sunhwaws ยท 2 years
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
โ€œ what?โ€ he couldnโ€™t stop the surlyย tone as he faced the person opposite him, squinting his eyes before begrudgingly, welcoming them with a grumpily patronising tone.ย โ€œโ€ฆ.welcome to the cafeteria, may i know your order please?โ€ย 
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sunhwa was already having a rough day, saying some of her last goodbyes to her friends at wishbone. she had some heartfelt conversations with the people she ran into and was emotionally drained. she was sure it was evident too as she did shed a few more tears than she expected. her time at this company was finally coming to an end, and she felt as if she was closing a chapter of her life once again before she move onto the next one.
however, she forgot about one minor detail about this chapter at wishbone.
the quick stop to get something to drink before she left the company reminded her of the person that had slipped her mind. truly, all she wanted was a small pick-me-up before heading back out into the world. seeing the short line, she stood at the end and pulled out her phone to pass the time. she slowly moved up, only when she noticed the person in front of her move. sunhwa failed to noticed she was at the front of the line until she felt stare. the leader closed her phone and was about to put it away until the barista spoke, freezing her in place.
just her luck.
sunhwa had an impeccable memory, so of course she knew who it was based off of the voice she heard. she looked up to look at the other just to be surprised by what she saw.
โ€œheh. itโ€™ll just be a vanilla latte.โ€ the sight of jaehyuk in a baristaโ€™s uniform was the last thing she wouldโ€™ve expected to see in her lifetime. something about it was humorous, but she couldnโ€™t put a finger on what exactly. was it just the hat? or maybe itโ€™s the fact that jaehyuk was also working as a barista under wishbone. either way, the scenario was funny. โ€œthe company forcing you to work on that personality of yours? or is there a reason youโ€™re working the cashier at the cafeteria?โ€ she didnโ€™t care that much about why jaehyuk was working there, but she was still a curious person. if jaehyuk bothered to tell her or not, it wouldnโ€™t change much.
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
โ€œIt was the first time in my life that somebody made me feel beautiful without saying anything.โ€
โ€” k.b. // you made feel beautiful (via whendidmythoughtsgocrazy)
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
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Jane Austen โ€• Mansfield Park
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
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Chelsea Wolfe, from Pain Is Beauty; โ€œAncestors, The Ancients,โ€ rel. c. 2013
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
๐ฉ๐ข๐œ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ // with anyone ! open starter taking place: January 2022
photography was something that sunhwa has had an interest in since she was a child, having albums full of the photos she took with disposable cameras. her love for photography only grew as she got older, learning what the different settings on the camera meant.ย โ€œi was gifted a new camera for christmas and havenโ€™t had to chance to use it yet. do you mind if i try it out while we hang out today?โ€ sunhwa had asked while absentmindedly tapping the bag strapped across her body. she had encountered some people before who preferred to have her full undivided attention or just preferred that she didnโ€™t take photos of them. either way it didnโ€™t matter much, but she still brought her camera just in case.
a slight breeze has sunhwa searching for warmth.ย she reached out her hand to grab her companionโ€™s hand, but the reminder that not everyone was as open to affection as her quickly stopped her. instead, she stuck her hands into the pockets of her jacket. the transition was a little awkward, but she didnโ€™t want to potentially make the other uncomfortable. โ€œmy bad.โ€ a quick apology left her lips in case they noticed.ย โ€œhave you ever gone sightseeing? or just seen anything cool while visiting another place? iโ€™m totally not looking for places to visit myself.โ€ it appeared that nothing affected her as her kind smile remained on her face the entire time (except for when she almost grabbed their hand), but in actuality, sunhwa was just excited to hang out with them.
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
์ˆ˜์ง€ (Suzy) -ย ํ–‰๋ณตํ•œ ์ฒ™ (Pretending To Be Happy)
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
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๐™˜๐™–๐™ง๐™š๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™œ๐™š // ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ž๐™ซ๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ค๐™›๐™ž๐™ก๐™š // ๐™—๐™ž๐™ค๐™œ๐™ง๐™–๐™ฅ๐™๐™ฎ // ๐™ฅ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™จ
minnie ๐Ÿค  (20, she/her, eastern time zone) here with choi sunhwa, better known to others as sunny. former leader of g.ni and current leader of arcana. under the cut, iโ€™m leaving a brief summary of her backstory up until being selected for arcana and some tidbits of her as sunny and sunhwa. Iโ€™m still finishing pages so beware if you decide to look at them.
feel free to message me... or leave a like if youโ€™re interested in plotting and iโ€™ll come to you!! if d*scord works better, add me at ( yzn#7302 ) ngl discord might be better to message me on but iโ€™m fine with either platform
brief overview
sunhwa grew up in busan under the care of her parents, who she holds close to her heart. theyโ€™ve been extremely supportive of her throughout her entire life. every weird hobby she picked up or every quiestionable career path she decided she wanted to pursue? her parents were right behind her encouraging her. they still have more faith in sunhwa than she does in herself to be a great leader and idol
she also has a younger sister that she was extremely close to growing up, but drifted apart when she came to seoul to become a trainee. has been in touch more in recent years, rekindling the past relationship they had since they are both older now
overall, family is everything to her. in her heart, family isnโ€™t just restricted to the people she shares dna with, but itโ€™s the people sheโ€™s gotten to know and grown fond of over the years. so with that, old trainee friends and possibly some g.ni members have become family to her
2010 was the year she came to seoul to become a trainee. aged 14 internationally at the time. trained for seven years until she got to debut in g.ni! was the leader and held a dancer and vocal position
g.ni lasts one year and itโ€™s honestly the start of sunhwaโ€™s spiral to insecurity and uncertainty. take all of the blame for the group disbanding despite what she may tell others and feels guilt towards the other members of g.ni
trained in yuseong some time after. while crushed about the disbandment, she was still hopeful for a more powerful bounce back into the industry. However, as months pass, it felt like all of her hard work was going to waste. the company had no plans to debut a girlย  group anytime soon and she was just being placed on the back burner. during this time, sunhwa is less social and more closed off, spending most of her time locked up in practice rooms until she passes out.
nearly terminated her contract when wishbone decided to pick up g.ni and sign them to their label. This was her third company, and if things didnโ€™t work out, it would be her last company. she was tired and ready to live a normal life
wishbone sends the girls onto select! where sunhwa doesnโ€™t feel 100% convinced she should be participating. One of the older participants, she feels oddly out of place and outdated compared to the fresher faces of the younger, energetic trainees. nonetheless, sunhwa does the best she can and secures a spot in one of the lineups for the two groups coming out the show, arcana
being appointed leader again is causing some issues for sunhwa personally as she doesnโ€™t think sheโ€™s fit to be leader after what happened last time. however, sheโ€™ll carry the burden again with the memories of g.ni lingering in the back of her mind
as sunny
for the year she was an active artist, she was known for her unique leadership and her performing ability.
as a leader, she takes more of a backseat role. sunhwa took a page out of her parentsโ€™ book and always encouraged the others to be more bold and had no problem if any of the members stood out more than she did. she did still take care of background roles and step up when needed .
she was a force to be reckoned with on stage. her charisma matched with her dancing was a combination that resulted in good performances. some g.ni fans talked about she was born to be on stage, which is partially true.ย 
an underrated dancer due to debuting in a lesser known group. her dancing rivals some of the best in the industry, yet hasnโ€™t had many opportunities to showcase it.
select! showed a more mature side of her, having grown as an individual since 2017. she seemingly improved in every aspect, and managed to capture the audienceโ€™s attention with her performances and her kind personality.
as sunhwa
stranger danger never applies to sunhwa. probably one of the most outgoing people in the industry. she has no problem starting conversations with complete strangers and getting to know anyone
she isnโ€™t easily embarrassed by her own actions. this can cause her to purposefully do something to embarrass others, or do something of that nature to brighten up someoneโ€™s day. she can seem to be a bit much at times due to that, but honestly she was rarely told to tone it down by her parents growing up. hence the amount of confidence she has
normally seen in an upbeat mood. 2018-mid 2021 was different as she was struggling with her self-esteem and her purpose of being a trainee. select! had rekindled the love she had, reminding her of the reason she started training in the first place. while sheโ€™s still has some work to be as cheerful she was in the past, sheโ€™s more pleasant to be around now.
due to her environment growing up, sunhwa loves showing affection. she will initiate skinship, give people kisses all over there faces, randomly hold their hand, the whole nine. physical touch is definitely her love language and thereโ€™s no denying it. she just doesnโ€™t know what personal space means.ย 
extremely protective over anyone close to her. some may consider her to be like the mom friend.ย 
great listener and advice giver. while she doesnโ€™t have much experience as an idol, sheโ€™s very seasoned and well-connected with various idols she had met or trained with in the past.
g.ni is a thing of the past, but the group is still a sore spot for her. She can now talk her way out of a conversation about the group if someone starts to pry too much instead of crying, but still gets a bit emotional.
a few plot ideasย 
best friends that sunhwa goes to for everything. a shoulder to cry on,ย  a laugh, a good time, etc.
childhood friends. sunhwaโ€™s from busan so any other muses from there can fit here regardless of age.
casual friends that sunhwa has made over the years due to... being a trainee for basically her entire life.
someone who finds sunhwaโ€™s personality to be off-putting and thinks sheโ€™s fake.
some1 who accidentally made Sunny cry once and sheโ€™ll never let the them forget thatย 
sunhwaโ€™s reoccurring crush that she pretends she doesnโ€™t have because she doesnโ€™t have time to date or so she thinks
a younger person that she looks after because they remind her of her sister.
and older person that looks after sunhwa bc she never developed good coping mechanisms and has a dependency issue.
someone who gravely insulted sunhwa and she cannot easily forgive them for that and harbors a small grudge against them.
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
โ€œPlease donโ€™t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.โ€
โ€” Sylvia Plath (via qvotable)
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
โ€œAlso, youโ€™re not paying for me. I keep telling youโ€ฆโ€ Seojinโ€™s eyes narrow in her direction. Had they been closer, he would have been content to slap the top of her head with the menu, but he sinks back into his chair.ย โ€œUnless you insist. Yโ€™knowโ€ฆ as my elder.โ€
sunhwa rolled her eyes and fought back a smile. while she was a bit concerned about her age at this point, it wasnโ€™t that much of problem in the grand scheme of things. โ€œwith this talk, iโ€™m going to be exiting the industry in my late thirties whenever i do debut again.โ€ itโ€™s a lighthearted joke that carried some weight with it if one thought about it too hard.ย 
sunhwa didnโ€™t have too much time to dwell on those thoughts as seojin flew right into the idea of her becoming a soloist. she looked up from the menu to look at the other, curious about his thoughts. it was something that has crossed her mind before, but it was something that seemed implausible right now. โ€œthatโ€™s a generous compliment if i ever heard one. thanks for thinking i could become one, but i think i need a little bit more work before i take on a stage by myself. youโ€™d have to give me some pointers, though.โ€œ she really did admire those under the companies who were solo artists. sunhwa could clearly see how much they put into their craft and the love they had for it. witnessing that made her miss the fire she had for performing.
she finally broke and chuckled. the elder was a naturally happy person, and she couldnโ€™t resist laughing even if she was going through a rough patch in life. โ€œi wonโ€™t say that i insist to pay because iโ€™m your elder, but i am heavily suggesting that i pay. otherwise, youโ€™ll be haunted by a spirit whenever youโ€™re in the company building. specifically my own spirit because iโ€™m sure wishbone has a part of my soul from of the amount of time i spent in their practice rooms. anyway, would you want that for your future seojin?โ€
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
a late closed started for @seojinws
sunhwa looked at the other across from her with a curious gaze. she didnโ€™t know much about seojin, just that they were both under the same company and that he was a soloist. hearing about others interested her more than talking about herself. it wasnโ€™t like her and seojin were close enough to just start slipping each otherโ€™s deepest darkest secrets.ย โ€œyou know, when i signed with wishbone, i didnโ€™t know i was basically signing to be one of the elders in the company.โ€ age was an easy topic for sunhwa to somewhat segway into another topic. thereโ€™s only a handful of people under wishbone who are older than her, but it did make sense. she was already 25, and the industry typically looks for younger people as trainees. select was a good example of that, as she was older than majority of the contestants. at least the ones she knew the ages of. she even became a trainee a decade ago.ย 
she hides her smile, distracting herself by the menu. โ€œbut if you do ask me, they do have some cool โ€˜96 liners.โ€ maybe she got it from her mother, but she always had the instinct to take care of anyone whoโ€™s younger than her. " do you want something to drink? itโ€™ll be my treat today. you donโ€™t have to worry about paying me back.โ€ and maybe she shouldnโ€™t be spending the funds she has, but she liked to see the people around her happy no matter how close she was to them.
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
closed starter for @wsmini
select was nearing its end and it was no surprise to her that the younger girls of g.ni were still in. she had always known that they were talented enough to captivate an audience, and always tried to push them to reenter the spotlight once it was clear g.ni was no longer active. she especially wanted minhee to debut again because of how charismatic she was. what did surprise her was the fact that she was still up for debut. sunhwa wasnโ€™t the most cheerful or energetic person at the start, so it kind of confused her why she was still there after the first round. at least she managed to come to terms with it and started putting more effort in recently.
she poked her head in the room and spotted a very familiar face that she was just thinking about. The older one stood there for a few passing seconds, observing the other before making her presence known by knocking on the wall three times. โ€œhey minhee,โ€ she started cheerfully. โ€œhowโ€™s your preparations for gayo going?โ€ sunhwa still couldnโ€™t jump into deeper conversations with the others, as she felt it was awkward given how much she isolated herself at the beginning. โ€œnot that you need it, but if you ever want help you can ask me.โ€
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
โ€œDo you mean like red chili powder? Wow, thatโ€™s hot,โ€ Gil exclaimed. โ€œWouldnโ€™t it appear like you were peeing blood if you used red dye? Also, if you have that color, you shouldnโ€™t wash your hair too often, according to some. It washes away fairly rapidly.โ€ When he was drawn to a specific topic, Gil was the sort who would go too deep and couldnโ€™t swim his way back to the surface. He would gather as much information as possible before acting, only to come to regret it later. He colored his hair purple once and regretted the bleaching process since he was too impatient and lazy to maintain the color vibrant. For a brief while, he resembled a grandfather before re-dying his hair black, the safest hue to mask any undesirable results. โ€œPerhaps do it next year in the summer. some people will be intrigued.โ€
โ€œit would be such a waste to dye it all, though. you have such a long, healthy, lustrous black hair to begin with. If itโ€™s highly processed, the chemical will ruin it completely,โ€œ Gil said, fiddling with the tips of her strands.
โ€œyeah, something similar to that. itโ€™s just a thought since i only really dyed my hair once before.โ€ sunhwaโ€™s brows furrowed in confusion, as she failed to make the connection between the color of her hair and the color of her urine.ย โ€œi donโ€™t think it should? is that something that i should be worried about?โ€ granted, there was a possibility of if being a joke, but these days most jokes flew past sunhwa. too caught up in her own head, as her family would say. maybe she truly needed a good break from everything.ย โ€œif iโ€™m not doing any appearances for whatever reason, i probably wouldnโ€™t keep up with the management of the color, so that is also something to consider i guess.โ€ she only wanted to change something about her appearance, whether it was big or small. cutting her hair was not an option, as she had spent the past 2 years growing her hair out. โ€œyeah, i agree with you. it would be a waste. iโ€™ll think on it some more, thank you.โ€
with her mind completely off of the topic of dyed hair, sunhwa finally let a big smile break out onto her face.ย โ€œsorry you had to experience one of my life-threatening internal debates. iโ€™ll have to repay you for the valuable input you gave.โ€ it was an offer that wasnโ€™t able to be denied if sunhwa had anything to do with it.
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sunhwaws ยท 2 years
closed starter for @wseunbin
it was no secret that sunhwa was hesitant to go on select! at the beginning, talking to the others about it as if she wouldn't be joining them. it turned out to be good that she did since she had gained some confidence back from participating in the show. even if she wasn't back to her past self just yet, at least she was no longer isolating herself by locking herself in a room to dance until exhaustion hit. sunhwa is sure the others noticed the difference in her demeanor over the few months, as she was once again cracking jokes and smiling brightly whenever the cameras were off.ย 
one of the people she had hoped had seen the change was eunbin. sunhwa still felt terrible about the time she had gotten frustrated and took it out on her. it was something she never did before and never wanted to do again. fortunately, they were placed on the same team for the last round of select! which gave more opportunities to talk to the younger trainee. "eunbin, what are your thoughts on the song we have to perform? i'm still on the fence about it myself." she started off with a simple question, unsure if eunbin wanted to talk to her at the moment. it had happened a while ago but sometimes situations like that hurt long after it occured,
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