What Happens After I Reach MMI in MD?
If you’re injured at work, workers’ compensation benefits should pay for your medical care and rehabilitation, but you may ask yourself, what happens after I reach MMI in MD? When you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI), your ability to work, go back to your job, and the benefits you receive should be more clear.
Steven H. Heisler can help with your workers’ comp claim at any point in the process. The earlier we get involved, the better position you’ll be in to get workers’ comp benefits that could make a big difference in your life.
What is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance. Employers are required to provide their employees coverage for injuries that arise out of, and happen in the course of, doing their job. Employers pay for this coverage and they choose their insurance carrier. It will pay weekly cash benefits, medical care, rehabilitation costs, compensation for permanent injuries, and death benefits to the next of kin of those killed on the job.
Only employees are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. An independent contractor must carry their own coverage or file for benefits and successfully claim they were employees who were misclassified by the employer.
What is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?
MMI means:
You have recovered as much as possible.
Improvement with more treatment or rehabilitation isn’t likely.
Your ability to return to work has progressed as far as it’s likely to go.
You should have received all reasonable treatments before this MMI judgment is made. Ideally, your MMI is a full recovery, or full enough to allow you to return to your job without limitations. But you may have some degree of negative impact on your abilities after you reach maximum medical improvement.
Before reaching MMI, you’ll get a diagnosis and go through medical treatment and rehabilitation by a doctor you have chosen. When you reach the point where you aren’t progressing any further, you’ll be examined by your physician. He or she will determine the status of your condition and, if appropriate, refer you to a Board Certified Independent Medical Examiner who will assign you a disability rating. It could include a permanent work restriction. If your doctor establishes that you may recover further, the comp carrier may pay for additional treatments.
Sometimes, the insurance company’s physician will examine you while you are still treating and unilaterally determine that you are at MMI. The insurance company might terminate any temporary benefits you are receiving. You may disagree with that decision and you have the right to appeal the decision to the Maryland Worker’s Compensation Commission and have a judge make the final determination as to whether or not you are at MMI.
If you can’t perform your job duties at your place of employment, you may qualify for vocational rehabilitation benefits.
After You Reach Maximum Medical Improvement, the Future of Your Workers’ Comp Claim May Become Clear
It’s only after reaching MMI that you’ll know the full impact of your injuries and how they’ll affect your life and ability to work. An MMI decision is also the point where we have a clear idea of what your case is worth, so we can try to settle it or pursue it further.
Workers’ comp insurers want to save money and settle claims quickly. The Insurer may want to settle the case before you reach MMI. However in Maryland, the Maryland Worker’s Compensation Commission will not permit a claimant to settle his or her case if the claimant needs further treatment.
You May Be Partially or Totally Disabled After Reaching MMI in Maryland
While you’re treated and you’re expected to recover, you qualify for temporary disability benefits. The payments last until you’re released to return to work or reach MMI. If your injuries are still persistent, their effects may be permanent. How long you receive benefits depends on whether your disability is total or partial:
Permanent total disability would be two-thirds of your average salary, not to exceed the state maximum. You might receive these benefits the rest of your life
Permanent partial disability is based on a scheduling system. It assigns a length of time of payments for the part of your body that was injured.
If you can’t fully recover after reaching MMI in Maryland, you were given a disability rating, and you’re not permanently totally disabled, you may or may not be able to go back to your old job. Given your restrictions and the job duties, . . .
Your employer could change the job so you could do it.
You might be assigned another position.
You may need to leave your employer and find another job within your restrictions.
Part of workers’ comp benefits includes retraining so you can find a new job doing something else if you are not able to perform your job duties at your old job.
The Workers’ Comp Carrier Has Attorneys. You Should Have One, Too, Especially After You Reach MMI.
Maryland workers’ compensation laws are complex and difficult to understand. Even if you think your employer is clearly responsible for your injury, attorneys for your employer or its insurance company will try to prevent coverage. Don’t go it alone. Steven H. Heisler is here to help you get the benefits you deserve.
Employers must provide a reasonably safe work environment. But equipment malfunctions, co-worker mistakes, and bad management decisions can place you at risk. You may be eligible for workers’ compensation, disability insurance benefits, and other resources to help with your medical treatment and bills. Our Baltimore workers’ comp lawyer offers free consultations, so why not call us at (410) 625-4878 now?
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What is the Average Settlement for Workers’ Compensation?
To fully understand the concept of the average settlement for a workers’ comp case, you’ll need to understand some of the basics about how workers’ compensation claims are filed and handled in Maryland.
Except for certain circumstances, the only option you have is to file for workers’ compensation if you suffer injuries on the job. Only in some instances can you file a lawsuit. The workers’ compensation process is an administrative claim against your employer. However, the Workers’ Compensation Commission also has several regulations that could prevent you from collecting for your injuries. If you do not correctly complete the documentation required or submit it on time, you could lose your workers’ compensation benefits.
Covered Injuries
The workers’ compensation insurance only covers injuries that were caused by an “accidental personal injury arising out of and in the course of employment.” It does not cover all on-the-job injuries.
The statute defines an accidental injury as one that happens “by chance or without design” and is unexpected or unintentional. Additionally, you must be an employee to collect workers’ compensation. If you are an employer or an independent contractor, you cannot collect workers’ comp. Further, if you are a sole proprietorship or a partnership, you cannot collect workers’ comp insurance.
The exception to the “accident” rule is an occupational disease. You could collect workers’ compensation if you can show that an occupational disease, such as lung issues from working with asbestos or chemicals or carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive tasks, was caused because of your job. Although these are not accidents, they are an illness caused because of the work you perform for an employer.
What Does “Arise Out of the Employment” Mean?
For an accident claim to be successful, the law states that the accident must “arise out of the employment.” An example of this is if you work in an environment that is always slippery, such as a car wash. If you slip on the wet floor, your injury is an accident that arises out of the employment.
An accident can also “arise in the course of employment.” This means that you are on the clock, at your employer’s business or a location authorized by your employer, and you are performing your job or duties related to your job. For example, if you are a delivery person for an auto parts store, you might collect workers’ compensation if you slip on spilled oil in the store. Likewise, if you are picking up parts from the warehouse at the direction of your employer and as part of your job, you might collect workers’ compensation.
What Does a Workers’ Comp Settlement Include?
When you apply for benefits, you are applying for compensation for your injuries and other damages. Your workers’ comp settlement may include the below benefits, depending on the type of injuries you have and the circumstances surrounding them.
Temporary Total Disability Benefits
You might receive temporary total disability benefits if your injury prevents you from returning to work at all. If the time you are disabled is 14 or fewer days, benefits do not start until the fourth day of your disability. However, funeral expenses, medication, hospital services, nursing services and other medical services are covered for the entire 14 days.
Temporary Partial Disability Benefits
In cases where your injuries caused disabilities that allow you to work, but your disabilities prevent you from doing your regular job at full capacity, you could collect half of the difference between your average weekly wages and your wage-earning capacity.
If you are not able to work, the insurance covers two-thirds of your average weekly wage, but not more than the average Maryland weekly wage. The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation calculates the average Maryland weekly wage every year. Regardless of the situation, the amount you collect can never be less than $50.
Permanent Total and Partial Disability Benefits
You could also receive permanent benefits if your work injuries cause a permanent total or partial disability. This includes every body part and you are not disqualified from getting permanent partial benefits if you are able to go back to work.
What is a Fair Workers’ Comp Resolution?
Injured workers who want to know what to expect out of their case need an understanding of what is a fair workers’ comp settlement amount. You should speak to an attorney about this because a disability rating from a doctor and your average weekly wage are big factors in determining how much you are entitled to. However, in some cases, your injuries might be life-long because of a car accident you suffered as a result of your employment or the negligence of a third party.
Car accidents do not include those that happen during your commute to and from work, but might include those that occur while you drive the employer’s vehicle in the course of your job. Some delivery drivers might fall under this exception.
Also, third party negligence is another exception. You could file a negligence lawsuit against the third party and still collect workers’ compensation in these instances. For example, if you have a job requiring you to climb a ladder on a silo and use a harness, but the ladder or harness are defective, you might be able to sue for negligence while also getting your workers compensation benefits.
In these cases, you or your family might collect past and future medical expenses and lost wages, funeral, burial or cremation expenses, pain and suffering, inconvenience, loss of quality of life, and loss of companionship and / or consortium.
How Do I Maximize my Workers’ Comp Settlement?
To maximize your workers’ comp settlement, contact Attorney Steven Heisler at (410) 625-4878 to help you file for workers’ comp insurance. If your accident injuries meet the requirements for filing a claim, we will help ensure that the required documentation is filled out correctly and is submitted on time.
Steve will let you know the best way to maximize your settlement. That might be filing a negligence or defective product claim against the third party. Even if you are limited to file a workers comp claim only, Steve will advise you on how to maximize the value of the claim.
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How to Stop Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Homes with Dr. Johnny Cascone
Several practices, often implemented in bundles, appear to reduce UTI in nursing home residents such as improving hand hygiene, reducing and improving catheter use, managing incontinence without catheters, and enhanced barrier precautions. Tune in as Dr. Johnny Cascone answers the frequently-asked question: How to stop Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Homes.
Meet Dr. Johnny Cascone
Johnny Cascone board-certified internal medicine and infectious disease physician. His internal medicine residency was done at the University of Kansas and infectious disease fellowship at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Johnny Cascone the medical director of nursing homes in southwest Missouri. His medical practice includes the care of residents in long-term care facilities, infectious disease consultations, and telemedicine infectious disease services to rural facilities. He has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, Clostridium difficile colitis, Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, antimicrobial stewardship, and pressure ulcers. Johnny Cascone lives in Joplin, Missouri with his family.
Linkedin: John Cascone
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How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections from Progressing to Sepsis with Dr. Johnny Cascone
If you’ve ever had a Urinary Tract Infection, you know how painful and frustrating it can be, especially if they keep coming back. To say goodbye to burning, frequent urination, and other unpleasant symptoms, start with these changes today. The key is to keep bacteria out of the system. In today’s episode, listen to Dr. Johnny Cascone talks about preventing Urinary Tract Infections from progressing to sepsis.
Meet Dr. Johnny Cascone
Johnny Cascone board-certified internal medicine and infectious disease physician. His internal medicine residency was done at the University of Kansas and infectious disease fellowship at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Johnny Cascone the medical director of nursing homes in southwest Missouri. His medical practice includes the care of residents in long-term care facilities, infectious disease consultations, and telemedicine infectious disease services to rural facilities. He has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, Clostridium difficile colitis, Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, antimicrobial stewardship, and pressure ulcers. Johnny Cascone lives in Joplin, Missouri with his family.
Linkedin: John Cascone
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The Common Causes and Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections with Dr. Johnny Cascone
Urinary Tract Infections are caused by microbes such as bacteria overcoming the body’s defense in the urinary tract. They can affect the kidneys, bladder, and the tubes that run between them. Join us in this episode as Dr. Johnny Cascone explains more about the common causes and symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections.
Meet Dr. Johnny Cascone
Johnny Cascone board-certified internal medicine and infectious disease physician. His internal medicine residency was done at the University of Kansas and infectious disease fellowship at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Johnny Cascone the medical director of nursing homes in southwest Missouri. His medical practice includes the care of residents in long-term care facilities, infectious disease consultations, and telemedicine infectious disease services to rural facilities. He has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, Clostridium difficile colitis, Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, antimicrobial stewardship, and pressure ulcers. Johnny Cascone lives in Joplin, Missouri with his family.
Linkedin: John Cascone
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Urinary Tract Infections Pose a Serious Risk to Seniors and Elderly with Dr. Johnny Cascone
In this episode of The Injured Senior Podcast, Dr. Johnny Cascone, an Infectious Disease physician, joins host Steve Heisler to discuss Urinary Tract Infections and their prevalence in the nursing home community. You’ll also learn risk factors, signs, symptoms, and even the best practices on preventing and treating UTIs so they don’t become septic and lead to shock – or even death. Tune in to hear more from Dr. Cascone and his tips and information on Urinary Tract Infections, especially if you’re a caregiver to an elderly loved one. 
In This Episode: 
[03:00] Dr. Johnny Cascone speaks about the prevalence of UTIs in the elderly population, how often and why they can occur
[05:00] Dr. Cascone explains common symptoms and types of UTI’s and how an untreated UTI can turn into sepsis
[09:00] Risk factors, Common causes, and predispositions of urinary tract infections
[11:00] How untreated infections affects the body and can lead to sepsis and septic shock and best practices for prevention of UTIs and sepsis
[15:00] Why UTIs are common in nursing homes and how the use of catheters can affect the probability of an infection
[19:30] The best way to deal with UTIs and recognizing symptoms as a caregiver of an elderly person
Key Takeaways: 
Urinary Tract Infections are more common in women and occur in 25-50% of women over the age of 80 and live in nursing homes. Most of this is due to their anatomy.
If patients get treated, it’s relatively easy to recover from, however, left untreated for a long time can lead to sepsis, septic shock, and even death. 
UTI’s fall into two categories: cystitis, a lower urinary tract infection mainly the urethra and bladder and is most common. Pyelonephritis is the other category and is more commonly known as a kidney infection.
The best practices for preventing UTIs are practicing good hygiene and being aware of your body and any symptoms you might be having. Early treatment for symptoms is key.
Meet Dr. Johnny Cascone
Johnny Cascone is a board-certified internal medicine and infectious disease physician. His internal medicine residency was done at the University of Kansas and infectious disease fellowship at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Dr. Cascone is the medical director of nursing homes in southwest Missouri. His medical practice includes the care of residents in long-term care facilities, infectious disease consultations, and telemedicine infectious disease services to rural facilities. Dr. Cascone has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, Clostridium difficile colitis, Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, antimicrobial stewardship, and pressure ulcers. He lives in Joplin, Missouri with his family.
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How Families of Elderly Wound Patients Can Detect Infections with Martha Kelso
Early detection is more difficult in the elderly because the typical signs and symptoms, such as fever, are usually absent. Tune in as Martha Kelso answers the frequently – asked question which is: How families of elderly wounded patients detect infections.                         
Meet Martha Kelso:
Martha Kelso is the Chief Executive Officer of Wound Care Plus, LLC, the largest mobile wound care provider in the Midwest. Her decades of experience providing advanced wound care, while being a visionary and entrepreneur in the field of mobile medicine, has allowed her to pursue a relentless passion for educating others by offering training and lecturing nationwide. Her team of wound specialists pride themselves on bringing advanced wound care and clinical excellence, supported by evidence-based medicine to the bedside clients and caregivers alike. Kelso is a published author and member of several national advisory boards. Clinical research is important to her and she has served as principal investigator on several clinical research studies/trials. Additionally, Kelso serves as an expert witness for wound litigation cases and serves as a clinical editor for two national publications. Kelso has been a featured speaker at more than 300 educational events and is widely recognized as being a pioneer in the advanced wound care arena, working tirelessly to shape the future landscape of healthcare.
http://www.mywoundcareplus.com @MarthaRKelso  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MarthaRKelso/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martha-r-kelso-5209741/ Instagram: martha.r.kelso
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Moleculight is a Revolutionary Device for Detecting Wound Infections with Martha Kelso
In today’s episode, listen as Martha Kelso talks about Moleculight. An imaging device that is a portable, noninvasive, real-time camera used to visualize the bacterial load in a wound.
Meet Martha Kelso:
Martha Kelso is the Chief Executive Officer of Wound Care Plus, LLC, the largest mobile wound care provider in the Midwest. Her decades of experience providing advanced wound care, while being a visionary and entrepreneur in the field of mobile medicine, has allowed her to pursue a relentless passion for educating others by offering training and lecturing nationwide. Her team of wound specialists pride themselves on bringing advanced wound care and clinical excellence, supported by evidence-based medicine to the bedside clients and caregivers alike. Kelso is a published author and member of several national advisory boards. Clinical research is important to her and she has served as principal investigator on several clinical research studies/trials. Additionally, Kelso serves as an expert witness for wound litigation cases and serves as a clinical editor for two national publications. Kelso has been a featured speaker at more than 300 educational events and is widely recognized as being a pioneer in the advanced wound care arena, working tirelessly to shape the future landscape of healthcare.
http://www.mywoundcareplus.com @MarthaRKelso  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MarthaRKelso/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martha-r-kelso-5209741/ Instagram: martha.r.kelso
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Why Infections Are So Prevalent Among Seniors and Elderly with Martha Kelso
As the percentage of our population over age 65 increases, infectious diseases among the elderly are becoming a serious public health concern. But why? Join us in this episode as Martha Kelso explains more about why infections are so prevalent among seniors and elderly.
Meet Martha Kelso:
Martha Kelso is the Chief Executive Officer of Wound Care Plus, LLC, the largest mobile wound care provider in the Midwest. Her decades of experience providing advanced wound care, while being a visionary and entrepreneur in the field of mobile medicine, has allowed her to pursue a relentless passion for educating others by offering training and lecturing nationwide. Her team of wound specialists pride themselves on bringing advanced wound care and clinical excellence, supported by evidence-based medicine to the bedside clients and caregivers alike. Kelso is a published author and member of several national advisory boards. Clinical research is important to her and she has served as principal investigator on several clinical research studies/trials. Additionally, Kelso serves as an expert witness for wound litigation cases and serves as a clinical editor for two national publications. Kelso has been a featured speaker at more than 300 educational events and is widely recognized as being a pioneer in the advanced wound care arena, working tirelessly to shape the future landscape of healthcare.
http://www.mywoundcareplus.com  @MarthaRKelso  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MarthaRKelso/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martha-r-kelso-5209741/ Instagram: martha.r.kelso
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New Tech that Detects Infections in Elderly Wound Parents w/ Martha Kelso
In this episode of The Injured Senior Podcast, Martha Kelso is back with us again to talk about a new device that’s emerging in long-term care that recognizes infection in seniors. Martha is bedsore and pressure wound expert and the CEO of Wound Care Plus, LLC, a mobile wound care provider in the midwest. Her expertise in this field has allowed her to share her passion and knowledge with many others and she joins us on this episode to chat with host Steve Heisler. Tune in to this episode to learn all about the new exciting technology that is revolutionizing health care for seniors. 
In This Episode:
[03:23] The problem with diagnosing infections in seniors
[05:24] Autoimmune disorders in the elderly and the effect on infections
[09:37] Martha speaks about the emerging device, Moleculight, that is changing long-term care for seniors
[12:11] How physicians use the device to target and remove bacteria which helps reduce the use of antibiotics for seniors
[19:35] Getting this technology accessible to be used across all long-term health care facilities
[25:00] Martha shares with Steve what family members of long-term residents should look for when managing their wounds and care
Key Takeaways:
Avoiding antibiotics in the elderly population is essential to reduce the risk of antibiotic-related side effects like confusion or developing C Diff that can be very difficult to recover from.
The non-invasive medical device, Moleculight, is like a portable camera with a filter and takes the guesswork out of identifying infection and has a 95% reliability rate. This is a game-changer for the elderly population because they can catch infections before they become worse or septic.
Hidden abscesses in wounds can now be detected, drained, and cleaned more easily reducing the risk for the person to be hospitalized.
Being involved in your family member’s care is an important step in keeping them healthy and well taken care of. In today’s age, if you can’t be there in person make sure to use technology to your advantage and stay in communication with their care team.
Meet Carol Stern
Martha Kelso is the Chief Executive Officer of Wound Care Plus, LLC, the largest mobile wound care provider in the Midwest. Her decades of experience providing advanced wound care, while being a visionary and entrepreneur in the field of mobile medicine, have allowed her to pursue a relentless passion for educating others by offering training and lecturing nationwide. Her team of wound specialists prides themselves on bringing advanced wound care and clinical excellence, supported by evidence-based medicine to the bedside clients and caregivers alike. Kelso is a published author and member of several national advisory boards. Clinical research is important to her and she has severed as principal investigator on several clinical research studies/trials. Additionally, Kelso serves as an expert witness for wound litigation cases and serves as a clinical editor for two national publications. Kelso has been a featured speaker at more than 300 educational events and is widely recognized as being a pioneer in the advanced wound care arena, working tirelessly to shape the future landscape of healthcare.
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How to Fight the Medical System After A Medical Malpractice with Carol Stern and Author David Black
We need to change America’s healthcare system, and take power out of the insurance company’s hands. Listen as Carol Stern and author David Black shares how to fight against the medical system.
Meet Carol Stern:
Carol Stern is the wife of Gary Stern, the subject of Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, a true story of one of the largest medical malpractice awards in U.S. history. This real-life account of how a husband and wife’s love was tested during the darkest of times. It pulls back the curtain in detail what it is like to suffer due to doctors’ mistakes and their refusal to admit they made them. Carol recounts in honest detail how her husband Gary spent three years with his internal organs on the outside of his body. More importantly, Carol reveals how she stopped at nothing to make sure Gary was under the best possible care at all times, even if that meant taking things into her own hands.
Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed Ripped Apart Facebook Page
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Why Acclaimed Author David Black Chose to Write the Book “Ripped Apart, Living Misdiagnosed”, with Carol Stern and David Black
Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, Gary and Carol Stern’s Epic Fight Against Malpractice in the American Health Care System author David Black discusses how he got involved with Carol and Gary’s story.
Meet Carol Stern:
Carol Stern is the wife of Gary Stern, the subject of Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, a true story of one of the largest medical malpractice awards in U.S. history. This real-life account of how a husband and wife’s love was tested during the darkest of times. It pulls back the curtain in detail what it is like to suffer due to doctors’ mistakes and their refusal to admit they made them. Carol recounts in honest detail how her husband Gary spent three years with his internal organs on the outside of his body. More importantly, Carol reveals how she stopped at nothing to make sure Gary was under the best possible care at all times, even if that meant taking things into her own hands.
Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed Ripped Apart Facebook Page
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How a Medical Misdiagnosis Lead to One of the Largest Medical Malpractice Verdicts in U.S. History with Carol Stern and Author David Black
In this episode, we are going to talk about one of the biggest medical malpractice verdicts in the U.S with Carol Stern and author David Black of Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, Gary and Carol Stern’s Epic Fight Against Malpractice in the American Health Care System.
Meet Carol Stern:
Carol Stern is the wife of Gary Stern, the subject of Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, a true story of one of the largest medical malpractice awards in U.S. history. This real-life account of how a husband and wife’s love was tested during the darkest of times. It pulls back the curtain in detail what it is like to suffer due to doctors’ mistakes and their refusal to admit they made them. Carol recounts in honest detail how her husband Gary spent three years with his internal organs on the outside of his body. More importantly, Carol reveals how she stopped at nothing to make sure Gary was under the best possible care at all times, even if that meant taking things into her own hands.
Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed Ripped Apart Facebook Page
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“Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed,” How One Courageous Lady Fought The Medical Establishment with Carol Stern and Author David Black
Carol Stern, the wife of the late Gary Stern, and author David Black, join us to speak on the subject of medical malpractice and living misdiagnosed. David Black is the author of  Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, Gary and Carol Stern’s Epic Fight Against Malpractice in the American Health Care System. Carol reveals how she met Gary Stern and speaks about Gary’s background with medical problems. Tune in as we talk about the biggest misconceptions around medical malpractice and what seniors can do to avoid these life-threatening mistakes.
In This Episode:
[04:00] Carol Stern explains how she met Gary Stern. Then, Carol speaks about Gary’s background with medical problems.
[08:05] How being misdiagnosed can lead to serious health complications and eventually death.
[15:20] Author David Black discusses how he got involved with Carol and Gary’s story.
[19:30] The lack of medical ethics education is scary for seniors who are under hospital care.
[24:20] Carol reveals the biggest misconceptions seniors have about medical malpractice.
[29:50] All about Carol’s charity and how she wants to help the senior community.
Key Takeaways:
We need to change America’s healthcare system, and take power out of the insurance company’s hands.
Insurance companies should not be able to deny patients proper medications or proper testing.
There should be a universal medical history system. An ER doctor should be able to pull up your records no matter what state you’re in.
Meet Carol Stern
Carol Stern is the wife of Gary Stern, the subject of Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed, a true story of one of the largest medical malpractice awards in U.S. history. This real-life account of how a husband and wife’s love was tested during the darkest of times. It pulls back the curtain in detail what it is like to suffer due to doctors’ mistakes and their refusal to admit they made them. Carol recounts in honest detail how her husband Gary spent three years with his internal organs on the outside of his body. More importantly, Carol reveals how she stopped at nothing to make sure Gary was under the best possible care at all times, even if that meant taking things into her own hands.
Ripped Apart: Living Misdiagnosed Facebook
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Think Before you Talk to the Insurance Company After A Fall Injury
This episode guides you through the reasons to think before you talk to the insurance company after a fall injury.
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3 Ways to Document Your Fall Injury
This episode explains the 3 ways to document your fall injury.
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What to Include In The Incident Report After a Fall Injury
Today you learn what to Include In the incident report after a fall injury.
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