sundaysbeloved · 6 days
Dad!Sunday Headcanons
It's Sunday, so we are Sunday posting! I am not sober, so these might not be the greatest lol. Also cw for mentions of pregnancy!
● Girl dad Sunday or boy dad Sunday? Well, how about both? You have a daughter and a younger son, probably about two to three years apart in age. Sunday is happy with your two children, but he would love a larger family and to have more children. He respects your decision if you don't want to have more.
● He puts his children in music lessons at a young age. They would play instruments like piano or violin. Your daughter might be enrolled in dance lessons as well.
● Sunday also knows how to play a couple of instruments (that one web event of him playing the violin). There are some evenings where Sunday and your children will play songs together!
● He canonically has OCD. He would probably have a lot of intrusive thoughts and anxiety about the safety of his children. His OCD was at it's worst when they were born and once they started school. Because of this, he can be a bit of a helicopter parent. He's extremely cautious and overprotective with them. One of his OCD compulsions is checking on the children several times at night.
● The kids both have little halos and wings <3 Sunday helps the little ones preen and take care of their wings.
● Loves reading to his children during bedtime. It's been a tradition ever since you were pregnant with your daughter. Usually, the little ones will cuddle next to you and Sunday in your shared bed while Sunday reads to them. Once they fall asleep, you'll carry them to their rooms.
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sundaysbeloved · 16 days
does anybody else get so brainrotted about their favorite fictional character that when doing the most mundane shit you can only think of it with them
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sundaysbeloved · 16 days
Was not expecting this to blow up omg
Sunday always wears his gloves. As the head of the Oak family, he has a pristine image to uphold. In the beginning of your relationship, he had never once taken them off. You could feel the cool fabric when he held your hand or when he would tip your chin up to give you a sweet kiss.
However, when simple dates turned into whole nights spent together, he finally took them off.
You remember the first time you held his unclothed hands. The skin soft and untouched by the outside world. His fingers long and slender. You couldn't help but to bring his hand up to your lips, softly kissing his knuckles.
Sunday let out a light chuckle, the pale skin of his cheeks flushing. "Shouldn't I be this one kissing your hands, dearest?" He questions teasingly before resting his palm against your cheek.
You let out a giggle of your own. "Am I not allowed to show my dear angel how much I love him?" You say before you turn your head to kiss his palm.
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sundaysbeloved · 16 days
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everyday will be sunday? alright whatever you say man im with you
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sundaysbeloved · 16 days
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Why? I don't know
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sundaysbeloved · 16 days
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The sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day comes.
the art is inspired by the work of Yasuko from Twitter
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sundaysbeloved · 17 days
twitter is crazy because somebody like sunday can say plain as day “i hate the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’ because i view myself as weak and understand how other fellow weak people feel, so i want to make a paradise where the weak and strong are equal and everybody can be protected under my watchful gaze” with very clear connotations towards catholicism/orthodoxy, the sacrifice of christ, and ‘the ones who walk away from omelas’ by ursula le guin (a story about a perfect utopian world that only remains such at the expense of a small child below the surface that is left alone to suffer) and be equated to that of a fascist ableist in support of real world eugenics that wants to kill minorities to create a perfect paradise.
tldr; learn to read before you make your ‘informative threads.’
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sundaysbeloved · 17 days
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sundaysbeloved · 18 days
Oh, to be wrapped in ratio's arms right now...
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sundaysbeloved · 18 days
Sunday x ERP Therapy
Sunday x Prozac
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sundaysbeloved · 19 days
If you have a baby with Sunday would it come out ugly like those baby Sunday memes?
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sundaysbeloved · 19 days
As someone with OCD, the fact that Sunday pretty much canonically has it too is so interesting to me. Mostly because my OCD is so distinctly different than his. I have harm OCD and my compulsions are mostly mental. While it seems like Sunday has "just right"/perfectionism OCD, his compulsions being having things "perfect".
It just makes me think what are the intrusive thoughts/obsessions that fuel these compulsions? I don't have this subtype of OCD so I'm not familiar with what the common obsessions are for it. Is it just a general uneasiness/anxiety over things not being perfect or is it more magical thinking that something bad might happen if he doesn't have something completely perfect?
Maybe the game talks about it, but I have the attention span and memory of a goldfish lol
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sundaysbeloved · 20 days
Some thoughts about Sunday picking out your clothes... I think this is technically some dom/sub type stuff, but it's nonsexual. Also, it's consensual and you specifically asked for it.
You asked Sunday if he could select your clothes for you every day. He agrees to your to your request.
At first, he thinks little of it. Every day, he would pick out your clothing for the day, hanging it beside your shared bed. However, he starts to feel a sort of excitement every time he sees you wearing an outfit he had picked out for you earlier that day. After this, he begins to go shopping for new pieces of clothing for you. Whether you wear frilly dresses or clean tailored suits, he will abide by your preferences.
As well, he gifts you a necklace with a small pendant that is the color of his eyes. He insists you wear it every day - a reminder that you are his lover. He remembers the swell of his heart the moment your eyes lit up at his suggestion and your gleeful agreement. Of course, you would agree to such a suggestion. You were the one to initiate him selecting your clothing in the first place.
There was something inside of him that loved this arrangement. A part of him that seeked control and felt a slight possessiveness over you. And there was a part of you that seeked this relinquishing of control to him, that felt wanted when he let out this possessive side.
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sundaysbeloved · 21 days
You can call me D or Eli. This is my blog where I post about my favorite fictional men!
About me
I am 24 years old and Latine. My pronouns are They/Them. I'm a fairly new writer, so please go easy on me ^^.
Faves right now: Sunday, Aventurine, Kaveh, and Alhaitham
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sundaysbeloved · 21 days
Sunday always wears his gloves. As the head of the Oak family, he has a pristine image to uphold. In the beginning of your relationship, he had never once taken them off. You could feel the cool fabric when he held your hand or when he would tip your chin up to give you a sweet kiss.
However, when simple dates turned into whole nights spent together, he finally took them off.
You remember the first time you held his unclothed hands. The skin soft and untouched by the outside world. His fingers long and slender. You couldn't help but to bring his hand up to your lips, softly kissing his knuckles.
Sunday let out a light chuckle, the pale skin of his cheeks flushing. "Shouldn't I be this one kissing your hands, dearest?" He questions teasingly before resting his palm against your cheek.
You let out a giggle of your own. "Am I not allowed to show my dear angel how much I love him?" You say before you turn your head to kiss his palm.
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