sumpbox · 6 years
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New carnivorous plant terrariums available in the shop today!
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sumpbox · 6 years
Tip for vultures, how to tell if a seller is lying about their products source:
The more popular Vulture Culture gets the more demand there will be for things like skulls and pelts. And more often people are going to try and pass off poached/hunted items as scavenged.  Here I will give a few red flags to look out for, as well as some good things to spot and some general tips for buying animal products.
(All photos used are for visuals ONLY. The products shown in the pictures provided are NOT call-outs or examples)
Red Flags:
1. Bulk quantities
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If  a seller is claiming something to be scavenged from roadkill, and yet is selling in large numbers, be cautious. This isn't ‘always’ an indicator of an untrustworthy seller. I’ve seen 10 raccoons on one stretch of road before. But use common sense, how likely is someone to find  and scavenge 10 foxes or 10 crows a week?
2. Unusual color morphs, especially foxes!
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If someone has farm fox color morphs (like marble foxes, blue, silver, etc) and tries to pass them off as roadkill they arent even trying. It is possible to buy pelts like this secondhand in antique shops and fur farms arent inherently “unethical”. But just know they almost 100% came from a fur farm at some point. 
3. Bones, pelts, and animal products from Asia.
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 As most vultures are well aware, different countries have different laws regarding sale of animal parts. Be cautious buying from places like China, Uruguay, and Brazil. Animal protection laws in those places may allow for easier poaching and hunting of endangered species as well an unethical treatment of animals in fur farms. This results in large quantities of VERY cheap skulls and furs, however the treatment these animals received as well as the legality of their culling is questionable. 
4. Failure or refusal to provide permits
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If you are looking into purchasing something that requires a permit or license and the seller refuses to provide the paperwork that is a HUGE red flag. Not only would selling without the paperwork be outright illegal, but the likelihood that they obtained the product legally in the first place is up for debate. 
GOOD things to look for
Now ill list a few things that are good indicators of scavenged products. 
1. Imperfections
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Bones that are old, weathered, cracked, or otherwise imperfect. Bones that have been sitting out in the woods for a while tend to take on a specific look. Quite different from perfectly white bones. 
2. juvenile or out of season animals
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Hunters typically avoid juvenile animals or animals that have “out of season” fur or plumage. If you see someone selling a pelt of a coyote in its spring coat, or a bird skull with juvenile beak colors its ‘safe-ish’ to assume it wasn’t hunted if the seller says it wasnt. However take this tip with a grain of salt. If it WAS hunted it was likely out of season, and therefor poaching. Use this tip in combination with the others to make a safer guess. 
Anyway, sorry this post is really lazily done hopefully this helps some new vultures. 
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sumpbox · 6 years
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sumpbox · 6 years
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100% Accurate.
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sumpbox · 6 years
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sumpbox · 6 years
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Lion, Giuseppe Baldrighi (Italian, 1723–1803), 1750s
Oil on canvas
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sumpbox · 6 years
best picture was won by a film where the main character is mute and uses sign language. her two best friends are a closeted gay man and a black woman. it was directed by a mexican immigrant and y'all wanna focus on the fact that there was interspecies boning?
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sumpbox · 6 years
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sumpbox · 6 years
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Johann Laurentz Jensen
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sumpbox · 6 years
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sumpbox · 6 years
they’re talking to each other omg (‘:
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sumpbox · 6 years
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Noah Kalina’s log cabin in Lumberland, New York
Available to rent: lumberlandcabin.com
Originally built by a huntsman, the Lumberland Cabin was constructed in the mid 1980s on 5 acres of pristine woodland. The solarium room is the perfect place to get some reading and writing done. Making a fire in the stove is one of my top 10 things to do in life.
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sumpbox · 7 years
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Good, I’ve got your attention. I’ve heard about this net neutrality bullshit returning. I fought it when it started popping up a few years ago, and I’m going to fight it again. Guys, it’s BACK AGAIN and even worse theres a big chance it will END UP PASSING!
This could literally mean a shit ton of you wont be able to see me anymore if your provider decides that they want to regulate/censor, sayyy overly sexual content. You’ll also have to pay extra money to even use Tumblr!
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Please guys, we defeated this shit once, we can do it again. They’re trying to do it now while people are distracted by the holidays and fucking Justice League. As of today, it seems as though there have only been 266,810 calls made to Congress. This is NOT good enough!! MILLIONS of people use the net, and if each one of them took 60 seconds to call and protect it, holy balls do you KNOW how much of a difference that would make??? But noooo, you’re busy streaming an ecchi anime that wont be available to you soon!!!!!
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Heres a direct link to make a difference (theres also links to other sites of the same nature on here), and yes, YOU can make a fucking difference because this is YOUR internet at stake here. If you’re not going to make the call, share this and maybe SOMEONE fucking will!! This is important as shit and we cant afford to lose. Dec 14th is the deadline.
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sumpbox · 7 years
A Plea for Parakeets
I’m here today to talk to you about the most criminally underestimated parrot: the parakeet.
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Yes, though they are small, they ARE parrots. You might call them “budgies,” you might call them “budgerigars,” but you should never call them “just.” As in, “just a parakeet.”
Sit down and let this overenthusiastic bird lady tell you a thing: We need to rethink our parakeet perceptions. Not only are these little feathered friends “real parrots,” they need to be treated like such.
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Why? Because budgies are smart, sensitive beings who are capable of much more than people give them credit for. For real. Check this out:
Disco the Talking Parakeet
A Parakeet Magic Show
Budgies Performing Tricks
More Tricks
A budgie even holds the world record for bird with the largest vocabulary. Seriously!
Of course, not all budgies will do these things, but even one who’s not a talker will be your buddy.
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All it takes is a little time, understanding, and research. Even an older, untamed budgie can become a companion. These birds can live for over ten years if given proper care, so get to know them! It’s worth it.
Heck, even if you DON’T want to be too hands on with your parakeet pal, they are still a ton of fun to watch! Budgies are incredibly inquisitive and they can entertain for hours with their antics.
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Budgies are great first birds not because they are readily available, cheap, “starter birds.” They are great ANYTIME birds. First bird or millionth bird. Their care is simpler than larger birds, but no less important.
Make bringing home a budgie a big deal. Carefully consider it. Do your research. Get the proper cage, toys, food, materials, everything! Adopt if you can. Treat your budgie right. Make them important, because they are important. No more subpar care.
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And if you ever ever EVER hear anyone say anything about them being “just parakeets,” or “dumb,” or “not real parrots,” or “throwaway birds,” or any of the multitude of undeserved misconceptions about these wonderful birds, you MAKE ANGRY BUDGIE NOISES AT THEM.
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sumpbox · 7 years
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Fred Wessel, Icon (Winter’s  Hope)
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sumpbox · 7 years
Here’s a good person selling good stuff.
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sumpbox · 7 years
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Hopper + Eleven scenes are literally my favourite part of the entire show.
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