suk1raaa · 6 months
I won't be active for about 2 weeks as I will be going to South Korea for vacation! You are free to request, however. Happy/Merry and Early Christmas everyone!
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suk1raaa · 6 months
(So happy to have found your blog! Brozone needs more fics!) Would you be open to a fic about the brothers struggling to treatment branch like an adult? Like they cover his ears when someone curses or instinctively cut up his food. Not to be mean it's just old habits due hard.
lovely! i wouldn't mind doing your request! tysm for being my 1st!! if you don't mind, I separated them for headcanons, but at the bottom is the fic if you want to skip the hc part! the hc will be short.
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John Dory will struggle hard to treat Branch as an adult, as to being the eldest out of the siblings. He would, without a doubt, grab Branch's shorts and start assisting him into putting it on even if Branch kept on protesting. He definitely follows Branch around just to keep his little brother safe. JD probably took Branch's comb and start brushing his hair without any hesitance once.
ohhhhh Bruce cannot stop tossing Branch up high. Especially now that he's a dad he just can't stop the old habits! He would probably resist trying to help him cut up his food, but sometimes he would do it in a heartbeat even without knowing he did. I imagine Bruce trying to wash Branch's plate once and then stop as soon as Branch looked at him like 😐😑😐🤨, and then go "Force of habit lol" The most insisting piece of shit frfr
yep definitely won't stop calling him bitty b Clay would literally NONSTOP grab Branch's cheeks and start putting them in different angles and squishing them "awww u little boyyy" he just gives loving brother vibes to his little brother ofccc 💕💕 He seems like the troll that'd do Branch's laundry for him and then say he doesn't need to worry about it. Still gives his little brother the TIGHTEST hugs
I'm gonna be honest here, he will treat Branch like a grown man. But I sometimes like to think he'd tuck Branch in when he sleeps before going to sleep on his own bed. Maybe he'd prepare his food when he wakes up too
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John Dory, Floyd, Clay, Bruce, and Branch were all in the living room, talking about some of the adventures they experienced before the reunion. Clay kept on and on about how he managed Putt Putt Village.
"You know, it was so fun having to hang out at Putt Putt Village, I remember one time I almost got eaten by this little creature! It was like, not that big but was super overprotective over the little ones! I think it was a... uhh.."
"A Mother cuddle pup?" John Dory answered, looking at Clay curiously. "Well, they are overprotective over their kids."
"Oh yeaaahhh! Yeah, a cuddle pup, like, holy shit it wa-"
"Hey!" Bruce and John Dory suddenly interrupted, scrambling over to cover Branch's ears protectively, "Don't say that in front of baby Branch!" Floyd sighed and gave Branch, who was alarmed, a chuckle.
"Huh-? Okay, guys- guys, stop. Stop, seriously." Branch shook his head, trying to move their hands away. "It's fine, I'm an adult now. You can't keep on treating me like a baby, you know. That was 20 years ago." Branch crossed his arms sternly as Bruce, Clay, and John Dory gave each other a look.
"Guys, I'm serious!"
"Hey, are you even listening to me- Guys!"
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dinner is served!
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copying my work in any form will result in consequences.
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suk1raaa · 6 months
# Trolls OC
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Eheheh... Uhm.. Say hi to my Arabic and Russian-speaking trolls oc who's part of RAJ's :D
Her name is Aemma Faebane (Supposed to be a cool term for Amphisbaena, a snake with two heads on each end). Her hair design was very much inspired by the way Egyptian women do their hair back in the old days, and the gold ends on each end of the hair are the snakes eyes (notice how there are two snakes on the bottom and top?). The cloth was supposed to be like the mummies, and I referenced her snake form from the Rattlesnake (look at the end of the tail)
She's covering her ears in the picture because she's very insecure about it.
She has other names too-
For the Russian part, she goes by Czarina, and for the Arabic part, she goes by Kephri :D
Mostly she sings Arabic songs but she also performs Russian songs :)
Aemma is the main vocalist of the RAJ's, and she is able to transform into her troll form! (She's 10 inches tall in her snake form, and the current form in the picture is 7'5 in. When her trolls form she's 6 in obviously).
She's around her late 30's. (Coz i shipped her with John Dory)
She's known as the "Horror-stricken" one in the group.
You'll find out why :3
Note: I drew this too :D
Also wow 2 posts in a row.
Edit: I did not realize the inches was corrected to feet so i had to change it..
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suk1raaa · 6 months
# Trolls OC
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Say Kon'nichiwa or Hajimemashite to my J-POP Troll oc, Merikh (Or in where she lives) Kiaria! Of course, she speaks Japanese and English. She wears Harajuku Fashion clothes and is principled and a quiet-talker, although when she sings her voice is like an "echo" and "melodic". And ofc shes 6 in
(I hate the quality of the picture omg)
She is part of a girl band named RAJ's, and they are nicknamed as the "Marvel" one. (I shipped her with Floyd)
And of course, I drew it. All rightfully mine!
I'm planning on making a story of her backstory and her with Floyd soon.
(Also in her 30's)
Expect one more OC!!
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suk1raaa · 6 months
# Who am I?
I am a trolls (all movies) only fic maker/writer/storymaker! You can call me suki, sukira, or kira! (If you can't tell, I love blue)
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# What do I do?
I make stories about characters from trolls! I also post some other things like oc introductions, oc stories, oc lore, etc.
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# Who can you request?
I mainly write for Brozone! Any other characters not mentioned may be asked. (OC inserts from other people aren't my thing though, so I highly apologize in advance!) I can do King Trollex and Hickory too :D
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# What kind of genres can you request?
Any! Although NSFW is strictly prohibited as I am still a minor. Please note that angst is not much of my best suit (still practicing). Edit: I love angst
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# Where can I find you in other social media apps/websites?
I can be found in Wattpad most of the time! I also have Ao3 but I haven't used that in a long time.
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# Any other stuff you need to know about me?
I might not reach your request as I can be busy irl. Please note I have life outside of Tumblr. I also have school, so if you ever see me post, please know that it was during school/somewhere else 😭
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