stfusilas · 4 years
hey yall!! sorry im the absolute trashiest and haven’t been on much since opening but life has been kicking my ass since december break began. i’ve decided to drop the threads from the first starter i posted so instead im just gunna womp around and reply to everyone else’s starters. sorry my loves, i’m doing my best.
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stfusilas · 4 years
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There were only two people he was really going to feel comfortable talking to about the chaos that was bubbling up, and one of them was now stood not too far from him. Sure, for a moment they hadn’t been around each other but now things were quickly picking up to how they once were. At least, that’s how he felt. He could only assume it was mutual as he got the verification. Sitting upright, Remy pointed toward the board. “Don’t touch it Silas,” he said, locking his eyes on his peer before nodding his head. “Yeah, jumped off the side of the mountain then just… showed up fine?”
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Silas let out a soft scoff as his best friend gave him orders, his arms crossing over his chest as his eyes narrowed. Remy knew him well, almost too well, seeming to know exactly what his next move was going to be. “It’s here for a reason... I’m sure it could be pretty fucking useful right about now, too.” A shiver went down the man’s spine as the other confirmed exactly what he had seen, proving that he was not hallucinating or going crazy. It was a small comfort until he realized that that Wes was real, whatever he was, not just some figment of his imagination. “He scared the shit out of me man... popped back up like nothing even happened! I almost fucking punched him... wonder what would’ve happened, honestly.”
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stfusilas · 4 years
me: wants to be hugged and held, is totally touch starved and needs to be cuddled
also me: allows only a very limited number of people to touch me at all, let alone in a slightly intimate way. barely ever allows myself to show emotional weakness around people. gets anxious when someone hugs me for too long.
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stfusilas · 4 years
Silas had been silent since the strange occurrences that unfolded around sunset, mulling it all over. No matter which way he presented the situation, it always left him shaking his head in disbelief. The only plausible explanation was something paranormal, but even that wasn’t enough of an answer to satiate his curiosity. His eyes flickered towards the ouija board, a debate dancing around his head. It was risky if the rumors were true, but if it went well he would be able to figure out more information. The man jumped slightly as his friend spoke up, head quickly swiveling his way, “...Um...” The lie almost slipped off his tongue, as most did, but this was Remy he was talking to, “Wes? With the dark, curly hair?”
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Remy was sat in the living room looking down at the ouija board. Where it came from he had no idea but he knew he didn’t like it. And he was for sure never going to touch that. He was in enough episodes of supernatural to know better. Rather he just leaned back into the comfortable cushions and thought about the stranger seemingly falling off the side of the mountain, only to come back up and ask if remy was alive. After what he witnessed, it should have been the other way around. “Hey,” he said to the closest person, “did you meet Wes?” 
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stfusilas · 4 years
~event #1~
Standing in the back yard beside the large statue
You take in your surroundings and look in awe
at the thousands of trees that span across the mountain.
You’re even able to see the town, though it looks so tiny from this height.
Honestly? the manor was beautiful. You could admit that.
But suddenly, you felt another presence come up beside you.
Turning your head, you’re met with a stranger.
“wes.” The man with shaggy, and curly black hair smiled.
His hands tucked comfortably in his sweatshirt’s front pocket.
“it’s pretty, huh?” he asked, walking ahead of you and heading toward the pond.
“come here, you haven’t even seen it from the best spot.”
He’s now walking up the rocks that sit at the edge of the mountain, before sitting.
“Perfect view of the sunset from here, trust me.”
you’d rather not,
you can see that edge is dangerous.
having been near there before and nearly falling.
so you watch as wes goes to sit
and still enjoy the view from here.
it’s then you see wes seemingly drop off the edge of the mountain.
quickly, you rush to see what happened.
but as you look down, you can barely see.
due to the sun’s quick setting.
and the back yard encased in darkness.
Shining your flashlight down, you don’t find anyone there.
Rather, you find wes standing beside you, out of breath.
“what a fucking help you were.” He cursed, shaking his head.
“i’m sorry, that was my fifty-second time in that loop.” He says
“maybe more, what day is it?” He asked, looking to you for answers
though you have questions of your own.
What the hell did he mean by a loop?
Shaking his head he dusts off his broken phone,
“It’s not the worst, though, what’s yours?”
He’s talking so calmly, as if this was natural for him to nearly fall off the mountain.
But it’s the confusion in your expression
that causes a sudden realization to dawn on him.
“you’re alive?” He asks, but doesn’t give you the chance to answer.
“You need to get the fuck out of here.
Take your car,
get in it,
He pauses, turning around and you see a red head standing on the patio.
Beside her roy, michael and carmella.
You don’t understand what’s happening, watching this scene unfold
the red head walks out. “we have to go, wes.“
It’s then he runs back into the manor leaving you alone.
With more questions, and zero answers.
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stfusilas · 4 years
~pre-opening event~
“hello! welcome to crenshaw manor, have you booked a reservation?”
“FOLLOW ME TO YOUR ROOM.” with bags in hand, you follow the woman through the front hall. every inch MODERNIZED with soft touches of the OLD STYLE that once stood so proud. as you curve up the staircase, you notice SOMEONE ELSE standing at the top of the stairs dressed in a NIGHT GOWN.
LOCKING EYES with the person, or what you ASSUMED WAS THEIR EYES due to their face being so dimly lit YOU DECIDE TO PRESS ON. following the woman down the hall. “as you can see you are going to have easy access to the BALCONY here.” the front desk woman rattled off as you glance behind you. the person at the top of the stairs now FOLLOWING YOU BOTH. “and right here is your room. if you need anything, PRESS ONE ON YOUR PHONE AND IT’LL CALL THE FRONT DESK IMMEDIATELY.” she smiled, staying at the doorway as you walk into the room. throwing your bags down onto your bed, you turn to see the WOMAN IS GONE. peeking your head OUT THE DOORWAY, though, you can see THE PERSON GETTING CLOSER. an UNEASY FEELING settles in your bones as you quickly STEP BACK into your room, holding the door knob.
you RELEASE THE DOOR KNOB and step backwards to your bed.
eyes still locked on the door frame, waiting for the guest who was following to PASS BY.
but the LONGER YOU WAIT, the more you realize it’s crazy to be SO CONCERNED with this stranger.
as you’re unpacking you feel the temperature in the room SLOWLY DROP.
and for a moment, you swear YOU CAN SEE YOUR BREATH.
turning back to the door there is SOMEONE standing there, but it’s not the guest you saw on the stairs.
“HAVE YOU SEEN MY SISTER?” the stranger asks, she’s dressed in a bright floral dress with long, red curls.
the stranger FROWNS at your response before turning on her heels and continuing down the hall.
suddenly, you hear a loud clank come from outside of the window.
must have been THE HEATER kicking up again.
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stfusilas · 4 years
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stfusilas · 4 years
[looks you in the eyes, pats your knee sympathetically] i don’t care
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stfusilas · 4 years
Silas finally pulled up at the end of the long driveway in his tan 2000 Honda Accord, rolling his window down and flicking ash off the end of his cigarette as he searched around for a good place to park. There were people already parked in any spot that they could find, but more cars pulled up behind him as he looked, which was surprisingly. He was usually the last to show up, but this seemed to be different as he backed into to a fairly hidden spot. As soon as the trunk of his car was covered by a thick brush, he changed the gear to park and leaned back, taking a deep breath.
After turning the car off and tossing the keys into his back pocket, he got out and moved to the passenger side, pulling his Army issued duffel bag out of the seat and slinging it over his shoulder. This backpack held some pretty harsh nightmare material, but was comforting at the same time. Not as comforting as the dog tags around his neck, but it did the job when it needed.
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He dropped the cigarette on the ground and checked his surroundings, eyes barely lingering on the impressive house as he focused more on the people outside that were arriving as well. He used his newly freed hand to grab the tags, thumb brushing over his name as he started towards the entrance. “This place is as huge as a fat hooker’s bottom.” He said to himself, making it look like he was barely acknowledging the person that headed up a few feet away. 
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stfusilas · 4 years
task #1, option d.
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what’s your full name?
“Silas Maxwell Henry. The middle part is a family name, don’t poke fun.” He crossed his arms, leaning back in the old, rickety chair.
and how old are you?
“I’m what, uh...” Silas tilted his head, narrowing his eyes as he thought, “Twenty-five now.  I’ll be twenty-six on March 14th.”
what pronouns do you prefer?
“I use he and him, thanks.”
what was your favorite game growing up?
“Battleship, I think. I used to play with the homeless man that lived down the block and he’d kick my ass so hard...” He clicked his tongue, “I don’t think he ever let me win.”
what was the first scary movie you ever saw?
“Um... I think Children of the Corn?” Silas shrugged, “I’m not sure I remember to be real honest with ya.”
what about your first nightmare?
“Mm.” He grunted, running both hands through his messy hair, “Next question.”
do you prefer coffee, or tea?
“I prefer cocaine. Keeps me up better than coffee ever could.” Silas gave a cheeky smirk, cracking his knuckles, “But if you have to have a drink, Bang Energy Drinks.”
if you could curse ANY animal off the planet, which would it be?
“Human beings, without a doubt. We’re all animals, really. Homo sapiens just happen to be the worst out of the entire animal kingdom.”
if i told you the manor was haunted, would you believe me?
“Um... maybe? Possibly. Probably, really. I brought some salt?”
will you follow the rules?
“Do I ever?”
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stfusilas · 4 years
task #1, option a.
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silas was born on march 14th with fetal alcohol syndrome to a single mother who could never get her life straight. she was intoxicated when he was conceived, throughout the pregnancy, and stayed that way for most of his life. she did the best she could to provide him with food and shelter but they ended up at food banks and shelters more than once.
he was a problem child which didn’t make it much easier on his mom. fighting, not doing his school work, just causing a shit ton of mischief. he was ten the first time he got into his mom’s liquor cabinet (which was always full, despite their bare food cabinets) and eleven the first time he smoked weed. from there it turned into other drugs like acid and eventually cocaine. he wasn’t as bad as his mom but they were two fucked up peas in a pod. there are only a few drugs he can honestly say he’s never touched.
besides getting constantly fucked up with substances, silas had a habit for brawls and became infamous for being the kid who never seemed to lose even when he was against people larger than himself. he’d steal things, once the dumb fuck even took off with a car. managed to get away by the skin of his teeth and never spoke about it again.
all this landed him in trouble with the law but as a teenager he was let off easily every time. the judges felt sorry for him and cut him some slack, then he’d do good for a bit but would always eventually end up screwing himself over again.
despite being such an angry child, he managed to be decently funny. made some friends because of his idiotic jokes and the pranks he used to pull. stupid skits and other various things to show how stupid he is went on his youtube channel and eventually his following grew a bit.  think the janoskians with all of their challenges like the cinnamon challenge, the milk jug challenge, etc.
once he hit eighteen, he managed to screw up one more time and was given two options. he could either go to prison or he could enlist in the army. prison was’t something he wanted to experience so signing up it was. truthfully, he wasn’t sure that he’d be able to pass the psych exam but he did it, graduating from boot camp and eventually being sent overseas.
silas saw and did a decent amount of shit while overseas. he killed his fair share of people and would deny it if someone asked, but he enjoyed his first few hits. at one point he had to kill a ten year old with a bomb and that really fucked with his head.
eventually he developed depression and ptsd but he did his best to hide it. one day his squadron was ambushed and most of his friends were killed. seeing all of them lying around on the ground, gone, was enough to tip the scales and he just ran, deserting the military. he managed to survive for about a month on his own before making his way back. they dishonorably discharged him (secret alert!) and now he’s back in the states, doing his best to pretend like none of it ever happened.
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stfusilas · 4 years
task #1, option b.
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John Bender - The Breakfast Club
Tyler Durden - Fight Club
James Cook - Skins
Eleanor Shellstrop - The Good Place
Captain Hook - Once Upon A Time
April Ludgate - Parks & Recreation
Leroy Jethro Gibbs - NCIS
Tate Langdon - AHS: Murder House
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
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stfusilas · 4 years
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stfusilas · 4 years
the jingle of dog tags under dirty tees, cigarettes lingering on clothes long after smoking has ceased, unshaven facial hair prickling against skin, a bic lighter always on hand, wind howling between barren trees on a cold winter night, locked doors with lost keys.
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‹ JACK O’CONNELL , HE/HIM, CIS MALE, BISEXUAL. › SILAS HENRY is the TWENTY-SIX year old from LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. when a friend asked them what they thought of the manor they said,  ❝ IF YOU THINK THIS HOUSE IS SCARY, YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK INSIDE MY HEAD ❞ they claim SECONDS APART is their favorite scary movie, and if they were to die in a horror film they would SACRIFICE HIMSELF FOR SOMEONE HE LOVES. their fears include COMMITMENT, INTIMACY, AND LOUD NOISES, and they don’t know we know, but…HE DESERTED HIS SQUADRON IN THE ARMY AND WAS DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED. hope they enjoy their stay. ‹  muse b from walkman ›
Sup yall! I’m PJ, twenty years old (January 17th and I’ll finally be fuuckin legal!), and I use he/him pronouns. I’m in the EST timezone, New York babeyy! I was in this group awhile ago and I’m totally fuckin pumped for it to be back! I’m pretty boring honestly, especially compared to my son Silas. So enough about me and now onto him:)
Trigger Warnings: drugs, alcohol, gun violence, murder, mental illness
Silas was born on March 14th with fetal alcohol syndrome to a single mother who could never get her life straight. She was intoxicated when he was conceived, throughout the pregnancy, and stayed that way for most of his life. She did the best she could to provide him with food and shelter but they ended up at food banks and shelters more than once. 
He was a problem child which didn’t make it much easier on his mom. Fighting, not doing his school work, just causing a shit ton of mischief. He was ten the first time he got into his mom’s liquor cabinet (which was always full, despite their bare food cabinets) and eleven the first time he smoked weed. From there it turned into other drugs like acid and eventually cocaine. He wasn’t as bad as his mom but they were two fucked up peas in a pod. There are only a few drugs he can honestly say he’s never touched.
Besides getting constantly fucked up with substances, Silas had a habit for brawls and became infamous for being the kid who never seemed to lose even when he was against people larger than himself. He’d steal things, once the dumb fuck even took off with a car. Managed to get away by the skin of his teeth and never spoke about it again. 
All this landed him in trouble with the law but as a teenager he was let off easily every time. The judges felt sorry for him and cut him some slack, then he’d do good for a bit but would always eventually end up screwing himself over again. 
Despite being such an angry child, he managed to be decently funny. Made some friends because of his idiotic jokes and the pranks he used to pull. Stupid skits and other various things to show how stupid he is went on his Youtube channel and eventually his following grew a bit.  Think the Janoskians with all of their challenges like the cinnamon challenge, the milk jug challenge, etc.
Once he hit eighteen, he managed to screw up one more time and was given two options. He could either go to prison or he could enlist in the Army. Prison was’t something he wanted to experience so signing up it was. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure that he’d be able to pass the psych exam but he did it, graduating from boot camp and eventually being sent overseas.
Silas saw and did a decent amount of shit while overseas. He killed his fair share of people and would deny it if someone asked, but he enjoyed his first few hits. At one point he had to kill a ten year old with a bomb and that really fucked with his head. 
Eventually he developed depression and PTSD but he did his best to hide it. One day his squadron was ambushed and most of his friends were killed. Seeing all of them lying around on the ground, gone, was enough to tip the scales and he just ran, deserting the military. He managed to survive for about a month on his own before making his way back. They dishonorably discharged him (secret alert!) and now he’s back in the States, doing his best to pretend like none of it ever happened.
Silas tries to act normal but those closest to him can tell that he’s not. He’s posted a vlog since returning but it’s evident that he isn’t the same kid as he was when he left. He has nightmares almost every night and the flashbacks are pretty bad too. Most nights he doesn’t even sleep, too afraid to go back to the war. 
Silas has a huge fear of commitment. Whether it be to another person, his squadron, or just placing a goddamn sticker somewhere, he’s afraid of it. He’s fairly nomadic and he knows it, besides his two besties. There’s something about being tied down that gets him on edge. He doesn’t like to feel trapped, and that’s exactly what the military did to him. 
He’s also terrified of intimacy. not as in sex, but as in getting extremely close to someone. He’s afraid of opening up to people and letting them see his real emotions. Not even his friends always know what he’s thinking, especially when it comes to his feelings about his tours. The only way people find out about his night terrors are if they witness him having them, but he tries to avoid that as much as he can by not sleeping around others.
As much as he hates to admit it, Silas does not like loud noises. Music is fine, but just the slamming of a door or someone else yelling is enough to send a chill down his spine. Fireworks and gunshots are the worst, and even thunderstorms can cause him to panic. When this happens, it’s easy to notice, if you actually pay attention to him. He completely stiffens up and his eyes widen, his hair stands on end and if it’s really bad, he gets cold sweats.
He’s there with his two best friends, Muse A and C from his subplot, Walkman. They booked them the stay as a celebration for his return since he’s been obsessed with the manor for years. He’s actually super excited to finally get to stay inside a room there, especially with the two people he trusts most on this Earth. 
Wanted Connections:
Maybe someone who also knew him in high school? The old, angry, stupid Silas. 
An ex? He’s never been one for commitment so he probably fucked that up somehow. 
An enemy! He’s probably got more enemies than most.
Someone who watches his Youtube videos? 
A crush or something? Mutual or one sided for either, but I’d like to fuck him up a bit
Okay that got mad long so I think that’s all for now folks! I’m very much down for ALL of the plots so feel free to hit me up or just give this a like and I’ll slide into your DMs;) If you’d rather talk on discord you can find me @ pjnfluff#3272
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stfusilas · 4 years
{ + out of cares } - out of character
{ + ten hut soldier } - faceclaim
{ + behind the dog tag } - aesthetics
{ + nightmare material } - headcanons/about
{ + the broken stereo } - music
{ + check it off the to do list } - tasks
{ + onto the next party } - answered asks
{ + choose your own path } - events
{ + silas & muse } - threads
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stfusilas · 4 years
Hey yall! I’m PJ and I’ll be playing my old boy Silas here. I gotta run to the liquor store with my cousin but everyone is going to a Christmas service at two so I’ll be working on my intro and allat good shit then:) 
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stfusilas · 4 years
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Soldier, what the fuck is up kyle.
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