swap
James is being a little bitch and is like I can’t work with you sweetie and I’m like ok James you know what I can do, and you really want to be against me?? That’s cute. I love the massive target I already have on my back. Love the idol sitting nice and warm in my pocket though
Tribe swap!! Let’s goooooooo
Well, I didn't see that one coming. Jk.... we all saw the swap happening. I am bummed I am not with James, we were working well together! I am very uneasy with my new tribe but I am excited to start playing this game! I hope I don't go home at my first tribal, I would be heart broken.
This challenge does not look good for us. We have a lot of actors that are willing to be in the video, but nobody wants to step up and direct it. I do not have high hopes for my tribe this go around... plus I have a 10% disadvantage.... shhhhh ;-)
I feel so out of place in this tribe, oof..........Ugh, Nicholas, Ginnifer and myself are supposed to stick together because we have the numbers, but during the tribe call Nicholas said Ginnifer would have been the first out if we went to tribal! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT, SHE IS WORKING WITH US IN THIS TRIBE!!!!!!! *insert face palm*
Please send this to the VL cause I’m on my phone: I like my new tribe! I wish that I was swapped with Julia or Pietro so I can get even with them. That’ll just have to wait till merge. Otherwise, the people seem so nice. I really bonded with Gian and Madi. They seem to really want to work with me which is cool. Nicholas also approached me very quickly about working together because he felt he was on the bottom of his tribe. Wig. Right now, the vibe I get is that Ginnifer would be the one voted out because they’re just hard to talk so since they usually just give very short and conversation ending responses. I also want to work with DeNara because she’ll target Julia hehe
I got used to waking up and talking to James about the idol hunt, but today I couldn't because of the swap. What a Monday.
I really don't trust anyone on my tribe, I know they are all talking to everyone and I haven't clicked well with people yet unfortunately.
I'm worried I'm doing too much for this challenge... 😅 ughhh I'm not trying to! When Julia said "aye aye captain" in response to something i said I had to go away for a sec 😭. I'm really not trying to be commanding or anything, I just had an idea... and I was the only one who can edit (truth be told opening Premiere Pro just feels like *stress* *deadline* these days so I would've been happy to not do editing lol)... and I like organizing 😖. I'm just scared that if we go to tribal I'll be voted out for doing too much :( like ppl will be like "she's so bossy" "she totally takes over like every challenge" and then off i go👋🏽. I'm just really worried I'm secretly ticking off everyone 😓. But on the bright side! I've been wanting a chance to work on my screenplay formatting. The format I used for "Glory of The Skies" couldn't be submitted professionally but also professional screenplays have a lot of annoying little (gatekeep-y things if you ask me...) details and they're thrown out if they're not formatted right, regardless of like, story-quality 😒. But yeah! I'm really excited for it, I'm gonna go start putting together the B-roll I need from stock sites and get some sound effects together lol. I'm trying desperately to not have to crunch-time edit, which is really the part I hate. Like this video will be like, 5 minutes max, but I'm honestly going to spend At Least 3 hours editing it, and then rendering time which is so variable and could be up to 2 hours honestly and uploading time +30 minutes... and I said all videos in by 4pm which gives me 5 hours for all of that. Stress! 😅
The video is coming together swimmingly. I just need a few short clips and it should be all done. Other than that, Gian and Madi seem to really like Steven and I. Could the newbies and winners potentially form an alliance? I would like to hope so. I really like the both of them too, and I will need numbers to turn on Julia and Pietro. The most interesting information I've learned is from Steven. He was talking to Madi, and the topic of Nicholas came up. Apparently, Nicholas is a little snake. According to Madi, he went to her to be like "Warriors and Newbies should work together to take out the Winners." Meanwhile, he said the same exact thing to Steven and I about taking out the Newbies. Did he just think we wouldn't talk? Ginnifer would be the easiest vote. But, Nicholas would be the smartest vote if we're talking strategy. I'll see what happens if we ever go to tribal council.
I have no idea who I want to work with right now. Raffy and Steven seem great and I enjoy talking to them. Gian is making a big effort to talk to me and I have been kind of talking to Madi too. Nicholas and Ginnifer are making the least amount of effort to connect with me and Nicholas is playing hard. Nicholas wants to make alliances without Ginnifer and start targeting the winners. I currently have an "alliance" with Raffy but idk if he is going to stick to it or not. All I know is the winners are a threat and Nicholas is showing that they are a real threat in this game......
Made it swap and already loving the new tribe set up plus we won immunity so that’s another plus I think things are finally looking up for me whoop whoop
Ugh I could cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I literally started the new semester today and had to hound people for videos and edit our whole trailer (which honestly was more just like a short film - it was over five minutes RIP me 😖) I'm so upset right nowwwwww I literally agh we did so good! And we still lost. I know I'm biased but we put so much work and effort into ours, I really thought it was in the bag... Sigh okay it's fine I still love what we made.
Fun fact "Glory of the Skies" was a short film idea me and my friends in high school made up like 5 years ago now after I spent an entire day trying and failing to make a working paper airplane. I just kept trying for hours 😂declaring it was my hill and the story came from that. The Satriya tribe did well, I'm just heartbreakingly sad we lost.
My back fucking HURTS. Well, we did that. Madi started an alliance with Gian, Steven, and I. We are all pretty much on the same page that it would be either Nicholas or Ginnifer if we went to tribal council. That should be some good insurance. I hope that the other tribe goes for the Warriors as they must realize that they're the most threatening in the game. However, if they don't go for the Warriors, I hope they kick Julia or Pietro to the curb. Or Julia wastes her idol. God, there's so much I want to happen over there, but I just have to wait.
Winning both reward and immunity challenge makes complete sense with my fantasy 😌 -from a deluded gay
Man, what a day. I spend til 2AM uploading my clips for the trailer last night and we lost :,( i don't feel as uncomfortable as i did with my previous tribe, but I still want to stay anyar strong (OG newbies). i feel anastasia and i are safe now, but you never know. also, i saw both videos and agree their trailer was slightly better if only cause it actually scared the living shit out of me. lol that is all for now!!
So I made an alliance with Pietro because I like him a lot! But, sadly, I think he might be going. ITS REALLY SAD TO ME. But I have to vote with my new alliance of warriors and wannabes. I really wish there was a way for him to stay but I don't know how to change everyones minds without making them turn on me or something. So I will most likely be voting out my ally today.
We won the challenge again! This will be good to see who goes out here cause the same might happen on our tribe next week. I’m worried that the newbies and winners might team up so that they have majority. I would be fine with telling them to vote Ginny so that it is 2 v 2 v 2. I like Raffy and Gian so I think I can also pitch that if they take out Ginny the next week the three of us take out Steven denara and Madi. I feel like I have a good chance of going home next tribal though.
These people are the worst. Is it bad I miss Raffy? At least he was entertaining
So we had a swap at me and Julia are on the same tribe yay. But the Warriors want to target the Winners, cause they are scared of us. I think the votes are going towards Julia though, however I want to fight for us to survive. If we can get Anastasia and Rachel to vote with us and get one of the warriors out, we will have the Numbers! The wannabes became the swings.
Pietro is going home tonight lmaooooooo. My idoled is getting whipped out tonight baby. I’m sorry Pietro you’re the best but when they split these votes you’re gone
I am so screwed. We aren't going to tribal but I feel like I have put myself in a bad spot. If I don't watch it, I will be booted soon.
🎶Because it's tribal night, and the feeling's right, oh yes it's tribal night, oh what a night (ᵒʰ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵃ ⁿᶦᶦᶦᶦᵍʰᵗ)🎶
I'm not actually excited, but my brain decided to make that parody of "ladies' night" and I figured I'd share ^_^ I think Pietro's going home, if I'm wrong I'm shook bc all the og warriors and wannabes are allied now, and when you're officially allied are you still allowed to just NOPE out of voting agreements? Probably, but like nooo pls don't 😭😭. Since these are shown at the end I'll be candid. I kinda feel like I should go home😅 like I don't want to, but I feel like I completely dropped the ball on this challenge. I feel like we could've won if it was less 'short film' and more movie trailer (the actual challenge). And since we wrote the script from my outline and I edited it, there were multiple points when I specifically could've fixed that. I even thought as I was editing that it wasn't quite a trailer and I should shorten a bunch of scenes but then it felt wrong to just executive decision cut out everyone's work... 😖Sigh. 😔In hindsight, I could've made a trailer and like a 'director's cut' or something of that nature, or just asked everyone if I could cut it down... If it ends up going the way I think it will, I'm sorry Pietro. You didn't deserve to go home tonight, none of my tribe does, if anything there's the most rationale behind me going home, but I can't very well say that: that's not the point of the game 🙂
These people suck at pretending they want to work with me. It’s honestly really annoying. They all leave me on read, they don’t talk to me at all, but then they expect me to believe, “hey it’s not you don’t worry.” Like huh? Sorry but no. To quote Boston Rob in IoI, “I was born at night, but not last night”
I really hope James doesnt go home tonight, I will be soooooo salty if it is him.
MOM JULIA HAS AN IDOL SINCE DAY 3 OMFG. I love this girl so much! I'm hoping we can both make it through tonight. The best scenario would be if we got Anastasia and Rachel to vote with us, so we wouldn't need to waste her idol. If they are all smart they will split the votes 3-2 on me and Julia, and I will go home once she uses her idol. I don't even know what will happen but I'm gonna beg this people to either vote for Julia or vote with me and Julia.
So I think I will be changing my vote... At first I was wary about teaming with Pietro and Julia but it actually might be better for my game. I talk to the warriors but not really... The only warrior I really don't want to go is James but the cards might fall in that direction. I hate choosing between literally my favorite people but James said Rachels name to everyone and I have to take that into consideration. I don't know what James is going to do always. I think the winners tribe was corrupt anyway so it's good to team with 2 winners. The warrior team was the strongest team and they need to be shaven down in numbers.
0 notes
Ep. 4: “There is no reason for me to extend an olive branch.” - Raffy
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I CANT BELIEVE ME AND JULIA SURVIVED THIS TRIBAL LMAO. They made a really big mistake cause I have no plans on staying loyal to anyone besides Julia.
I told Dylan before the tribal that Ellie and Raffy were asking me to vote for Steven hoping that an idol would be misplayed on Steven. But sadly, it looks like those 2 didnt have an idol. So I'm pretty sure the idol is between Raffy and Ellie.
Tribal Summary: Steven and Dylan started an alliance with Pietro and Julia. I started an alliance with Pietro, Julia, and Ellie. I think I got to Pietro and Julia first with my social charm and that helped solidify them on my side. In fact, Pietro started a trio alliance with Ellie and I really early in the morning. That was the key factor in making Pietro trust me over Dylan and Steven. I spent the day anxiously deciding whether I should use the idol on myself. An hour before tribal, I told Julia about my idol out of panic to get her to trust me over. That trust was rewarded with her telling me that she has an idol. Now, this duo has two idols which should help in a swap scenario and help us dominate the game. 30 minutes before tribal, I got on an alliance call with Julia, Pietro, and Ellie. This really solidified things as we all bonded over our anxiety. I told Dylan I was voting them which prompted Dylan to message Pietro about switching the vote to Ellie. We let Pietro say what he wanted to and we were debating on letting them think the Dylan vote was a ruse so they would misplay an idol on Steven. At tribal, I just do what I did best and just... started something. The moments before the call for idols, I was salivating wondering if I should use it. However, since Dylan told Pietro that they switched it to Ellie, I decided not to. It was the right call as Dylan went home.
James Hayden
Well Julia from the Winners tribe used the confessional "gotta shoot to score" for voting out Dylan. She basically just wrote her name on that since James and I both automatically knew it was her 🤣
Alright so last night before tribal Raffy told me he has an idol and honestly that’s kind of wild I can’t believe he told me
Anyways super happy I survived that round. I’m glad I could solidly trust with that group. I’m hoping we don’t lose again because I genuinely don’t want to vote out Steven. I think if we lose I might want to get Pietro to flip with me to Steven to vote out Ellie who knows
It's the morning of day 8 and I done screwed up. As I do ever morning, I went idol hunting. Today, I decided to explore a new route. Well, that route got me a nice nap and Jay telling the tribe that I went idol hunting. I don't think this will screw me too much though. Everyone's looking for idols at this point, so I'm not doing anything the rest aren't doing I just got caught. Also, I think the relationships I've built over the past week are strong enough to get me through this. If people want to know where I've been, then I'll tell them. I think being super honest sometimes can be a good thing in this game. This is one of those times where being super honest could be beneficial. We shall see.
DYLAN'S GONE THIS IS TRAGIC I'm so shook I thought Raffy was trying to self destruct so I wasn't even really considering the different ways it could go- it really surprised me!! Anyway, feeling good about this round! Me, Nicholas, and DeNara are going to do the story challenge and I think it'll turn out really well! I should probably find a notepad since I'm going first lol 😅
I'm so nervous!! I am so proud of our tribe and the work we put in today. We spend such a long time getting the facts right and knowing what to expect. This was definitely a challenging one, but I'm glad it is finally over and glad we all finished with a decent score!  
The way I’m going to die if we lose tonight because I’m genuinely afraid raffy and Ellie will flip on me
another chaotic confessional from last night https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wwsMryFNMpmAPa2q0e4__BHv9SYnhCwW/view?usp=drivesdk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EGa8qKaccE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_adMqcWrKw0
Time to be boring. With the alliance "Murder of Crows" (Pietro, Ellie, Julia, and I), this tribal council should be easy. Steven is going to get the boot. There is no reason for me to extend an olive branch and risk my position in the game. Going into a swap, we need to be tribe strong which means we need to get rid of any loose ends. That means Steven just has to go. I wanted to work with Steven this time around, but it seems like things didn't end up working out that way. I hope the newbies are happy for my sacrifice and will go to me if they're able to.
I... AM SO HAPPY :DDDD 🎉🎉🎉 WE WONNNN the amount of serotonin I received at hearing the news, it was wonderful. This is the most happy emotions in one day I've felt in like... months lol (granted I did dye my hair today and it looks so good ❤️ so it's just a happy day for me ^_^). about the challenge though! DeNara and Nicholas did so well, DeNara crushed those dates✨ and they both remembered basically everything if I had written 97.86% instead of 98.6, written down that Indonese was the official language (which I heard but didnt write down and so I forgot to tell DeNara), and gotten better notes during the myths (that was the hardest part for me for some reason - missed the names and I wrote creator instead of Kraton :((( ) we could've really crushed it. Also I misheard India sanskrit as as Indo- so I thought it was Indonesian sanskrit D: Okay sorry in school I was taught to list my mistakes and the right answers out loud so that I could get it right the next time and so it came out here 😅. I know we won technically but I'm just like this now lol. I'm glad the newbies get a break from tribals ❤️ and woah we haven't lost a challenge yet! Go warriors ^_^ (Oh and P.S. I did a really good job taking notes >:) I'm forcing myself to say that because I don't want to only focus on what I could've done better- I did good mostly! So I shouldn't just focus on what I did wrong lol)
Well hello! We’re safe. Let’s take a moment to celebrate that. Wig. Literally wig.
Yesssss we destroyed that challenge! Woot woot! Another winner bites the dust
My strategy of letting other people lead the way has worked well so far. The things that I want to have happen are happening and now I am in an alliance of 4!
It's the morning of day 9. Last night, I formed The Four Musketeers aka The Four with Nick, Elle, DeNara, and myself. I don't care what we call the alliance, I just care that I'm in it. We spent last night trying to figure out if we should work with newbies, in the event of the swap, to knock out the winners. That could be a good move short term, but long term I don't know if that's our best move. Once the winners are gone, then the warriors become the biggest threats. We'll see what happens, but it's something to think about. This morning I went idol hunting and got a 10% disadvantage. I told DeNara exactly where I went and what I got. We've been sharing idol hunt info since Day 1 and I want to continue sharing. Knowledge is power in this game. I also hinted to Nick of where to not look. He wants to share knowledge about the idol hunt and I want to as well. I see sharing that piece of info with him as a way to solidify trust and give me another close ally, in the event a swap splits up DeNara and me. DeNara doesn't know that I hinted to Nick of where to not look. DeNara and I agreed to tell the other musketeers about where to not look if we don't swap at 14. If we do swap, then we'll reveal our info to whomever we up end on a swapped tribe with in order to solidify relationships.
I got a 10% disadvantage this morning and so did James, rip the dream. We are not going to tell anyone until we know if there is a swap or not. I am hoping this doesn't mess up my game.
I’m happy we are not going to tribal but I’m stressed out about my activity, I don’t wanna be targeted for not pulling my weight
It sucks to see an easy vote but this early in the game it feels like sending Steven home is the best decision I can make
Winning the challenge by such a small margin is so scary. Makes me wonder how much of our challenge availability is really worthwhile. Hope the swap is near or something!
Nicholas McQuain
I’m happy we won again and that the winners are going to tribal. I think we are in a good position and hopefully tribe swap doesn’t mess that up. I feel like I’m the only person on my tribe that actually wants the winners to stay in the game
We sent the winners to tribal once again this is the best thing ever lol
Soooo, I want to flip on Ellie and Raffy lol. In my opinion they are the strongest players of the season and if there is an opportunity to get one of them out I'm all for it! However I feel like one of them have an idol so we must take care on every single thing that we say, cause if it looks suspicious, Raffy is playing an idol ~ cause in my mind he has one.
I'm so happy we won!!! My tribe is really good at comps thankfully so I can sit back and relax. I do know I'm doing the least for my team so I do need to show my team that I can contribute too. If we lose the next immunity challenge I should be really worried.
Sooooo if everyone is telling me the truth it looks like me and Pietro are flipping it tonight to vote out Ellie. Steven and Pietro kind of wanted to go raffy but genuinely I want raffy to stay more. Idk I’m terrified. I’m worried there might not be a swap but instead there’s going to be a double tribal and in that case we’re fucked if we lose because raffy has an idol but who knows. I’m just hoping tonight goes to plan and if not voting raffy is what causes me to lose this game or fucks me over later on then so be it. High risk high reward baby
0 notes
Ep. 3: “I ordered a flavorful and spicy curry and I got like. Flavorless broth.” - Elle
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I don’t want raffy or Ellie to do this fucking hero challenge because I’m afraid they’ll throw it to try to get me out
I was way off on my challenge guess. I could've sworn that we were going to do Guess Who or Charades. It's a hero challenge!
There's not a chance in hell I'm volunteering for this challenge. Survivor 101 states: never put yourself in the hero or goat role. I'm going to follow that rule. All this challenge would do is put a target on my back and I like not having a target on my back.
Heck, memory challenges suck so much! I wonder who gave us the 10% disadvantage 🤔.... I have a feeling we may go to tribal next. I am hoping Elle can kick some butt and send those winners to tribal. They need to go for sure.
James and I keep having thoughts about the game and before we can decide if it is worth the risk to say something in the chat, Nicholas just says it. Works out for us because now he gets the target and not us! Muahahaha
The way Dylan, Ellie, Steven, and Julia vibe really well together is concerning. I feel less social pull on this tribe than I have in any other game. It's probably because so many of these people just know me. I don't know how to navigate this game correctly. I want to throw the challenge, but accusations of me going to throw the challenge are already sprouting. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel I wouldn't be able to pull Julia to my side, and she would go rat on me. Prayers for Raffy.
I'm the hero for the hero challenge 😅... again 😅... and I'm against Raffy😅... who beat me last time I did a hero challenge in the same round I ended up getting voted off in Kyoshi 😭😭😭
Anyway! I'm hopeful!!! For this one. Very nervous not gonna lie, but I feel bad that my anxiety is mostly concentrated on Raffy as a rival and I'm not that nervous about Rachel? 😂I swear that'll probs come back to haunt me later though because these things usually do✨
Sitting here. Debating on how I should throw the challenge. It's going to be pretty easy to lose considering the other people have 2 tries whereas I only have 1. So I'll just sit here and vibe.
I ended up throwing the challenge because the newbies were about to go to tribal council, and I couldn't bear to see another one leave. So, there's that. Now I need to find a convent lie to tell my tribe about how the challenge went if they ask. Not only that, but I have to navigate a tribal council where I feel like I am on the bottom. Welp. I may have made a mistake, but nothing for it.
I want to be able to team up with the newbies come merge in order to take out the winners. So I was worrying about their dwindling numbers- HOWEVER-
Last time I played after the first live tribal there was immediately a tribal swap, I don’t want to celebrate too early cause that could screw me over
It’s finally here, the day where Ellie goes pre merge. I know that Raffy definitely wants me gone before merge but also idk if he’s in a position to be telling people who to vote considering he lost the hero challenge. I don’t blame him at all, that’s not what I’m saying, but I feel like he might have a target on his back after that. Still I trust your local chili’s rn (Dylan, Steven, and I) but I also wanna talk to everyone else and hopefully work with them. I have absolutely no clue who I wanna target rn so ig I’ll figure it out later
WE WON FINALLY!! I have to thank the universe and RACHEL for this win. I'm so glad that we can not stress for a round. I need a break from being super paranoid.  I'm also looking foward to seeing the losing tribe at tribal council for the first time in this game >:)
Heck ya! The winners are going to tribal! Rip em to shreds! Muahahaha
I am worried about a swap since it was brought up at the last tribal. I hope we dont. If we do I need my boy James with me.
I'm a little upset 😅 I wanted to redeem myself with the shape memory challenge but in the end Rachel got out first pretty early on and then Raffy forfeited (which is so nice because the newbies really needed a break from tribal ❤️). But I wanted this to be my chance to be the comeback kid and redeem myself from the last time I lost a hero challenge against Raffy and my writer heart wanted drama and down to the wire and like 15+ shapes to remember and extreme intensity!!! But it wasn't intense at all 😭. I know I can both perceive and go forth in life a bit melodramatically but I feel like I ordered a flavorful and spicy curry of a hero challenge and I got like. Flavorless broth 😂😂 ah, oh well. We didn't go to tribal and that's the important thing, I suppose (she says, not believing it at all 😂).
James Hayden
James Hayden
Even though I'm all for NOT going to tribal, I would be ok with going to the next tribal IF there's no swap at 15. I think it's important for us to go tribal before a swap, so we can build and cement trust with each other. If we swap at 15, then I think the Warrior tribe is at a disadvantage. Yes, we'd have the numbers; however, we wouldn't have the trust that the winners and newbies have. If Jalapao, Foa Foa, and the Aitu 4 have taught us anything is that sometimes a small group of people who have trust with each other is stronger than a large group of people who don't have trust with each other.
Wow. I really shocked Raffy forfeited the challenge, but also very thankful. I was so nervous going into it and usually my memory is fairly good, however I'm terrible learning new things under pressure. I feel bad for not disclosing the information to my tribe, and also afraid it may come out eventually. Nevertheless, I am so glad to not be voting anyone out in my tribe because I do feel so closely linked to them. I feel like if there is a swap next round, our tribe has a chance of flying under the radar and helping some of the other tribes take out their bigger threats.
Last night, I got to work. Ellie came to me extremely quickly to tell me that they would be willing to vote out Steven or Dylan this tribal because they don't just want to work with their friends. Ironic that they came to me about it, but it's fine. While I wanted to get Ellie out this tribal, it would be a pretty huge move for my game that does not seem possible at the moment. Julia and Pietro like Ellie which makes it difficult for me to target them safely. Instead, I have my sights on Dylan because I feel they would be the easiest to eliminate out of the four of us.
This morning, Pietro started an alliance with Ellie and I. Looks like I am going to be roped into working with them for another game. Woo... I plan to betray Ellie some time before pre-merge. Maybe a swap could help me with that goal. Pietro is down to vote for Dylan which means there are three votes for Dylan. I tried to talk to Julia about it last night, but she seemed unreceptive and wary of my approach. I think she's too in her head about the four working together that she can't see what's actually happening in the game.
I found a hidden immunity idol. I love this narrative for me. Let's so how far I can get with this in my pocket. I am not planning on telling anyone about it. I don't know if I even want to continue searching the idol hunt, but it will be fine. I am fairly certain this is the last idol in the hunt. Two other spots used to have an idol in them (such as the rock in the mountain and somewhere in the forest which Steven told me).
Tl;dr winners tribe lost and I’m gonna try to vote Raffy out
So I had a very good convo with Julia and we both feel like we are in a tribe full of friends for life. We are super scared, and the only name I heard was Dylan, by Ellie and Raffy. So I was just honest to Julia and told her we should be a pair and work together cause this tribe is full of pairs.
Then out of the sudden Steven makes a group of me, Dylan, Julia and himself. I was 100% sure I was on the bottom of this tribe but it looks like its gonna be a couples war with me and Julia beeing the swing votes and I'm all for it lol
Julia told me that Steven started an alliance with himself, Dylan, Julia, and Pietro that, seemingly, want to vote me out of this game. This is some dangerous stuff. Now I need to rely on Julia and Pietro to not want to vote me out here which is tough work. I don't want to use my idol this early, but I don't want to be the first boot off the winners tribe either.
Well we lost the challenge which fucking sucks. Pietro and I are like 10000% convinced that everyone’s fucking with us and it’s either me or him going tonight. So Steven and Dylan want the four of us to vote raffy and Ellie and raffy want the four of us to go Dylan and I’m just not sure. I feel like this is and elaborate ploy to get us to not use idols or anything eek. I’m still deciding whether to play my idol tonight. We shall see we shall see
many thoughts, head full, I'd rather just take a nap
I’m sad Ganjo is out but I turned it into a good thing by telling James I knew Ganjo. I now have two trios with James in both of them. I think I convinced Elle that if we lose we should vote out moth and I think James would be on board with that too. DeNara wouldn’t be I don’t think though. I’m happy the winners finally lost but now we need to keep winning. I’m glad I didn’t have to compete cause I don’t want to come off as too strong so that I’m not the target come tribe swap and merge. I want to be perceived as medium power so that I can flip if I want too since I would bring value yet I’m not so valuable that I’m a target. I think I could probably get Anastasia to work with me since Ganjo left her that nice message so if we wind up being on the same tribe I can say “Ganjo was rooting for you so I want to work with you cause it’s what Ganjo would have wanted”.
yeah so Raffy knows we're targeting him bc I was on a friend call with him and I brought up the vote and then he just straight up asked me if I was voting for him and if Steven was. I lied to his face but I'm pretty sure he saw right through it, which is basically to say that we're screwed. and I'm very anxious now. so like, if anyone w/him has an idol I feel like it'll get played tonight and idk who he'll target. fucking hell. I don't even know if it was Julia or Pietro who told him or both, which doesn't help. I relayed this all to Steven, who seemed kind of...lacking in his responses which also worries me. he could just be busy but like,,,if he's not? uhhhh. cool, cool. this is fine (no it's not)
Now, I will sit here in anxiety as I await tribal council. I have no doubt that others are scrambling, but I am going to have to trust my allies. I'm still debating whether I should use the idol or not. I think I'll still debate it up until Jay asks for idols. Ugh. This is too much work to think about on a Friday night.
These idol hunts are kicking my butt! I sure hope I find something soon, even just a small advantage..... an idol would be nice too
Some of me in my host chat! Ellie, 9:18 PM Raffy is talking game with me, interesting. He definitely doesn’t want me around for too long but I’m assuming he’s gonna take all the numbers he can get Ellie, 9:18 PM I’d prefer this to be a unanimous vote because that makes it easier for me Ellie, 9:21 PM Raffy mentioned wanting to work with Pietro which means my only option rn is julia Ellie, 9:22 PM I’d feel like absolutely shit if I flipped on a Dylan and Steven alliance again Ellie, 9:29 PM Idk if I can morally flip on Steven and Dylan because I’d just feel so bad Ellie, 9:45 PM Me abt to tell the Dylan and Steven chat that I’m not actually planning to work with them as an alliance 👁👄👁 Ellie, 9:25 AM Omg there’s abt to be a Raffy, Pietro, ellie alliance Ellie, 9:25 AM This is beautiful
Ok now to explain what’s actually happening, Raffy, Pietro, Julia, and I are planning on voting Dylan tonight. Raffy and I called last night and discussed that we had to make the choice of playing with our good friends or playing with people we barely know, in the end we went with the latter and it kinda sucks. I ended up telling my chat with Dylan and Steven that I wasn’t voting with them tonight cause I didn’t have it in me to lie to them like that. I’m hoping that all goes well!
So I have no idea what is about to happen tonight. Im putting all my eggs into Julias and Pietro's basket and just hoping for the best. Ellie and Raffy are both giving off weird vibes that make me believe that something is going on. What is really frustrating that I have no ability to change anything now. No plan b, no alternate action, nothing. i know Dylan might want to try something else as a fail safe but Im not too sure if it will work the way they want. Ugh I wish tribal would just happen already cause all this unknown stuff is really freaking me out.
I told Julia about my idol because of paranoia, but it worked out because she told me about her idol. We're idol buddies now.
We made the winners tribe to finally go to tribal council it’s so great I love it
So it looks like I’m going to be the swing vote tonight. I’m very incredibly nervous but we’ll see how it goes. Still have a sneaking suspicion that I’m going to get snaked but we’ll see
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Ep. 2: “Please add me to an alliance chat I’m lonely” - Ellie
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So, someone found an idol before me because "I value preparation" and wanted to get all the stuff before I actually went out. And, because someone picked food and rations first and picked the right sequence out of probably like 30.... I missed out on an idol. Now I am just wondering if I should even continue idol hunting or just wait till merge because there's usually no point after this since all the advantages are probably found and I'll be idoled out by merge. Fun stuff.
The challenge is due in about 5 hours and I feel damn good about my score. I found what I think is a loophole and was able to get my combined score to 20. If everyone else on my tribe gets an average of 6 links per page, then I think we should be good. I want to win this challenge, but I'll take second. I don't want to have a date with Jay at tribal tomorrow. I had way too many of those last season.
With that said, I do want to go to tribal before we swap. Tribal is where you build trust and I want to make sure I can trust the people I think I can trust. I'm not going to throw a challenge, but if we have to go to tribal in round 3 or 4 I wouldn't complain.
I really just watched half a season of Schitt's Creek in the time it took me to do this challenge huh
I've been talking to everyone and we're all pretty confident we're not going to lose this challenge, but not confident we'll win 😅I think the winners psyched us out last time and now we're scared to hope because we know they're scheme-y. I feel kinda bad for the newbies tho :/ I hope their tribe wins this kind of (but not at our tribe's expense lol).
So I am a little scared if we lose immunity again because I think my life might be on the line. I say this because everyone on our tribe is great and we don't have anything for anyone I think. Since Liz was apparently so adamant about getting me out, they might see me as a person they could get out. I just finished the immunity challenge and I think I actually did really good. I hope the other tribes struggle with it so I have a chance to stay in this. Also, we cannot lose again that would be super emberassing. I'm also praying my tribe mates like me but I can't tell. I know Madi and Rachel like me but I have a weird suspicion that the boys would backstab me so easily. Andddd I might've accidentally left Gian on read for like a day oops. I texted him back and was super nice so hopefully he doesn't care. Pfff
I feel like I kicked some major butt in this challenge. I swear if someone doesnt submit and hecks us over, I will   lose my mind.  
LETS GO BABY!!!! Idol safe in my pocket for another round
The fact that we didn’t get sent to tribal is insane whaaaaat
Woohoo! When Ginnifer said she didnt do the challenge I thought for sure we were going to tribal. I am very relieved we are safe!  Although part of me wanted to go to tribal..... muahahaha
James and I are working together to idol hunt, I am trusting him with my game so much
UGGGGHHHHH this is not how I wanted this to go we better have a swap soon and hopefully gian will be with me! If not I do have an idol and a wicked personality so we lost and the best part is that I LITERALLY LOST MY JOB 5 HOURS AGO WITH NO FUCKING NOTICE AND DID BETTER WHILE LITERALLY CRYING THAN GANJO AND ANASTASIA but also Anastasia did fucking amazing for realizing with an hour left that she needed to do four more! vv proud of her🤍🤍 and don’t want her to leave🤍🤍 also gian was trying to get ME to throw the name out??? I was like hunny no I just lost my job! And then he threw out Ganjo which is who I was already wanting !
so I guess ganjo is the target.
Taking time to really get to know my tribe and loving them, just to lose and have to vote someone out sucks.
Oh no why Ganjo!!! I really don't like that Ganjo didn't submit cause he is most likely going home now. I really wanted Ganjo to stay in this game. This is really bad for my game in the long run. Hopefully Ganjo finds some way to stay.
I am committing to throwing the challenge next round because there has to be a swap soon. I want any one of my friends to be gone by then. Also, I feel SO bad for the newbies. In any case, I feel like Ganjo is going to get voted out silly because he didn't submit for the challenge. Unless there is someone who is super inactive, that could be a devastating nail in the coffin.
*blows out long breath* I reeeeaaaallly thought we were done for for a second there. We did pretty well with the clicking connections challenge, Ginny didn't have the chance to do it but there were extenuating circumstances. I hope we start winning instead of it being 1 - winners, 2 - warriors, 3 - wannabes again and again 😅.
My tribe mates are very understanding people we won again so we’re safe but unfortunately my mind wasn’t in it this round but I’ll be ready for next challenge
Well, I fucked up on the last challenge by not submitting an answer. Haha, I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped my little mind. Hopefully my alliances don’t turn on me this fast. Unfortunately for me, I put myself in this position. If I am able to escape the vote tonight, I mainly want to prove to my 2 allies that I am very loyal and they can trust me to vote where they need me to vote. If not, I had fun for the time that I’ve been here.
So I feel like I’m in the outs of my tribe. When we all were doing a tribe call I joined and met everyone for the first time, however it looked like most of them knew each other for years!! I told them all I was gonna go make some hot chocolate for the challenge and closed my camera and mic, and then Raffy said “is it just me or???” And everyo was like “??”, then he started pointing at his face making some signs that I didnt understand, then someone that I think was Allie said “i think I know what you mean cause I know you”. Bitch the fuck, what does this mean? I just know that I dont like Raffy anymore. However I cant even express my hate to anyone in this tribe cause I have no allies and I need to pretend I’m a sweetheart.
Ellie and I were talking and she was saying I’m the person she has been talking the most and wanted to work with me, what??? You’ve been on the tribe call for more than 5 hours and I’m the person she talked the most? and then she said there are people in this tribe who hate her and dont want to work with her. I pretended to believe her and we made an alliance, and I was saying like “your the person I trust the most of this game”. Its super weird, I feel like the others are all constantly talking cause everytime I start talking to one of them, all of them starts messaging me. I’m annoyed and I cant wait to swap and make all this winners losers.
I was scared for this tribal council but my nerves were eased when literally everyone told me they wanted Ganjo out. So I'm feeling comfortable which I know is dangerous probably. I could get backstabbed of course but I need to be a little less stressed about this game so I'm going to claim that I'm safe. I was the 2nd lowest score to Ganjo though... So I am definitely next on the chopping block if we don't win the next challenge!
I’m still allianceless and it hurts my heart, please add me to an alliance chat I’m lonleyyyyy I’ve been trying to talk to everyone and everyone is so fun and nice, I hope we keep winning
here is a chaotic confessional : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z7K7UWS0YzFUtwercdjHZqpEgRMTIphn/view?usp=drivesdk
I am so nervous! This is the most heartbreaking decision and I hate making such hard decisions so early!
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Ep. 1: “PRAISE THE LORD(E), I MEAN JEFF!!” - James
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I'm writing this two hours before the game starts. Coming into this game, I intentionally have no set strategy. I need to see who else is on my tribe and what our tribe dynamics are before I figure out my strategy. Regardless of what I do, my strategy will be built on what I believe are the ABCs of this game: adaptability, building bonds, and communication. Those are things I did terrible at during my last season, Tierra del Fuego (TDF). Which leads to me why I'm here. Outside of winning, I'm here to prove to myself that I've learned my lessons from TDF. I'm also here to prove to myself and the community that I'm not bad at this game.
1 hour until the game begins.... dun dun dun.... Jk, I am super excited to find out who is on my tribe! Although I am nervous to see who I have played with before- I think that will end up being a disadvantage in the game.
I am so happy James in on my tribe. I thought knowing someone could be bad but I think knowing him will be super beneficial. I just know I can't get stuck in the mindset of being with him this whole game because that has messed me up before. I am hoping to work with Elle, I like her profile. We shall see how I get along with everyone....
First immunity challenge! Scavenger hunt!!! Yes, probably the only challenge I will be good at. I feel like nobody really cares except James and I. We are leading the charge so far.
It is now day 2 and I’m shook! Naturally, I tend to lean shy but I am doing my best to build these connections with people without seeming like a snake. Here’s to hoping it pays off 🥲
So far so good! Trying to my Leo at bay cause no is giving me the attention I need. Other than that though I’m really liking my tribe. I already know 3 people on my tribe (which is 66.6% if I include myself). That makes me kinda of nervous because I am an emotional person so I hope that those past relationships don’t stop me from reaching my whole potential. Pietro and Julia seem pretty neat so I’m gonna excited to get to know them. Today (day 2 I think it would technically be called) is my day to be all friendly and hopefully get an ally soon cause I wasn’t able to do that last night. Wish me luck! Xoxo gossip worm
Getting to know my tribe mates is nice. They all seem genuine. They always do though. It’s when things go south, people show their ~true~ colors 👀
I’m enjoying my tribe mates they’re super nice and accepting and we’re working as a team to get this challenge done
I’m super scared of my tribe. I have a feeling some of them already know each other while I literally have never seen any of them ever. Im doing my best to try to vibe with some of them, just talking about personal life and stuff. However my only hope is to win most of the challenges so Im foccused on winning this.
I am loving this game so far! I really didn't expect my shy ass to have so many chats right from the start, but it is really nice. i really enjoy ganjo, madi, and gian and just started an alliance with them! fingers crossed we win this challenge and don't have to make any difficult decisions yet.
I want to vote out Ellie, Dylan, and Steven from the game because I don't want to work with my friends. That's boring. I want to meet new people and have this game be a fresh, new start (kinda) for me. I was thinking about throwing the challenge just to insure that this plan can go off before a potential swap. However, I don't have the "throw challenge" gene in my body. We'll see how it goes.
My tribe is severely not hyped enough for this game..... nobody is talking except James and I... cries..... Unless they all immediately made an alliance without me and didn't even try to talk to me.... come on people, I can't talk strategy unless ya'll talk! *pulls hair out*
Back agaaain✨ Love to see it, love to be here! I like all my tribemates and I think we're all gonna do really well on this challenge. I've talked to everyone I'm pretty sure, a lot of people like DC/Marvel and musical theater which is great because I love common ground! ^_^ Makes it easier in the beginning to make friends❤️
I'm really nervous about getting to know everyone because I'm not great at getting to know people. It's the phase of awkward convos and I'm scared they are not going to like me and not put me in the alliances!!! I'll keep trying to get to know them as awkwardly as I can. I liked the challenge! It was actually fun for me. ALSO I DIDN'T TELL ANYONE THAT I AM ARMLESS. But it's very obvious in my videos. I should probably tell people so they think I'm cool and stuff.
Wowwww apparently I’ve been selected as one of the winnners of this round. Which is super cool because I was really unhappy with my performance last time! I’m doing as much as I can for this tribe because I want to do well!
also I got an idol????? we love the gay energy in the room
We just finished the first challenge and im feeling pretty confident in my tribe. Wondering how we did compared to the other tribes
we won thank FUCK. I want to avoid going to tribal council for as long as possible with this tribe lmao
Oh thannnnk god were not gonna go to tribal! I’m super excited to be safe this round
Ok ok also I definitely don’t think any of these people want to work with me, so I’m hoping I just make it to a swap lmao
Dang!! I am sad we lost. However, I think unfortunately it is obvious who we must vote for. I don't know if I have been the only one not getting much response from Liz, but she didn't really contribute much in the challenge either. Hopefully the alliance can make the move the cast an easy vote tomorrow. I just hope I am not being played :'(
The real tea is that there is a group that formed already. Hopefully this group continues to be a safety net for us all. I believe that we will be able to actually win a challenge, and if we cannot, hopefully I am ingratiated enough within the group where they want to save me. Rachel is my true number 1, I want to keep Gian close just in case we all survive to the swap. And if we make the swap, I think the 3 of us will be in the best position in the game.
Well the winners won! I’m really proud of us, I wasn’t sure we were gonna pull it out but everyone handed together to get just enough items to snag a win. It’s night two and I’m still not in an alliance, that’s the first time I’ve ever said that. It’s fucking terrifying like seriously, give me an alliance or give me death, I can’t go on like thisssssss
I felt like at least one tribe would try and pull ahead last minute, annoying that they Did It, though 😂. The winners tribe is full of a bunch of people who are calculating and decisive enough to win, and as much as I hate to say it I can't see the newbies being that much of a threat at the moment. I'd really hate to see someone from the winners tribe win though, wheres the spice in that✨
Of course the winners come back and win this challenge, but what's more important is that we aren't going to tribal. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past some of them to wait until the last minute to post everything. That way they can build up an insurmountable lead as time expires. Nick, DeNara, and I formed an alliance for now called Name TBD. I like this trio, but is this a final 3 alliance? TBD. Now to figure out our fourth person to gain numbers. Although, we may not need a fourth. If we do this correctly, we can pull of a 3-2-1at our first tribal council. I would love to channel my inner Cirie and pull that off, but that's a big move way too early in this game. We shall see what happens over the next couple of days.
Correction: Nick, DeNara, and I are now Takes 3 to Spill the Tea.
Woohoo! We don't have to go to tribal! I was not prepared for that mentally. James and I have a solid two alliance and now we have an alliance with Nicholas. Now who to pick as our 4th....
I have so many options and thoughts! I am debating making more alliances with Moth and Elle because I want to make sure I am always in the majority, but that could come back and kick me in the butt. Also, I am curious if I make the merge if Julia will work with James and I....
It sucks not coming out on top in the first challenge. There’s just this fear that I can genuinely be the first one out. That’s so embarrassing! I’ll do anything & everything I can to not get the first chop.
We won immunity which is partly my fault. I am just incapable of throwing a challenge if I'm not invested in the order of elimination. Though, I am sad to see the newbies go to tribal as I would have loved to have met them and gotten to know them more. It feels weird to be on a tribe that's half my friends. I can't play the social game because I already know them so well and don't find it necessary to build a bond with them. That means I would have to rely on my strategic game which they also will be able to see through. I think my plan is to build strong bonds with Julia and Pietro as, even if they have heard how I play, they haven't experienced themselves so I can manipulate in that way. I also want to work with them because I want to work with people that aren't Ellie this time around. Pietro is so sweet by the way. He's so nice and polite. I really want to assign him the role of "ride-or-die" in this game, but I need to strengthen our relationship a lot more.
So everyone on my tribe seems nice on my tribe. I’m happy I already have a trio alliance. I want to keep Ginny safe but Ginny is looking like the target on our tribe. I rather take out moth since I want to keep Elle and Ginny. Also I hope Ganjo survives tribal cause I know him from some minis and we have been on some zoom calls recently so I know he is someone I could trust despite not being from the same tribe which is good to have.
I FOUND A FUCKING IDOL. I feel like a bad bitch. This is sexy 🤩🤩
My vote is solely based on who contributed the most to the challenge and who will benefit the tribe in the long run.
We got second place in the immunity challenge and that’s good but I found a challenge advantage which will help our tribe out if we’re in a pickle :)
Crap, idol hunting did not go well. I got caught in quicksand and my whole tribe was notified that I was idol hunting. I am sure everyone assumed we were all doing it, but being called out on it puts a target on my back early in this game.
Day 3 was a quiet day. Went idol hunting and got some swimming gear. I can add that to my food and water rations that I got yesterday. DeNara and I agreed to share our clues and supplies with each other in hopes that one of us can find the idol.
Ginnifer posted in the tribe chat that she found a 10% challenge advantage. That's good for the tribe and hopefully we can use it for the OG Satriya tribe.
I really like everyone in our tribe!! I'm talking naturally with everyone so hopefully they like me too. I am sad to vote off Liz because I really did like her and I felt I could have her on my side easily in the future but she has to go. The reasoning was that she participated the least in the competition but I am not sure how much she even did in that competition. Someone told me she wasn't doing much in it so we all basically concluded that she had to go. I think that I will want to work mostly with Madi and Rachel. I don't know if it's a woman thing but I feel as though I can trust them long term maybe. But I love Ganjo and Gian too they are great and I would gladly work with them too.
Winners winning? Are we surprised? Cause I'm not. Also why is Ellie giving Raffy their food and water?!??!?!?!??! This makes no sense. I want free stuff!! Anywho, I like everyone on my, especially Julia, she seems super chill and sweet. I also wanna work with Dylan because we have tried to in the past but one of us always gets the boot and we don't actually get to work together. I'm hoping it gets spicy next round but maybe not. Tbh as long as I dont get the boot I'll be good xoxo worm
My vote is solely based on who contributed the most to the challenge and who will benefit the tribe in the long run.
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Season Edgic
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Here is a link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K_EbAjziW8omErvjrrE99NSTCNmyMDW6dz9_9XPrLfk/edit?usp=sharing
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Rites of Passage
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Steven: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11W2RPQQH83ljnhCGQdjT8OuXP7n9iBMUv4Hxm8mpp8I/edit
Anastasia: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-fU9RH-kcQh5TBaHp0e11NZAmFne6DV3zMX5lVV1hI8/edit
DeNara: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v_b5-UTQIBQRKxP0NuiitI8HzfYMhrZdNxUn5vRb6QY/edit
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Winner Reveal!
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STEVEN was crowned the winner of Mount Merapi 5-3-1.
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Final Tribal Council
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Here is final tribal council: https://youtu.be/Q8mHgddSMjc
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FTC - Opening Statements
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Anastasia: https://youtu.be/UZEnTAYvsfw
Steven: https://youtu.be/EQ26zE-s0nk
DeNara: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DH87x2OWPbLE5_izxZMPAl2CJivijGdb0M8kAcU7cvQ/edit?usp=sharing
Jurors, please watch these and adjust your questions accordingly. As a reminder, our FTC will be tomorrow, February 14, at 7PM EST.
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