staticintone · 2 hours
Earlier that day:
Alastor: You’re telling me that he thrusts to this?
Niffty: Mhm!
Alastor, turning to Angel: I’d like to make a formal apology—
based on this meme
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"... Niffty told me about this. No I am not encouraging your escapades this way."
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staticintone · 3 hours
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"Me? Or my show?"
"Because being a fan is quite different from being a friend."
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staticintone · 3 hours
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Jazz hands!
"I always do."
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staticintone · 3 hours
send 🗒️ for a diary entry my muse would make/has made.
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staticintone · 3 hours
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Reading it out live; comma, dash, dash, etc.
"It makes a nice picture of a horse. Isn't modern art fascinating?"
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staticintone · 3 hours
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"And don't we know it, my dear."
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staticintone · 3 hours
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"I'll admit it, you've impressed me."
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staticintone · 3 hours
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"Of course, Your Majesty. I hope things are well for you, wherever you are."
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staticintone · 4 hours
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"Enjoy the show."
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staticintone · 4 hours
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"... Niffty told me about this. No I am not encouraging your escapades this way."
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staticintone · 4 hours
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No comment, just a smile.
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staticintone · 4 hours
People are doing walls again???
I wanna play this time.
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staticintone · 4 hours
Alastor didn’t want Vox’s soul.
Not explicitly, and not particularly under these circumstances. To find him alone, mourning and vulnerable with grief, his thought process was distorted. An offer to ‘take care of him’ became something more sinister as Alastor pushed, without any resistance. Once it was done, there was no turning back. There were too many moving parts now.
And having that level of certainty over Vox was not something he would easily give up.
He was not expecting the integration to be as disastrous and disappointing as it had been. For as volatile and unpredictable as Vox often was, he still had his own desire to keep up appearances. Or maybe that had fallen with his team, his freedom. It had for Husk, so why was Vox such a surprise?
Maybe it wasn’t a shock, just a disappointment. Alastor hadn’t had to pull on the chain to get Vox alone. Even if he was antagonistic behind closed doors, there was some level of mutual respect, at least for now.
Alastor stood opposite his former friend; an oak tree against the wind. Vox’s wilder mannerisms stood out contrasted to his own stillness.
“You’re making a fool of yourself.”
His eyes blank, his smile unwavering. It wasn’t meant as a direct insult, just a statement. It wasn’t even intended to get under his skin.
“You pick your battles, and so do they, but these aren’t ones that you can win.”
Vox being removed from the Hotel was not an option. He had to be where Alastor could see him, for more reasons than just power. Half convinced that Vox would do something horrible to himself or others if given the slightest opportunity.
“You want to fight? We do it here. Controlled, private. Wherever your anger is, it doesn’t belong out there where you can actively harm someone just as weak and fragile as you.”
He wasn’t expecting Vox to accept easily.
He knew he’d have to push to get him to break, to snap.
But if he could do it right here and now, under his oversight, he was going to push as hard as he had to. Vox couldn’t hurt him—not anymore—there was no danger in sight.
“Go ahead. I have the time.”
Plotted starter for @staticintone !
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"Seriously. You're making a big deal out of nothing."
Yes, Vox had been lashing out at the other hotel residents. He'd incited multiple arguments with Vaggie-- at least six. He wasn't keeping track, but they could be counted on two hands. He'd made Niffty, the hotel's maid (and the one he was supposed to assist), feel so unwanted that she was refusing to talk to him, despite being what she had once dubbed a 'bad boy'. He'd goaded Angel Dust into a fight, and wound up pulling on the spider's hair. He'd gone off on a rant about Charlie's shortcomings, to Charlie.
The only one who Vox had been consistently civil with had been Husk. He could relate to Husk— Vox also knew what it was like to be an Overlord who had fallen from power and was now owned by Alastor.
They had common ground.
Husk didn't know what it was like to lose his lover and life partner in the same day, however. Valentino, Velvette-- their faces haunted Vox every time he closed his eyes, every time he blinked. Prior to the Extermination that had stolen them, Vox had always figured that he would be willing to sacrifice the other two Vees if it came down to it. If it meant preserving his power, it would be worth it. It would be easy.
He realized, now, that he couldn't have been more wrong. He would have allowed Alastor to keep him, his souls, and his empire, forever, if it meant that he could have Valentino and Velvette back.
Vox wasn't fond of that discovery. It was driving him crazy.
The issue at hand today was not Husk himself, but the fact that Husk, like the other residents, still had people who cared about him. Vox loathed him for that. He'd flown off the rails— Vox usually tried to keep his callousness at bay when Alastor was present, but he hadn't seen the stag standing there. He'd started pushing Husk's buttons, and it had spiraled into a big thing, details notwithstanding. Husk had rattled something off about the other incidents-- slights that had gone unchecked due to Charlie's kindness.
Now, Vox and the Radio Demon stood in Vox's room, behind closed doors.
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"They can fight their own battles, Alastor," Vox elaborated, fixing him with a split-second glare before dropping his eyes to his own nails and examining them. "You're wasting your time and mine."
His voice was stiff, and so was he, but he felt like he was going to snap. He couldn't stand this. There had been a time where he would have done anything to speak to Alastor, but Alastor's act of 'mercy' from a few weeks back had Vox feeling completely cold toward him.
He'd never thought it possible.
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staticintone · 4 hours
So he was correct.
“Of course. Why would I lie about that?”
It shouldn’t have been the surprise that it was. To redirect the conversation back to the current state of things, to hear Vox asking for confirmation. But the tone had turned somber, and Alastor didn’t know what to make of that.
“I thought very highly of you once. Anything was possible.”
A groan. Leave it to Vox to prioritize the smallest of compliments over the harshest of criticisms. Alastor had a feeling this would come back to bite him later somehow.
“I usually tell you the truth. But what exactly are you referring to?”
He could guess, from the way that Vox gripped the rose, but he didn’t want to take chances.
“The insults, the lack of compliments, or where we stand?”
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staticintone · 4 hours
"Do you think I'm odd?" - Feitan
What kind of question was that?
The dark haired man had just arrived in the hotel no more than seven minutes ago, and while he had greeted Charlie with some level of polite respect, this was the first line he spoke directly to Alastor. Outside of the introductions, of course. He didn’t seem to have no manners.
“I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who isn’t, frankly.”
Hopefully the surprise was kept mostly out of Alastor’s expression. If nothing else, the newcomer—Feitan—had made an impression. That was more than could be said for most people.
“Besides, I think the most interesting folk are the eccentric ones.”
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staticintone · 4 hours
Dove scoots close to the radio demon, playing an old jazz tune on the radio as she offers her hand to him, "Care to dance?"
Her boldness was a little surprising, but the flirtation itself went right over his head.
Dove, of all people, wanted to be that close to him? The two of them had been in each other’s space so sparingly that even taking her hand felt… strange. Not unwelcome, just unexpected. He seemed to watch her as if looking for signs of deception before taking her hand and bowing slightly to her.
“I would be honored.”
And began leading her in a simple swing dance.
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staticintone · 6 hours
Random munday fact:
My own personal grammar pet peeve is lose vs loose. Because they sound so different in my head.
Anyway, actual replies coming soon. I’ll probably get two or three done and post them all at once.
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