supdlovat0 · 11 years
just bawled my eyes out watching struck by lightning. if you haven't seen it, you  better.
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
i'm so sorry i haven't been on guys. like shit's been going down in my family and i haven't felt good.
i found out tonight that my uncle is in the hospital cause his liver is bad and he's throwing up blood. it doesn't look too good
so i'm just dealing with a lot. i'll be on tomorrow, straight up. i'm not working <3
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
Sorry I wasn't on at all yesterday I felt like shit. Ill be on when I get home tonight!
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
You know, I like the way you think Fox. You're a woman of all trades, I'm jealous. Please teach me your ways.
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So freaking bored
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I’ve got my ways, Lovato. Numero uno, magic tricks…
And number two, well, I’m not sure if it’s too appropriate. 
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
But it does, unless you are using this in a perverted context. Either way, it takes a sucky person to know one. Therefore, you are one.
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So freaking bored
No, no, no, it doesn’t work that way
What’s your logic behind that?
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
Demi watched as he grabbed her hand, and instantly got a wave of comfort wash over her. Everytime Dylan touched her she just felt like that was how it was supposed to be. She wasn't meant to be with anyone else right then and there, or atleast, that's how she felt. No matter what happened between the two, all she could ever think about was the time they spent together. Not how they spent their time apart, not how they spent their time with other people- just with one another. Those times were probably the best moments in her life. "Well, you most certainly don't have to, but..." Demi bit her lip as he played with the ends of her hair, "But you'd just be super, super cool if you did. Plus I will give you extra kisses." She stuck her tongue out, and then shook her head. "I'm totally just kidding, all I really want is time right here with you. It's really the best thing I could ever have." Demi felt really bad that she left without saying anything to Dylan, but she didn't want to be persuaded not to go. She knew, in her heart, that it was the best thing for her. “I just wish you would’ve told me, you know?,” Demi nodded, swallowing. As his lips pressed to her cheek, she turned slightly just so she could peck his soft lips. "I'm sorry for that... it was really just an 'of the moment' decision." She let her hand under her head collapse, and slowly laid her head on his chest. "I would have told you if I wasn't so confused at that moment."
You took my heart || Double D
A smile grew on his face as she spoke and he grabbed her hand in his. He played with her fingers, occasionally bringing them up to his lips and placing a soft kiss on her skin. “So… does one of those presents happen to be for your amazing girlfriend?” He smiled in amusement at her curiosity and glanced over at her. “What do I have to?,” he said, playing along, “I didn’t think I had to.” He shot a wink at her and found himself playing with the ends of her hair. “I get you,” he said, nodding. Life in the house was tiring and he didn’t blame her one bit. In fact, he was contemplating doing the same thing, just to get away from the hectic atmosphere. “I just wish you would’ve told me, you know?,” he mumbled, his lips pressed to her cheek. 
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
If I suck, you suck.
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So freaking bored
Sucks to suck, Demdem
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
And how will you do that?
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So freaking bored
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Let me entertain you. 
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
So freaking bored
Oh my god.
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
my dad: "you wanna know why i don't have guns in my house?" -points at my mom-
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
“Well, I got some Christmas shopping done,” Looking over to where he nodded, a grin grew even larger on her face. Demi wasn't the kind of person that asked people for things for Christmas because all she honestly wanted was the company of people she loved. Demi was actually the kind of person that liked buying for others, which made her surprised that she hadn't even stepped out to go shopping.  She was such a big procrastinator and she honestly probably wouldn't even get stuff until two days before Christmas. Was that bad? Yes. But it was just Demi being Demi. "So... does one of those presents happen to be for your amazing girlfriend?" Her eyebrows rose, "I mean, no big deal if it isn't, but you know... that would be pretty freaking awesome." Demi turned on her side to face Dylan, resting her head on her hand. “How’s life been treating you babe?,” Demi took a deep breath and shrugged slightly. "Right now? Amazing." She smirked, "I know I like disappeared for the past few days, I kind of got a hotel to clear my head." She looked down, kind of playing with his shirt. "I just needed some time away, you know? This house can drive some people crazy. I know it almost did with me."
You took my heart || Double D
As cliche as it may be, he felt his heart take off as she pressed her lips against his. His forehead pressed against hers and he snuck a quick kiss on her nose, mimicking the smile planted on her face. Everything with Demi always felt so right and there was nothing we wanted more than to freeze this moment and stay in it forever. He admired her features, almost getting so lost in amazement to listen to her as she spoke. He caught everything she said, however, her voice always grasping his attention, like music to his ears. 
“What have I been up to?,” he repeated out loud, his mind tracing back to the past couple of days. He climbed on the bed and laid down, pulling Demi next to him. “Well, I got some Christmas shopping done,” he said, nodding his head over to the bags in the corner of the room. After shopping, he felt a wave of relief rush over him because he’d finally settled on a gift for Demi. It wasn’t too spectacular but once he saw it, he had to get it and prayed for the best. “How’s life been treating you babe?,” he asked, turning his attention over to the brunette and pulling her closer into his side. 
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
What's up your ass, Squishy?
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So yeah
I’m fucking ecstatic to be alive.
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supdlovat0 · 11 years
I think that could very well be in our futures... or lack of.
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So yeah
Am I sensing an end of the world party? 
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