Hello! I just want to inform folks that according to the arab dot org 'click to donate' site, they sadly only donate 1 lebanese pound per click which is 0.00001 USD so it is very difficult for that to add up substantially. I understand many folks don't have the funds to donate themselves but it's worth knowing for awareness sake that other forms of donation may be worth looking into / focusing on? Thank you!
im aware of that. the whole point of why i promote that website is that it's free.
there are SIGNIFICANTLY more people who can't donate than those who can. my aim with that post is to spread around a positive message and activity that people are able to do at home, as well as a free, momentary click to tangibly contribute in a way that requires no financial sacrifice.
and i reblog a LOT of money-fundraiser posts besides.
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monty gave me transmasc swag
no refunds and no t shots in the bathrooms.
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you're starting to look really weird...
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A supervillain known for going on tangents during a monologue has captured the hero. The hero broke free of the restraints a while ago but pretends to remain captured to see how off topic the supervillain will get.
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wow colors
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Pride fanart
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Is there somewhere I can take t shots? If I can't do them in the bathroom, where can I?
ask the local security guard to let you do that in their office, it's much more clean and quiet
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i <3 identity tropes. dw about the specific meaning of any of these, interpret them however you see fit
edit: oops that kingdom hearts answer is supposed to say (i dont know the lore sorry). imagine its a full sentence lol
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Godzilla Raids Again (1955)
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if ranboo were a serial killer he would get caught because he would keep making puns about murder onstream. send post.
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truffle hunters
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happy pride month to one of my favorite straight guys. like top ten at least
Being top ten straight guy to the gays:
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y’all my friend decided to investigate what was blocking their drain system and you are not prepared for the answer
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here's the thing. "ace people can still have sex" and "aro people can still be in relationships" are objectively true statements. this is because people can do whatever the fuck they want forever regardless of their label/orientation. however some of you have GOT to get your shit together and stop using those statements to undermine larger conversations about aspec identity. following up "ace people don't owe you sex in a relationship" with "ace people can still have sex in a relationship though!" is not fucking helpful! yes it's true. yes it's a reality for many people. however if we used our fucking brains for a second and thought about how following up "people don't have to conform to societal expectation" with "but people can still conform!! don't worry they can still conform!!!!" is counterproductive and very frustrating for a lot of people then we could get back to the actual point which is not "aspec people can still have sex/be in relationships" but "aspec people can do whatever they want with their relationships and their bodies". which they can, by the way. they can do whatever they want forever. and you should give them 200 dollars every time you see them for dealing with this shit
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bisexuality comes for all minecraft youtubers
[read my tags before getting pissy with me]
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Thinking about this conversation from Discord
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I love c!Niki😔
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