stcrlives · 3 years
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Gillian Anderson photographed by Liz Collins for PORTER Magazine (Nov 2020).
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stcrlives · 3 years
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     She was clutching her arm to her chest but ignored the blood seeping between her fingers.  “ I’ll be fine. ”  It was a nasty scratch but not enough for her to bleed out.  “ I’m more worried about you. ”
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stcrlives · 3 years
“That’s weird. Give me time, I’ll get used to it.”
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   Amna chuckled, glancing at her for just a moment before turning her attention back to undoing the alien locks on the door.  “ Sonic devices are dead helpful. ”
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stcrlives · 3 years
Doctor Who — Tenth Doctor Quotes {Sentence Starters}
“I’d call you a genius, except I’m in the room.”
“Stay with me! You can do it! Stay with me!”
“You’ve got no control over it, and you call it a success?!”
“How long are you going to stay with me?”
“I could pretend, just for a bit, I could imagine they were still alive.”
“Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person.”
“Why am I handcuffed? Why would you even have handcuffs?”
“It goes “ding!” when there’s stuff.”
“This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.”
“Facing death is part of being human; you can’t change that.”
“That’s weird. So where was I?”
“Everyone has nightmares; even big scary monsters from under the bed have nightmares.”
“Outside those doors, we might see anything.”
“Yeah, you could do that. Of course you could. But why?”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I’m old enough to know that a longer life isn’t always a better one.”
“I got the impression there was something you wanted to tell me.”
“Go on, then, tell me. What do you think?”
“Sorry, that’s The Lion King. But the point still stands.”
“Now, first things first. Be honest. How do I look?”
“Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy?”
“That’s weird. Give me time, I’ll get used to it.”
“You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you.”
“Oh, that’s rude. Is that the sort of man I am now? Am I rude?”
“Right. Yes, sorry. I didn’t get a chance to ask.”
“Think you’ve seen it all? Think again!”
“I’ve been chasing this— this wee-naked child over hill and over dale.”
“If you want to know what’s going on, work in the kitchen.”
“But humans decay; you wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone that you–”
“You are staring into a deep, dark pit of trouble if you don’t let me help!”
“That is enigmatic. That is– That is textbook enigmatic.”
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stcrlives · 3 years
some reincarnation AUs
I fell in love with you three lifetimes ago and I’ve been looking for you ever since but I’ve been starting to give up and my friend’s new crush has your eyes and oh god I’m not going to steal someone’s date just because I’m hoping you’re the person I met in a past life (jk yes I am)
I’ve met you in every single lifetime and I always hope it will work out but it doesn’t but I’ll still keep finding you again because those few days/months/years together with you are always so worth it 
 I meet and fall in love with you in every lifetime at the same age but your age is always different so it never works out and for the first time I’m meeting you when we’re the same age and I’m horrified that I might fuck this up 
 I skipped like four cycles of reincarnation and I know you’re pissed at me for leaving you all those lifetimes but it wasn’t my fault please please will you take me back 
 We only remember each other in alternating lifetimes so every lifetime we have to find one another and convince each other that we’re soul mates but half the time I won’t believe you and half the time you’re already dating someone else 
 I don’t know how to tell you this but the reason you didn’t see me in our last reincarnation cycle is because for some fucked up reason I was reincarnated as your dog 
 We keep reincarnating as people who speak different languages and it’s kind of pissing me off because I can never initially confirm if it’s you but at least I keep learning a bunch of cool new languages each lifetime
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stcrlives · 3 years
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Word of the Day - Day 863: World
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stcrlives · 3 years
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stcrlives · 3 years
part  five  (  one,  two,  three,  four  )     /     change  pronouns  as  desired  !
our  coming  of  age  has  come  and  gone.
this  summer,  it’s  clear.
i  never  had  the  courage  of  my  convictions.
danger  is  near.
it’s  just  around  the  corner,  darling’.
it  lives  in  me.
i  could  never  give  you  peace.
i’m  a  fire.
i’ll  keep  your  brittle  heart  warm.
all  these  people  think  love’s  for  show.
i  would  die  for  you  in  secret.
the  devil’s  in  the  details.
you  got  a  friend  in  me.
would  it  be  enough  if  i  could  never  give  you  peace  ?
your  integrity  makes  me  seem  small.
you  paint  dreamscapes  on  the  wall.
i  talk  shit  with  my  friends.
i’m  wastin’  your  honor.
is  it  enough  ?
i’d  give  you  my  sunshine.
the  rain  is  always  gonna  come.
you’re  standing  with  me.
this  has  broken  me  down.
this  has  frozen  my  ground.
give  me  a  reason.
your  faithless  love’s  the  only  hoax  i  believe  in.
don't  want  no  other  shade  of  blue  but  you.
no  other  sadness  in  the  world  would  do.
i  am  ash  from  your  fire.
you  know  i  left  a  part  of  me  back  in  new  york.
the  hero  died.
what’s  the  movie  for  ?
you  knew  it  still  hurts  underneath  my  scars.
they  pulled  me  apart.
you  knew  the  password,  so  i  let  you  in.
you  knew  you  won.
what's  the  point  of  keeping  score  ?
what  you  did  was  just  as  dark.
this  was  just  as  hard.
you  have  beaten  my  heart.
is  it  romantic  how  all  my  elegies  eulogize  me  ?
i’m  not  cut  out  for  all  these  cynical  clones.
take  me  to  the  lakes  where  all  the  poets  went  to  die.
i  don't  belong  and,  my  beloved,  neither  do  you.
those  windermere  peaks  look  like  a  perfect  place  to  cry.
i'm  setting  off,  but  not  without  my  muse.
i've  come  too  far  to  watch  some  name -  dropping  sleaze  tell  me  what  are  my  words  worth.
i  want  auroras  and  sad  prose.
i  want  to  watch  wisteria  grow  right  over  my  bare  feet.
i  haven't  moved  in  years.
i  want  you  right  here.
i  bathe  in  cliff  -  side  pools.
not  without  you.
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stcrlives · 3 years
RULES: you can only say “guilty” or “innocent”. you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you. repost, don’t reblog !
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Asked  someone  to  marry  you?  INNOCENT. Kissed  one  of  your  friends?  GUILTY. Danced  on  a  table  in  a  bar / tavern?  GUILTY. Ever  told  a  lie?  GUILTY. Had  feelings  for  someone you  can’t  have?  GUILTY. Ever  kissed  someone  of  the same  sex?  GUILTY. Kissed  a  picture?  INNOCENT. Slept  until  5pm?  GUILTY. Fallen  asleep  at  work / school?  INNOCENT. Held  a  snake?  INNOCENT. Been  suspended  from  school?  INNOCENT. Worked  at  a  fast  food  chain/ restaurant?  INNOCENT. Stolen  something?  GUILTY. Been  fired  from  a  job?  INNOCNET. Done  something  you  regret?  GUILTY. Laughed  until  something  you  were  drinking  came  out  of  your  nose? GUILTY. Caught  a  snowflake  on  your  tongue?  GUILTY. Kissed  in  the  rain?  GUILTY. Sat  on  a  rooftop?  GUILTY. Kissed  someone  you  shouldn’t have?  GUILTY. Sang  in  the  shower?  GUILTY. Been  pushed  into  a  pool [river]  with  all  your  clothes  on?  INNOCENT. Shaved  your  head?  INNOCENT. Slept  naked?  GUILTY. Made  a  boyfriend/girlfriend cry?  GUILTY. Shot  a  gun?  GUILTY. Still  loved  someone  you  shouldn’t?  GUILTY. Have/ had  a  tattoo?  INNOCENT. Liked  someone,  but  will  never  tell  who?  GUILTY. Been  too  honest?  GUILTY. Ruined  a  surprise?  GUILTY. Been  told  that  you’re  beautiful  by  someone  who  totally  meant  what  they  said?  GUILTY. Stalked  someone?  INNOCENT. Thought  about  murder?  GUILTY. Still  have  communication  w/  your  ex?  INNOCENT. How  about  mass  murder?  GUILTY. Cheated  on  someone?  INNOCENT. Gotten so  angry  that  you  cried?  GUILTY. Tried  to  stay  away  from  someone  for  their  own  good?  GUILTY. Thoughts  about  suicide?  INNOCENT. Had  a  girlfriend/boyfriend?  GUILTY. Gotten  totally  drunk  during  a  holiday?  GUILTY. Stolen from: @innovativeseclusion​​ Tagging: STEAL IT FROM ME!
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stcrlives · 3 years
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gillian anderson photographed by nadav kander for the guardian, 2017
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stcrlives · 3 years
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    She still wasn’t allowed to touch the controls during flight but Amna would take any conditions as long as she could travel. She had accepted the fact her father would chaperone her outside of the TARDIS in order to explore but anything off planet was full of glorious new experiences. And this one had the added fun of time travel! To original Earth! There was another run down of the rules before Morlan let her out on the city streets, following close behind. 
“ Something smells delicious! ”
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 “ Sightseeing then food. ”
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stcrlives · 3 years
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look at this baby. she just wants to see the stars and have fun.
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stcrlives · 3 years
Some people are born with tornadoes in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. Other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea.
Nikita Gill, Perspectives (via lorelaiwritings)
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stcrlives · 3 years
disclosure: any threads with amna’s first incarnation could very possibly have her parents pop up. so to put faces to names; 
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morlan and crystal
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stcrlives · 3 years
hi i’m a hopeless romantic with serious trust issues nice to meet you 
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stcrlives · 3 years
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Word of the Day - Day 852: Future
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stcrlives · 3 years
amna meeting other time lords is great though because it would differ from each of her regenerations more than who the other time lord is. one would just be too excited to meet another besides her father. two would be indifferent or possibly annoyed. three would just be plain surprised. four would be worried, depending on if she’s a mother yet, or very inquisitive about them if not. five would be pissed. six would want to be best friends after feeling so alone.
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