stormyvenom · 29 days
You know the drill, folks! It's time for a design update for Q!Storm!
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They get more traumatised and hurt with each design. And the worst part about this? I've been on the server for 4 days and Storm is already on their third design D:
Also I'm up to my fifth death now! First was drowning, second was dying to a lumberjack zombie, third was dying to myself (I don't know, it said that I was killed by myself so I'm just rolling with it), fourth was dying to a nightmare stalker and the fifth death was caused by a nightmare stalker, but I ultimately died due to withering, and not the nightmare stalker. Nightmare stalkers must hate me.
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stormyvenom · 1 month
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Did a few doodles before I went to bed. Anyways off to sleep I go
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stormyvenom · 1 month
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Yesterday was my second day on qsmpblr smp and my character is already getting paranoid and going insane and they haven't even had a proper conversation with someone (my fault for being too shy)
Anyways, Storm's new appearance was brought into the world because I was killed by a zombie lumberjack and had to kill it with my bare hands when I respawned. Their sleeve was ripped off and they have a bandage around the wound. They also stole the flannel the lumberjack had.
I've also began coming up with lore for Q!Storm. And damn did it get angsty very quick. Day three was uneventful, the only big thing was me finishing the walls of the bottom floor of my base and finding loot, but my gear is still terrible. I only have an iron chest plate and leather pants and I accidentally threw my only weapon into the sea where a glutton fish was and it despawned when I tried to get it so the best I have is an stone pickaxe.
Design notes:
The green on their glasses is because I have night vision goggles. I like to imagine they're like the glasses the old woman from the Madagascar movies wears.
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I replaced the antidote I originally had on my belt with a quiver because it showed the flannel better.
I accidentally drew cat slippers last time when I actually had bunny slippers, so I corrected that mistake here.
Everything else remains the same.
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^ Updated cubito
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stormyvenom · 1 month
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I joined the qsmpblr minecraft server yesterday! It was fun. I drowned while trying to remove an underwater cave from next to my house, i got jumpscared 4 times by 3 eggs, got given free things from one of said eggs (if you're seeing this, thank you by the way), and overall, I had a great time.
Anyways, here's my minecraft character (the person, not the eggs, that's Lilou (the egg that gave me free things (thank you again)).
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This is my in game avatar. If you see me, come and say I! I need to socialise with people more :,D
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stormyvenom · 1 month
Ciao! I’m StormyVenom. I use tumblr to post about the behind the scenes of ao3 fics. I’ll also probably be posting random shit as well, but it’ll most likely be about qsmp or something I’m writing.
Anyways, here’s some basic info about me.
Name: Storm
Nicknames: Stormy, Cloudy, Venom
Age: 16
Pronouns: they/them
Languages I speak: I speak English fluently and I’m learning Italian
Fandoms: qsmp
Hobbies: writing, drawing, reading, indoor skydiving, doing puzzles
My ao3 fics: Time heals scars, but time travel only solidifies them
I’m still in school so don’t expect consistent posts or updates to my fics. School sucks but I’m stuck here for a few more years so not much I can do about it. My motivation to write comes and goes, that also contributes to my lack of ao3 updates, sorry.
Anyways, have fun!
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^ a little frog I drew. His name is Dave
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