sunshine51879 · 5 years
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Love my pictures with Nicky at OKC VIP Watch party https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVdAzqhFv_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c0rwpgwygrt0
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sunshine51879 · 5 years
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“He did what?” Dean questioned, standing to his feet. 
(Y/N) wiped her watering eyes, “H-He broke up with me. He said I w-wasn’t good enough for him.” 
Dean pursed his lips and took a glance at Sam before the both of them walked outside to the car, opening the trunk. 
“What are you guys doing?” (Y/N) exclaimed, chasing after them. 
Dean tossed a gun to his brother, “We’re gonna teach an ungrateful dick bag that he just made the biggest mistake of his life.” 
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sunshine51879 · 5 years
Such A Good Job
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester
Word Count: 1,153
Warnings: sub!dean, fluff
Request: Sub!Dean please?? Not smut necessarily, implied is fine, idk, something fluffy ??
Summary: Dean loves to be reminded how much of a good boy he is.
Author’s Note: I have never written a sub!dean before so I hope this is good without smut. This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“Fuck,” Dean muttered as he ripped the paper from his notebook before crumbling it up. He looked at the trashcan less than 20 feet from where he sat and debated whether or not he could make it into the trash without getting up. Peeking at you and his brother, he grinned before taking the risk, throwing the wadded ball to the basket. However, the paper missed the basket by a few inches and landed on the ground with a soft thud.
Looking up from your laptop, you saw Dean casually look down as if he didn’t make the mess. This is the third time in a row he has tried to make it into the trash, but like this one, he missed. Dean tried to pass it off as not a big deal, but you hated trash lying around. You were the only reason why your shared room was so neat and tidy. There was nothing out of place, and you knew where everything was.
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
Show Me
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A/N: I love this so much, like I’m making my own heart ache a little here, damn. Thankyou so much to @a-smol-badger for the request that I never would have thought up on my own atm. That’s all I got to say honestly. 
Request: Is there a possibility you could write an imagine where y/n is an art student and her latest class assignment is human figure and she wants to draw jug and he gets scared and self conscious that he has to be shirtless but y/n assures him he is perf
Word Count: 1,882
Warnings: boi has body confidence issues for a hot second, that’s it.
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
Bubble Wrap // Jughead Jones
requested- yup, but i lost the actual request soo
summary- reader gets hurt and needs some comforting from her boyfriend
pairing- jughead jones x reader
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
“My dear lost girl, I know you’re lonely, I know you’re sad, I know you’re angry, I know you’re tired, but I promise, just wait a little longer, for we will meet, in your dreams, I’ll be there, if you have faith, trust, and pixie dust, then I’ll be seeing you soon, don’t give up my lost girl, keep it up, for me.”
— Your king, Peter Pan
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
School - Jughead Jones
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Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader
Characters: Jughead Jones
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon: “Jughead Jones: “you’re insane but you might also be brilliant.”
Word Count: 513
Author: Hannah
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
It’s Asexual Awareness Week
So, as an asexual person myself, I’ve decided to give some reminders for all you lovely ace people.
You are valid
You are real
You are a part of the LGBT community
You can have a fulfilling relationship without sex
If you feel like you aren’t fulfilling your partner because you don’t have sex, you are wrong, your partner would not be with you if they didn’t feel fulfilled
Although, if your partner claims they aren’t fulfilled because you aren’t having sex with them, dump their ass and find someone who respects you
You can be ace no matter your age, gender, race, etc.
You do not have to be aromantic to be ace (I’m a biromantic ace myself)
However, aro-ace people are just as valid
You are not obligated to explain the nuances of your asexuality to anyone unless you’re planning to have sex with them
Having been assaulted is not always why you’re asexual, but sometimes, having been assaulted is why you’re asexual. Both are valid. (change made here because what I wrote earlier wasn’t phrased well)
You are not “broken”
You are not a “prude”
Demisexuals, Greysexuals, Cupiosexuals, and anyone else on the ace spectrum are also valid
But, most of all
You are loved
Happy Asexual Awareness Week!
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
Shopping Trip (Jughead x Reader)
A/N: Thank you anon, for this request. I hope this is what you were looking for! :)
It was the middle of summer. School was finished until the Autumn came, so you had plenty of free time on your hands. You had spent most of your days thus far relaxing, eating junk food, chilling at Pop’s with your friends and enjoying the sunshine. However, as the weeks stretched on, you were beginning to feel restless.
As it was another sunny day, you decided you needed to get out of Riverdale and have some fun. You had called your boyfriend, Jughead, and persuaded him to go somewhere with you. Normally, Jughead was a bit of a recluse and was not known for enjoying the sunshine or going to busy places. This didn’t matter though as you knew that he could not say no to you.
After a little begging, Jughead had agreed to take you to a shopping mall a few towns over from Riverdale.
You spent the afternoon wandering the town before heading into the shopping mall. It was a lot bigger than anything you had back home with a much wider variety of shops.
Jughead slid his arm around your waist as you walked. He had reached for you to feel comforted in the crowded mall, but part of you felt like it was a statement to the onlookers. He was making sure everyone knew that you were taken. You moved closer to him, smiling up at his adoring gaze.
After browsing several shops, you spotted one that you really wanted to go into. You took hold of Jughead’s hand and pulled him towards the shop you’d made a target.
“Where are we going?” Jughead asked softly laughing at your eagerness.
You grinned at him and said nothing. Jughead’s eyes scanned the area, flicking quickly between shops as he tried to guess where you were headed. Finally, he caught sight of the neon pink sign. He let out a gasp and stopped walking.
“Y/N, we are not going in there!” he exclaimed, digging his heels into the floor.
You giggled, turning to face him. “Where, Jug?” you asked trying your best to give him an innocent smile.
“Victoria’s Secret,” he replied in a hushed voice.
“You want to go into Victoria’s Secret?” you asked loudly.
Jughead’s cheeks flushed red as he scrambled to shush you. He looked around desperately checking that no one was paying attention to the two of you. “No, we’re not going in there,” he replied in a whisper.
You couldn’t help but laugh at how flustered your normally calm and collected boyfriend was. “Please, Jug,” you asked, smiling sweetly.
He shook his head, still blushing.
You pouted and fluttered your eyelashes at him. “Pleeeease?”.
Jughead let out a sigh. “Do we have to?” he asked softly.
“Yes!” you answered excitedly. You grabbed his hand again and pulled him towards the store. “Come on, Jug. You can pick out something for me to model for you,” you said giggling.
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
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June 16 - Lili getting ready for Season 2 rehearsals while Cole shows some moves in the back.
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
I get woken out if sleep with ideas.
*Me trying to write all day*
Manages to write maybe ten lines …
*Me at 2 o’clock in the morning*
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
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in which Jughead Jones would have severe second hand embarrassment if he sees how his actor actually dances xD Lili and Cole in the makeup trailer getting ready for rehearsals probably as Season 2 filming is boutta start officially next week! Can’t wait to see more of their hilarious dorky antics on set again.~ And this time round, everyone will be watching their every move for potential spoilers lol and every vid will be speculated and scrutinized to see what’s coming up for Betty and Jughead. xD Exciting. 
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
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Jughead on a work site is my new weakness.
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
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I wanted to see if my answer was any different....nope. 
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
Interview with Cole Sprouse during Season 2 of Riverdale
I could listen to this man speak for hours.
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
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sunshine51879 · 6 years
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Dylan Sprouse on Cole being a badass.
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