sunsetbois · 2 years
Gentle reminder that requests are now open
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sunsetbois · 2 years
New Intimacy - Chapter 4 - In The Name of Love
Warnings: graphic description of murder, Peter's lewd ass fantasies, heavily implied non con and... curse words?
If I missed anything let me know?
It went well! It couldn't have gone any better than this... well it could have but Peter knows you were not the type to fuck a stranger especially on the first date...
Ever since the coffee shop, he had felt elated and more positive about the progress he was oh so obsessed with. It couldn’t be helped. Peter scanned over the confirmation email he had received two days ago and zeroed in on the first “official,” treatment. Who was he to pretend the “unofficial,” treatments were not as valid after all? Sure you might have been unconscious for them, but you received them so well like he knew you would. His fingers tingled as he shuts his eyes and relives the moments for the numerous time. His warm batter felt like heaven against the soft but tight ridges of your boiling hot walls. If he concentrates, he is certain he can feel the wild clamping squeezing tightly around him. It sets him on fire.
Peter knows he shouldn't indulge...
But it feels so fucking good.
There was no one around, not for miles and no one he was expecting, he thought as his hand slithered down his tight jeans. He can picture you right there behind his eyelids. The way you would look so peaceful whenever he entered your room at night. Sometimes he would lick the drool from your slack lips and sometimes he'd give you something hard and unrelenting to drool on. Peter likes those nights the best of all. No clean up needed, not when his Darling so graciously offers them the welcoming embrace of their throat. If Peter didn't know any better, he'd have said you did that on purpose.
His hand pumped furiously over the glistening length between his legs.
But those were not the best memories he had of you. No, no. On his phone there were folders of you sprawled out by his own hand, glistening in sweat as your unconscious eyes rolled in your sleep. Cum splatters all over your cheeks, voluptuous chest and sticky thighs. Sometimes his hand would record him fucking the shit out of you whilst you sleepily groaned under the influence of the water you thought was safe.
“Fuck,” He worried his lip underneath razor sharp teeth. He didn't need to be quiet, but what was the fun in that? It was more practice for his night time visits~
Strong hips bucked into the warm embrace each time. His balls slapped against their denim covered confines. Fuck, how he wished it was you.
“It better fucking take this time Darling~” He purrs as he envisions your cunt wrapped around his cock and not his hand. With a squeeze, he felt himself paint your walls deeply.
It almost feels sad that he could not do that any longer, especially with the doctors involved. Careless eyes opened in annoyance. At least this way it could be organic. He sits his phone in his jean pocket and retrieves his laptop with stride. A photo shows up on the screen as soon as he opens it. The representatives case seems to have died down now, thankfully. There should be no more obstacles in his way now but his trusty- recently sharpened knife in his inner vest pocket was ready to play whenever.
Whenever may as well have been the moment he saw a customer be rude to you at the diner. Peter could see through the customer service facade they had you wear, he knew. So when he followed the person after wards, he struck without hesitation. Soemthing about hearing his darling being degraded in front of not only staff and not only other diners who looked away, but in front of him, boiled his blood and he was sure it would be the last mistake they’d ever make once he wiped them from the population count.
They blubbered apology after apology in the pursuit. Trails of red surrounded the poorly covered stab wound peeking out from their agonizing side. Peter smirked, he always enjoyed a chase. Luckily there was a dead end just down the alleyway he had herded them into. “Look at you now, hmm. Pathetic.” Peter spat. The dry skies threatened to cry beneath the heavy sigh of the winds.
Their hand tried to protect their face as Peter gained on them and he briefly wondered if the life would drain from their eyes faster than the last one had. His craved blue eyes callously took in the prey before him and with a swift swipe of silver, the skies cried.
Another face lost to the cool, unrelenting steel hiding in the pocket of a crazed man. Unluckily for him, he too won’t be seen again.
No one could know and Peter could not afford to let the reigns loose. As he fished out his packet of battered cigarettes, he inhaled the cool air with glee. There was nothing like killing to get the blood pumping but Peter knew he'd enjoy it better if you were here. No more facades, no more annoying masks, just you and him. Maybe he'd fuck you against that wall, his heavy eyes flickered towards. If he felt daring perhaps even in front of the corpse he sacrificed as retribution for his love.
The body remained curled, bloody and unrecognizable from the blunt trauma it took. There was no recognizable feature left to tell who they were before, not when Peter bashed their jaw into their trachea and all but left them a bloody and chunky mess.
Now they would never harass his darling again... he thought with a love sick smile. Peter knew he had to be the one to do this becuase who else would look out for his darling, but him? He knew that only he had the balls to do it and that was the primary reason why he hadn't gone after your beloved TK so much... he knew when it came down to it, that nobody but him would ever be able to go to the lengths he will. Although the green haired pest was beginning to get on his nerves.
Nothing would ever be able to get in the way. He saw that look in his eyes when you had told TK about the surrogacy clinic. How he wept with glee at the.. not quite disappointment but unrequited yearning he saw flicker in those hideous golden orbs.
It didn't matter now. Tk would never get the chance, not when Peter had his plans for you. The rain battered heavier and eith each lashing, Peter begrudgingly pulled the hood over his face and accepted that he would only get half a cigarette in.
As he crushes the remaining dying embers into the dirty ground with his boot, he heard his ring tone blast. He lazily tugged the device from his jean pocket expecting either his stupid sister or one of his sponsors. When he unlocked it however, his heart stuttered.
Darling is calling...
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sunsetbois · 2 years
New Intimacy - Chapter 3 - Mr. Bright Side
No Warnings! :)
Y/N had a tough week, working long shifts and worrying about getting your laundry done. It was difficult not to just pass by the pile of clothes on your way to bed most nights, a pathetic kindness you allowed yourself when the exhaustion really did settle in. Tonight was not one of those nights that you could pass it by. You had an appointment with the doctor regarding a potential client you could surrogate for, and you were not going to show up in funky three day old clothes. Thankfully Lucy had managed to do half of your pile whilst you were away working and you were ,mentally reminding yourself to thank her the next time you saw her as you began the process of washing the other half. It was half 10 when you next checked your phone. The clothes were finished and needing to be out away as you fought off another yawn.
You didn't want to admit it but you were nervous about the whole process, not just nervous... but really thinking about this. You knew what the pregnancy would do to you realistically and you were more than aware of the risks that could occur, but every time you compared your life with the life you dreamed of, the growing disappointment festered. It didn't feel fair the amount of stress that ate at you perpetually just to cover rent, get groceries and pay bill’s never mind just live. It wasn't like Lucy was getting any call backs either... and it certainly wasn't like your manager would raise your pay anytime soon either.
If you did go through with it, you could get your life started. Helping other people with growing their family also helped sway you. The money was the sole reason you had even considered it but imagining how much a person's life changed with a baby just felt good too. You had always been a people pleaser growing up and whilst you had to change some lengths you were willing to go after high school, it still felt like something you wanted to do.
Surprisingly your mailbox contained an invitation along with a profile for the consultation. A male in his mid twenties stuck out in the small bio photo above his name: Mr. Peter F. King. Your eyes were stuck to the screen as you read his file. It was a little strange that the company had formatted the profiles to include an about me section. Lying back in bed, you reached for your bottle of water and took a sip. You hummed as you came across his height, 6ft 9. “What?!” Your eyes widened and you laughed, “That’s going to be a big baby.”
You just had to remember not to say that when you arrived at the clinic. Thankfully you were able to get TK to cover for you for the three hours you needed, although you had to ignore the strange looks he gave you when you had told him why you needed it off. You knew TK was just trying to make sure this is what you wanted but you had already made your mind up.
The bus took you just a few minutes from the clinic and during the bumpy ride you were sure to flatten your jeans and smoothen your jacket as you checked the time yet again. You would be five minutes early, a whole five minutes and you couldn't help but try and prepare yourself for this. It just felt nerve wracking for you, more so when you approached reception and got told to go straight to Dr. Parino's office. Sure enough they were waiting for you, stopping as you opened the door gently. You took a deep breath and smiled, “Hello I'm Y/N, I was told to come to your office.”
The doctor smiled and beckoned you in to take a seat. The two had been sitting fairly close together until you arrived. The taller of the two gave you a friendly smile whilst his hands seemed to fidget in his lap. “And I'm sure you'd like to know Mr. King.” The doctor gestured towards the tall and thin man. His eyes were a spectacular blue and you smiled and introduced yourself. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Y/N.” To your surprise Mr King reached out to shake your hand with both of his. His hands were massive and they lingered just a touch too much before he was pulling away and letting the doctor go over the compatibility and agreements of course.
The paper forms sat on his desk with copies being passed around. So far the agreements had been reasonable and expected, but had to be agreed and signed upon. The guy you had agreed to was surprisingly very lax with amount of money he was willing give you. Mr. King had practically added 10% extra each month for you, sweetening the pot and sweetening your laxing nerves.
It would take some getting used to being around Mr. King for the next 9 months, but you had agreed to monthly doctor appointments with Mr. King eagerly voicing his wish to attend them. He seemed invested in not just the medical procedures but with your own well being too. It almost didn't feel like you were about to have a stranger's baby by the way he had talked through the session.
“Okay, sign here and here for me.” The doctor pointed out the sections and Mr. King passed you the copy he had just signed. His fingers bumped against yours as you took the pen from him and you felt a shock where the tips of your fingers had met. Even his handwriting was charming, with an eloquent flick of his signed name. It looked important and you wondered just what he did for a living, given how much he had agreed upon for payments. He was backed by a financial guarantee on his papers but it wouldn't give away his occupation.
Clicking the pen, you scanned the blank lines and hesitated just a moment before you wrote your name on the forms next to Mr. Kings.
“Perfect! I'll just take those.” The doctor reached out and gathered the forms and began making copies for the two of you to have.
Mr. King gave you a sheepish look as he asked his next question, “If you're not busy, do you want to stop by for a coffee? I know you must be nervous, I am too and I just thought we could break the ice?”
And it made sense.
You felt yourself relax further.
Soon after talking at a coffee shop, not far from the clinic, it felt like you were talking to a best friend. It turned out that you two had so much in common and Mr.King apparently felt so too, after asking you to call him by his first name. “No wait wait, perhaps you would want to call me something else?” There was a slight purr in his tone and you wrote it off as him being silly.
“No, no, I'd feel a bit weird calling you by anything but Peter at the moment.”
“Alright, alright,” Peter held his hands up in mock surrender but his gaze still held that glint of mischief and you couldn't quite tell if he was actually joking or not. It was no big deal in your eyes. Despite the invasive procedure you were about to undertake, and the overly friendly meeting, you reminded yourself that the man across the table was still a stranger after all. A stranger who was now looking at you watching him.
“Are we having a moment or what?” Peter asked, catching you off guard. A soft red hue spread across your cheeks as you caught yourself staring.
“No, no. It’s not like that! I just noticed how big that head of yours is.” You joked but you didn't think he bought it.
Peter smirked widely, giving a deep chuckle. Why did you have to notice how nice his voice was?
“Well you know what they say about big heads.”
Wait... was he flirting with you?
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sunsetbois · 2 years
New intimacy - Chapter 2 - Yearning
Peter warning.
Warnings: non graphic death, mentally unhealthy and masturbation + a bit of stalking.
Peter waited outside and out of sight of anyone coming in and out of the building. The heavens were opening up but he didn't care as his hood melted into his scalp. It was worth the wait to watch his darling leave work, this time a few minutes later than usual. Interesting.
He readied himself for the delayed tour home.
His darling opened their umbrella, a cute lime green- his insides twisted when he recognized the voice greeting them out the door. “Make sure and text me when you get home Y/N.” TK boomed and Peter presumed they had went through the song and dance of TK insisting on driving you home and you refusing, at least he had given you an umbrella. Peter would never admit any form of praise towards TK but he saw it as the lesser of evils for him to give you his umbrella. He had a car, he could’ve taken you home. TK did also and pride swelled each time he heard you refuse that offer. Of course you didn't want to be closer to the green haired ‘friend’ who he was certain didn't see you as just a friend.
“Will do!” You responded cheerily.
If he had it his way, the rain would part for you but for now, making sure you got home safe was sufficient. You still didn't know him yet after all yet your unconscious body received his affections with desperation- oh how he trained you well. Unfortunately he came across a surprise when he searched your phone before leaving for the night. It would throw a wrench in his hesitation as the words shined bright in his eyes with each swipe.
“No, no, no. Darling~ You can't consider this. Only mine should grow here.” His palm lay flat in a hover over the soft of your belly. “If you have worries about being a family, I will happily wait and show you just how right it is.” He whispered with a coo to his deep and relaxing voice.
Peter didn’t know if he truly meant what he had tried to reassure you of but all he knew was that there was no going back now.
Until the next day. Peter had been set off the edge all night when he discovered just how bad your situation was. Had he left it too late? Should he have jumped in just a little sooner? He asked himself all night. Not even Rat's little face was enough to calm him. “I'm not a bad person am I?” He asked the little creature in her tank and the worst was, he had expected a reply.
Until her tongue peaked out long with a sizzle. There would be no reply.
Peter returned his gaze to the phone screen he was trying to avoid. On the well lit screen, read: Y/N, Y/L/N. It was the profile you created, complete with medical information and a compatibility folder for those vein enough to want a specific look.
Peter sighed and pulled his hand away from its incessant picking at his nails. They were dried and cracked, dried blood stood out against his washed out tone. It had to be done, he remembered as his eyes flickered to the bloodied corpse across the room.
In a fit of rage, he had killed the representative that had been sent to see him once he made the jump. Mentally unstable he said, no support system in place, he said, dubious finances, he said. He got what he deserved in Peter's eyes but even in death the representative had the last laugh. When Peter logged into the representatives laptop and searched the forms, he was shocked to see they had already been sent off, making his chances even lower. “Fuck.” He cursed and was about to throw the hunk of metal across the room, until he noticed the ID attached to the users account. He read the name, Gordon Mathews. Maybe it wasn't all for nothing. The cogs were turning and soon enough he came up with a time consuming solution. First, he dumped the body, second he had called in to the office to inquire about a missing appointment with his representative, next he waited for the body to be reported as missing and then he waited until a call came through with a new appointment. “We do apologize Mr. King but it appears that the representative has sent over a form for you, are you sure he hadn't stopped by?” The women over the phone asked,” and Peter was quick to reassure her with the mask of the phone hiding the sinister grin he wore. “I am completely sure. I tried emailing and calling about my representative but no one has been able to tell me anything.” Peter spoke with the appropriate annoyance anyone would have if they had to wait to get in touch with a surrogate. For a child.
The woman over the phone apologized and Peter could tell she was just using her customer service voice to placate him. He knew the tone all too well. She didn’t give a shit, until he asked her to check the emails if she didn't believe him. No one would question him then and she didn't now when she saw how many emails had been sent. “It just doesn't make sense...” He heard her whisper as if he couldn't hear her. “Okay sir. There must be a problem with the form, so could I just confirm a few details with you?” Peter knew she was still inquisitive but she had just made it so easy. All he had to do was change a few details and make sure she knew that he wasn’t the one Mr. Mathews had been to visit. “There is definitely a mistake here, sorry for the disruption and I can get a new representative over to you this week.” The words were music to his ears and he happily agreed, noting down the earliest time.
In all his time waiting, he had been busy. Peter was never ready to relax. He couldn't relax until he had what he wanted. You.
Not even God if there was one, could deny the efforts Peter went through. The lengths he went, stained in red and littered with green. Said green lining the pockets of necessary people, so many resources but so little time. If he hadn't been able to get onto the actual site, then he may have never eliminated his competition on your page. Sorry buddy, but not today.” Peter sipped his wine as he watched the number on Y/N's page decrease. He almost felt bad, until there was no one but his profile lingering on the profile. Luckily his Darling wasn't that bright and you didn't even think to check something as important as your surrogacy page? Pregnancy was a big deal and luckily you had him to help you along. Peter imagined how unhappy you would be had anyone else but himself got there first. No one could take his place and he was sure of that. You would be happy.
Peter swirled the dark red in his glass thinking, You will be happy. As he lifted the cool glass and drank the last, he wiped his red lips and felt a consistent twitch underneath his belt. His dick was hardening, and fast at the thought of you carrying his baby.
His cold hand reached down with a click of the belt buckle. Hot flesh met stale air and the dribbling beads ran down the long stretching length as he let out a moan. Peter's head met the top of his couch cushion as he imaged you, it was your hand gripping him tightly. You wanted him badly, didn't you? Fuck.” He began stroking and rubbing the weeping tip causing his hips to push up and into it. “Fuck!” He wondered how you would hold up, he knew you weren't a virgin but he also knew that he was above average. Would you squeal for him when he gave you it all? When he stuffed himself inside of that tight, warm and welcoming cunt. His hand worked faster and he licked at the blood from his torn lips. You would suck him inside, grip tight and milk him. He would take you to ecstasy and back, no drugs needed... unless you had any ideas. The spark would ignite and the snake would suffocate it's prey in it's hungry grip. A flower would bloom and something beautiful would come from it.
A little bit of you and a little bit of him.
The ultimate beauty of the world.
And you would beg him to do it over and over and over again.
With a strangled yell, hot white splattered his hand and naked lower belly. It was a waste but he'd have you soon, a nice warm home for his cock and child. Fuck, how he loved you, a bit too much.
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sunsetbois · 2 years
New Intimacy - Chapter 1 - Break Free
Guy meets girl, only girl doesn't know guy and instead of asking for a date, he's asking to put his baby in her stomach.]
“We did it! You’re going to be a dad, Mr king.” Y/N smiled as she resurfaced from the doctor's bathroom.
No, we are and it is going to be so perfect, Darling. Just you wait. Peter thinks.
Birth... life.. death, a vicious cycle. The grey clouds in the dreary sky did little to keep that little reminder at bay, just how mundane and boring life could be. Still, as the light rain poured, you couldn't help but smile at the nutrients soaking into the window pot flowers lining the exterior. There was always a good side to things you liked to think, even as your landlord put more pressure on you to get a new roommate. The crisp letter sat hidden in the messily torn envelope it was received in. Away from sight and away from mind.
Lucy broke your thoughts as she joined you by the kitchen window table. She looked dressed up you noticed as you turned to greet her. The coffee had gone cold you had soon realized as she gave you a sheepish smile. “Hey, so... are you sure you will be alright by yourself tonight? I know I said that I would-" You cut her off, “No, I will be alright Lulu, you have a good time.” You reassured her as she shifted her weight to her other hip, unclear if she was still feeling guilty or if she decided to go ahead and visit her friend in jail anyway. Her purple eyes glinted and her honeyed tone soon reappeared, the one you knew too well. “Well, alright, if you say so, but if you’re still up for it we can have some alone time when I'm back?” The suggestive smirk had the red rushing to your cheeks as you squeaked and she laughed. “No, no. You do you Lulu! Take your time and well... if you’re not back before 9 we can take a rain check on hang out time, okay?” You shimmied by her to refill the kettle, not knowing if you really wanted another cup or if you wanted the ground to slurp you whole. You heard the light jangle of keys as Lucy stood by the front door, thanking you once again although she didn't need to.
And then you were left to your thoughts once again, or more specifically, your recent idea to bring in money. As a person in your early twenties, working at the diner just felt all the more depressing when you really took in how your life was going. Work had practically become what you lived for. Part time had sneaked up to full time quick after you heard of Lucy's predicament and whilst you felt annoyance at the stress she had certainly put on you, you couldn't help but feel responsible for her. You knew little of her past life and that was on her terms, you knew she had no where else and, the guilt ate you up when you had dared even acknowledge Don's offer of finding you a new roommate.
The whistle of the kettle filled the quiet room and you were quick to refill your cup and take it to your room. Rain be damned. Optimism be damned. If you wanted to live in this world, you had to be prepared to do anything to truly live and working for a ridiculously small wage at a shitty diner that caused you more stress than it was worth did not stand out to you as something worth while. Tk was worth it but the other people there were not. Nor were the frequent pain in your feet, the fatigue stealing away your energy and definitely not the verbal abuse you were coached to put up with from patrons.
How were you supposed to live your life if you hadn't had the resources nor the chance to do what you wanted to do. You changed clothes, opting for a fluffy pyjama set from your chest of drawers as you let your hair loose and climbed into bed with your phone. Within half an hour you had written out a list longer than you initially thought you would of what you wanted from life. It wasn't often that you did this, but you figured since the last time was in college, you could do with some motivation. Maybe you would be able to ditch your dead end job and maybe finally be able to do something that didn't suck your soul out. Scrolling up, you sipped your coffee and began to read aloud.
Twisting onto your front, you felt a little cheery as you listed off your ideal living scenario, a nice house. Potted plants, as many as you could afford all around your kitchen and potential garden. Maybe a partner, that point had been question marked yet again as you still had no idea if you preferred your independence and alone time or if you felt the need to get out there and find someone. That was one for a later date. Next, you wanted pets, maybe a little snake. You had always been fond of the pictures of snakes with little hats on. Not that you didn't also want the “traditional,” pet too of a cat or a dog. Then again, as many as you could afford, had time for and felt like you could take care of if not learn how to. You were seriously considering saving up to study and become a veterinarian. You continued to lift off every little thing you wanted until you soon grew tired and felt your eyes close shut.
Not before you could click out of the double tab containing the registered interest in becoming a surrogate.
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sunsetbois · 2 years
Clingy neighbour Peter
Headcannons/ notes for this au. Will be another part soon.
Warnings: creepy behaviour, stalking, implied violence and stealing. There is no mention of sex in this part but there will be in the next.
· As soon as he can, he's abusing your innocent offering of a spare key and installing as many mini cameras as he can. There’s one in every room at just the right angle with the most coverage. Except the bathroom. Oh no. There's a carefully drilled hole that you wouldn't quite notice due to the shitty tile job.
· The only reason Peter has a spare key to your house and willingly so is because you had an “accident,” one night and ended up falling down the stairs in a drunken stupor leading to him graciously coming to your side and taking you to the hospital. Once there, there was no way in hell that you couldn't end up giving him your keys. There was no telling how long your wait would take, nonetheless treatment and what didn't help further was your pet was at home and there was no one nearby that could nip in and check in on them.
· Peter learned to stop asking about the food you make after he noticed you getting a little uncomfortable. It was meant to be flirtatious and complimentary... at least in his head whenever he commented on the lovely smells coming from your flat. After that, he considers toning it down and instead trying to impress you by learning to cook. It’s a shitty start as he can basically burn soup but after a while and once he deems it worthy, he would bring over something and lie about making too much and he thought you might like not having to cook.
· Once threatened the mailman when insisting that he could hand over your letters for you. That gets shut down quick after the third time he notices you sigh at seeing him for the third time in a row before you headed to university, and not in a particularly good way either. He was there at the start and would somehow make an appearance before you could desires and end your day.
· Only little things of yours go missing from time to time due to “mysterious,” circumstances. Hair from your very messy brush, a lipstick you hadn’t used in a while, a pair of used panties at the bottom of your laundry basket and lastly, your favourite perfume had been drained dust enough where Peter could hold onto your smell for days.
· If there’s a thunderstorm that cuts out the electricity, guess who’s knocking on your door and offering candles because it must be absolutely terrifying to be in the dark all by yourself. Honestly, Peter would be fantasizing about your girly scream as you practically run and jump into his arms. But of course his reality isn't the true reality.
· Peter often slacks on his reviewing job just to watch you through the peephole or through the cameras. It bets to the point where he had to choose between his fix of watching you and earning money. For once his job does get in his way a bit , a little to the point where he considers taking less products for a while.
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sunsetbois · 2 years
Y/N waves at them
Yandere Peter -Returns the greeting with his lewd tongue parting his fingers-
Fandom Peter -Waves back like an enthusiastic puppy-
Angry Peter -Ballerina pounces into the nearest bush-
Canon Peter -Takes that as a sign that his Darling is dripping for him-
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sunsetbois · 2 years
Option 3! Watch his sado-masochistic ass bleed out
You see this...Sit with him? Run? Your choice~
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sunsetbois · 2 years
oh dear, i seem to have lost my number. can i have yours? *wink wink*
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sunsetbois · 2 years
During an argument with Y/N
Yandere Peter says "I love you but you're pissing me off."
Fandom Peter says "I love you but you're pissing me off."
Angry Peter says "I love you but you're really pissing me off."
Canon Peter says "I love you but you're pissing me off."
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sunsetbois · 2 years
"I'm leaving town."
Yandere Peter says thinks "If by town you mean from your apartment to mine."
Fandom Peter says "O-oh really? You wouldn't happen to be moving to X? Because that's where I was planning to go."
Angry Peter says "How cute? But really? Do tell me how you plan on doing that with no legs."
Canon Peter says "So soon? Have you thought about it? Moving is more stressful than it is worth it, Darling. I'm sure I could convince you to stay just a little longer."
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sunsetbois · 2 years
A stranger approaches y/n
Yandere Peter says "If you touch them, you die."
Fandom Peter says "I think you're making them uncomfortable."
Angry Peter says "Want a knife sandwich?"
Canon Peter says "Who are you? Can't you see we're having a moment?"
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sunsetbois · 2 years
- Your Boyfriend
Read the notes at the top of my fics for trigger warnings.
♡ Y/N tries to break up with him
♡ Comforting Y/N during a breakup
♡ YB stands for your baby
♡ Surprise
♡ ?
♡ Finding out you're dating Peter
♡ ?
Emo/goth Phase Peter:
♡ Troublemaker y/n
♡ Smutty Headcannons
♡ War Ft: Tk
AU/ Alternative Universe:
♡ Witch, 2, 3 (?)
♡ Werewolf Peter, part 2 (?)
♡ Yandere TK (In the works)
♡ Siren y/n and Fisherman Peter (In the works)
♡ Sleeping beauty (In the works)
♡ Clingy Neighbour Peter, 2
♡ Doctor Peter and Patient y/n (In the works)
♡ Vampire Peter (In the works)
♡ New Intimacy // Surrogate!AU Fic, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Mini bits:
♡ A stranger approaches Y/N
♡ "I am leaving town."
♡ During an argument with Y/N
♡ Y/N waves at them
A note*
The fandom is generally 18+ and very NSFW so whilst I may not have any markers on my list for example, "🔞," and I'll tell you why in a moment, this is because Peter's character is deranged and literally anything he's in (at least what I write) will display at least a touch of this deranged psycho behaviour. Said behaviour is easily understood as readable for adults and not for young eyes.
Why I haven't marked a warning against my fics and headcannons? Some fics are notably more... darker than others and whilst I trust that MINORS will head this warning, I have multiple warnings on my fics with potential trigger warnings. You have been warned! P.s. I am also lazy so 😜
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sunsetbois · 2 years
Witch AU – Part 2
Warnings: towards the end where Peter's depravity is shown. Talking about sex...
· Tk would be your familiar, a traditional black cat with bright emerald green eyes. Tk can transform into their human form but it takes a lot of energy to stay human. He tends to lounge around the house and is usually happy to greet the few that come by- but he gets weird vibes from Peter and will just full on hiss and swat at the tall, baldy man.
· Don would be a knight surveilling the village occasionally at the behest of queen fuboo. Don is rough around the edges and takes no shit, although if he sees anyone making fun of or harassing good witch! Y/n, he will give them a slap over the head and tell them off.
· Lucy is a fellow witch who enjoys talking to y/n- just a little too much for Peter’s liking. She just relishes in telling Peter that you’re not available on certain dates due to witch only ceremonies like black mass or the monthly energy circles that only SHE can attend. Will rub it in that he can’t see y/n but she can.
· Lucy only stops by y/n's little house on the border of the village about once a month or so and usually crashes on their couch. Y/n had to make sure Lucy didn't wander into the little village so often as she is known to flirt with everyone that walks- aside from Peter and those she deems way too prudish. There was also the time where she got drunk in the local tavern and got into a fight with the barman leading to y/n dragging them out and having to turn the barman back to human.
· Y/n always wears a tunic and a cape with a hood.
· In the good witch AU, the people in the village don't mind if they live there, as long as they keep them safe. Good witch y/n would be close to the villagers and likes to spend their time talking to them and helping where they can. It's a cushy little place they have even if it's a few miles of walking to get into town.
· Peter can sometimes be a bit of a bad influence, say there’s someone who has a crush on y/n. He would bad mouth them to y/n and drop the suggestion that they turn them into a toad or something- but of course y/n is a little wise to it and never humors him.
· Peter only really works, buys food and goes home unless y/n is in town because then he's suddenly everywhere if he's not watching from afar.
· Peter may not have magic in his blood but he sure as hell does have an altar with some of y/n's belongings he was able to “hold onto.”
· Peter is incredibly perverted and often thinks of how y/n can use their magic for other things~ His favourite dreams have been fucking them on a broomstick flight or using some of those herbs to enhance the experience. Magic would allow your sex life to reach new horizons of creativity and Peter was nothing but eager to find out.
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sunsetbois · 2 years
Your Boyfriend Peter - Witch AU
- Peter would be a blacksmith or something in the village. His strength would be useful for shaping the mettle of weapons he creates on a daily basis. Would be known was the one who was to be left alone. Peter doesn't like people but will entertain little kids if they come up to him.
- Depending on what kind of witch you were, depends on how you would meet.
- If you were a bad witch who frequently terrorized the village, he might be sent with the group to try and kill you- only when he sees you... he can't take his eyes from your ethereal beauty. Weren't witches supposed to be as ugly as a piece of mould? But you weren't.. so he had watched from behind his hiding palc behind a great oak as you sent hexes at the few brave enough to try and swing at you. He can't help but be mesmerized... until you were soon left alone in the clearing. It seemed you hadn't noticed him and he wanted to keep it that way. Despite his strange infatuation with you... he felt wary of what you could do to him. Laying down his weapon, he backed away and returned home with a new thought in mind: find your weakness... he had to have you... he could keep you safe... maybe in a little house far from others who would try and kill his beloved for the powers she had.
- If you are a good witch, one that frequents the village to help others, he would be blatant in his affections. Whilst others were still a little wary of you- some even outright insulting you in the streets as you collect herbs, Peter wouldn't be afraid to come up to you and offer to help you. Anyone who says anything bad towards you or about you, would mysteriously disappear... although he tries to keep himself in check because he doesn't want anyone to suggest that it might be you behind the dissapearances although far from the truth, he wants to keep his darling safe. Any time you come into the village, Peter will not be far. He enjoys asking little questions about the herbs you were using, or marvelling at how your potion had cured the little orphan boy of his illness. It's more admiration than ever.
- Peter may be human but he will be blatant towards you in regards to his affections. If you were a not so nice witch, he would go out fo his way to shes you he is harmless and that he would so anything you asked of him, as long as you gave him a chance to court you. Then things may change once he figures out your weakness and how to exploit it. There had to be some power balance in this relationship darling and if he had something he could use even if he didn't want to use it, he would use it if needed. For a nice witch, be would be even more persistent in his affections as he doesn't have to fear you turning him into a toad or something because you wouldn't do that to your soon to be betrothed would you darling? Anytime you visit, he would offer to have you round at his for lunch or dinner. Always offering you baked goods and offering to help you with whatever you needed.
- Even if you are a nice witch who helps out the village he resided in, he would still fear people wanting to kill you so he would try and push the idea of you both moving far from there just in case. You can never be too careful.
- If you show concerning behaviours in his mind, he would hide your spell book or move some of your ingredients around until you tell him what's going on.
- Would beg to go on a broomstick ride with you constantly.
- Would try and take care of you even if you can take care of yourself. Say you get sick and he would insist you're too sick to make a healing potion and to just sit back and let him take care of you. He does a good job of it too, knowing which herbal tea to give you after an abundance of time watching you use each one.
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sunsetbois · 2 years
You try and break up with Peter
Warnings: Stalker shitttt and mentions of murder
- You should've known breaking up with someone as needy as your boyfriend wouldn't go down well. Peter was practically glued to your side any waking moment he coudl be with you- if you hadn't begged for some time to yourself under the guide of sugared words. Even then it had to be a pretty damn good reason.
- Hoenstly if you didn't notice the red flags sooner, the whole breaking off will only just get worse. 
- Peter should've seen it coming but if course his little darling had done well at covering up their delusional thoughts. There was not a chance in hell he was willing to let you go so easily.
- At first you may think it's going okay until Peter chuckles nervously and asks you to stop joking around. It's clear from then on he doesn't believe you until you make that shit clear.
- If you decide to tell him in person then you are screwed. He's taking you right there. If by text or call? Or hell public? You might have some time but then again, he may be more likely to kill anyone who may get int he way of his impromptu kidnapping.
- This man is not afraid to beg you in public to take him back. Love bombing the whole night and offering to buy you the world and talk it out. He literally makes a scene until you walk away.
- If one on one someplace private? You are f.u.c.k.e.d.
- The very next moment you wake up in an unfamiliar surroundings, tied to a chair and a chain smoking Peter pacing infront of you. He tries his best to be calming and reasure you, but that's not gonna happen. The gentle smile on his face left, giving way to a delusional look plastered in his heart shaped irises- as if you were a pot of treasure to a possessive dragon.
- Breaking up will lead to Peter taking some pretty drastic measures to ensure you both stay together. Even if you try and play it off as a shit joke, Peter's obsession with you doesn't play around when it comes to something so.... serious!
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sunsetbois · 2 years
Peter comforting you during your breakup
- The literal walking cause of the breakup- not that you would need to ever know that.
- Prior, Peter had somehow weasled his way into your life before your ex had called it off. Peter had always been a little too friendly, a little affectionate and always seemed to be around when you needed him.
- So it didn't feel weird with him sitting in your bedroom, cuddling you and listening to you cry. Peter was a friend and you needed one right now.
- Peter plays the role so well but he is more than appreciative that your face is buried in his chest when you tell him what happened. The caring mask he wore would be replaced with a murderous visage that could and would kill. Any satisfaction he may have felt once he had threatened that lousy ex of yours to end it would slip the moment he has to watch and listen to his darling cry.
- Peter got what he want but he couldn't lie and say he didn't feel just a little guilty... nor for making your ex break up you, but rather that you were feeling so broken over it. But don't worry! Peter's there to make up for the emptiness you felt. It was only temporary he would tell you occasionally as he did his damn best to make his move during your healing process. In fact it would be becuase of him that you would begin to feel better.
- Any time you felt sad or needed anything? Peter was literally a phone call away //Secretly parked close by and ready//
- That bear you had been snuggling in bed had been a little gift from your friend Peter, a well appreciated gift as it hardly left your side whenever you needed comfort and no one was there.
- After a while you begin to associate Peter with comfort and good times.
- But little do you know that in the meantime, guilt ate Peter up so much that he had gotten rid of your ex to feel better. Reports have been made but thankfully not broadcast over the TV- Peter couldn't bare to see hsi darling cry anymore.
- It's during this time that pushes you into Peter's 24/7 open arms.
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