suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
I haven't been seeing you much so i would hope you did.
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I feel like I’ve done everything you can possibly do in the summer!
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Jessie, you're back!
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I'm so excited!
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Strange? I'm acting pretty... normal.
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So uh, you better now?
It's summer, right?
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
No, no..i meant, you look better than before. Then again, i don't mean you didn't look good before. Just...it's better seeing you here than the hospital? You look good all the time.
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It's summer, right?
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
@StaceYoung: Wait, so I was right? Who! That's always good, life is great right now, thanks.
@Henrisaurus: Maybe? I don't know. It's nothing, really. That's good to hear. :)
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
@StaceYoung: Hmm.. I don't know. But I'm smart with these things, I'll figure it out. Anyways, hows life?
@henrisaurus: Really? It's that obvious? Life is good, i can't complain. How about yours, Stacy?
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
@henrisaurus: People say i'm smart, but i say the most stupidest shit when i'm around you.
@staceyoung: Aw, and who is @henrisaurus crushing on?
@henrisaurus: Who said i was crushing on someone...?
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
@henrisaurus: People say i'm smart, but i say the most stupidest shit when i'm around you.
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Hey... you're out from the hospital. You're looking...healthy.
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It's summer, right?
Because so far I’ve managed to get hospitalized and spend more time in my bedroom than I ever have in my life. 
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
With a concerned look on his face, Henry turned his head around to face Zara assuring her that he was listening and concerned about what happened. He gently rubbed Zara’s shoulder that his hand were placed against, biting his lips together and knitting his eyebrows as soon as Zara mentioned that her brother knew nothing about the incident. “Are you not going to tell him?” He asked, feeling slightly confused though he knew Zara must have her reasons for it. “I won’t tell him, but just… be extra careful from now on, alright?”
Blabbering on about Zara’s safety wasn’t planned; in fact, Henry wasn’t aware on how fast he was speaking or how many words were coming out from his mouth. He was basically speaking out his thoughts that were floating around in his head. The brunette stopped speaking the moment Zara placed her hand over his mouth, his eyes widen from the shock and the sudden movement she made but soon calmed down after knowing what the fuss was about. He nodded; slowly moving Zara’s hand away from his mouth with his hand. “Why not?” He asked, his face expression being completely clueless. “I want you safe.”
His head sharply turned to the door once he heard a soft click; quickly Henry put on his best wide smile to greet the nurse hoping she didn’t think he was bothering Zara from how he was seated on her bed.  Feeling slightly anxious, Henry watched the nurse walk in placing the lunch tray on the side table before moving his eyes away from her looking back to Zara. He raised his eyebrows, giving out a soft laugh as soon as he saw Zara reaching for her purse taking out a chocolate bar “Please tell me you don’t just eat chocolates for breakfast, lunch and dinner” Henry chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ll take a bite, if you eat real healthy food, despite how…disgusting it might be” he continued to laugh, crinkling his nose.
Clarity | Zara + Henry
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Hawaii? Is it just me who had stayed here for the summer? Seems like everyone's gone to different places and i'm just stuck here. Wow, what did you do there? Well, sort of; I learnt quite a lot of stuff, some i'm not so proud of but it was definitely fun.
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I'm alive!
Me? Just sleeping the whole day after playing video games the whole night cause I just came back from Hawaii. Having fun learning stuffs?
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Not much in particular though i've been learning and doing quite a lot of things during the summer. How about yourself, Gemma?
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I'm alive!
Hey, Henry! What’s up!
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Hey Max, it's been a while since i've last saw you. How have you been?
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I'm alive!
Hi Henry!
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
I'm alive!
Just thought i should pop out and say that before anyone thinks i got kidnapped, or killed or whatever scenario i have in my head right now; then again, no one really cares but... hey, how's everyone's summer?
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
As Zara scooted over making space for Henry to sit next to her, Henry felt a little hesitant, not knowing whether it was an appropriate thing or the right thing to do especially when he wasn’t the patient. However, in a few minutes, Henry sat himself next to her returning the blonde with a smile before handing the large teddy bear over to Zara. It made Henry less worried about Zara and a pleased after seeing how happy Zara was seeing himself as well as the teddy bear. “Ahh, it’s nothing” Henry muttered as he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders with his head slightly lowered then back up again.
The brunette looked down at Zara’s fingers which were playing with the hospital bracelet around her wrists; although Henry might have claimed that his nervousness was no more of a problem, he was still conscious about what others might think. “You… don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Henry stated, stuttering a little but managed to get his point out. He knitted his eyebrows as Zara spoke, listening to her carefully and paying every attention on her. Once she was done and looking at him desperately, Henry instantly place his closer arm around her shoulders.
“Hey… it’s okay…” He softly muttered, comforting the blonde. “You should be a lot more careful,” he continued having the feeling of worry getting to him, “Maybe next time when you go to a party, get someone to go with you? You should’ve called me! I would’ve gone with you even if I hate parties, but I’d go anywhere with you just to make sure nothing happens to you… And maybe you should be more careful with guys and… parties... especially when it’s been hosted by people you don’t know well” Henry blabbered, throwing his hands around.
Clarity | Zara + Henry
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Yes, i do actually! Either you're good at observing people or i'm just...really obvious. Must be the glasses.
Likewise, Lisa; Senior year might sound a little scary at first but i promise you, it's not. I survived it and i think you'll have no problem in surviving in it either.
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Has anybody seen the Jane eyre movie?
I could have guessed. I don’t know but i have a feeling you like Sci-fi? Did i get that right?
Nice to meet you Henry. Oh i see. Yes you got that right. I am new and excited. I can’t wait to see the reading list that would be given.
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suphen-ry-blog · 11 years
Wow, that seems a lot more productive than what i've been doing. New York? That's incredible! Any particular reason why, or were you just feeling slightly adventurous? It is a big thing, but once it's over, university seems like a much bigger step. That's true; it was as if i was walking down the hallway on my first day just yesterday. Time flies when you're having fun.
That's what everyone keep saying, which is flattering but..eh.
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I think Jason might be joining me, so i can rely on him. Hopefully there are a couple of them joining Spring Creek University and hopefully you get to in a few years as well. I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the hallways for sure.
It's so early..
Oh not much, just been catching up on some reading.. I just got back from New York actually. I went there for two week with Ian. But senior year is such a big thing, the final year of high school. My last year with all my friends. I can’t even imagine what it would be like in your shoe’s Henry. I know you are going to do amazing in university. You are a incredibly smart guy after all.
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Beside just give it a year and a few more people that you know may join you at Spring Creek University. I know I might be attending there. That is if I can get a scholarship there.
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