sunsetpara · 6 months
damn, some of ya'lls worldview really boils down to 'there is a uniquely horrible class of people who cannot change ever and were always like that', doesn't it?
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sunsetpara · 6 months
can't believe I have to say this but
*pro-contact here means anyone supporting romantic/sexual contact with children, animals, and the dead along with supporting people being murdered or raped because someone is an erotophonophile or biastophile etc. Anti-contact here means not supporting that.
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sunsetpara · 6 months
reminder that the thoughts someone has does not say anything about how “good” or “bad” someone is, because thoughts have no moral worth at all. yes, this includes sexual and violent thoughts of all kinds. thoughtcrime isn’t real
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sunsetpara · 7 months
I actually think I probably am not a necrophile bc I think I'd probably just prefer dolls/mannequins for the reasons I questioned if I am, and also bc I would presumably still be into like ppl I was into when they/I was alive if I/they died, which is likely not inherently necro but just a extension of attraction to the living?? autonecro also probably not bc I guess Ive only thought abt that like a few times and I dont think it was as much a big part of the fantasy as much as how I was just thinking abt a fictional character that happened to be violent in canon lol..
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sunsetpara · 7 months
Ive wondered if I am a necro and mainly autonecro??... (anti contact ofc) but. idk I dont think it applies to me or maybe I can't tell over the sound of how so many ppl would be disappointed or treat me as evil if I turned out to have more taboo paraphilias... I personally relate a bit to finding the way corpses don't move (usually. I do know cadaveric spasm is sometimes a thing) and don't make sounds comforting bc of my sensory issues and issues with dealing with emotions. I wonder if Im just into roleplay or some shit also idk....
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sunsetpara · 7 months
Pro para objectophile culture is being downright sick of some ppl in the community trying to distance themself from the para community and assuming that all pro para people advocate for harmful contact
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sunsetpara · 7 months
you can't say "get help" if what you really mean is "they should 'fix' you to make you agree with me and make you stop consuming/creating content i don't like"
that's not how therapy works and not what it's for
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sunsetpara · 7 months
many people see “pedophiles” as a type of villain to wish infinite angry death upon, as opposed to recognizing CSA as a preventable form of abuse. the former buys into moral panic and punitive justice; the latter is actionable, helpful, and much needed
when i went to conservative christian hell school, all we heard about was the evil scary men who wanted to snatch us up on the street. we learned about csa through strange, coded language. we were not taught how to talk about our bodies, and we were not taught what sex was. eventually, i was groomed and assaulted. so were an alarming number of my peers, often by teachers and religious leaders
then, as an adult, i got the opportunity to work at a summer camp. we developed an actionable plan to prevent campers from being alone with adult volunteers; we advocated for all of our campers to learn appropriate body part language; we led discussions about boundaries and consent; we answered questions about sex with honesty, care, and age-appropriate detail. and it was safe! the one time we identified shady behavior, there were so many safety nets and protocols in place that it never became a real issue.
so, having been in both situations, it’s frustrating to see 46387 threads a day of people angrily, viciously tearing apart the mere idea of a pedophile without ever stopping to ask “hey, what can we do about this? in real life? like, what are the advocates advocating for right now?”
i hate to break it to you, but 18+ daddy kink genshin yaoi (sorry idk i’m out of touch) isn’t the issue here, and it’s kind of silly and terminally online to pretend that it is. i would argue that adult-only erotica servers that block minors aren’t as big of a threat as, you know, “minor safe!! we are very safe for minors :) and we HATE the mean nasty scary people” communities that have a piss poor accountability system and no real mechanism for preventing abuse. there’s a huge difference between “weird gross thing that grosses me out” and “unsafe situation,” and the latter is far more worth emphasizing
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sunsetpara · 7 months
hey yall please be weary, a new bs stance against us sunset paras have been made.
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how r u fuckers anti abuse but pro contact. make it make sense
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sunsetpara · 7 months
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Fuck it.
ZOCD or Zoophilic OCD is a subtype of OCD where the individual suffers from intrusive thoughts related to being a zoophile- even though they are not one.
The colours are a mix of the OCD flag and the zoo flag.
This flag is free to use by people with ZOCD or supporters. It is NOT to be used by pro-c zoophiles. Abusers are not welcome here.
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sunsetpara · 7 months
Message to those with paraphilic disorders, especially the big 3; please be very careful when disclosing what you have online, shit can be very dangerous even if you’re an innocent person
Especially since with the big three, most people think that those with paraphilic disorders and actual predators are one in the same
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sunsetpara · 7 months
I am... Rather surprised this is an easily ignored thing...
Yes, Minors can be pedophiles. A teen-to-child relationship isn't as healthy as many make it, although it's more than likely skipped because of how often a teen is conflated to being a child. This also can easily go into autopedophilia.
Teens can be pedophiles, which is why there are also specific ranges for specific age attractions. Do not deny that. Please.
This post IS made by a teen who deals with autopedophilia and autohebephilia.
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sunsetpara · 7 months
friendly reminder that i am pro all paras, including the "scary" ones.
(this is about the ATTRACTION not the ACTION.)
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sunsetpara · 7 months
Mental illnesses do not have morals.
You're not a "better person" for having anxiety or depression versus having schizophrenia or a personality disorder.
You're not inherently bad based upon your diagnosis.
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sunsetpara · 7 months
anti contact....so fuckin boring
im only anti-contact for ones that'd harm others (whether it be from consent issues (ex; pedo, zoo, necro, biasto) or murder and the like. If that's boring for you, then clearly you should just block me.
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sunsetpara · 7 months
are umbrellas and parasols symbols of the paraphilia community ? (Im an objectophile whos new to para focused spaces on tumblr and I see some people having umbrella emojis on other paraphilia blogs and wanted to know if its a para symbol)
I think they sort of are! Mainly because of the starts of the words being similar (para-sol and para-phile)
I am unsure, we are not very active in the community due to anxiety and paranoia
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sunsetpara · 7 months
Besitality is an ACTION, you hear me A-C-T-I-O-N. Zoophilia is JUST THE ATTRACTION TO ANIMALS. Zoophilia does NOT mean dog rape. Stop saying it does.
You literally waste all of our time on every side of your dumb discourse by assuming those words mean the same thing, if you give a singular fuck about animal abuse STOP ACTING LIKE THEY'RE THE SAME.
Thanks :3
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