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After being traumatized a kids show host has become delusional, blurring his show and life together. Though his life outside is troubled, it is full of puppets, talking furniture and life lessons
Life is hard, but enjoying it can smooth the ride.
Marco (30)- Host of a kids show. Lifelong depressed creative, struggles with substance abuse, betting and gambling problems, and self-indulgence.
Jane (45)- Marcos Neighbor, impossibly positive and endlessly talkative.
Casandra(35)- Marcos producer, the only one who is as tired of the show as Marco, very outwardly sad, to ridiculous proportions.
Goeff (24)- Marcos nephew and roommate, always has unsolvable problems that someone else has to take care of. Puppet.
Ernest- Marco’s Drug dealer, an unstable and a bad influence, talkative and persuasive, an addict who wants to rise up but no drive to do anything. Puppet.
Fridget- Marco’s refrigerator, literally feeds his self-indulgence, and loves to be used. Puppet.
Sate- A loving and lazy creature, dangerously clingy. Puppet.
Big- A father mouse that lives in the walls of Marcos apartment. Has his shit together and likes to remind Marco of that, works a good job, provides for his family. Acts as a knowledgeable but condescending conscious. Puppet.
Pilot Synopsis
Markus ends the 50th episode of his show “Porridge with Boris” on a sentimental note. He quickly races home just to get away from work. He arrives home and is interrupted by his neighbor Jane while unlocking his apartments. Her positivity reminders him too much of his show so he rudely escapes the conversation. Marco finally makes it to the couch and pick up a stiff drink left from yesterday, and before he can start to veg, in barges his roommate, Geoff, a puppet. Geoff, Marcos Nephew tells him that their landlord came by to collect rent, and when Geoff couldn’t pay, the landlord beat him. Marco doesn’t believe him and after quip Geoff leaves the room. Marco finishes his drink.
Marco gets up and goes to the kitchen. Fidget beckons him over, and convinces him to take not one but two drinks.
Big, a mouse that lives in Marcos wall convinces him to do something about his nephew’s situation, so Marco goes to a liquor store to try to withdraw rent from an ATM. On the way he witnesses Geoff attempting to prostitute himself. He rushes to the ATM but without enough money for rent he ends up just buying drinks.
He sees a puppet man flaunting his wealth and mugs him for his money. It goes sour and Marco kills the man, and takes his phone and wallet. After paying the Landlord the rent Markus tosses the wallet in his yard. When he gets home he has a fight with Geoff about what happened to him, not revealing what he has done. Big gives Markus the idea to call the police and blame the murder on the landlord. Markus goes outside, makes the call, and as the landlord is getting arrested he shares a drink with Jane.
 Series Synopsis
Markus works as a Kids show host, a job that started as a passion and after growing to consume his life it has turned into an annoyance.  Having become delusional, his life outside of work has become a distorted version of his show, complete with puppet roommates and drug dealers, talking refrigerator and paraphernalia, lessons addressed to an imaginary audience and even an imaginary crew. Markus tries to cope with his job and insanity in the least healthy ways possible, only making his delusions more prominent. Oblivious to his condition and constantly ignored, his neighbor, Jane, always try to give Markus a positive view, but Markus sees her as one of the few human characters in his life, but equally ridiculous as the others.
When Markus producer tells him that the show will be ending after this season he is overwhelmed with relief but also fear for his future. His delusions begin to convince him to save the show, because he would lose all of them without it, and be left crazy and alone. Once convinced Markus finally begins to try again at work, the show gets better ratings, but it continues to drive him crazier. He is eventually pushed to the edge and think the only way out is death.
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