sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
I hope we get the answer to the white SUV story before the final episode. It’s getting to be a very long time. And the longer the suspense, the higher the expectations. So the last few episodes had better be amazing.
I hope the directors didn’t make the vulgar mistake of putting the Nemesis only in the first and last episode, it’s not done anymore.
In the last season with Ivan, they introduced him from the beginning with a meeting in the middle of the season, it was not bad.
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
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“I think everyone has a basic right to privacy.”
The Duchess of Sussex talks with Oprah about invasion of privacy, boundaries and that everyone is entitled of privacy and respect.
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
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NEW AMSTERDAM  — 1.02 / 3.01
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
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 NEW AMSTERDAM – Season 3, Episode 1: “The New Normal”
I mean, otherwise, what the hell was this for?
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
Omg okay I loved this post ❀ I feel better now about episode 3 lol ! And it does make a lot of sense so here's to episode 4!!
I think I've been thinking about season 3 all wrong. I mean, we've all noticed how in love Magnum is with Higgins now - we can all see how close he's getting to realising it and telling her. But I think Higgy's closer to that point than I originally thought, and I actually think episode 3 helps to prove that.
Hear me out.
We all noticed how particularly snippy she was in this most recent episode, and, whilst this doesn't excuse her words - at all - I chalked it up to being due to the stress of the situation they were in, especially with her Visa now being on the line again.
But I've been thinking about it more today, especially after seeing so many complaints about her attitude, and I realised something. Higgy is falling just as hard as Magnum is right now. She's just showing it differently.
Back in 2x03, Kumu said, "There are people you've gotten close to. That frightens you." She was right. And Higgy is afraid again now.
I think part of her, deep down, is aware of her burgeoning feelings for Magnum, but she's still scared of being with someone again, of feeling so vulnerable around someone. So she's pushing him away, trying to hurt him so that he leaves and so she doesn't have to run the risk of being hurt all over again.
This may beg the question, "Well, why is she dating Ethan then?" And I think I have an answer for that. Higgins' feelings for Ethan are more superficial, being about attraction more than an emotional connection. Whilst Higgy is most certainly also attracted to Thomas, the thing that is different is that they've known each other for years now, and in that time, despite often being cold and detatched - trying to keep people at arms length - Thomas Magnum has broken down all of Juliet's walls and worked his way into her heart, despite anything she's done to try and stop that.
So that brings us back to 3x03. Again, I'm not trying to excuse the things Juliet said to Thomas. They were cruel and unwarranted after everything he's done for her. Juliet was terrified of having to leave her Ohana, but most of all, she was terrified of having to leave Magnum. So she was lashing out to try and push him away in the hope that it would hurt less when she had to leave (because, let's face it, at the time, she was pretty certain that was going to happen).
I think it's also important to bring up her conversation with the immigration officer about having attachment issues, because I believe everything she said there was completely true, even though she was putting on a show to try and convince him of their story. It also fits with her behaviour towards Magnum perfectly, as people with attachment issues often push away the people they are closest to for fear that they may eventually leave them anyway. It's not logical, but the anxiety caused is real. And I believe, particularly after Richard, it's a major factor of why she won't open up to people.
It's also why I think Ethan has been introduced this season. Ethan will hopefully provide Juliet with an opportunity to realise that she can be with another person after Richard, that she's ready to try again. However, she'll come to realise that the person she wants to trust and open up to isn't Ethan, but it's the man who's been in front of her the whole time - Thomas Magnum. And slowly, I think she'll stop with the snarky comments and cold, detached behaviour and let herself be more vulnerable around him.
And, I mean, it's not like we haven't seen Juliet let down her walls and be thoughtful in regards to Thomas. 3x02 is a brilliant example of this, with her, despite being pretty much broke, buying Magnum's watch back for him after he had to pawn it. That's probably one of the most vulnerable scenes we've seen with her. And perhaps it's what prompted her to be so guarded in 3x03 - she was scared of how close she's becoming to him.
That being said, is the way she's dealing with her emotions healthy? No, no it's not.
Is it fair on Thomas? Again, the answer's no.
Was she right to say the things she said? No, of course not.
However, I do think we owe it to her as a character to be understanding of her struggles in regards to opening up and, like Magnum, be supportive of her until she's ready to tell him how she feels.
Anyway, this descended into a post that's probably slightly less than coherent, so sorry about that, I just had too many thoughts circling around my head about 3x03 and the responses people have had to it, especially as someone who struggles with attachment issues myself.
I'd also like to make a disclaimer here: everyone is absolutely entitled to their own opinion about this most recent episode, and this post is not an attack on those who have been annoyed by Higgy's attitude. I just wanted to say that I think there's probably a greater purpose to it in terms of the arc we're getting this season (I hope). Despite this, I can definitely understand the frustration with the arguing that occurred, as I felt it myself, and any annoyance or disappointment in regards to 3x03 in completely valid.
If you've reached this point, thanks for reading this mess. I hope it makes sense and doesn't cause any offence!
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
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requested by anon ♡ magnum in all black đŸ„ș😍đŸ„ș😍 (part 2)
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
is anyone else getting weird vibes from higgy this season? i understand her putting walls back up after the almost marriage thing but it feels like we’ve taken 5 steps back. a lot of unnecessary kind of catty comments ?
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
I swear that Jay Hernandez gets better looking with each passing episode of Magnum that airs
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
Man i agree so much, at some point they got to tone down the higgy character. I mean we love their little bickering but no need to take it this far.... I couldn't that the episode has just ended line that, I was waiting for a miggy scene there
Magnum PI - 3.03 - No Way Out
So this week episode was
well, I don’t know.
I guess I enjoyed it and we got some fun moments. But over all I just
 I just didn’t like anyone (weird because they’re my babies) . Everyone were just acting so not cool with each other. The bickering was annoying rather endearing. Seriously some of the most enjoyable bits were the Rick-being-worried-mother-hen ones.
Also where was the Miggy? There was barely any! (yes I’m saying that about the episode where we got this)
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and an end scene like this
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This little squint-y thing when she’s texting Ethan and smiling? We see you Magnum.
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(And how can Jay just get hotter and hotter? I mean, seriously, someone call the fire department already!)
Magnum “keeping tally” of her dates
.because of “the over under” that was pretty great too! And him pulling her out of the elevator. And her giving him a ‘mmmm nice’ look when he was wearing the sexy black commando outfit

IDK, maybe there was some Miggy crumbs and maybe my slight ‘meehewh’ experience was it was just because I was watching this at 5 am and the streaming site kept buffering (and I just got so spoiled with 3.01-2). But I don’t know. It did feel a little flat. Maybe low stakes because I didn’t feel like no one was actually in danger, which is really weird during a hostage situation. 
Plus point for the fact that they brought up / it caused problem that Higgy switched to TC for her Fake-Fiance! That was just so stupid I’m glad it actually came back to bite her. I would however have liked them all to be blaming themselves, rather than each other, because that just wasn’t cute. 
Still, I mean some of the biggest reasons I watch Magnum because of good (and oh so pretty) characters, friendship and brotherhood (and partnership), Miggy, beautiful scenery and cool cars. I didn’t get much of any of that other than a minute at the end. Like seriously, there was not even one shot of the Ferrari this week
Having some almost-personal-experience (one of my best friends is currently appealing her work visa and was possibly going to have to leave right before Christmas) it’s really tough to not know what’s going to happen. My friend is really broken up about it and I’m really bummed out too. It’s real terrifying to be at the whim of some government person who don’t know you or your circumstances other than from a sheet of paper. A person, that have the power to separate you from your new family and home. 
So I kind of get why Juliet is upset and lashing out. She hates that she has no control. So I can forgive her
. for half of it. 
But these guys all did this illegal thing for you Juliet, because they wanted you to stay so bad!
Magnum is easily as upset as you Higgy and TC isn’t happy either. They love you! Try to remember that!
(I mean TC lied badly and awkwardly for you girl, come on!)
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Blaming them might be a cooping mechanism (and I actually love the fact that we got her fake crying about her ‘daddy issues’ because we all know that she probably got some. At least my head cannon Mr. Higgins isn’t winning dad of the year awards) but it’s also going backwards for her character (but when have they ever really cared about that?). 
I figure it’s for the drama but it could have been equally dramatic if Higgy had just gone ‘I guess that means I’m going home for good’ and started mentioning all the things she was going to miss and Magnum was being all, ‘I’m sorry I fudge it up’ (even though I’m not sure I actually think it’s more Magnum’s fault than anyone else’s
Or they could have kept it all the same, but at some point actually had Juliet admit that she said yes to the proposal, she’s at fault too and maybe that she really should just have married Magnum. I mean that would just have been the simplest and most likely to succeed thing to do to succeed with the fake visa. Her switching messed it up and even with the ‘I own a business’ visa it’s still causing problems.
This could also finally have given them a moment to talk about WHY she did that (because they would be less likely that things went wrong with TC? Wouldn’t he go to jail if they found out same as with Magnum? How did switching ever make any sense?), maybe we could even have gotten some Miggy feels hinted at - of course interrupted by Bad Guys coming to shoot them. 
I feel like this was maybe how it went in the original script - because of the whole “and I didn’t have to marry either one of you” comment at the end. I feel like that might have been meant to tie in with a scene like that. But that’s probably just my shippy sleepy brain making stuff up!
Despite this all I did enjoyed Magnum little speech about how it’s all his fault. It’s totally stupid and illogical for him to make it and if the immigration guy hadn’t been all ‘lets just forget about this because you saved my life, welcome to America’ it would maybe even have led to Magnum losing his license, them all getting arrested and Higgy deported. It’s still really cute and heartwarming and if Juliet keeps calling him immature man-child after this I’m gonna be annoyed.
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The “welcome home” at the end and generally good feeling of things being some what settled with the visa (or so I’m assuming) is really nice. Higgy is finally actually home and we got a lovely family dinner with the whole gang, Juliet saying thank you and some Miggy puppy dog eyes to finish it all up with. Over all it felt vaguely like this might have been meant to air around Thanksgiving or something originally.
I guess I can’t complain too much. Little sad we didn’t get any kind of Christmas feels (but with the filming scheduled weird due to corona I get why no one would even have considered it) but I really hope we get a X-mas themed episode in season 4!
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
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Seriously, I don't get why they haven't hugged yet ? I mean come on, not even as friends ??
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
If they look at each other like that, platonically , what will we get when these two start dating 😂😂😂
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dialogue? we don’t know her only heart eyes
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 3 years
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dialogue? we don’t know her only heart eyes
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 4 years
“Superstore” is officially shutting up shop.
The NBC comedy is set to end after its current sixth season, which has been interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Episode 113 will be its last, meaning there are 11 episodes left to air.
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 4 years
Fuck NBC man. Superstore is literally my favourite comedy and the cast could 1000000% do it without Amy. I genuinely thought they’d give the cast time to adjust without her. Like The Office. It’s the ensemble scenes that makes the show as funny as it is. They didn’t even give it a chance without America.
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 4 years
Me: I can’t wait for Superstore tonight!
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sunshinegirlsstuff · 4 years
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Magnum PI - 2x07 - The Man in the Secret Room
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