studibuddy · 3 years
Intento pensar mejor
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studibuddy · 3 years
Estoy contenta :)
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studibuddy · 3 years
Estoy triste
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studibuddy · 3 years
Buenos días, buenas tardes actually, estoy muy cansada. Voy a ir a dormir ? I’m going to go to sleep… más? I’m going to go sleep more?
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studibuddy · 3 years
Soy una buena persona. Soy una buena amiga. Soy amable. Soy inteligente. Está bien. Sólo soy humana, está bien.
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studibuddy · 3 years
In Malay we don’t say “I care about you”, instead we say “Saya ambil berat tentang awak”, which literally translates to “I took heavy about you”, and it sounds weird in English but I think it’s nice because if you care about someone you would want to take the things that are “heavy” for them away or at least lessen it.
Submitted by @aiscrystal
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studibuddy · 3 years
Learn Spanish with 300 words
I’ve been getting a lot of interest lately in my method for learning a language more quickly by focusing on 200 basic words, and several people have asked me about whether the list is available in Spanish.
For everyone who wants to learn Spanish: I’ve made a Memrise course, based on the 200 words method, that will get you started in Spanish. This course teaches you the most important vocabulary to know from the beginning: verbs like “want” and “think”, conjunctions like “but” and “because”, nouns like “people” and “something”, and more.
I’m a huge fan of Memrise, and I think that a Memrise course is a much easier way of learning the words than reading them from a list. I’ve also added some more words to the original 200, in order to cover a wider range of situations. (I’ll probably be updating the 200 words list soon with those words.)
If you’re learning Spanish or if you’ve been wanting to start, I hope you find the course helpful! Please send me any and all feedback. Compliments and criticism/suggestions are all greatly appreciated. :)
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studibuddy · 3 years
200 Malay words
I was so bored that I did this. Ok, I lied, it’s mostly because I’m at the library supposedly studying but I stumbled upon this gem which has been translated into a lot of languages so why not put Malay. Despite the fact that not many people even know this language exist and the books out there that does teach the language to foreigners are just soooo weird, I figure, why not. Someone might want to learn. Our old books and myths are quite awesome. New ones are a bit too indie for my taste.
So, here goes. My askbox is always open for questions….
First Verbs 1. Be – (nope, we don’t have that) 2. there is - ada 3. have - punya 4. do – buat/lakukan 5. go - pergi 6. want - mahu 7. can - boleh 8. need - perlu 9. think - fikir 10. know – tahu 11. say – cakap (“kata” is quite formal) 12. like - suka 13. speak - bercakap 14. learn - belajar 15. understand – faham Conjunctions 1. that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) – don’t think we have this 2. and - dan 3. or - atau 4. but - tetapi 5. because - kerana 6. though – walaupun (ehh, mostly if you use eventhought) 7. so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) – oleh itu 8. if – jika Prepositions 1. of – like Duke of Kensington? Nah, none on those. 2. to - ke 3. from - dari 4. in - dalam 5. at (a place) - di 6. at (a time) - pada 7. with - dengan 8. about - mengenai 9. like (meaning “similar to”) - seperti 10. for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of) – kepada/untuk 11. before (also as a conjunction) - sebelum 12. after (also as a conjunction) - selepas 13. during - semasa
Question Words 1. who - siapa 2. what - apa 3. where – di mana 4. when - bila 5. why - kenapa 6. how - bagaimana 7. how much – berapa banyak 8. which – yang mana Adverbs 1. a lot - banyak 2. a little - sedikit 3. well - baik 4. badly - teruk 5. only - hanya 6. also - juga 7. very - sangat 8. too (as in “too tall”) - sangat 9. too much – sangat banyak (literally) 10. so (as in “so tall”) - sangat 11. so much – sangat banyak (god, I just realised how easy our language is) 12. more (know how to say “more … than …”) -lebih…. More than –lebih daripada 13. less (know how to say “less … than …”)- kurang less than- kurang daripada 14. as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) seperti 15. most – paling banyak 16. least – paling kurang 17. better – lebih baik 18. best – paling baik 19. worse – buruk ( we don’t have moderately bad. Like in bad, worse, worst) 20. worst – paling buruk 21. now - sekarang 22. then - dulu 23. here - sini 24. there - sana 25. maybe - mungkin 26. always - sentiasa 27. usually - biasanya 28. often - selalu 29. sometimes – kadang-kadang 30. never – tidak pernah, tidak akan 31. today – hari ini 32. yesterday – kelmarin ( but the dictionary will argue that it could either be yesterday or the day before yesterday for this word. It depends on the state) 33. tomorrow - esok 34. soon – tidak lama lagi 35. almost - hampir 36. already - sudah 37. still - masih 38. even - walaupun 39. enough –cukup Adjectives 1. the, a (technically articles) – nope, don’t have this 2. this - ini 3. that - itu 4. good - baik 5. bad – tidak baik/ buruk 6. all - semua 7. some – beberapa 8. no - tidak 9. any – like in “any of those” mana-mana(literally whichever) 10. many - banyak 11. few -sedikit 12. most – “paling banyak” or use “ter” in front of any word e.g. Terbaik (the best), terpantas (fastest), termasyur (most famous) 13. other – selain 14. same - sama 15. different - beza 16. enough - cukup 17. one -satu 18. two -dua 19. a few - sedikit 20. first - pertama 21. next - kemudian 22. last (meaning “past”, e.g. “last Friday”) - lepas 23. last (meaning “final”) - akhir 24. easy - senang 25. hard - susah 26. early - awal 27. late - lambat 28. important - penting 29. interesting - menarik 30. fun - seronok 31. boring – membosankan (root word: bosan) 32. beautiful – cantik, menawan, lawa, jelita 33. big - besar 34. small - kecil 35. happy – gembira/suka 36. sad - sedih 37. busy - sibuk 38. excited – teruja (we don’t actually use this in real life setting) 39. tired - penat 40. ready - sedia 41. favorite - kegemaran 42. new - baru 43. right (meaning “correct”) - betul 44. wrong - salah 45. true - betul Pronouns Know them in the subject (“I”), direct object (“me”), indirect object (“to me”), and possessive (“my”) forms. 1. I – saya/ aku 2. You – awak/ kau 3. She - dia 4. He -dia 5. It -Ia 6. We - kami 7. you (plural) – kalian (also not used in real life, just use “awak semua”, literally, y’all) 8. they- mereka Nouns If your language has grammatical gender, then learn each noun as “the [noun]” with “the” in the correct gender. (e.g. in Spanish, instead of learning language = “idioma”, learn language = “el idioma”.) This will help you remember the gender. 1. Everything - semua 2. Something - sesuatu 3. Nothing – tiada apa-apa 4. Everyone - sesiapa 5. Someone - seseorang 6. no one – tiada siapa 7. (name of the language you’re studying) Malay – Bahasa Melayu 8. Thing - benda 9. Person - orang 10. Place - tempat 11. time (as in “a long time”) - masa 12. time (as in “I did it 3 times”) - kali 13. friend - kawan 14. woman - perempuan 15. man - lelaki 16. money - duit 17. country - negara 18. (name of your home country) Malaysia 19. City - bandar 20. Language - bahasa 21. Word - perkataan 22. Food - makanan 23. House - rumah 24. Store - kedai 25. Office - pejabat 26. Company – syarikat 27. Manager - pengurus 28. Coworker – teman sekerja (teman=kawan) 29. Job – kerja (if you say I have a job to do) Occupation=pekerjaan 30. work (as in “I have a lot of work to do”) - kerja 31. problem - masalah 32. question - soalan 33. idea – buah fikiran (also not used, but if you do, I’ll be amazed) 34. life – kehidupan (root word: hidup) 35. world - dunia 36. day - hari 37. year - tahun 38. week - minggu 39. month - bulan 40. hour - jam 41. mother, father, parent- ibu, bapa, ibubapa 42. daughter, son, child- anak perempuan, anak lelaki, anak 43. wife, husband- isteri, suami 44. girlfriend, boyfriend- teman wanita, teman lelaki More Verbs 1. work (as in a person working) - bekerja 2. work (meaning “to function”, e.g. “the TV works”) - berfungsi 3. see - lihat 4. use - guna 5. should - perlu 6. believe - percaya 7. practice - latihan 8. seem - seperti 9. come - datang 10. leave - pergi 11. return - kembali 12. give - beri 13. take - ambil 14. bring - bawa 15. look for - cari 16. find – cari     Found-jumpa 17. get (meaning “obtain”) - dapat 18. receive – terima 19. buy - beli 20. try - cuba 21. start - mula 22. stop (doing something) - berhenti 23. finish – selesai/tamat 24. continue – sambung/ seterusnya 25. wake up - bangun 26. get up - bangun 27. eat - makan 28. eat breakfast (in several languages, this is a verb) -sarapan 29. eat lunch – makan tengah hari 30. eat dinner – makan malam 31. happen - berlaku 32. feel - rasa 33. create (aka “make”) cipta 34. cause (aka “make”) disebabkan 35. meet (meeting someone for the first time) jumpa 36. meet (meaning “to bump into”) terjumpa 37. meet (an arranged meeting) berjumpa (you really should read about “imbuhan” at this point. 38. ask (a question) - tanya 39. ask for (aka “request”) - minta 40. wonder – tertanya-tanya 41. reply - jawab 42. mean - maksud 43. read - baca 44. write - tulis 45. listen - dengar 46. hear - dengar 47. remember - ingat 48. forget - lupa 49. choose - pilih 50. decide - tentukan 51. be born - lahir 52. die - mati 53. kill - bunuh 54. live - hidup 55. stay – stay here: tinggal di sini. 56. change - ubah 57. help - tolong 58. send - hantar 59. study - belajar 60. improve - memperbaiki 61. hope - harapan 62. care – peduli Phrases 1. hello - hello 2. goodbye – selamat tinggal 3. thank you – terima kasih 4. you’re welcome – sama- sama 5. excuse me (to get someone’s attention) – Maaf 6. sorry- maaf 7. it’s fine (response to an apology)- tak apa 8. please- tolong 9. yes - ya 10. no - tidak 11. okay -ok 12. My name is – nama saya 13. What’s your name? – apa nama awak 14. Nice to meet you. – Gembira jumpa awak 15. How are you? – apa khabar? 16. I’m doing well, how about you? - Saya sihat, awak? 17. Sorry? / What? (if you didn’t hear something) – maaf, apa? 18. How do you say ______? Formal: bagaimana saya nak kata ___ Informal: Macam mana nak cakap _____ 19. What does ______ mean? -Apa maksud ___ ini? 20. I don’t understand. – saya tak faham 21. Could you repeat that?- boleh awak ulang balik? 22. Could you speak more slowly, please? – boleh becakap dengan lebih perlahan. 23. Well (as in “well, I think…”) nah, we don’t have this 24. Really? – betul ke? 25. I guess that – saya rasa….. 26. It’s hot. (talking about the weather) – panasnya (extend vowels like in waaaay. So “panasnyaaaaaaaa” 27. It’s cold. (talking about the weather) – sejuknya (same like hot, we like to exaggerate)
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