sunhearted · 18 days
Ailana loved Coruscant and the temple and her life as a Jedi, mostly in part because she hadn't grown up on Zarath and this has been her home since she was born, but it didn't mean she didn't sometimes yearn to return home. It was not a yearning for a place she had been but for a place she had not, a place she knew from stories and tales and holos and books. It seemed wonderful, but until now, there had been so reason for her to leave her duties and return to the place from which she came.
She had travelled a great many places, all in the name of the Jedi, and now she had been asked to escort a senator. What a pleasant opportunity! She knew who Padmé Amidala was. She was familiar with Naboo and the senator's history as it's queen. She was still looking forward to meeting her, which brought the eager young Jedi to the landing platform where an impressive cruiser was waiting. When she arrived, Padmé bowed and greeted her, and Ailana did the same in return.
"Ailana is fine, Senator. I'm not big on the formalities." She would still be formal with Padmé, of course, out of respect, but Jedi were not above or beyond the common man, and she didn't need to be addressed by any official title. "The pleasure is all mine. I was born on Zarath, but as you know, force sensitive children are brought to Coruscant quite early. I have never had the opportunity to return. I'm eager to commence our voyage."
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In Padmé's mind, one of the perks of being a member of the Senate was the ability to travel on diplomatic missions. While she would always love Naboo best of all, she enjoyed seeing other worlds, learning of other cultures. She had never visited Zarath before, and since she received word yesterday that her visit would be accompanied by a Deira Jedi Knight, she'd been looking forward to this trip even more.
Now, standing on the landing platform beside her Nubian Cruiser, she was just bidding farewell to Dormé when she saw @sunhearted walking towards their party on the landing pad. With a warm smile, she turned towards the female and gave her a respectful bow in greeting. "You must be Knight Vos Zarath. I am so pleased you are able to join me on this visit."
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sunhearted · 21 days
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edits of ailana vos zarath
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sunhearted · 22 days
It felt cold, suddenly, which was a bit strange for a tropical planet where Ailana was often left with a thin sheen of sweat across her purple skin, making her look even more like she shimmered in the light of the giant yellow sun that the planet orbited. She realized immediately that no one else seemed to notice the change, no one else seemed to sense it. The cantina was busy, over crowded in a way it often was around this time of day, when workers took their lunch breaks and wanted to refresh with local drinks and food.
This, combined with the sense of foreboding that suddenly descended upon Ailana, made her think of only one thing: the dark side. There was someone here, in this establishment, who was like her and yet unlike her. She was hiding, had been for over a decade. She did not use the force, she did not try and find others, she simply kept to herself. But there was no mistaking this signature. A sith, perhaps? An inquisitor? It didn't matter. She needed to leave. She had overstayed her welcome on Obrugo and it was time to go. Hopefully, she could slip away without alerting the new enemy to her existence.
She stood, slowly and carefully, and began to weave her way through the mass of bodies toward the door. Ailana caught a glimpse of a hooded character (no local would wear robes in the heat) and spotted a flash of red and black, before she averted her gaze. Just get out. Just keep moving.
starter for @gloomfaithed, Kenobi Era
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sunhearted · 22 days
I absolutely need to do things here with my lovely oc so....please consider interacting with this post if you're interested!
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sunhearted · 1 month
hey don’t cry. trees grow out of the ground.
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sunhearted · 1 month
I am going to start a little doc about the Deira since I have other people playing characters of that species and lore...will add basics but continue to update as I go. A lot of their lore is directly inspired by other existing lore which I will always credit as such but this also means I have some good foundations and can make other stuff up as I go! If you are interested in learning more about Deira or maybe even playing one, please let me know and I will keep you in the loop!
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sunhearted · 1 month
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sunhearted · 1 month
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I Will Do What I Must.
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sunhearted · 1 month
Ailana brightened at the appearance of her good friend, and her expression fond. "Having trouble sleeping, my friend? There is some wonderful tea for that...but I wouldn't advise taking it if you have anything to do the next morning. It works perhaps a little too well," she advised, before tilting her head to listen as he spoke. She laughed softly, a delicate and musical sound, and she shook her head. "I'm never bored in the archives. I could spend all my time there and never get through the entire collection. Besides, we're adding more all the time. It's one of the best libraries in the galaxy, you know. It's a pity it's not open to the public."
That was really her only regret. There was so much to learn and appreciate, even for civilians. Alas, they could not come and go from the temple with the freedom that Ailana had. "Where has little Anakin gotten off to?" Soon, he wouldn't be little Anakin anymore, not with the rate at which he was growing. He was still young and she appreciated his energy and enthusiasm whenever she saw him. "Have they assigned you to teach the younglings yet? Because they will. Master Yoda is insisting upon it. Something about a variety of teachers helping the young ones to learn different styles." She didn't mind, really, and besides dozing off, most of them were perfectly well behaved.
Falling asleep during meditation sounded wonderful right now. Obi-Wan didn't get a full night's sleep for days, until last night, when he arrived on Coruscant, back with his little Padawan, who was equally exhausted. "I wish that were me," he grinned, glad to see her. He didn't get to meditate at all during the trip back, since Anakin insisted on flying and Obi-Wan had to hold on to something during his more daring maneuvers.
Before he could sleep - during meditation or otherwise - he had to go debrief the Council, but since Anakin wanted to fix a very pesky hole in the hull of their shuttle, Obi-Wan waited for him. It was leaking oil at an alarming pace, so Anakin fixing it was a wise idea. What a wise little Padawan he had. It gave Obi-Wan time to have a chat with a wonderful friend. "Were they afraid you're bored in the archives?"
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sunhearted · 1 month
Ailana was not the type to go searching for romantic companionship - it wasn't that she didn't have those feelings but she also knew she was somehow different from others. Where others sought physical comfort from their companions, Ailana had only ever rarely felt the urge to partake. Her attraction was hardly ever a sexual one, superficial and surface level. By the time she had formed feelings for someone, sex wasn't a priority like it was for most people. She wasn't a virgin, but her experience was limited and she did not feel as though she was missing out.
She did understand however that the physicality was important for most people, though perhaps her feelings for Obi-Wan had grown because he was safe and demanded nothing. Perhaps he was even like her in his feelings and passions. She was a passionate person, but sex was simply not a priority. Obi-Wan was gentle and kind and patient. And most of all, he was entirely unavailable and therefore there was no risk of rejection.
She should have figured Enya would pick up on her affections. She was too astute for her own good. She'd have to find a way to get back at her fellow Deira for the intrusion. Her cheeks flushed and she elbowed Enya gently, as her gaze followed the departing Jedi Master. "He's....a Jedi. It doesn't matter if I think he's cute. And that sounds so juvenile!" She protested, her voice a low whisper as well, quick and earnest. She was glad he had gone away, Force forbid he over hear! It would have made it impossible for them to work together in the future!
@sunhearted gets a lil starter from Enya for asking nicely ♡
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Now, Enya could leave things well enough alone - but after several days of careful observation...there was no denying what she had picked up on. It was honestly a bit of a surprise; she hadn't figured the other the type to develop a crush or anything akin to it - but Enya couldn't blame her, considering the Jedi involved.
And so she makes her way past Obi-Wan Kenobi, with a brief hello, and makes a b-line towards her closest of friends. There's mischief in her grin as the female approaches the other, dark eyes alight with merriment.
"He's cute, don't you think?" Enya speaks, voice a low whisper. "You like him, don't you? I can see the way you look at him!"
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sunhearted · 1 month
Hello, I am here, please love us.
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sunhearted · 2 months
“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh
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sunhearted · 2 months
like this for a starter ❤️
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sunhearted · 2 months
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“Your focus determines your reality.”
indie star wars muses. highly selective. mutuals only. -- featuring @sunhearted -- (x)
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sunhearted · 2 months
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sunhearted · 2 months
Send me hc + a word of your choosing and I’ll write a headcanon relating to that word!
Or send hc + two words and I’ll try and come up with one that links those two things together!
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sunhearted · 2 months
Ailana had never excelled at saber forms or aggressive combat. She had always been suited best to other walks of Jedi life, like archivist and librarian. It would have been foolish, however, to assume she was inept or weak or challenged. She would teach this boy everything she knew and whatever was left after that, they would figure out together. She could not claim to be better than Yoda, but she was better than nothing, and now that the Grand Master had passed on, there were fewer Jedi left who were available to teach the next generation. A generation that was but a handful in numbers and separated by a steep degree from their culture, teachings, and the ways of the past.
This one was supposed to be especially important - a scion of sorts, to lead the lost and fallen against the Empire and into a new age. The Jedi would never recover from what had been done to them. The old days would never be seen again, and only a few were left who remembered them anyway. But there would always be someone to carry on. Ailana would make sure of that. Even if it meant going outside of her own comfort zone to teach a young padawan. "Are you tired already?" She clasped her hands behind her back, both sabers in her palms, as she pretended to peer at him curiously, taking a step toward him. She hadn't really even broken a sweat, but he had been working hard for the last few hours.
"Do you think you will never be tired in a duel?" Her tone was chastising, but almost amused at the same time. "We need to work on your stamina." A pause, and she chuckled lightly, shrugging. "A moment, I suppose, to rest. I'll even help you with dinner tonight, since you've been working so hard." As a padawan, she had been tasked with doing chores, completing tasks, even ones she found mundane or without benefit, but that was part of learning, of growing. Luke wasn't a bad cook, anyway.
@sunhearted gets a small starter bc my boy needs a Master ♡
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This was nothing like being on Dagobah, training under Yoda - who, while Luke was fond of the odd Master, seemed just a little off his rocker - but, it was nice. His new master was kind, knowledgable, skilled - the boy harbored no complaints.
Except, maybe the vague soreness. New bruises from various falls and stumbles while training. Minor things.
"Master," he began, slumping down to his butt, back against the wall and head lulling back with a slight thump as it rested against the surface. "Isn't it time we take a break? Just for a few minutes?"
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