sumcrypto · 6 months
Work X: The first decentralized job economy empowering both talent and employers without commercial fees.
About Work X
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Work X is the first decentralized job economy that allows people to collaborate without commercial middlemen like UpWork or Indeed, enabling AI Job matching empowering both talent and employers without the need to possess Web3 knowledge. As the Work X Genesis NFT will be the most limited NFT we will every release with a supply of only 999, it is essential for us to create a whitelist system which is exclusive but also fair. Instead of 30x oversubscribing the WL, we have decided to reward core contributors only. The Internet of Jobs - The first fully decentralized job economy without middlemen taking fees up to 40% - The future of work is P2P!
Anticipating the Future with Work X
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The synergistic collaboration of Work X, TEN, and Whyz is grounded in mutual aspirations and shared objectives. With Work X’s tech-forward platform and the robust nexus of TEN and Whyz, the tripartite partnership is poised to usher in a renaissance in recruitment and leadership strategies. By intertwining futuristic technology and visionary leadership, this partnership is anticipated to foster a systematic, efficient, and advantageous framework for global organizations and professionals.
The Progressive Achievements so far
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Launching Enterprise Clients
Funded by European Commission
Raised 3M USD — Runway: 36 months
10+ Hackathon prizes (Aave, 1inch, WalletConnect, VeChain & more)
Working product utilizing AI Assistant — Team building since 2017
50+ Corporates planning to use Work X
Work X’s Paradigm-Shifting Features
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Work X, the keyword synonymous with recruitment innovation, offers a bevy of features:
Generative AI-Assistant: An AI-driven tool by Work X that tailors job descriptions and enriches talent profiles to perfection.
Decentralized Identity: A feature exclusive to Work X, it empowers candidates by giving them dominion over their professional data.
Peer-to-Peer Collaboration: Work X’s groundbreaking fee model guarantees competitive payouts for talents and minimal service fees for corporations.
Verified References: Work X assures businesses of the veracity of candidates’ skills and experience.
Unbiased Hiring: Work X’s sophisticated algorithms ensure candidate-employer alignments based on genuine performance metrics.
Assessing Competencies in Light of Tomorrow’s Workforce Needs
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A candidate’s academic performance in college, as shown by their grades and degrees, has traditionally been regarded as the single most essential factor employers consider when making hiring decisions. The educational qualifications of a candidate reveal a great deal about them, but they are not a reliable indicator of their real knowledge and abilities. People’s abilities, features, and preferences may be measured in ever-greater detail thanks to the proliferation of individualized assessment methods[9]. These points of measurement are what we refer to as ‘indicators’ of how well work is being done. In order to determine the most suitable pairing between the organizations that are seeking new talent and the individuals who are seeking new teams, we will first measure the teams that are searching for new talent and then measure the individuals who are seeking new teams. By doing so, we will reduce the number of mismatches that occur in the labor market and guarantee the appropriate distribution of talent everywhere.
Who Owns the Data?
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People have lost control not just over their data but also over their professions and the progression of their own personal lives. In the early days of the internet, the value of data was severely underestimated by most people. Big technology businesses that concentrated on data were able to benefit from this, and they built a new business model with free services in return for the personal data of the user. These companies include Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. People are slowly starting to come to the realization that they need to recover control over their personal data, as well as their education and growth, since it may be used against them. This is happening at a time when technology is rapidly advancing. Work X presents a remedy for this challenge, while also investigating a potential answer to the more widespread data-related issue.
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Throughout history, businesses have traditionally been particularly reluctant to share their data with other businesses out of concern for their customers’ privacy and, ultimately, the risk of losing their competitive edge. This severely hinders their capacity to acquire useful information and develop an accurate artificial intelligence. We have a firm belief that people should have access to their own personal data. We regard this as a win-win situation for both individuals and businesses, as well as the road to both equitable economic success and personal achievement.
Work X is introducing an innovative solution designed to prepare employers for the jobs of tomorrow. This article deep dives into how Work X, available in Beta at www.workx.io, offers groundbreaking tools for organizations like APG.
Official Website: https://landing.workx.io/
Official Whitepaper: https://content.workx.io/whitepaper/Work+X+Whitepaper+V6.pdf
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorkX_official
Official Telegram: https://t.me/WorkX_Telegram
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/workx
Official Medium: https://medium.com/@WorkX
Official Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/work-x-internet-of-
Bitcoin name: Fullton Bitcoin Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2822683 Ether Address: 0x57d99BA90BdCa351296771D9C079Fb9a5d4Dba45
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sumcrypto · 9 months
The Fleamint platform - offering a seamless and secure way for you to buy and sell NFTs.
Hi everyone This time I will introduce to you the best project that is Fleamint, and here is the explanation.
About Fleamint
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The Fleamint platform is creating a complete ecosystem for Real World Assets across all industries, offering users a decentralized, open, and secure environment to engage in a variety of activities, such as trading goods and services. Fleamint stands at the forefront of innovation, empowering businesses to embrace the potential of Web3 and thrive in the dynamic financial landscape. Fleamint is a global, cutting-edge ecosystem that leverages advanced Web 3.0 technology and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions to deliver unprecedented value for brands and consumers worldwide. Fleamint continues to break down boundaries and create a seamless experience that revolutionizes how Web2 and Web3 interact with each other. Through this strategic partnership with AWS Startup, Fleamint is well-positioned to accelerate its expansion and fulfill its mission of providing token utility scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and tangible, quantifiable real-world economic values.
How Can You Get Benefitted From Fleamint Platform?
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In today's evolving financial landscape, there is a pressing need to bridge the gap between Web3 DeFi crypto asset holders and Web2 venture capitals. On one hand, Web3 crypto asset holders often struggle to find real-world use cases for their digital assets, limiting their practical value. On the other hand, Web2 businesses rely heavily on funding from traditional centralized financial institutions, lacking access to the innovative and decentralized funding opportunities prevalent in the Web3 space. This section presents a solution that aims to address these challenges and foster collaboration between both parties.
The World Needs a Business Model
It is evident that the world needs a sustainable business model that effectively utilizes Web3 crypto assets while providing tangible benefits to individuals and businesses. The potential of blockchain technology extends beyond speculation and investment, and it is crucial to explore and create real-world use cases that generate meaningful value. By establishing a robust and viable business model, we can unlock the true potential of Web3 crypto assets and pave the way for their widespread adoption.
Empowering Web3 Crypto Asset Holders
To empower Web3 crypto asset holders, we must focus on identifying and developing real-world use cases that showcase the unique capabilities of blockchain technology. By leveraging the decentralized nature, transparency, and immutability of blockchain, we can create solutions that address existing challenges in various industries. This may include areas such as decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain management, identity verification, intellectual property rights, and more. By expanding the scope of blockchain applications, we can provide concrete value propositions for Web3 crypto asset holders, enhancing the utility and relevance of their digital assets.
Enabling Web2 Businesses to Embrace Web3
Web2 businesses, constrained by their reliance on traditional centralized financial institutions, often struggle to access the innovative funding options available in the Web3 space. To address this limitation, we need to create pathways for Web2 ventures to participate in the Web3 ecosystem. This can be achieved by fostering partnerships and collaborations between Web2 and Web3 entities. By embracing these new fundraising avenues, Web2 businesses can tap into a broader pool of capital and leverage the benefits of blockchain technology, fueling their growth and innovation.
Collaborative Opportunities
The convergence of Web3 DeFi crypto asset holders and Web2 venture capital presents unique opportunities for collaboration. By bridging the gap between the two worlds, we can foster innovation, drive economic growth, and create synergistic partnerships. Web3 crypto assets can provide alternative investment opportunities for Web2 venture capital, diversifying their portfolios and enabling exposure to the rapidly expanding blockchain market. Conversely, Web2 businesses can contribute their expertise, industry knowledge, and established networks to support the development and implementation of real-world use cases for Web3 crypto assets. Through collaboration, both parties can mutually benefit from the strengths and opportunities presented by the fusion of Web3 and Web2.
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Trade Crypto Assets with Trust and Security on Fleamint Decentralized Exchange Easily trade a variety of crypto assets with trust and security using our non-custodial, decentralized exchange platform, Dex. With decentralized governance and cross-chain interoperability, our cutting-edge solutions provide a seamless and sophisticated way to trade in the Web 3.0 era.
Fleamint Peer-to-peer Decentralized Marketplace Platform.
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The Fleamint platform offers a seamless and secure way for you to buy and sell NFTs, featuring decentralized escrow and integration with multiple blockchain networks to ensure reliability and security in every transaction. You can buy and sell digital Assets on Fleamint's Decentralized marketplace and you will experience the power of NFTs like never before and empower yourself with a peer-to-peer decentralized Marketplace platform
Change your financial future with Web3-era Decentralized Finance Ventures. Empower yourself as an entrepreneur or innovator in the web3 world with Fleamint's Ventures platform, which allows you to launch projects using community-based funding and DeFi integration. Our platform offers a unique opportunity to tokenize your assets, create your own governance structure, and connect with a global network of like-minded individuals who share your vision for a decentralized web future.
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Join Fleamint's dynamic NFT ecosystem! Explore our DEX for seamless exchanges, Ventures for profitable project staking, our thriving community for social interaction, and the NFT marketplace for buying and selling unique digital and real-world assets. Revolutionize your ownership experience on the decentralized web and proudly show off your diverse collection!
For further information please follow the link below:
Website: https://fleamint.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.com/auth/sign-in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficiall Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintDeFi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial Telegram: https://t.me/Fleamintecosystem
Bitcoin name: Fullton Bitcoin Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2822683 Address: 0x57d99BA90BdCa351296771D9C079Fb9a5d4Dba45
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sumcrypto · 10 months
The Moxy platform - A Smart Solution That Seamlessly Integrates With Popular Games.
Moxy is an Innovative Solution to an Old Problem
The problem of bringing competitive eSports to the masses is one of the result of multiple elements. Moxy believes that the most effective solution to this problem is providing developers with an easy-to-use technology stack and players with a platform built on eSports. In the case of the technology stack, Moxy allows developers to organize open eSports events without having to deploy an in-house solution. This stack is accessible via API integration, a method that most software developers are familiar with but is still very possible and also works regardless of the platform being used (PC, console, or mobile device).
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Gamers, on the other hand, can use the Moxy platform to access thousands of games with eSports functionality, bringing a new layer of engagement and competition to their favorite titles. Because all eSports functionality happens natively on the platform, players can get not only financial matches but also other assets tailored specifically to their favorite games.
Real Competition With Real Prizes
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There are 2 elements that every eSports player fights for: recognition and rewards. Video Games without an eSports component often address recognition traditionally handled in-game through leaderboards and league systems, where players can see what skills they have compared to other players. While most players tend to care about recognition and this system works well, the same can’t be said for traditional reward systems. These are often limited to cosmetics and other in-game assets that many players don’t care about, especially in the case of fiercely competitive gamers.
By offering the MOXY cryptocurrency, the Moxy ecosystem allows players to truly utilize their skills and hard work. Each player entering the competition will be required to pay an entry fee in MOXY tokens, creating a pool which will then be split between players (90.1%), developers/publishers (6%), and the Moxy Foundation (3.9%).
Moxy Brings Web3 and Blockchain to eSports
Moxy leverages blockchain technology to develop web3-based technology, which enables its platform to operate in a decentralized, secure and stable manner. This also comes with the advantage that developers don’t have to develop a lot of on/off ramps to local currency as the MOXY token streamlines the whole process. The use of this technology also adds an additional level of security to all interactions between developers and players.
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From both a cybersecurity and transparency point of view, it is better, because all transactions happen on the FLOW blockchain. This ensures that the platform is secure, future-proof, low-cost, and easily accessible for everyone involved. The use of the Moxy integrated digital wallet also makes it easier for gamers to interact with the ecosystem because their wallet can store not only Moxy but also their favorite NFTs. With this tool, developers can also seamlessly create NFTs to represent their in-game assets, bringing new possibilities to their game development.
Empowering Gamers with a Unified Digital Wallet
MOXY understands that accessibility is the most important thing in the world of eSports. To ensure a level playing field for all, the Platform provides players with a unified digital wallet. This wallet allows gamers to use MOXY tokens in all the games they play, removing barriers imposed by geographic regions or local currency. This is a game-changer ensuring players from all over the world can easily find competitive gameplay.
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The Moxy platform is an innovative eSports ecosystem that aims to revolutionize the gaming industry. It introduces unique features and game modes to popular titles, enhancing the gaming experience. Moxy’s mission to make eSports enabled games the top choice for most gamers. An eSport-enabled game gives players more choice in how they want to play the game. MOXY owners will soon be able to use MOXY for its intended functionality by accessing the Moxy Platform on the Flow Network. In addition, the Moxy Platform offers significant built-in incentives/rewards to encourage such usage.
Website: https://moxy.io/ White paper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/s
Proof of Blogger
Bitcoin name: Fullton Bitcoin Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2822683 Address: 0x57d99BA90BdCa351296771D9C079Fb9a5d4Dba45
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