sugunahospital · 2 months
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Seeking expert kidney stone treatment in Bangalore? Look no further than Suguna Hospital, a leading urology hospital in Bangalore. Our specialized urologists offer advanced care and innovative treatments for kidney stones, ensuring effective relief and improved kidney health. Schedule a consultation today for personalized care at Suguna Hospital.
Visit https://sugunahospital.com/urology/
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sugunahospital · 2 months
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sugunahospital · 2 months
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sugunahospital · 2 months
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sugunahospital · 2 months
Gastroenterology Treatment In Bangalore at Suguna Hospital focuses on diagnosing & treating digestive diseases that impact the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder & more. Our gastroenterologists in Rajajinagar & GI surgeons provide top medical care, offering diagnostic & therapeutic solutions for liver and biliary issues.
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sugunahospital · 2 months
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sugunahospital · 3 months
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sugunahospital · 3 months
How Does PCOS Affect Pregnancy? Symptoms and Treatment
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PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a commonly observed medical condition that impacts women, especially at the time of pregnancy. 
Eminent Gynaecologists from Suguna Hospital, recognized as the Best Maternity Hospital in Bangalore indicate that this condition has more to do with hormonal imbalance and normally affects women who are in their childbearing age.
Experts indicate that any relevant variation in the body that can signal the possibility of PCOS needs to be referred to a certified Gynecologist immediately. 
Symptoms of PCOS
Best Gynaecologist for PCOS treatment in Bangalore indicates that while no significant symptom has been associated with PCOS, the following likely variations should be attended to immediately.
Ovarian cysts
Insulin resistance
Hormonal imbalance
Sleep disorders including Sleep Apnea
Pelvic pain
Any significant symptom related to the above conditions must be immediately brought to the attention of your Gynecologist. 
Does PCOS impact Pregnancy?
PCOS can indeed affect pregnancy, as many women may not be aware that they have PCOS until they conceive, as it often goes unnoticed. It is advisable to connect with your Gynaecologist and get yourself assessed for PCOS, considering the increased risk of complications such as miscarriage, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and preterm birth.
Treating PCOS
PCOS is a condition that needs careful and meticulous management. Hence, treatment options can include:
Diet and Lifestyle Management
The most important thing to know about PCOS and pregnancy is that complications are very real. That’s why it’s more important than ever to take steps to have a healthy pregnancy. Hence, if you are looking to reach out to the Best Maternity Hospital for PCOS patients, look no further than Suguna Hospital, as it has a proven track record of successfully handling thousands of PCOS cases and helping patients feel confident and assured again. 
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sugunahospital · 3 months
How Does PCOS Affect Pregnancy? Symptoms and Treatment
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PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a commonly observed medical condition that impacts women, especially at the time of pregnancy. 
Eminent Gynaecologists from Suguna Hospital, recognized as the Best Maternity Hospital in Bangalore indicate that this condition has more to do with hormonal imbalance and normally affects women who are in their childbearing age.
Experts indicate that any relevant variation in the body that can signal the possibility of PCOS needs to be referred to a certified Gynecologist immediately. 
Symptoms of PCOS
Best Gynaecologist for PCOS treatment in Bangalore indicates that while no significant symptom has been associated with PCOS, the following likely variations should be attended to immediately.
Ovarian cysts
Insulin resistance
Hormonal imbalance
Sleep disorders including Sleep Apnea
Pelvic pain
Any significant symptom related to the above conditions must be immediately brought to the attention of your Gynecologist. 
Does PCOS impact Pregnancy?
PCOS can indeed affect pregnancy, as many women may not be aware that they have PCOS until they conceive, as it often goes unnoticed. It is advisable to connect with your Gynaecologist and get yourself assessed for PCOS, considering the increased risk of complications such as miscarriage, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and preterm birth.
Treating PCOS
PCOS is a condition that needs careful and meticulous management. Hence, treatment options can include:
Diet and Lifestyle Management
The most important thing to know about PCOS and pregnancy is that complications are very real. That’s why it’s more important than ever to take steps to have a healthy pregnancy. Hence, if you are looking to reach out to the Best Maternity Hospital for PCOS patients, look no further than Suguna Hospital, as it has a proven track record of successfully handling thousands of PCOS cases and helping patients feel confident and assured again. 
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sugunahospital · 3 months
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sugunahospital · 3 months
What Causes Heart Disease in Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts? What Symptoms Should You Look Out For?
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The more physically fit you are, the lower your risk of developing cardiac disease. However, experienced cardiologists associated with the best heart failure treatment hospital in Bangalore caution that while this was once true, the landscape has changed significantly. Even the fittest individuals are not immune to heart ailments. 
Expert cardiac doctors associated with Suguna Hospital, recognized as the Best Cardiology Hospital in Bangalore, share a few useful thoughts.
Causes of Heart Diseases in Athletes
“If you are an athlete, you are at the peak of your fitness level.” Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, as evidenced by cases showing that even fit individuals can experience cardiac problems. 
While smoking and drinking are the commonly observed causes that ruin your heart as well as your health, too much physical activity is also not good for your heart. 
Additionally, there are some other causes that can put you at high risk of a heart failure though you may be extremely fit. 
Intense and prolonged physical activity
Family history of heart attacks or other heart diseases
Performance enhancing drugs in athletes
Underlying health conditions that have been ignored as minor health issues
Symptoms to look out for
Eminent cardiologists associated with Suguna Hospital stress that the following symptoms observed should be immediately brought to the notice of your cardiologist. 
Uneasiness in the chest during intense workout
Continued exhaustion or fatigue
Difficulty in breathing during workouts
Bout of Nausea or Vomiting during workouts
Dizziness, Lightheadedness
Irregular heartbeat
Gone are those days when age would be a key factor behind a cardiac disease. Today, irrespective of your age and no matter how fit you have been, you are not safe from a heart problem. Hence, it is extremely vital to practice a good diet and a sustainable fitness regime. Hence, If you’re wondering, ‘Which is the Best Heart Specialist Hospital in Bangalore to connect with?’ get in touch with our experienced cardiology team at Suguna Hospital immediately.
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sugunahospital · 3 months
What Is the Difference Between a Heart Attack and Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
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Cardiac emergencies present the most challenging and life-threatening medical situations globally. According to expert cardiologists at Suguna Hospital, acclaimed as the best Heart Specialist Hospital in Bangalore, among the most prevalent cardiac emergencies are Heart Attacks and Sudden Cardiac Arrests.
At first, they might seem similar, but it’s really important to know how they’re different, especially if you think you might have a heart problem.
Heart Attack VS Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Heart specialists from the the Best Cardiology Hospital in Bangalore, explain that
A Heart Attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked, whereas Sudden Cardiac Arrest results from a breakdown in the heart’s electrical system, affecting its rhythmic function.
A Heart Attack is also known as Myocardial Infarction, while Cardiac Arrest is termed Sudden Cardiac Death, often proving fatal.
Both Heart Attack and Sudden Cardiac Arrest demand urgent attention, yet their symptoms vary.
Symptoms of Heart Attack
Severe pain in the chest
Chest discomfort
Pain in shoulders, back, neck or jaw
Nausea and Vomiting
Irregular heartbeat
Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest
Difficulty in breathing
Acute fatigue or weakness
Loss of pulse or feeble pulse
Nausea and vomiting
Causes – Heart Attack
A heart attack happens because of coronary artery disease. Things that increase your risk of having a heart attack include:
Sedentary lifestyle
Lack of exercises
High blood pressure levels
High blood sugar levels
Causes- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Irregular heartbeat
Previous history of heart ailments
Family history of heart diseases
Consumption of banned products
While both Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack can be deadly, Cardiac Arrest is an emergency needing urgent attention. It’s crucial not to delay and reach the nearest Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Bangalore immediately to consult with a cardiologist.
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sugunahospital · 3 months
Know the Common Sports Injuries Affecting Bones and Joints
Engage yourselves in physical activities and you will lead a fit and trouble-free life”. This statement is true as long as you don’t engage yourselves in an overdose of physical activities and become vulnerable to sports injuries. 
The Best Orthopedic Specialist in Bangalore associated with Suguna Hospital gives an insight into what sports injuries are all about. 
Understanding Sports Injuries
Eminent Orthopedic specialists working with a renowned Bones and Joints Clinic in Bangalore explain that sports injuries usually occur due to an overdose of physical activities like outdoor sports, exercises and athletics. It can occur immediately or develop over a period of time.
The following activities can put you at risk of developing a sports injury
Serious accident
Engaging in sports activities without proper protection
Relentless and strenuous sporting activity
Commonly observed Sport Injuries
Any Sportsman either a beginner or seasoned can suffer from a sports injury.  Bones and Joints are two significant parts of our body that sports injuries can significantly impact. 
Gaining a better understanding of these types of injuries can help sportsmen take precautions and seek medical attention when immediately required. 
Sprains and Strains
Ligaments and muscles are more prone to sprains and strains, which can cause severe pain lasting for days. Seeking immediate medical attention can prevent further degeneration.
These are very common among sports injuries, especially during outdoor sporting activities. They can be mild, moderate, or even severe depending upon the impact of the injury. Fractures can lead to cracks in bone or even hairline deformity. Multiple fractures need surgical intervention and rehabilitation. 
This condition occurs due to overactivity of a particular joint wherein there is swelling of tendon (the fibrous tissue that attaches bone to the muscles). A more commonly observed type of tendinitis is Achilles tendinitis that frequently affects athletes.
ACL tear
An ACL tear is a knee injury that happens when the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), one of the major ligaments in the knee, is stretched or torn. It commonly occurs during sports that involve sudden stops, changes in direction, or pivoting movements. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and instability in the knee. Treatment may involve rest, physical therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity of the tear and the individual's activity level.
Shoulders, wrists, and knees are commonly prone to dislocations that can occur when the bone joints can suddenly be displaced from their normal positions. This can occur due to sudden impact or stressful activity. Being aware of the commonly occurring sports injuries and the serious impact it can cause to our bones and joints is crucial. Untreated and prolonged sports injury can put you at a risk of developing arthritis. In the case of severe accidents, immediate medical attention is a must. Hence, if you are wondering who is the Best Sports Injury Doctor in Bangalore whom you can reach out to, look no further than our clinically efficient team of orthopedic Doctors at Suguna Hospital.
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sugunahospital · 4 months
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Suguna Hospital is the best hospital in Bangalore and offers world-class healthcare at affordable prices. We provide exceptional medical care with clinical expertise and cutting-edge technology.
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sugunahospital · 4 months
What are the Types and Treatments for Arthritis?
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Many of us aim to move freely without discomfort throughout our lives. However, life’s challenges often include maintaining stable health as our bodies undergo wear and tear, leading to pain and discomfort.
When it comes to mobility, one prevalent condition worldwide is Arthritis, causing concern for many. Yet, Expert Orthopedic Doctors associated with the Leading Arthritis Treatment Hospital in Bangalore assure that successful methods exist today to manage this condition..
A bit of awareness and taking care at the right time can help a lot
Understanding Arthritis
The Best Knee Specialists in Bangalore at Suguna Hospital describe Arthritis as a condition that causes swelling and tenderness in one or multiple joints throughout the body. As your age or with certain health issues like high blood sugar levels, this condition may worsen.
Different Types of Arthritis
Arthritis isn’t restricted to a particular age but is commonly noticeable in later stages.  
Some of the common types are:
Osteoarthritis – Affecting joints in your Hands, Knees and Spine.
Psoriatic Arthritis – Caused due to a very complicated skin disease called Psoriasis, this condition can be very challenging.
Reactive Arthritis – This causes joint pain and swelling. It is caused either due to infection or malfunction of key organs of your body including the intestines, genitals, or urinary tract.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is a chronic inflammatory disorder. In addition to affecting the different joints, it can deeply impact premier organs like heart, lungs and eyes.
When to See a Doctor? Experts recommend seeking immediate medical attention if you notice specific symptoms, like
Stiff joints
Acute pain in the joints
Difficulty in moving or standing
Swelling observed in or around the joints
Redness observed in the joints
Treating ArthritisManaging Arthritis requires a systematic approach. It’s crucial not to overlook persistent symptoms as mere discomfort. Ignoring these signs can lead to costly consequences. 
Your treatment is based on how severe is your condition and can include: 
MedicationsDepending upon the type of Arthritis diagnosed, your medications may include:
Physiotherapies and light workouts to begin with
SurgeryThis is the last resort which your doctors might recommend only if there are no signs of improvement after persistent medication.  Some of the types of surgeries successfully performed include,
Joint Repairs
Joint Replacements
Overcome Arthritis and lead a pain-free, confident life. Avoid welcoming Arthritis! Consult the top Arthroscopy Surgeon  in Bangalore at Suguna Hospital for a safe and successful journey ahead.
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sugunahospital · 4 months
What Is the Relationship Between Diabetes and Hypertension?
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The two most common health conditions that continue to form the base for major health ailments are Diabetes and Hypertension.  According to expert physicians at Suguna Hospital, renowned for Diabetes Treatment in Bangalore, understanding the relationship between diabetes and hypertension is crucial. Both conditions appear may together and lead to complex health issues that impact people across the global. 
The All-important link
Experienced physicians at Suguna Hospital, trusted by many for Diabetic Health Checkups in Bangalore, explain that both Diabetes (High Blood Sugar) and Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) share a complex relationship. Frequent studies have also indicated that an individual with diabetes runs a high risk of developing hypertension and vice-versa. 
Some of the key factors that link diabetes with hypertension are
Sedentary lifestyle
Insulin Resistance
Strong family history of diabetes and hypertension Management Strategies
Experienced doctors recommend several practices to significantly reduce complications arising from diabetes and hypertension. 
Early detection and management
Regular monitoring of blood sugar and blood pressure levels
Practicing a balanced diet / Weight reduction if obsese
Include more fresh vegetables and fruits
Regular physical activity
Avoid or completely quit smoking and alcohol intake
Strictly follow treatment programs prescribed by your physician
Diabetes and Hypertension are so interconnected that one can lead to the other, causing health issues even in the healthiest individuals. It’s crucial not to ignore symptoms of either condition and seek immediate attention from healthcare experts to prevent potential complications. Suguna Hospital is preferred by many people for its beneficial Health Checkup Packages in Bangalore and hence you will be at a great advantage by utilizing those benefits.
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sugunahospital · 5 months
What are the Types and Treatments for Arthritis?
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Many of us aim to move freely without discomfort throughout our lives. However, life’s challenges often include maintaining stable health as our bodies undergo wear and tear, leading to pain and discomfort.
When it comes to mobility, one prevalent condition worldwide is Arthritis, causing concern for many. Yet, Expert Orthopedic Doctors associated with the Leading Arthritis Treatment Hospital in Bangalore assure that successful methods exist today to manage this condition..
A bit of awareness and taking care at the right time can help a lot
Understanding Arthritis
The Best Knee Specialists in Bangalore at Suguna Hospital describe Arthritis as a condition that causes swelling and tenderness in one or multiple joints throughout the body. As your age or with certain health issues like high blood sugar levels, this condition may worsen.
Different Types of Arthritis
Arthritis isn’t restricted to a particular age but is commonly noticeable in later stages.  
Some of the common types are:
Osteoarthritis – Affecting joints in your Hands, Knees and Spine.
Psoriatic Arthritis – Caused due to a very complicated skin disease called Psoriasis, this condition can be very challenging.
Reactive Arthritis – This causes joint pain and swelling. It is caused either due to infection or malfunction of key organs of your body including the intestines, genitals, or urinary tract.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is a chronic inflammatory disorder. In addition to affecting the different joints, it can deeply impact premier organs like heart, lungs and eyes.
When to See a Doctor? Experts recommend seeking immediate medical attention if you notice specific symptoms, like
Stiff joints
Acute pain in the joints
Difficulty in moving or standing
Swelling observed in or around the joints
Redness observed in the joints
Treating ArthritisManaging Arthritis requires a systematic approach. It’s crucial not to overlook persistent symptoms as mere discomfort. Ignoring these signs can lead to costly consequences. 
Your treatment is based on how severe is your condition and can include: 
MedicationsDepending upon the type of Arthritis diagnosed, your medications may include:
Physiotherapies and light workouts to begin with
SurgeryThis is the last resort which your doctors might recommend only if there are no signs of improvement after persistent medication.  Some of the types of surgeries successfully performed include,
Joint Repairs
Joint Replacements
Overcome Arthritis and lead a pain-free, confident life. Avoid welcoming Arthritis! Consult the top Arthroscopy Surgeon  in Bangalore at Suguna Hospital for a safe and successful journey ahead.
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