supersiaubas · 26 days
Peroneal Evaluation
The previous evaluation I had made was a professional meaning it was strictly professional no room for personal thoughts but here I talk about how I felt. I felt like the game has reached its minimal product at the same time I felt like it could be SO much better with the concept stuff could have been added, into a small tower defense game, sure its playable it could have been more.
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Code in detail of artillery
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Artillery rotation
This is the line of code that rotates below is rough sketch of the rotation adjustment. if rotation too fast it misses but if its too slow it also misses, ingame the artillery attends to fire to the right, this is a small bug but at the same time a on purpose thing as realistic artillery had to be physically rotated, before adjusting this line of code the rotation was far worse like firing the shell off screen usually to the 0,0,0 point inside unreal, 0,0,0 is the center point of any unreal engine world.
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Spawning bomb
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Bomb explosion below is how the shell functions as a projectile, its true that the shell actually does no harm, it because the target marker was actually the thing that does damage. The reason why this isnt showing the full bomb script is because majority of this code doesn't work. Why? Because the target marker has taken some of the bombs code reducing the bomb to a fuse basically and I like that analogy
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Explosion kill, This is the line of code that serves little purpose but I keep around to keep the kill enemy system consistently functional
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Target marker, like I said earlier, you click and the target marker appears, What you have done is basically place a bomb that has no timer but can be activated with a fuse, that fuse is the shell, when an enemy dies it wasn't by the shell but by the target marker. Why was this the design choice? Consistency, as this would be instant adding a delay meant some things would get through or not get hit at all remembering how janky projectiles can get . The image below is more of a "connotation" the bomb a lighter and the target the bomb ready to detonate.
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supersiaubas · 1 month
In game screenshot of the finished game
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Game Icon and Background
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The icon is made to look like a warning design. The icon is simply the artillery cannon firing a shell. There was also another idea to make the icon a flying shell with wings on it
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The style chosen is a caution style, on the right the artillery, the middle the soldiers, the right the zombies. this more reflects how battles are done, with the soldiers on the front and artillery in the back, so there is a reason for this pattern.
One game I know that uses this warning theme as a mechanic is lobotomy corp, context lobotomy corp is a monster management game if you have a bad time with the monsters, you would use the rabbit protocol, basically like summoning a elite squad to deal with things your employees cant.
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Outcome product Video
Am I satisficed with this product that I had created? Yes. Although I loose in the end, in a pervious run I had managed to hit the finale enemy and the dopamine from hitting something from a previous run felt very good because i knew it was something difficult, when you beat something hard and know its hard, you feel rewarded.
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Proposal & Professional Evaluation
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Specialist pratice
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Previous FMP and projects
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Project theme slide
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Finished tutorial.
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This was the finale tutorial, it was VERY quick made, me personally I dislike it because it feels soulless compared to the dialogue I had made between Ludwig and Shely. the tutorial is made is made strictly to tell the player HOW the game works in a VERY basic way. If I had greater time I would have 100% used the the dialogue between Ludwig and Shely as it felt like Ludwig had a actual personality instead of a souless guide, there's only so much you can fit into a tutorial in game that people would only play around 3 minutes.
The symbol on the back may look like his symbol
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However what the symbol is suppose to be is a sun going through a black hole and glowing through the other side, why this? because it would have symbolized the idea of penetrating through something that seems so endless and undefeatedable, banner was for the weapons development department which would have made more fitting symbol as the artillery was able to destroy the toughest zombies.
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Unused Artillery Upgrades
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Level 2
In level 2, the M119 model doesn't change asides from a improved barrel with yellow stripes and the muzzle changed, this upgrade wouldn't have added much, besides a damage increase
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Level 3
In level 3 the artillery model changed and it went from a M119 to a M198, image below is a model of the M198, this would have decreased reload time, damage and explosion range.
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Level 4
In level 4, nothing changes expect the barrel is bigger and the muzzle is much larger, this would have simply greatly increased damage and moderately explosion range
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Level 5
in level 5 its the biggest change, this time it would have actually increased reloading time instead of decreasing it however greatly increased damage and a greater explosion range. its model isn't based on anything because nothing like this exists. you could say this look like a tack shooter with a cannon strapped to the top of it.
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Every Zombie created in the project
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A total of 9, yup, the two concept bosses were now official minibosses, its not uncommon for developers to use stuff as concept stuff as official things, often things like cosmetics, items weapons in other games.
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supersiaubas · 1 month
Other games tutorial characters.
You wont exactly find "tutorial characters" by a mere google search but you would have to play to know. if you look at military type games with a tutorial the tutorial character is often a generic military guy who isn't made very interesting. to be fair, the tutorial area a player only really visit once or they sometimes do the tutorial to try to break it any way they can. I wanted my tutorial characters to play into the trope of generic, by making the main tutorial character the general, a selfish one, the female secondary character is basically made to the opposite of the general in every single way, personality and appearance wise, while the general is bald, Shely has hair.
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supersiaubas · 2 months
Dialogue one
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This is the first dialogue in the game from ludwig, just by this you can tell what kind of personality he has, uncaring and full of himself, by hes choice of words has no problem with putting hes own men down in the grave. He shortens some phrases by using the first letters of every word like the word "S.A.D" which means "Such A Disgrace" and "R.C.G" means "Rich Charming General"
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the second dialogue shows how Ludwig treats hes fellow co workers. "N.S.G.T.S.Y" means "Not So Good To See You"
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Shely's first dialogue is heavily informal and greeting, even her character sprite mannerism is designed to be informal like, her legs straight, her hand behind her back, a note in her left hand holding a notepad.
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Ludwig right here basically telling her to be quite in "S.T.H.U" and S.M.H means shake my hand
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I added this dialogue to make Shely not seem like a obedient pushover for Ludwig and Shely as a capable person instead of "Ludwigs dog"
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In this dialogue you can probably tell hes ego was hurt. even the iconic annoyed symbol on hes cheek to emphases this.
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And this was the introduction to game when meeting these two, it ended with Shely not responding with anything because realistically what else is there to say, the truth was said and hes ego was hurt.
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supersiaubas · 2 months
Tutorial character 2
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This is Shely, she is designed to be the opposite of the general, more calm and informal, less insulting. she still keeps the color scheme, but instead of representing wrath and hate, she represents bravery.
Compared to Ludwig, her name has no known meaning this was on purpose because her name does not need a meaning because she doesn't base her identity around being known and better then people
Appearance wise ginger hair that's a rather unique, she has two buns and her long ponytails are a long chain of buns, the hair is just there to make her come off as friendly as orange can be a color representing sunshine
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Looking at characters with a orange themes, there are mostly good characters and those characters are usually friendly.
Asides her hair she has a visible eyepatch but not your typical eye patch thats full black but a bandage one, showing that Shely has been through stuff meanwhile with Ludwig you cant find a single injury on hes body. The fact one of her eye is visible while Ludwig's eyes are hidden behind sunglasses gives off a "human" feel as if she has a soul. posture wise she is as formal as possible, no casual body posture, her mouth is more covered by her right cheek, this is on purpose to give off a sense of being precious and "could do no wrong" as far as uniform she has no medals because she has no reason to show off, she has a ID, a pencil and a phone on her uniform, these are all the things you would need in a work environment
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supersiaubas · 2 months
Map design
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This is the complete map, you'll notice the buildings have a gray and dark color scheme with the occasional blood scattered around, this is a more of a apocalyptical docking store age place
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This building has a special purpose, not a gameplay purpose but a visual purpose, its designed to "hide" a bug, around this corner characters attend to get stuck but get unstuck on their own, this gas station is suppose to hide that and gives the impression that things stop here to get stuff, which would be better for emersion.
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supersiaubas · 2 months
Tutorial character
I think my game could use a small tutorial
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This right here is Ludwig, hes personality is a selfish army general who will basically treated you like a child.
This is a reason I had chosen a red color scheme. because red represents wrath and rage
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Looking at the characters above they all represent something rather that being love, bravery, as far as villain's they are typically represented as full of rage.
The badges on Ludwigs cape is actually a small reference to history, reference to Georgy Zhukov
Ludwig's name means "Famour Warrior" in German which is what he basically is who Ludwig is, a warrior with the fame got to hes head that the people around become unimportant, as far as hes body posture, hes legs open casually, hes left arm is inside hes cape, hes right arm casually in the air reflecting a cocky body posture prefect for hes personality, hes head was high up, hes jawline was sharp, and what about the sun glasses? sunglasses often represent "awesomeness" this was further pushed they the movie industry, like the trope of walking away from a explosion while wearing sunglasses.
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