suen-chan · 5 years
moving blog to here.
soon this blog will be archived. all the asks that i have drafted will be answered, but will be answered on the other blog. i have some threads on here as well and if you’d like to continue some of them, then just hmu so i can know & i’ll bring over my reply to that blog as well ! all established/wip relationships on here will still be kept too unless you want to change/drop it. just tell me too. i’m very laid back so i won’t get angry or anything if you do. 
why the sudden move??? mm, lets just say everything was starting to feel stuffy. although ive had some great, great interactions in the past, some of my older writing was something i couldn’t quite stand to see or read lol. (and my older artworks). suddenly this blog became a clash of both my old representation of suen & the new one and i dunno. i just needed a clean slate. and my gosh is this difficult to do. i’ve been rping suen on this blog for almost 5-6 years and it has so many fond memories but as i’ve said before it will be archived since i don’t want to let go of some of the fun moments on here & anyway. long rant cut short. yeah . .moving blogs. 
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suen-chan · 5 years
moving blog to here.
soon this blog will be archived. all the asks that i have drafted will be answered, but will be answered on the other blog. i have some threads on here as well and if you’d like to continue some of them, then just hmu so i can know & i’ll bring over my reply to that blog as well ! all established/wip relationships on here will still be kept too unless you want to change/drop it. just tell me too. i’m very laid back so i won’t get angry or anything if you do. 
why the sudden move??? mm, lets just say everything was starting to feel stuffy. although ive had some great, great interactions in the past, some of my older writing was something i couldn’t quite stand to see or read lol. (and my older artworks). suddenly this blog became a clash of both my old representation of suen & the new one and i dunno. i just needed a clean slate. and my gosh is this difficult to do. i’ve been rping suen on this blog for almost 5-6 years and it has so many fond memories but as i’ve said before it will be archived since i don’t want to let go of some of the fun moments on here & anyway. long rant cut short. yeah . .moving blogs. 
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suen-chan · 5 years
moving blog to here.
soon this blog will be archived. all the asks that i have drafted will be answered, but will be answered on the other blog. i have some threads on here as well and if you’d like to continue some of them, then just hmu so i can know & i’ll bring over my reply to that blog as well ! all established/wip relationships on here will still be kept too unless you want to change/drop it. just tell me too. i’m very laid back so i won’t get angry or anything if you do. 
why the sudden move??? mm, lets just say everything was starting to feel stuffy. although ive had some great, great interactions in the past, some of my older writing was something i couldn’t quite stand to see or read lol. (and my older artworks). suddenly this blog became a clash of both my old representation of suen & the new one and i dunno. i just needed a clean slate. and my gosh is this difficult to do. i’ve been rping suen on this blog for almost 5-6 years and it has so many fond memories but as i’ve said before it will be archived since i don’t want to let go of some of the fun moments on here & anyway. long rant cut short. yeah . .moving blogs. 
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suen-chan · 5 years
moving blog to here.
soon this blog will be archived. all the asks that i have drafted will be answered, but will be answered on the other blog. i have some threads on here as well and if you’d like to continue some of them, then just hmu so i can know & i’ll bring over my reply to that blog as well ! all established/wip relationships on here will still be kept too unless you want to change/drop it. just tell me too. i’m very laid back so i won’t get angry or anything if you do. 
why the sudden move??? mm, lets just say everything was starting to feel stuffy. although ive had some great, great interactions in the past, some of my older writing was something i couldn’t quite stand to see or read lol. (and my older artworks). suddenly this blog became a clash of both my old representation of suen & the new one and i dunno. i just needed a clean slate. and my gosh is this difficult to do. i’ve been rping suen on this blog for almost 5-6 years and it has so many fond memories but as i’ve said before it will be archived since i don’t want to let go of some of the fun moments on here & anyway. long rant cut short. yeah . .moving blogs. 
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suen-chan · 5 years
help, my wife got wine drunk and tried to set our marriage certificate on fire, saying “good luck trying to return me without the receipt”
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suen-chan · 5 years
✐+ itachi giving suengri the talk :')
Send ✐+ a prompt for a short drabble about our muses. | always open
the talk | @insoucicnce
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they’re sitting across one another with the kitchen counter top dividing their space and although suengri has his chin resting on flat hands, blue eyes peering up at his uncle patiently , his uncle — his go to person, his partner in crime (self-proclaimed), his #1 favorite person ever,,, well, this person sat idly on the other end with the slightest of trouble curling over perfect, neat brows and the briefest of frown marring fair features. suengri blinks, itachi opens his mouth but closes it soon after. suengri tries to hide his small smile, amused. he looks like a fish. “ uncle, are you oka—”
“ listen, suengri. you’re getting big now — “ he’s 12, “ and other kids your age—” it’s always other kids, never you, “that are going to start talking about…” he pauses, squints, and grimaces at his next words, “some things” 
this time suengri sits upright to distract the other from his snicker. he tilts his head, feigning innocence. “—what things?”
itachi tusks, looking pained as if he expected his nephew to say, ‘oh yeah, i know. that thing’ the sort of telepathic communication only they could understand. but suengri doesn’t. instead he waits, brow raised. “it also has to do with the birds & the bee’s. surely you’ve heard of this term? didn’t the academy say it’s supposed to impro— anyway,” he got sidetracked.  “the birds & the bee’s is when,,, a man and a woman…” pause. cue, sudden hand gesture that has suengri looking at him quizzically. “,,, then a baby is made and—”
suengri laughs then, hands clutching onto stomach as he softly wheezes into his frame.  “uncle ‘tachi please. of course i know about sex. why are you using such vague and childish terms on me? i didn’t know you were such a prude.” he wipes away some tears, cheeks red from laughter. “and i think the bird & the bee’s is an outdated term. you don’t need to be a man & a woman to make a kid.” he pauses, brows curling in thought, “ but maybe that falls in another category of its own… anyway, uncle. ” he looks at him straight in the eyes. “it’s okay. i know.”
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suen-chan · 5 years
In another universe i’m able to save you.
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suen-chan · 5 years
Send ✐+ a prompt for a short drabble about our muses.
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suen-chan · 5 years
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suen-chan · 5 years
like for a suen in your inbox. 
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suen-chan · 5 years
Five Times + Guilty [single parent verse]
Send me ‘five times + a word’ and I’ll write a drabble about our muses based on it. | always open
Five Times + Guilty | @silenceindefeat
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one. the guilt always comes in like soft waves ; gradual and warm at first until it seeps so deep he can’t help but feel suffocated. like now, for example. at first he really did want the giant apple candy. and although he kept being denied again and again, his persistence was there; aided with loud cries, screams, and a tantrum. yeah, he definitely got that apple candy then. all big, red, and gooey and the happiness lasted for a bit. mere three bites in with a full stomach and the delicacy utterly forgotten. later, when he see’s his father desperately talking with an old lady and giving her a white envelope, he kind of gets what’s going on. it’s the same old lady that comes by every month to pick up that envelope and for a moment, suengri truly understands what the word brat & ungrateful means.
two. he know’s he did wrong the second he’s aware of what he was drawing on. in the moment of all his bizzare imagination and paper scrawling, he had accidentally picked up his fathers notebook with all his neat notes, and writing, and colorful categories.  it was supposed to be scrap paper, but no. the date was written for today. as in, it’s not scrap paper. frowning, lips slightly wobble but he holds it in because when his father comes in, he plans on telling him about his mistake, plans on telling him that it was an accident so when he see’s him, he holds up the paper, showing him. “i’m so—” but the words are cut when wrists curl around his own and he’s being scolded. not the patient scolding either, the frustrated and annoyed one. it doesn’t take long for suengri to start crying, and crying, and crying. 
three. a big fat F is written on his spelling quiz, all red and bold. suengri stares at the mark, feeling both confused and empty. he made sure to study, prepared with his classmates, and even himself yet vaguely, the F in itself wasn’t what bothered him. it was the fact that he had made his father stay up late to make sure he got everything right. and when he did, he asked for another recheck, and another. and yet he still managed to wake up early, albeit all bag eyed and slightly tired, to make breakfast for the both of them. it wasn’t cereal either. it was the one that took time. like eggs, toast, and bacon. ‘for your quiz, okay. good luck’. and then he gave him a hair ruffle and remembering it all, suengri really didn’t want to go home. he didn’t want to have to face him and tell him how all that preparation was for nothing. 
four.‘how was your quiz ? ’“… it went good! i passed! ”‘oh? then let me see it. we can stick it up on the fridge.’pause.  “ the teacher kept it. she said she’ll hang it up the class wall with the others who did well too!”
no further questions were asked and for a whole month, suengri asked for nothing. no candies, no help, no bed time stories. nothing. 
five. the second time he accidentally messes up his fathers school work is while watching a cartoon on his laptop. he’s too deep into the animation when suddenly, it buffers and then immediately shuts down. he blinks, mildly scared but curious none the less. he clicks random buttons, some windows appearing and then disappearing. he tilts his head, clicks some more, and then a new file opens. one with lots and lots of words. he pauses, scrunches his nose and clicks another random button. but rather. instead of the window disappearing, all the words disappear! another pause, and then he starts crying, fingers clicking away at the letters and trying to either make the words appear again or re-write the whole thing. when his father comes in from his nap, all tousled haired and wide awake in alert, suengri cries even harder, pointing at the screen and saying muffled, ‘m sowy, m’ sowy… it takes a bit longer for him to calm down and when he does, he’s finally told that it’s only a draft and that it’s not the final one. that it was okay. everything was fine, and he didn’t do anything wrong. 
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suen-chan · 5 years
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@insoucicnce ; 
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ah, really. it’s such a difficult task. gaze pensive in mild concern, suengri counts the cats again. currently, there are ten of them. there’s mushu, sushi, noodles, mr. grumpy , mittens, sunny, nighty, meow meow , lily , and... then there’s the last one. he’s run out of names and looking around his surroundings, there wasn’t anything that really inspired him. just tree’s, grass, and... azures peer up, squinting. he see’s the sleeping figure of his uncle and then,,, aha! he looks at the nameless cat, smiles a loose grin and picks it up from under its front arms. the cat gives out a soft mew and he raises it so that it’s in the same scene as his uncle. then with bright vigor, he exclaims, “from now on i will call yooouuuu,,,,  mr. sleepy head!!” cue, bright childish laughter and lots & lots of twirls with the poor cat.
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suen-chan · 5 years
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suen-chan · 5 years
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suen-chan · 5 years
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suen-chan · 5 years
💖 im dying for sum positivity im Dying
Send 💖 for something positive.
LISTEN I HOPE YOURE NOT DEAD BC IM SLOW AF SORRY BUT???? HELLO??? YOUR EXISTENCE IS ALREADY A BLESSING???? shit, i’ve only interacted with your itachi so far but just from your portrayal on him i know how thoughtful you are to the muses you have? the way you write them in the most simplest yet complex way but also add light hearted headcanons too them too? im sure your quite busy with life and have other things more important to deal with but i just hope for your utmost happiness? like hell if you think you can only be on here a few times a month and that makes you the most comfortable then go for it??? don’t force yourself and just do you. don’t stress! you’re amazing. you can do it! and suen & i will always be happy to see you around! 
also shit. idk but ppl who have multi muses are amazing. idk how they do it but y’all are amazing. i hope you have a wonderful day from today until forever!
- signing off by sending lots and lots of positive energy your way 💖
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suen-chan · 5 years
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sam should have ― been surprised , seeing suen spiral so fast , but his own anger clouded that judgement and when he got the chance he gripped the wrist of the hand that suen had extended to keep him from grabbing the mask back roughly. ‘ yeah , mercenaries steal shit suen it’s how we fucking survive. but what the hell are you talking about , i don’t steal people - ’ he kills them , but stealing them ? he’d never taken a ransom hostage and never would. it was too tedious , and not sam’s style. ‘ - and i didn’t steal this mask. ’ despite making a comment that he might have , sam didn’t. he had simply picked it up after a shinobi had left it behind and kept it to commemorate his first night on the job. the night he almost died twice but still survived. 
that’s when the ― truth came out , slapping sam in the face hard. this was suen’s mask ? that’s what he was saying but there’s no way they could be true. that would mean they’d already met , albeit shrouded by the night and much younger … suen’s admittance only angered sam further and he aggressively tossed the wrist he was holding aside , striking suen in the chest with two palms , shoving him back. ‘ what the fuck have i taken from you ,huh !? ’ nothing , suen was the one who’d taken his sweater and now was taking the mask he’d picked up ; what the hell was he going on about ?
sam felt a rage ― he’d never felt before , something akin to a sad rage. maybe it was because suen , the one person he could count on to not treat him like a murderer but for who he was ( an asshole , but human nonetheless ) was now profiling him along with a collective. maybe it was the fact that suen was obviously going mad in the moment , maybe it was everything and nothing but in the end sam himself was growing more and more emotional ; which wasn’t normal. ‘ just give it back ! there’s no way it’s yours , the guy who had this was an anbu - ’ as far as he could tell suen was a normal konoha shinobi ‘ - it was a piece cracked off when i headbutt him , and i took it because he left it behind. ’ that wasn’t stealing , was it ? why was he questioning it now ? why did he even care if it was ? 
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let go, let go, let go. teeth biting onto lip, he struggles to break free from the others grasp and although he could have easily found ways to escape, his jumbled state of mind wasn’t particularly in the best shape to do that right now. because all in all, what mattered most was being released from digits that tightly gripped around always-bandaged wrist. wrists that brought about a new set of memories he rather not deal with right now and when he glances up at sam--- no the mercenary, a familiar paralyzing fear grips at his heart and he has to wonder,,, how did he ever let someone so achingly dangerous so close to his person? so close to the point of light banter, cheeky remarks, and comfortable silences where their chakra alone became a source of familiarity unquestioned. suddenly it was all just too much and just when he’s about hit him with an attack, he’s released.
like a fresh of breath air, he’s released and then pushed. from the whiplash of both actions mere seconds apart, suengri stumbles with his footing and promptly falls to the ground where back collides against lower leveled cabinets. wincing, the soft ache running down his spine is easily overrun by the surprise written across fair features and when he glances up at sam--- stunned & dazed,  it’s like he’s finally been jostled from his stupor. only then does suengri truly begin to take in his words, brows softly curling at his retelling. 
“but... it is mine.” this time there’s no malice or aggression behind his words. back to its normal voice though tinged with slight confusion, suengri thinks that if sam is telling the truth, then did that mean he previously met him? blinking, he glances at the mask thrown to the side and then back to sam where he truly takes in his appearance and tries to remember ever meeting him. dark hair, fair skin, light eyes...  
“ i was in the anbu...” words never truly spoken out loud now existed as a confirmation. baby steps. “ i was... 14 when i lost it? there was snow on the ground and... and---” . then he remembers cracked masks, tousled fights, and sharp kunai’s pressed closely to his own throat--- aiding. then what? then...  “...that wasn’t you.” no way was the world cruel enough to lead him towards the first person he let his dojutsu abuse. no way.  “he had longer hair and---” and what? suengri himself had a different appearance too,,, all dirty blonde hair and red eyes, never once resting. he tries again,,, tries to convince himself otherwise. “... that wasn’t you.”
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