stwrrygrl-nini · 1 month
Revenge on everybody. That would fill her time. That would keep her busy. Keep her from feeling her feelings.
—Charlie Hall, from Book of Night
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stwrrygrl-nini · 1 month
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stwrrygrl-nini · 4 years
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this is my julian blackthorn whether you like it or not
(gifset by @midsommars)
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stwrrygrl-nini · 5 years
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Six Of Crows Moodboards - Kaz Brekker
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stwrrygrl-nini · 5 years
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ya lit meme: [1/7] friendships- The Dregs
What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet? Knife to the throat? asked Inej. Gun to the back? said Jesper. Poison in his cup? suggested Nina. You’re all horrible, said Matthias.- Six of Crows, @lbardugo​
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stwrrygrl-nini · 5 years
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I KNEW IT. I. FREAKING. KNEW. IT. (Taken from @/maas_hk on twitter)
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stwrrygrl-nini · 5 years
Anyway,  soc fandom really sleeps on Nina and Kaz’s relationship:
-They’re not exactly friends; they more so use each other for their own ends. And over that relationship they do develop a begrudging fondness for each other, which I think is very important because this a mixed group of people and the relationships are all gonna be different. Kaz learns to open up and trust others slowly, and the fact that this trust extends to Nina is really important for his character. 
-They’re both masters of BDE. Putting them together is too much power. They obliterate everyone in their presence.
-Everyone’s got their own way of standing up to Kaz, but Nina’s really obvious about it. She’s not afraid of him or soft on him the way Jesper, Inej, and Wylan are. She’s not easily bested by him like Matthias. That leads to Nina flat-out challenging him multiple times. He wants to leave the Grisha in the city, and she’s like “Fuck that. You may be a horrible person, but I’m not” and then proceeds to get his biggest player (Inej) on her side. 
-I think of everyone, she poses the biggest threat to him because he can’t exactly stop her from plunging his heart rate. (And she threatens it a lot.) He relies on her goodness and his bargaining chips to prevent her from actually doing it.
-Also, let’s not forget her fun little dig at his hair. Everyone thinks he looks a little ridiculous, but who the hell is gonna say it to his face but Nina? 
-Calling each other by their last names. But ALSO, “Nina dear” and “Nina sweet”. Like how the heck did that get started. Is it the fact that he knows that she can best him so he has to be sweet to her but he’ll only do it sarcastically? Anyway, I love that he has pet names for her. 
-Go reread her introduction in SOC. It’s literally full of internal praises from Kaz. He admires her skills, her surviving, her power, etc. 
-While you’re rereading her introduction, notice that she’s the first one he tells the plan to. He doesn’t tell Inej or Jesper. He tells Nina about it first. He probably figures she won’t be game unless he tells her, but he could also just have been like “Yo, I need Helvar. Let’s go.” But he takes the time to explain it and bargain with her into going along with it. He clearly respects her.
-They have great comebacks. “How about I crack your skull open like a robin’s egg?” “You don’t want a look at what’s inside my head, Nina dear.”
-They don’t have a lot of interactions in CK which is a fucking shame because they are the definition of Power Bro couple.
Disclaimer, this isn’t a dig at any of the other characters. I just want to highlight that Kaz and Nina are both incredibly powerful in incredibly different ways and whether they conspire or clash, the results goes off in a huge way. And I think we need to appreciate that more
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stwrrygrl-nini · 5 years
Six of crows modern au
I am setting this in a posh British school
Ya know, gives me Kaz vibes too formal
Kaz sat with Inej in the cupboard. The gentle hum was the only sound. heat radiated around them, a concentrated heat coming from the boiler behind them. Inej’s phone cast a ghostly pale light around them. occasionally it would make a ding, no doubt it was probably Nina sending her messages. every noise made Kaz flinch. they were both missing  from form. “why did you bring me here?” she whispered.                                                                                                           “to hide,” Kaz said straightening his tie, “sir caught me taking the test answers.”       “You got caught?” her face shocked, “well I never. which test?”                             “the big end of year one,” Kaz said calmly, “he never saw my face but I was enough of a podge to leave my phone.” Kaz took out the sheet, handing it to Inej, putting down her phone. she smiled.                                                                    “I bet you didn’t even study for it”                                                                            “Correct,” a slight smile played on his lips, “I was planning to take the sheet and pass with flying colours.”                                                                                        “how did you forget your phone? you have never got caught doing anything that is why the teachers love you. they think you are a goody two shoes.” Inej sighed. she leaned against the brick wall and readjusted her skirt.                               “I was tired,” Kaz knew that was no excuse but it had to be one, “if we leave now we have plenty of time to get the phone back and pretend it never happened”
Inej nodded, putting her phone back in her pocket of her blazer and surrounding them in darkness. plait swinging as she opened the door, she walked out with her usual silence. Kaz limped by her side. the plan was to photocopy the sheet, place it back and take the phone. it had put Kaz off his normal rhythm of life. he never got caught…
Jesper, Wylan and Nina were all waiting outside the bathroom. Nina had her arm wrapped around Jesper’s neck. it seemed as if they had been laughing only seconds before. how Kaz loved killing the mood. “Matthias?” Kaz asked.                   “hasn’t got out of class, the teacher held him behind,” Nina giggled.                     “God, he as about as helpful as a toaster in a bath,” Kaz said.                               “rude,” Nina replied.                                                                                                 “true,” Kaz said, “Inej, where is the nearest copier?”                                               “down the hall,” She said slinging her bag over her shoulder, “need a key?”         “I never need a key,” Kaz smirked
this is only part 1
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
Herondales have sex in caves, Blackthorns have sex in every book.
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
grisha trilogy characters: i have to save my country from being destroyed, possibly even the world / i need to secure my throne / discover my purpose in life.
six of crows characters: i just want to get rich.
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
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@ravencyclenetwork search: alternate universe » six of crows
“What a strange constellation they all were.”
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
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The pattern is the pattern.
MANIAC | 1.01, ‘The Chosen One’ (2018), dir. Cary Fukunaga.
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
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“Where do think the money went?“ he repeated.  "Guns?” asked Jesper.  "Ships?“ queried Inej.  "Bombs?” suggested Wylan.  "Political bribes?“ offered Nina. They all looked at Matthias. “This is where you tell us how awful we are,” she whispered.  He shrugged. “They all seem like practical choices.”
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
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moodboards ♥ nina zenik | heartrender | queen of mourning
you wouldn’t know a good time if it sidled up to you and stuck a lollipop in your mouth.
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
Muito meus filhos ♥️
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Six of Crows + Criminal Minds Intro
A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first. 
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stwrrygrl-nini · 6 years
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— Emily Palermo, On Loving A Monster
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