i would feel lost without the darkness and pain- it was the only thing that was always on my side
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TW: Why was I r@p3d?
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I find myself still starting to the moon‚ ‘cause of his beauty. I didn't notice how my legs cooled completely. This beauty makes me speechless. He pulls me under his spell- hypnotizes me. And I like it. Suddenly everything feels so softly, my inner empty has been filled with a warm well-being. I couldn’t sleep.. I would still stare at you. I hear the bells ,it’s midnight, and now it's time to go...but I can’t. I can’t leave you now. I will stare at you with full fascination and stay here in my little wonderland. I feel so comfortable and never want to leave again. I found my place in this world,
i'm afraid of losing you. you give me the light I want, the beauty I searched for, you bring all I need.
I don't mind the cold air, I like to leave it open, so i can be closer to you.
I lie in my bed and see you. now I sleep so well and calm knowing you take care of me. thank you moon for all you give to me.
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