individual interview question and answer
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Farcry Music Video
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Paper Response
Narratives in games are crucial in providing not only the understanding of the story but also interaction between the players and the surroundings. As games become more and more advanced, methods in which the narratives are used also change. While the “old” narrative methods include a storyline that has been “framed” and cannot be manipulated. This means that the story of the game flows in a very “set” manner. However as internet technology started to seep into various aspects of our lives, online games appeared and this whole “interaction” between other users bloomed. Users started to play games and connect with others while playing. And for some this could be regarded as one of the most entertaining “social activity” that exists. People could write each other messages through chat features in games or actually have a conversation through headset. This brings a whole new different experience for people to connect and interact. Also while most RPG games had a set plot and the characters had to move along the set plot, nowadays RPG and FPS games are what called “open world” games which means character (you) could roam around all the places in the map and make various interaction with various people, things, creatures, and so on. Although there are limits to specific actions you want to take, it’s still a great leap from what previously used to be.
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Week 3 - Movie Concept Development
I have chosen a game called Far cry 4 which is an open world, action-adventure, and first person shooter game developed by Ubisoft. The basic story is about a Kyrati (a fictional Himalayan country) American man who goes to Kyrat to bury his mother’s ashes, but gets caught in the civil war between the antagonist Royal Army and the rebel movement called the Golden Path (protagonists).
Style / Genre: Third Person, Narrative Form, Action / Adventure.
Settings: US and Tibet (most of it in Tibet)
Main Characters: Shane (main protagonist), Dohna (Shane’s Mother), Kalden (Shane’s protector), Mark & Beatrice (Shane’s step parents)
Basic Plot: Because this game is a first person shooter game, there’s no customization for character, which leaves an opportunity for me to come up with a whole new character. I’m thinking of a character named Shane who is ethnically Tibetan but got adopted by American parents when he was 4. After having lived in US all his life as a normal American teenager Shane, for the first time goes through his identity crisis when he was 12. Although he was able to forcefully suppress that crisis, it recurs in his mid twenties. This creates in him a desire to seek for his real parents in Tibet, and through a specialized agency he hears that only his mother is alive. As he gets on the plane to Tibet little did he know about the tension between the dictatorial regime and the rebellious movement. This started a civil war after several days Shane arrives in Tibet. Shane gets caught in the civil war but knowing that his mother is caught by the regime troops, engages fully in the war to save his mother.
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Space and Emotion
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Blog #2 (Portfolio Revised)
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Personal Blog
Using Tools : Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Aftereffects
Courses I took: Time Motion & Communication, Editorial Design, Type in Motion, Communicating with Type, Visual System.
Currently Taking: Industrial Design, Cross-Cultural Design 
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Blog Post #2
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Blog Post #1 Personal Statement
Hi I am Yolkook Kim, majoring in IID 13 I’m in my first semester Junior Year. To briefly tell you about myself, I was born in 전라남도 Gwangju in 1993. When I was 3 years old our family moved to a country in Central Asia called Kazakstan and we lived there for two years. My parents were missionaries there and were involved with doing voluntary works there. After the two years in Kazakhstan we came back to Korea for a “resting year.” Afterwards we moved to another Central Asian country called Kyrgyzstan and I lived there for 13 years. I went to an international school from kindergarten to high school which helped me to receive all my education in English. In 2012 I came to Korea for college and thankfully got into Yonsei University. After a year in college I went to the military and here I am now as a sophomore.
The main reason why I applied for TAD is that I always had strong appreciation towards visual art, music and other forms of art. Ever since I was a child I loved sketching war scenes and making different crafts (carving out bow and arrow from wood shafts). Drawing, writing and making things were outlets through which I expressed various things I went through that time. I learned how to utilize materials and different techniques to convey the emotions that I wanted to express. Back in high school I was in a school year book editing team and there for the first time I learned how design a page using a design tool on computer. It was very different from drawing or doing something by hand, but I was amazed by the wide range of things I could express using the tool. From then on my interest and passion towards graphic design rooted deeply in me and very naturally made me choose design related major without even having to think twice about it.
I am very glad that Techno Art provides not only the courses on graphic design but also gives great opportunities for students to explore UI UX, coding, game designs, video editing and other scopes of media and its counterparts. Being able to learn a lot of different areas of field other than the specific part you’re interested in will not only broaden the scope of your perspective but also the knowledge of your specialty as well. I believe that taking Interaction Design will further on enrich my knowledge in ways to converge the business needs and innovative technologies with the digital media design. I know that this has a lot of theory based lectures and readings which I’m not always that comfortable with, but I will definitely find it very useful in my later understanding of design not only as an art form but also as a systematic figure.
At this point I am at a stage of developing and honing my skills in graphic design. I’m still in the process of growing more accustomed to the tools that I’m using. I’m not quite sure about what I’ll be doing in the future because I’m not sure which specialty to focus on (whether it be graphic design or video editing) but I hope to work in some sort of media creative studio.
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