Life Fitness - Fitness Brand to Be Reckoned With
The global fitness industry is greatly indebted to a man who invented the Lifecycle exercise bike, the legendary equipment that foretells the story of today's fitness consciousness around the world. It was Dr. Keene P. Dimick who designed the Lifecycle exercise bike in early sixties for own fitness purpose. He sold the right of his bike to Ray Wilson and Augie Nieto who modified the design of the original bike, commercialized it and founded the Lifecycle, Inc. Many other fitness equipment and fitness concept sweep the then American society and increasing popularity propels many fitness industries come into existence. In the eighties Bally Manufacturing purchased Lifecycle, Inc. and renamed it as Life Fitness, Inc.
That was the entry of a lion king of fitness in the industry who later conquered the market with Life Fitness Rower and StairClimber in late eighties. In early nineties they introduced FlexDeck® technique employed Life Fitness Treadmills. The next product, Total Body Cross Trainer became best seller of the market. New cardio training equipment with improved technology gain popularity among trainers and users. With the increasing fitness consciousness around the world Life Fitness Academy for supporting and advancing fitness training is established. The ever growing membership numbers of the academy tell the success story of Life Fitness in the industry.
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A sincere effort and continuous research and development in the field of social and commercial health and fitness have empowered the Life Fitness to gain popularity all over the world. The head offices located in Illinois, North America and several other countries of Europe, today they have distributors and dealers in more than 120 countries, 12 international manufacturing unit and branches employing 1700 or more people and innumerable satisfied customers and members of their products and service.
The Life Fitness, Inc. sells their fitness equipment and accessories under several brand names. Apart from products, Life Fitness daunts its competitors for the extensive pre and post-sell services, and other commercial services such as health clubs, community gyms, and providing expert fitness trainers in various premium clubs, schools etc. across the country.
The 'life Fitness' brand is a highly trusted name among exercisers, athletes, personal and commercial fitness trainers for more than thirty years. All the commercial cardio training equipment and strength product line equipment fall in this category. The home product lines for cardiovascular and strength, i.e. all the consumer class products are also included in this brand. The Life Fitness brand products of Cardio line include treadmills, Elliptical Cross Trainer, the famous Lifecycle Exercise Bike, StairClimbers and Summit Trainers. The strength product line has the Cable Motion, Signature Series, Circuit Series, Pro2 Series, Fit Series, Core series etc. for commercial purpose and Home Gyms for personal use.
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Hammer Strength® is the first preferred brand of Building Champions for advanced tech strength training equipment. The products are named for hi-tech biomechanics, hard core performance and longest durability. Plate-Loaded equipment, MTS i.e. Motion Technology SelectorizedTM equipment, Training Vests, Benches and Racks, and Heavy Duty Racks is the Hammer Strength® brand products.
Old or used Exercise Bikes and Treadmills are refurbished through 20+ point check process, repainted, damaged or old parts replaced with new Life Fitness parts and sold as CPO products at most affordable prices for those who fancy of fitness but have scanty budget. Other accessory fitness products include gym kits for men and women, caps, workout bags, posters etc. Life Fitness offers a complete range of all types of products related to fitness.
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It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own.
Marcus Aurelius (via theemotionmachine)
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just some thoughts I have after graduating…if more comes to me I’ll make another post but…yeah.
stay on top of your degree requirements: 
no idea about other schools (or even departments within my own university), but my advisor would give some weird information and advice sometimes. once, an entire minor was added to my workload…in a language completely different from what I was studying at the time, and after I had already decided to do something else. don’t rely on others to keep an eye on things for you. write that mess down and refer to it several times during the semester to keep yourself on track.
have your own plan: 
related to the last one, but spend a lot of time figuring out what YOU want from your college experience / future career / later studies, and work towards that. there will be people who try to direct your future and ‘know what’s best for you’, and you could end up wasting a lot of time/money trying to fulfill THEIR goals instead of your own. beat them to the punch and know when to turn something down [or just ignore advice after gracefully receiving it].
but! use your professors wisely: 
I’m not saying to avoid all advice. I got my degree in a field where literally no one in my family has any experience, and it was hard to not feel lost. pick your professors’ brains about their own academic careers, how they went about their degrees, what they would change (or would not), and any suggestions they have. your professors have been in the game for a while, and their networks are extensive. don’t be afraid to tap into that. converse with them about your favorite topics in class, or ideas you have, or projects you would like to complete. they will welcome it.
you won’t have time for everything at the same time: 
be mindful of what you prioritize, and give yourself a break every now and then. even though I was involved in a lot of things on campus, juggled campus jobs, and kept up with my four classes, I couldn’t follow the same routine every single week. some weeks, all I did was study and go to work. other weeks, I dropped my extra study time to go to club meetings and volunteer at events. balance your yes and no, and switch things up to keep the semester feeling fresh [and preventing burnout].
input = output
college is a great environment, full of possibilities, but only if you make it such. rarely will you walk into amazing circumstances or have a cool opportunity drop in your lap. sliding out of your comfort zone, creating new boundaries for yourself, and trying out new things is what puts you in a position for success [whatever that looks like for you!]. don’t wait around, get up and get out.
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The biggest payoff in achieving a goal is not what you get, but who you’ve become
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Aim first and then perform…
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You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.
Mr. Rogers (via theemotionmachine)
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Shout out to the people who are going through hell but still giving their best.
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I feel like I have to share my pathway towards success with you because I spent all my life considering success as the very end of the journey when in reality you can have it all along the way. And I think that understanding this is fundamental, not only for your studies but also for your everyday life.
I’ll start by showing you a little example. During my long stay in Cartagena I had the occasion to do a few salsa dance lessons with some of my friends (yeah cliché I know) and as I was listening to the salsa teacher I kept telling myself that I was too rigid and not coordinated at all and that I’d look terrible dancing.
When we had to practice the moves I couldn’t keep up with the rhythm and honestly, I was a mess. The teacher even came to me to tell me that I was thinking too much about the moves!!
In that very moment, I thought: “ok Margot, now think you’re a latina goddess, you’re sexy and you’re a born-to-be a dancer”. As soon as I started telling this to myself, my moves completely improved. They got so much better that I was the only one in the group who was able to perform all the moves correctly on the first try.
What I want to tell you with this story is : you won’t go anywhere as long as you keep a negative mindset. The second you switch your mindset and you turn it into something positive, a little miracle happen. Just as me being able to perform good dance moves (and trust me that this one is really a true miracle :)
Now, I know it’s easy to say but I really want you to understand this because it’ll change your life like it changed mine : whatever you think about, you become.
The minute you start filling your brain with useless thoughts like “I’m not enough of this”, “I wish I had this”, “I wish I looked like that”, “I’m too fat to wear that”, “I have no self-control”, “I’m bad at maths”, etc. well guess what : you’ll still be bad at maths, you’ll stay sad and in months from now you’ll be stuck in the same place.
Here are some bits of advice about what you should be doing instead. Notice that this post is inspired by Gabrielle Bernstein’s book “The Universe has your Back” and also by other inspiring video’s I watched in the past few months :) 
Focus on your goal and imagine how you’re gonna achieve it, how you’re gonna feel and how proud you will be. Make it as clear as possible. Write it down in your journal if you want. Visualize every single detail. If your goal isn’t clear, it’s ok! You can still think about how you can improve your life or how you can work on just loving yourself more. And don’t be afraid to think big.
Practice positive affirmations. This one will be hard in the beginning because we all are used to focus on the things we don’t have, or the habits we want to get rid of, but we never pay attention to what we already have or why we really want success. Instead of thinking “I want to stop biting my nails so I won’t be ashamed of them” think “I’ll be so proud of myself if I stop biting my nails and I’ll feel more confident!”. Trust me, it makes ALL the difference.
Practice gratitude. You have no idea about the positive impact it has. If you struggle with this, try to make a list of at least 5 things you are grateful for every night before going to bed. Write it in a journal or just think about it for a moment. There’s no “wrong” way to practice gratitude. You can be grateful for the pizza you had today, or your cat. It just has to be positive.
Get some inspiration. Read a new book or look for some videos that inspire you. Get closer to people you admire. Inspiration is so important because it allows you to get a better view of what you want to become. I really started changing my mindset the first time I read “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. It has been so eye-opening to me that I started practicing more and more positive actions ! I also found TED Talks to be really helpful for me!! 
Judge less. I know, we’re all humans. We all judge and it’s totally normal to do so. However, we can modify our judgment towards a lot of situations : whenever you notice yourself judging something or someone, take a step back and think why you are doing so, it’ll help you to see clearer and you’ll let more space for love. You don’t know what’s behind the people you’re judging and it doesn’t help you to reach your goal. Use this energy to work on yourself instead.
Stop comparing yourself. Don’t stop because you think you’ll never be enough. You don’t know what the others are going through, you don’t even know what they are thinking. I remember in my first med school year that I was constantly focusing on what the others were doing and comparing it to what I was working on instead. I spent so much energy doing so instead of studying that it made me fail my exams. And you know what the funniest part is? That the people I valued better than me failed their exams too. This definitely changed my vision! The next year I only focused on myself and on my own study methods and I passed all my exams :) 
Start where you are and celebrate small victories : you’ve been feeling like crap and all you did was taking a shower? It’s fine. You took care of yourself. Be happy about it. Be grateful to be able to do so. Don’t wait for the right moment to start something because the truth is that there’s no right moment and that you’ll never really be ready. Success is more about the journey than the destination. Always remember that.
Stay true to yourself. Don’t seek perfection but start loving every part of yourself instead. Don’t apologize for being authentic because it will allow you to understand what truly matters to you in every situation. Being your own self will also help you focus on your goal and not letting distractions around. You’ll gain confidence as you’ll know what works best for you and you’ll be able to let go of negative things in your life.
Also, don’t apologize for your success and your abundance. You are worth it. You’ve always been. 
I hope these tips will help you to reach your goals! You deserve to be happy and successful!
Margot X
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✨ how to manifest ✨
hi babes, I’m back! wanted to make a quick post on my manifestation routine and some of the essential steps necessary for the law of attraction to be effective. for those of you who don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, the loa states that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions create our reality. there are various methods, of course, but this routine has worked beautifully for me! I’ve manifested an entire business, a dream job, $2k in 24hours, my soul family, & so much more! let’s jump into this shit! 
1. get in a high vibrational state of being! what does this mean? it means focus on eliciting positive emotions and feelings at the start of this process. when we raise our vibration, shift our mood, we’re more in alignment with what we desire. in a high vibrational state, you’ll feel bubbly, happy, and excited! do anything that you can to achieve a higher vibration! listen to music, watch some R.IP vine compilations on youtube, dance around your room, etc. do whatever the fuck you gotta do. struggling with depression or anxiety? it’s okay! this state only has to be maintained for a couple of minutes for it to be effective. 
2. set your intention! what are you trying to bring into your life? to set your intention, all you have to do is write it or speak it out loud. pro tip: instead of saying ‘I want to manifest xyz’, say ‘I am ready to receive xyz’. the word ‘want’ creates more lack and will keep you in a state of ‘wanting’. another ex: “I am manifesting my perfect partner” vs. “I am going to manifest my perfect partner. 
3. visualize your desire manifesting. this is the fun part! vividly imagine and feel what it would be like to hold the desired amount of cash in your hand. what emotions would you feel if you were given what you asked for? being able to truly envision having your desire is going to make it a reality in your mind and put you in alignment to receive it in the physical.
4. detach from the outcome. definitely the part that everyone fucking hates. it’s important to let go of any attachment and trust that the universe will deliver what it is that you’ve asked for. surrender and allow it to unfold. don’t stress about when, where, or how it will manifest. just trust that it will happen. this is the one area where most people get stuck!
5. act as if you already have what you desire. this is also a pretty fun part! how would you feel if you had everything that you wanted? probably pretty fucking fantastic. acting as if sends a message to the universe that you are ready. 
6. & finally, take action! sometimes the universe will just drop blessings right in front of us, yes, but not always. you’re probably not going to find the love of your life if you spend all day in your house. you’re not going to become a famous actress if you don’t get up and audition! the universe can do so much for us but we also need to work with it. don’t just wait around for something to happen. search and be open to receiving the opportunities that you ask for. 
THANKS, THAT’S ALL I GOT FOR YOU BBYS !! hit me up with any questions and reblog with your manifestation tips or stories! share the good vibes. 💖💖
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