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The fairy egg suddenly shines up in a blinding light! Once the light goes away, you see a small figure in its place looking at you with curious eyes.
A new Space Fairy is born!
Stats: Height: 20 cm Magical abilities: “Minor illusion” - Can make silent illusions of anything they’ve at some point seen, or themselves. The illusions can’t make noise but can move. Physical features: Tail
And another’s time is afoot.
It is your stage now, to share, or to take.
Go forth, and be exceptional, be wonderful, be you.
Set forth.
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The fairy egg has begun to shine and feels warm upon touch. You can vaguely see the shape of something in it… If you put your ear to it, you might even hear a soft humming.
Time and time again, the voices can be heard. Speaking. Whispering. Yelling. Talking of the birth of another, one fit to live a life. The time is coming, ever closer. Ever closer with each moment, each second, each day.
And even now, the world around it can hardly wait.
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It appears the pretty space rock has turned into a fairy egg!
And another appears. And with it, another chorus of voices. Another egg, another life, another story to tell. How will you tell your story, little one? With sadness? With overwhelming happiness?
With death?
Many roads lay ahead of you, and yet, you have only just begun. We all are eager to see you come forth.
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Hey! This looks like a fun place! a nice lil drawing ive been working on for a while! a bit of an undertaking, but it came out nice imo. It’s Thal using their power, portals! If you don’t quite get what’s going on, the picture in the book is what Thalassa is opening the portal to, that’s why the one in the center is more detailed looking!
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Yesss, look at that good o'l Thal smile ;u;
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A sketchy lil bust commission of @staryskiesandbutterflies lil baby Thal <3
Thank you for commissioning me!
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Space, Time, and Continue
How many years has it been? Since I arrived on Planet Seven?
Many. It feels like it could be an entire lifetime, but of course, it wasn’t even one lifetime.
I’m flying invisible, though a crowd, following alongside Jordan. He’s walking calmly, in his pilot’s jacket, as people take gazes at him. He just got it today, after graduating from the pilot class he had been in for the past seven years.
“It’s really nice.” I say, landing on his shoulder, running my hand over the material, feeling it.
Jordan nodded, and continued walking. “Just another week...” He whispered out to the air, I smiled a little, happy for Jordan. Last year, he was promised his own ship to go exploring once he graduated. And now that was done, they gave him a week before he could leave, for paperwork to go through. I wasn’t sure what that meant, even after Jordan explained it, but all that meant was we were waiting a little longer, and I didn’t mind, but it irritated Jordan slightly.
We walked along with the crowd for a while, mostly silent, until the crowd started to become more and more thin. Once the crowd was mostly gone, Jordan turned left, into a narrow alley, with a metal stairwell on the right side. He walked up this stairwell, as he had done for many years. It was familiar to the both of us, with many days of me following him, at first with protest, but eventually, he even admitted it was weird when I wasn’t there.
“I’m so excited!” I burst out once we reached the door at the top of the metal stairwell, with Jordan unlocking it with a key, and opening it, slipping into an empty hall. Doors that were rooms littered this hall, and Jordan started walking, leaning his head towards me, with a smile.
“Yea. It’s almost time. I get to go off on my own.” His excitement was very plainly visible on his face to me, though to anyone else it would look like a tired young adult forcing themselves to smile. He kept this smile as he turned his face forwards, us reaching the door labeled “407” and him slipping in another key, unlocking it and slipping in with me.
Once we had made it into the room, I became visible again, and flew in front of Jordan’s face. “It’s going to be great! We’ll get to see so many things! Maybe we’ll even be able to see a real red ocean!” I spouted out excitedly, and Jordan smiled again, nodding.
“Yea. It’s going to be great.” He said, wearing his smile as he walked past me, and fell onto his bed, groaning. He said something that was muffled, but I could still tell what he was saying. “My gosh, I’m so tired. They never said graduation would last three hours.”
I giggled, seeing him seemingly limp on his bed, his legs still on the floor. “Then get some rest!” I recommended, though I had a feeling that wasn’t going to happen.
“Can’t. My head’s not tired.” Jordan replied, as if reading my mind. He picked himself off his bed, and stood up, stretching. He took off his jacket, and went over to his clothes chest, and grabbed a coat hanger that was on top of it.
“Mmmm, then get some food?” I also recommend, thinking maybe he was hungry.
“Not hungry.”
“Not even a little?”
We quickly said, back and forth. While I tried to think up some other things for him to do, he fitted his jacked over the hanger, and hung it off the bottom of his bed. Then, he properly collapsed onto his bed, face up, with his legs on the bed, this time. I flew over to him, and rested on his chest, with my head in my hands smiling up at him. He tilted his head down, looking at me silently.
I tilted my head slightly, in slight curiosity, and he smiled. “Just a week.” I said to him, and he nodded a little awkwardly.
“Yea. Just a week.” He said, before laying his head back, and sighing. “Thal… I need to tell you something.”
My ears perked up as he said that. “What’s up?” I asked, curious as to what he meant. Though, I was met with about a minute of silence, then finally he spoke up again.
“Never mind. It’s nothing, I’ll talk to you about it later.” He tried to say, dismissing it as he closed his eyes. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
While I was curious, I knew he probably would end up talking to me about it later, so I held back my curiosity and responded with a smile. “Ok. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
It was now just short of a week later, one day until they would officially let Jordan have his spacecraft, and fly it too. He never ended up talking to me about what he was wanting to that night after graduation, but I figure he might have just forgot.
We were still in his room, though he was sitting on the side of his bed, reading. I was on his shoulder, reading with him, passing the time along side him.
“Mmmm...” Jordan hummed, as he stared at the pages. I continued reading, figuring that he was thinking about something, but after a few minutes of him just continuing to stare, I spoke up, seeing if something was wrong.
“Something on your mind?” I asked, hoping Jordan would let me listen to what he had to say.
“Yea, I just...” Jordan began to speak, but sighed, and closed the book, and set it down beside him. “Thal. We need to talk.” He raised his hand to his shoulder, where I was still sitting. I instantly knew what he wanted, and jumped onto his hand, and he moved his hand in front of him.
“What’s up?” I asked, staring up at him and tilting my head with a smile.
“I don’t… I don’t think I want to let you come with me tomorrow. I know, you’ve wanted to explore the universe with me, but… I don’t want you to get hurt. You’ve always been physically weak, and even just thinking of the launch, there’s a lot that could hurt you badly. That’s not even thinking about what’s out there.” Jordan’s face was very solemn, and cold. At first, I didn’t know how to react, trying to process what Jordan meant. So for about a minute, I stood in silence, staring up at Jordan with a speechless, confused face.
“What do you mean…? I’ll be fine!” I say, thinking that Jordan was just worrying too much, changing my expression to a smile. “I’ve been fine the entire time I’ve been with you, so a little bumpy ride shouldn’t be anything!”
Jordan’s face didn’t change, and it turned more serious as I countered his argument. “I still don’t want you to come with me, Thal. You’re smart, but I don’t know what’s going to happen if I find a planet with hostile creatures on it. I can use a gun, you can’t. And even if you think you can outrun them, I still don’t want to take a chance. You should stay here with mom and dad. They’ll take care of you.”
“But… I’ll be fine! I’m sure of it!”
“No. I’ve decided. I’m not going to take you with me.”
I start to feel a tingling in my body as I argue with Jordan. Though he holds steadfast, and no matter how much I plead for him to take me with him, he doesn’t back down on his decision. Eventually I give up and accept his decision, though hesitantly. I fly off his hand, and sit down on the pillow on the bed, hugging my legs a bit.
“I’m… I’m going to go for a walk. Stay here.” Jordan said, his face now twisted into a guilty, sad looking face. I only nodded as I watched him get up, grab his keys, and walk out the door, gently closing it behind him.
The room was silent. Completely quiet. The tingling in body was the only thing I was paying attention to, and as the minutes started to pass by, my mind was getting filled with more and more sad thoughts. What if I never get to see Jordan again? What if Jordan dies on his exploration? What if I’m not there for him when he needs me? As these thoughts overwhelmed my mind, the tingling turned into a pulsing pain that spread through my arms, legs, chest, and head. It felt like all my strength was leaving my body, like I was dying. I fell over onto my side, still hugging my legs, the pain increasing with every minute, I huffed slightly trying to deal with it. At a certain point, I couldn’t deal with the pain any longer, and fell asleep, closing my eyes, and letting my consciousness fade into a void.
The walk didn’t help me at all. I felt bad. Guilty to have told Thal that they couldn’t come with me. But… I didn’t want to risk it. Not at all. I felt bad now, but it pained me to think of a situation where Thal would be harmed severely. My feet trudged back up to the side entrance to the apartment complex, sliding my key in once I reached the door. In the back of my mind, I had hoped that Thal had maybe come to actually accept my reasons as I walked over to my room, and slid the key in.
As I opened the door, I took notice that I forgot the light on, and once I looked over to my bed, I could see Thal laying down, as if they were sleeping on my pillow. I couldn’t bring myself to smile after making them so sad. I walked over, and gently nudged Thal, trying to wake them up. “Hey. Thal. I’m sorry I had to tell you all of that, but...”
I froze. Thal didn’t react at all to that. Not a twitch, or a groan, or anything. Looking closer at Thal’s face, I could see they looked like they were in pain, and instantly my mind went into overdrive. Is Thal sick? Did I do this? Did me telling them they couldn’t come send them into a depression so bad it made them sick? Shit. Shit, shit, shit. “Thal! Wake up!” I started to yell as I gently nudged them more, onto their back. Their wings were limp as well, looking like paper as I pushed them over.
My worry turned into panic, and I instantly had to gently pick Thal up, and feel along their body. They didn’t feel any warmer than normal. I pushed gently on their chest, and got a reaction, finally. Though, it wasn’t a good one. It looked like I was hurting them more with that, but I breathed a slight sigh of relief as I gently set them back down, now seeing they were still alive. Not knowing what I should do, I fell back to my only option, and searched for my phone.
Running around my room, looking everywhere for it, dragging clothes out, searching pockets. It took me a good ten minutes until I found it in the pocket of my graduation jacket. Not questioning why it was there, I hurriedly started to look for my mom’s number and smashed my finger against the screen. “Call… fucking, call, please!” I yelled out as tears started to form in my eyes.
I put the phone up to my ear, as I listened to the ringing. It felt like forever, but I knew it was probably only a minute at max I was listening to it ring.
“Hello? Jordan, is that you?” I could hear my mom calmly answer the phone, talking as if I was calling to talk casually. That though, of course was far from correct. I immediately spilled out exactly what was happening.
“Mom! Thalassa doesn’t look good, they aren’t waking up but they’re still alive, I don’t know what to do, and, and--” My panic was all she was hearing, but almost as quickly as I told her everything, she talked to me, trying to help.
“Jordan. Calm down. It’s ok. Thalassa isn’t going to die. I think. If they’re still alive, then all you can do is let them rest, and stay near them to make sure they don’t drift off.” She said with a cool, collected voice. I took some breaths, and tried to calm myself down, with little luck.
“O-ok.” I stammered out. “I’ll stay with them… Man… I shouldn’t have told them...” I murmured out loud. Forgetting I was still talking with my mom, she pipped up.
“Told them what?” She asked, the seriousness in her voice coming through just fine, even for her age.
“I… I told them they couldn’t come with me. I don’t want them getting hurt.” The phone went silent for a good minute, as I stared down at Thal, watching them lay there, seemingly lifeless. But before long, my mom spoke up again.
“They must be feeling a lot of sadness right now. That’s probably what sent them into this sickness.” She said, trying to dampen her words by saying them gently. Though as soon as I confirmed that I was what caused this, they cut deeper than any cut.
It hurt to hear it. I knew it was my fault, but it still hurt.
“Just stay with them. They were like this once when your dad scolded them while you were away… They came back after I cheered them up and had him apologize.” She explained. I would have normally questioned this immediately as the situation showed it, but in my panic, I didn’t even think about why my mom would know how to deal with this. But for that, I was thankful. I felt lucky.
I nodded to the air as I replied to her. “Yea. Ok, yea. I’ll stay with them. I’ll have to push back my expedition date… but that’s ok. I’ll take care of it.” I was rambling at this point, but my mom didn’t interrupt me even once. Once I had taken stock of what I was going to do, I spoke to my mom. “Ok. Thank you mom. Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done… but I have to make some calls now.”
As I said that, my mom replied, probably knowing that’s what I was going to say. “Of course. You know I’ll always be here for you.” She said with a soothingly soft voice. I smiled, my eyes felt itchy and hot as I nodded again to the air, and said my goodbye and hung up.
Then, I started making the calls. To the ship commissioner, to the expedition cataloger, to the school. Each of them put up some resistance, the cataloger especially, but eventually I managed to talk them all into changing the date to be three days from now, instead of tomorrow.
I looked over at Thalassa. Their chest was moving slightly, as if they were taking in air. It calmed me to see that. At least now they were moving and showing they were alive. Even if only barely. I walked over to them, and gently placed a hand on their chest, caressing it slightly as I looked down on them with worry.
Garbles of words.
It sounds like Jordan.
“...ea. Hoay. ea. Ill wiff thim...”
I can’t make them out clearly… What is he saying?
“...gotta make smoem clalls.”
What’s he making? I can’t open my eyes and see…
“...yes, this is Jordlna. I’d loke do chang the….”
It’s so garbled…
“Please. I need to stay...”
Stay? But, you have to go tomorrow…
I feel a gentle feeling on my chest.
“I’m sorry...”
Don’t be sorry… You didn’t do anything wrong.
My eyes open slightly, and I see Jordan, staring down at me, with tears on the verge of spilling.
“Jordan. Don’t… stay.”
Instantly, his eyes shoot open, and he yells out my name.
“Thalassa! You’re alive!”
His tears start to overflow, rolling down his face as he looks at me with surprise with a hint of relief.
“You have to go...”
He shakes his head as soon as I say this. “No. I can’t go with you like this. I canceled my trip.”
I can see tears starting to drop now, as he stares at me. “But, your dream… The stars...” My body still hurts, but my eyes are open, and I can hear once more. Jordan is sniffling, choking on air as he looks so so relieved and happy.
“Jordan...” But as quick as that came, my eyes close again, my consciousness starting to fade. But as that happens I can hear Jordan start to panic, and open my eyes again, holding onto my life.
“Thal… Listen. If you want to come, you can! I… I don’t mind! I just… I don’t want you to die!” He pleads to me, looking like he could collapse any second from all of this. But as he says this, I gently shake my head as I muster some strength and push myself to sit up. My wings flutter a bit, after having been pressed down for a while.
“N… no. Jordan… I wanted to… but it’s your dream. You didn’t want me to, and I… selfishly got sad… because I thought you were… leaving me… behind...” I smiled, knowing now that of course wasn’t true. Jordan wipes the tears from his face, still sucking in air, as if he was choking on it a bit.
“No! You weren’t being selfish… I… was being overprotective… I… I really j-just didn’t want you getting hurt. You’ve always been so fragile and I-I-I didn’t… didn’t want to see you die if something happened...” He explained, his tear stained face shaking quite a bit as he did.
I raised a hand up, making him stop talking. “Shhh. It’s… ok. I understand. But… I really do want you to go. I want you to follow your dream. I think… I think I’ll probably be here for a long time. But… you...” I give a warm smile, as I tilt my head a bit. “You’ve got your entire lifetime ahead of you. I can’t take that away.”
As I say this, Jordan shakes his head and tears start falling once more. “D-don’t… Don’t say that… That’s not fair...” He cries into his arm for a minute or so, then takes a big breath, and looks down at me with a face that’s right on the edge of serious and frowning. “O-ok. B… but I want you… I want you to watch me. I want…. You to see me off.”
I nodded, giving a toothy grin at that.
“Of course.”
There’s a bit of a crowd. The noise of about twenty to thirty people all talking to each other and looking around fills my ears as I look down at them from the platform. In just about ten or so minutes, I’ll be boarding the rocket behind me, and setting off for exploration.
“Ready?” I hear from behind me. I turn around and see it’s the director of the launch. I nod to him, and he nods back, going over to the technicians standing at the instruments nearby to monitor the launch, and they all start moving and getting ready. The suit I’m in clings to me, but I don’t react to it, still staring out into the crowd. Near the front, I can see my parents. Littered throughout, I can spot plenty of friends. And some of my teachers and scholars from the school coming to watch my departure. This gets a smile from me. A little bit of me feels sad, not seeing the one I wanted to watch this the most, but I also have a feeling they’re nearby.
“I’ll miss you, you know.” I hear being spoken into my ear, as I feel something land on my right shoulder. I look over, but I don’t see anything there. But I do notice there’s a specific indent into the suit, just barely, and I know it’s Thal. I turn my head back to look at the crowd.
“And I, you.” I said, keeping my smile up, so that no one gets too worried. Not that many of them were looking at me at this point, I already gave my speech. They’re waiting for me to go at this point. Thal shifted a bit on my shoulder, and I felt a small hand touch my cheek, caressing it.
“You were the first person… well, first human that I met. And I’m happy that it was you. You were… sweet. Nice. You helped me grow up. Or at least, grow up, mentally.” Thal chuckled a little bit. “I learned so much from you.”
I interrupted them. “I learned a lot from you too.”
“I learned what it is… what it is to be nice. To care about someone. I...” Thal grew silent with that, for a moment. “I… I want you to be happy. I care about you. You have a lot of friends. Your parents are very good people too. I don’t want you to be sad about missing that. But… I also want you to go on with your dream.” As Thal said that, the technicians started yelling to one another behind us.
I chuckled a bit, at that. “I remember how we met. I was out on a walk. Looking for anything to bring home, to entertain me. I saw something fall from the sky, and I made my way to it, excited that it was something interesting. I was right, in a way.” Thal chuckled a bit too, remembering that encounter.
“Yea! I remember, I was trying to play with a cougar, and you ended up having to scare it away, so it wouldn’t hurt me.” I could feel Thal’s legs sway a bit as they remembered the scene.
“I fired two shots in the air. It ran right off.” My smile being more genuine now, I looked out into the crowd again, looking at my parents. “Man. I remember when I first showed you to my parents. It feels like yesterday.”
“Yea. They were afraid of me.” A second passes, then Thal corrects themself. “Well, you dad was, anyway.” Another chuckle comes from them. “It feels like only days ago...”
“Mhmm...” I nodded, my smile fading into a slight frown, this bittersweet nostalgia rolling over me. I could feel tears starting to well up behind my eyes. Before I could give myself a chance to cry though, the director calls me over, and I turn, and see him beckoning me over. I go over, and he explains that they’re ready for me to board. I nod, and go back to the stage, getting into the center of it.
“Everyone!” I hear the director yell out as he walks up behind me, to my right. “The launch is ready, so, please, give your best to Jordan here. His journey is a long one, and possibly an unending one. So say your goodbyes to him. This may be the last you hear of him.”
That gives a bit of a somber tone to my thoughts, but everyone looking up at me is smiling, happy for me. Ready for me to chase my dreams. My mom and dad are looking up at me with  big, warm smiles. My mom’s already wiping away more tears. She’s proud of me. So is dad, but he’s not the type to cry. I can see a few of my friends holding themselves back too, trying not to cry. And some other friends holding themselves back trying not to cheer. I take a deep breath through my nose, and open my mouth. “Thank you. All of you. Each and every one of you helped me get here. My parents.” I gesture to them. “My friends.” I gesture to them, as well. “And to one special person. That couldn’t be here right now.” I look over at my right shoulder, as I feel Thal lift off of it. “I’m going now, to take the first step. On planets. Into star systems. Worlds and skies unseen. And I’m taking all of your feelings, all of your emotions, and bringing them with me to fuel me. Wish me all the luck.” I turn away from them as I say this. Tears starting to well up at the corner of my eyes. I hear the crowd behind me start to burst into cheering as I walk forward, going to the door of the ship.
“I love you.”
I hear a small, familiar voice whisper to me, just before I step on. And before I do, I turn to the voice, and whisper right on back.
“I love you, too, Thal.”
As I say this, I can see a little bit of dust start to materialize out of nowhere, shimmering and blowing in the wind. I close my eyes as I turn to the ship once more, the tears very clearly flowing out my eyes, and down my face.
“I’ll miss you.” I hear the voice say.
I nod, and step into the ship.
“I’ll miss you too.”
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Jordan… Help… Me…
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Jordan... Help... Me...
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Psst, here, it’s a smiling Thalassa
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Psst, here, it’s a smiling Thalassa
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hnnngggmnn.... im making myself the big sad writing out the next outlines.........................
I hope you guys suffer as much as I did once it’s all posted later!
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Meet the Parents
Sometimes I wonder what my parents are thinking when they run off for weeks on end sometimes. As I stare into the refrigerator, it very much so being near empty at this point, I hope more and more that they’re going to come back soon. And hopefully, with food and light bulbs.
It’s been two days after Thal had shown me their powers. I haven’t really questioned it further since then, given how weird their entire existence is from what I can gather. Thal right now though, was happily just floating about the living room, entertaining themselves by casting shadows with their lights they could make. It turns out, just about any part of their body can make light, which is pretty neat, but still made me question how it was possible even more. As if Thal knew I was thinking about them, they turned to me, with a smile.
“Jordan, when are your parents going to come back?” They asked me, making me think a little more that maybe they could also read my mind and just wasn’t telling me. Though, I decided to brush that off as a coincidence, and replied to them.
“Soon. Probably.” Thal had shown a lot of interest in seeing my parents, once I explained who they were and why they weren’t home right now. Thal nodded, going back to playing with the lights once more. I hoped they were going to come back soon, anyway.
I sigh, and start walking towards my room before I hear a kind of rustling outside. I freeze on the spot, looking to the door to my right, and before I could move over to check who it was, I heard a familiar jingling that could only be my dad’s keys. I turned to Thal, and quickly dashed over to them and whispered to them. “Hey, I need to you go invisible right now.” This got a confused head tilting from them, and a response.
“Why? What’s happening?” Thalassa asked me, of course catching on that something was happening. I didn’t have time to explain, so I tried as best as I could to get them to go invisible.
“Just go invisible for now, and be quiet until I say so, ok? And follow me closely.” Seeing my urgency, Thalassa hesitantly turned invisible, and spoke softly once they were fully out of sight.
“Ok, I will.” Almost as if this was the signal for them to come in, the lock clicked, and the door flew open, revealing my parents at the door. I was facing the door from the living room as they came in, so I could see both my dad and my mom looking at me, a little surprised.
“Ah, Jordan, didn’t think you were in the front. Come help your mom bring in the food.” My dad’s burly voice rung out, as his boots tapped against the floor, dust from the outside falling off his suit and such. Their surprise of course didn’t last long, and I go over to help mom.
“Thank you Jordan.” She says as I walk past dad, and outside, looking at the small haul of luggage and food that sat behind them. I nod, and pick up two of the heavier looking packs, picking them up with a grunt, and taxied them inside to the kitchen before any dust could settle on my casual clothes.
I can hear my dad’s boots still clunking against the floor as he walks in his and mom’s room. The door is open, but I can’t see him from where I am. “Honey, where did we put the lock box?” His voice booms out of the room however, confirming that he is actually in there. My mom quickly replied to this booming voice, as if she was expecting it.
“It should be right under the bed.” She says as she sets down a lighter looking pack right in front of the door. I look at it, figuring it probably was something they brought back. What was in it though, was another question.
“Ah, found it.” I could hear the creaking of the bed as he knelt down, using it as a support. The jingling of the lock box could be clearly heard not too long after, getting louder as he walked out of their room, holding it. “Did you bring the pack with the earnings in yet?”
“No, I haven’t. Jordan, can you please grab that pack to the left and bring it in?” Mom says, looking behind her, out the door at the two remaining packs.  I nod and do just that. It feels light for multiple weeks of selling.
This gets me curious, so I go ahead and ask what was on my mind. “Did you guys sell a lot?” Obviously fishing for the deeper reasoning for the light pack.
The first one to react is dad, who sighs. “No, sadly, we didn’t.”
“Seems like people aren’t flying here for vacation at this time of year, like usual.” My mom added.
“And on top of that, there were a good few other sellers. Not that they had much better luck.” Dad says, walking over to my mom, handing her the lock box.
Learning of their hard time at the geo-dome, I got annoyed. I knew this would happen, and I did tell them they should wait. “Probably would have made more at the orbit trader.” I said as I walked outside, and grabbed the last pack, closing the door behind me.
My dad groans a little, knowing that I was saying this because they didn’t listen. “Yea, I know. But what’s done is done.”
“Did you at least get some light bulbs while you were there? My lamp died on me a few days ago.” I asked while setting down the last pack, hoping for some good news out of them, for once.
My mom perked up and went over to the pack I just set down, starting to unzip it. “Actually, yes, I figured you might need a replacement soon, and I also got you… this!” As if an excited child, my mom pulled out a book, holding it up for me to see with both her hands. It was a book named “The Road to the Universe” that had a drawing of the milky way on the front.
I reached over, and grabbed it, pulling it to me to inspect it more, as my mom eagerly waited for me to react to it. I opened it and skimmed through it, seeing that it was a book that had a quick rundown of the known universe, starting with Planet One, and going outwards from there. I smiled, and nodded, approving of it. “It’s really cool. Thank you.” I could feel Thal landing on my shoulder as I say this, probably looking at the book. I don’t react too much to it, and continue talking with my parents.
Though it ends up being a monotonous back and forth of them asking me to unpack things, and how I was and what did I do while they were gone. Once I finished unpacking everything, I grabbed a bulb from mom, and went over to my room, quickly closing the door behind myself. “Thal, you can appear now.”
After I say this, I feel Thal leave my shoulder, and then I see them materialize in front of my face, looking at me curiously. “That was your parents?” They asked, though I expected that with the sudden favor I asked of them.
I nodded, and walked over to my bed, sitting down on it, with Thal floating nearby as I did. “Yea. My mom is kind. My dad can be kind of rough, but he’s nice too.” Thal nodded.
“Mhmm! Your mom seemed really nice! And she looked like you a lot!” Thal said as I replaced the light bulb in my lamp, clicking it on and off to make sure it worked.
“I get that a lot.” Or at least, from the people who knew me. “Well, they’re probably going to be busy stocking whatever they brought back, so want to read with me for a bit?” I asked, knowing the reaction I’d get.
Thalassa quickly nodded with a toothy smile. “Yea! Are we going to read that new book?”
“Yep. Or at least, start it.” I put my legs onto my bed and get comfortable, laying down enough for Thal to sit on my chest and read with me. And Thal does just that, sitting there, excited to read a new book.
We read for a good couple hours, flipping past pages as I finish them, and stopping when Thalassa asks me to slow down. With how comfortable I was, I eventually pass out, my head kind of slumped down with my eyes closed. Though this rest was short lived, as I was woken up by my dad yelling.
“What the hell is that?!” He said as I jumped up, sleep still in my eyes. I looked around trying to figure out what he was talking about, but with the stupor I was in, I failed to notice that Thal was on my chest. Though now, they were now on my lap, being flinged over by my sudden awakening.
“What, huh? What’s what?” I asked, a little panicked. I looked down, and saw Thal on my lap, just as confused as I was at that point. I stared down for a second, letting my mind connect the dots. Though my dad yelled out to me before I could say anything with this information in mind.
“Jordan! Stay still, it’s on you!” He said as he stared at Thal, my mom now behind him, gazing over and starting at Thal too, silently. I put my hand up, trying to mumble something out before a yawn overtakes my mouth.
I look down at Thal, and with a serious face, place my hand down in front of them. “It’s safe. I met it about a week or so back.” I explain as Thal gets up, and walks onto my hand, standing up and staring right at me. I gently throw my legs off the bed, and stand up, with Thal still in my hand. “I can explain. Just… let’s go into the living room.”
And so, my dad and mom hesitantly back up, and go sit down over in the living room, on the couch. I sigh, looking down at Thalassa, giving a forced smile to try to keep them calm. Though, they seemed calm enough. I walked out of the room with Thal, and sat on a chair, next to them. I placed down my hand on the coffee table sitting in the middle of us, and Thal stepped off, looking over at my parents with a curious look.
“This… is Thalassa.” I started explaining. “They’re… something? An alien of some sort. Really smart. Very curious. I thought it was a bug at first, but after looking around in my books, nothing really came close to what they are exactly. They learn to speak very quickly, and read, too. Right, Thal?” I asked Thal, wanting them to respond to me.
Thalassa turned to me when I asked, and did in fact talk to me. “Yep! I like reading books a lot, they have a lot of interesting stuff in them to learn!” Thal said with a smile, turning back to my parents as they finished saying that.
My parents both had different reactions from the outside, but I could tell both of them were very confused, and couldn’t really grasp what Thalassa was, either. My mom was the first to speak up, surprisingly, of the two.
“Is it… Is it a he or a she?” She had asked, looking Thalassa over to determine if there was anything to tell if they were one of the other. I shook my head in response, though.
“Neither. I asked them about what they were, and from what I can gather, they don’t have males or females, any of them can reproduce. And I think they come from a planet of some sort, but I have no way of knowing where.” I look at my mom, seeing her start to become more curious than confused. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but was cut off by my dad asking a question of his own.
“Can it fly?” He stared at it with confusion still as he said this, looking Thalassa over just as much as my mom, probably trying to discern if it could hurt us. I watch him move and turn his head slightly as he looked at the wings that Thalassa had.
“Yes, Thal can fly. Usually they are, whenever they’re not reading with me, or sitting on my hand or shoulder.” I explained to him, turning to my mom, to see if she was going to ask what she was planning to before.
Seeing that I was ready for her to ask, she opened her mouth once more, and actually got to ask what she was wanting to ask. “It knows how to speak… and read our language? How but you said it only as been here for about a week or so?”
“Yea. I was surprised too, after a few days of talking to it, it picked up how to talk back very quickly. It was like it was mimicking me at first, but it got more coherent as the days went on. Eventually, they became able to talk to me like anyone else. Though, technical terms confuse them.” I said, with Thalassa picking up right after where I left off, getting everyone’s attention onto them.
“It’s easy! But the words are sometimes hard to understand. Jordan explains them to me when I get confused!” They explained with a big smile, looking back over to me after they explained it.
I nodded, confirming what Thal had said. “Yea. It’s really interesting how quickly they learn. Oh, also.” I lifted my hand and pointed at Thal’s horns. “They have the ability to create and bend light.”
Thal, hearing me mention their power, demonstrated it by letting their horns light up in the color of the lamp’s bulb, just like the first time I had saw it. They gave a toothy smile towards my parents, proud of themselves.
My dad was intimidated by this, and recoiled back a little once the light appeared, but my mother wasn’t fazed by it at all, and it instead got her curiosity flared up. She leaned in, looking at how the horns gave off light, and lifted up a hand to touch the horns, much like I did the first time. Thal didn’t hesitate or recoil, and let my mom feel the horns gently with her fingers.
“It’s… warm...” She muttered as the light cast shadows from behind her fingers, fully mesmerized by the ability Thal was showing.
My dad coughed, getting the attention of everyone else. My mom pulled her hand back, and Thal snuffed the light out, looking over to my dad. “So. Why are you keeping it here, son?” He asked me, with a stern look on my face, as if I was asking to keep a pet. Though, this question had made me think.
Why did I keep Thal around?  At first, I was worried something else might kill it before it could live out it’s life, so I was planning just to see what it was, and release it after I knew where to bring it. But now… I felt like I wanted to keep Thal around. Not really as a pet, but… As a friend, I guess. Yea. A friend. As I thought about this, my dad awaited an answer from me, though before I could speak up and give him my answer, my mom spoke up.
“Oh, hon, it’s fine if he keeps it. It’s been here a week and a half, and it hasn’t destroyed the house, so I think it will be fine to keep around. What does it eat?” My mom asked, looking at me with a warm, accepting smile.
This caught me off guard, even for what I knew my mom was like. She had always been nice and accepting of me, trying to understand my interests and the like, but she did always try to be reasonable. “I uh… It doesn’t need to eat. Or at least, it doesn’t get hungry. It does get tired sometimes though.” I recalled the first few days, where I fed Thal some honey. “Though, Thal does like sweet things. And can eat really any time they want to.”
Thalassa nodded. “Honey is the good stuff!”
My mom chuckled at the response from Thal, nodding as well. “Yea, it’s pretty good. Hmm.” She looked over to me, thinking about something. “Think it might be some sort of new species?” She theorized out loud. I had thought the same though, so I didn’t judge her for that guess.
“Maybe. But there’s apparently a lot of them according to Thal. I think we would have at least met one or two of them at one point, if they can survive going between planets.” I posited openly. “I didn’t see any spacecraft, and Thal says they came here on their own, so yea.”
This got some skeptical looks from my dad, who stayed silent, and looked uncomfortable while doing so.
My mom noticed, though, and placed a hand on his shoulder, looking over to him, now. “Hon. At worst, it’s just going to be like having another child. It doesn’t even need to eat.”
That got a grumpy groan from my dad, but he finally broke his silence. “It can stay. Just… don’t play around with it too much. I’ll be honest when I say it creeps me out a bit. But, if it makes you happy to have it around, son, I don’t mind.”
My mom, now smiling wide, pumped her fist in a show of victory. “Alright! Jacob, do they need  a place to rest at, or do they sleep with you?”
“Oh, Thal doesn’t need to sleep. But they stay in my room, usually.” I explain. As far as I know, Thal doesn’t sleep, anyway. I’ve always woken up to them being awake first, if they do.
My mom nodded. “Right, right. Well, now we’ve gotten through all this, you’re free to go back to reading. Or sleeping, as your father so rudely interrupted.” She said, laughing a bit, with my father mumbling and apology as I got up.
“Yea, I’ll probably read with Thal a bit more. Coming, Thal?” I asked, looking down at them.
They turned their body to me, and jumped up, floating over to my face. They nodded excitedly. “Yea! Let’s read some more!”
I smiled back to them, walking towards my room. Once I got to the door, I could hear my mom and dad talking quietly behind me.
“It looks a bit like a fairy, you know?”
That was quietly whispered by my mom as I closed the door behind me. As the latch clicked, so did what my mom said, and I quickly walked over to my book shelf across from my bed, skimming through until I found the book on the far left.
Fantasy for the Wayward Son was the name of the book. It was an older book that I had gotten when I was younger. And even then, the book was old. The cover was faded, and when I opened to the first few pages, I could tell the pages had seen better days. But, even then, they held up. I looked through the chapter guide, and found the chapter I was looking for.
Fae and Their Dangerous Fun
I remembered reading this, thinking it was silly. It was about these little things that looked like butterflies with human bodies, that lit up the night with laughter and mischief. Bright, and hard to miss, but some people would say they’d prefer to miss them. I turned the pages, the worn sound of paper that had long since started to brown filling my ears as I flipped on and on. Thalassa was looking over my shoulder as I searched, and when I finally found the chapter that had what I was looking for, Thalassa gasped.
“It’s one of me!” They flew up to the book, pointing close at the illustration, looking very similar to Thalassa themself, but missing the horns.
I smiled, as I saw the resemblance. “Yea.” I agreed. “It is one of you.” I slowly closed the book, now having my answer to what I asked Thal not too long ago.
“A fairy.”
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some more things as well
just figured i’d lay this out to anyone who ends up looking thru my blog who wants to interact or etc currently. im not actively looking to interact with other blogs but i do welcome people to come to this blog to interact with myself/Thal/others but I will be actively looking to interact once i finish this little series of stories from planet seven im using it as a kind of way to stretch my legs with Thalassa and let them get a bit more established for myself and anyone else who’s interested in reading my goodbad drabbles tho as it looks so far i only really have one or two people who’d be interested anyway aha
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squints at people looking at this blog (YOU!)
updated my info (here) to give people better info for interacting with this blog check it out if you havent already with the link in this post (or in my Info & Etc on my blog itself)
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Powerful Friends
It had been a few days later at this point. After Jordan had asked me about where I came from, and after I asked him about what his name was from, we went on living beside each other. I was excited! Jordan read some books aloud to me, being I couldn’t read! It was very fun to listen to him, and when I looked up at his face a few times, he was smiling wide at me! I’m sure he was really happy to tell me all these stories he liked, and I’m really happy he shared so many of them with me! Even after a while, the writing in the book made more sense, and I started to be able to read on my own. It wasn’t that hard with his help, but I got real excited once Jordan said I could probably read on my own. He even sets books out for me now! In fact, right now, I’m reading through an awesome book about all the different planets his kind has visited. Im laying against the page, closely scanning the words over, and enjoying all this stuff I’m learning. Did you know, that there are seven major planets that Jordan’s kind inhabit? It’s so cool! The one we’re on is number seven!
“Oh, come on...” Jordan says out loud, pulling at the string for the lamp, though the lamp doesn’t seem to come on, the light that usually paints his bed not there. Jordan sighs as he gives up trying to fiddle with the lamp any more. “Ah… I guess the bulb died. Great. Now I have no light to read.” Jordan seemed disappointed, but I instantly knew I could help.
“Wait! Jordan, I can help with that!” I excitedly called out, flying over to Jordan, in front of his book.
He raised his eyebrow, curious as to what I meant, looking down at me. “Really? How are you going to do that?” He asked me, seemingly sceptical and still sounding a bit annoyed.
I decided to show him outright instead of saying it, and quickly hovered above his book, and focused, making light that was the same color as the lamp’s light shine bright enough to be a book light, revealing the contents of the page in a bright way. “See?” I said, smiling at him, waiting for him to thank me.
Though, he didn’t thank me, and instead stared at me with a confused but curious face, his mouth agape. “How did you...” Was the only thing he said before he raised his right hand to my horns, gently touching them. The light was muffled a bit by this, though shining through wherever it could. “It’s a little warm...”
I tilted my head in confusion a bit, not sure why he was so surprised by this. “It’s just light, anyone can do this!” I said, confident that this was, in fact, nothing special. Jordan on the other hand, didn’t quite think the same.
“Maybe your kind can, but we can’t...” He mumbled as he continued to touch my horns, gently rubbing them. It felt a little weird, but I let him touch them anyway. After a few seconds, he caught himself, and pulled his hand away, letting the light shine freely. “If anyone of your kind can do this, is there anything else they can do?” He asked, the fire of curiosity shining brightly in his eyes now.
“Yea! We can do this~” I focus for a moment and the light quickly snuffs itself out, and all the color to my body starts to disappear, becoming transparent in nearly an instant. This awed Jordan even more, reaching forward with his hand slowly until his middle finger collided with my stomach, which made me recoil. “Hey! That tickles!” He pulled his hand back when I said that, surprised at the sudden voice.
“That’s so cool… is that all you can do? The lights and becoming invisible?” He asked, unable to hold all of his curiosity back.
I let my colors quickly fade back into my original colors, and answered him. “I can do one more thing! But, I think only I can do it. I think it was something I was born with!” I smiled, letting the words hang for a moment, before I looked around with a small hum. “Hmm, where can I show you...” It took me a second before I realized I could just go to the other side of the room. So, I concentrated on a point opposite of the bed that was within eyesight for both of us, and waved my hand from left to right in an arc. And what appeared, as if following the arcing of my hand, was a red rimmed image, or to be more specific, a portal that faced us on the bed. It was like someone took a picture of us and hung it into the air!
“What’s this?” Jordan asked, before I could show it off. He moved his head around the portal and myself, looking at where the exit should be, though of course, it wasn’t visible. “Is it… the ability to see something from a different angle?” He theorized, though I laughed, and decided to show him.
“No, silly! Watch!” I said, getting him to watch me fly through the small portal, disappearing from his sight in front of him, and appearing across the room, a small red rimmed portal now visible behind where I exited from, showing the place I had just entered the previous portal from.
This however left Jordan speechless, moving his head back and forth from in front of the portal near him, and to the side of it, looking at me as I floated, smiling, and waiting for him to say something. After a few seconds of this, the portals almost instantly faded, the images that were floating, now no longer there.
“That… was insane.” Jordan said, sitting there trying to understand what had just happened. “You can make portals?” But with that question, it was obvious the spark of curiosity that had controlled him before sparked right back up.
I flew over to in front of his face again, nodding. “Yep! Anywhere I can see, I can make one. Even in pictures, if I try hard enough!” I said, posing confidently, being a little proud of my power.
“Wow… so you can go anywhere, as long as you can see it? What about me, would I be able to go in your portals?” Jordan asked, looking down at his hand, probably thinking if he would fit.
I decided to nip that suspicion in the bud, and answered his question with a bit of a joking response. “Sure! But I don’t think all of you would fit. And I don’t know if I can make bigger portals.”
Jordan put his right hand to his chin, thinking about my answer. “How many portals can you put up at a time?” That caught me off guard, I hadn’t thought about that before.
“I’m not sure! I’ll test and see!” As I say this, I turned around and concentrated, making a portal to one corner of the room, then, floated over to the right, I tried to make another portal, right next to it, but as soon as I made the portal, the first portal faded away just like the one I showed off earlier. “Oh! Is that all?” I said to myself, as I tried to confirm this curosity, trying to make another portal, and getting the same result. “I guess only one!” I say as I spin around to Jordan, smiling.
Jordan nodded, still thinking on all of this. He spoke up, asking me another question. “Well… that’s certainly an interesting power. Have you used it before this?”
I thought about it, while tilting my head, humming. “Hmmm, nope! Not that I can think of. But I’ve always known how to use it!” I explain, feeding Jordan’s curiosity.
Jordan nodded again, but he decided to stop there with his curiosity for the moment. “Neat. Well, I think you probably shouldn’t just anyone that.” He told me, with a slightly serious look on his face.
“Well, why not?” I asked, curious as to what he meant by that. It was just a portal, it didn’t seem too important to me to hide.
Jordan responded with a now serious sounding tone, looking at me with an even more serious looking expression on his face. “If you show that to someone you don’t know, they might want to take you away from me.” He didn’t look happy to say it, but I knew he was saying it because he was worried about me.
“Ok!” I said while nodding, resolving not to be too open with my ability to make portals.
Seeing this, Jordan turned his serious expression into a smile. “Alright. Well, if you still want to help me read, I don’t mind reading aloud to you some more.”
My ears perked up upon hearing that, getting me excited almost instantly. “Ooh! Ok!” I focused, lighting my horns up once more. Jordan laid down a little, allowing me to land and lay on his chest, looking over to the book.
“Ready?” He asked me, looking down to me with a smile.
“Yea!” I said, giving a toothy smile to him as I looked back to him.
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Daily Life With a Fairy
I stare down at my book, laying down on my bed. The words getting absorbed into my mind and turning into mental images for me to think about as I read more and more of the book. The book in question was a book that documented life on Planet One, also known as Earth Prime. I flipped a page with my right hand, and held the book open and up with my left. Not too long into my reading, I hear a familiar jumble of voices that call out to me, trying to get my attention.
“Hey, hey! Whatcha reading?” The voice calls out to me, coming in from my right, and flying into my vision, right behind my book. It was Thalassa, the… well, I still wasn’t sure what they were, but it was Thalassa. I smiled once they got my attention and replied to them.
“I’m reading a book about Earth. That planet I told you about from before.” I recall that time in particular, because it was the first time I was able to actually talk to Thalassa with them being able to talk back completely. They pieced together a question, which was in the end a question about the picture I had on the shelf above my bed.
“Oh! That blue planet? The one with all the green grass and white clouds?” Thalassa asked curiously, their mouth agape a little at the hint of learning more about it. Thalassa was always super curious and ready to learn more and more about pretty much anything you told them about. It surprised me a bit, to be honest. You could tell them a very minuscule detail about something, and they would sit there and listen to you for hours on end. Some things needed further explaining, like some phrases and some technical words, but Thalassa would listen nonetheless.
“Yea, that one. This book is talking about how people used to live on it before they could go to other planets.” I explained, to the curious and excited Thalassa.
“Before they could fly?” They quipped back.
“No, before they could go into space.” I replied, pointing upwards to the ceiling of the room.
“Oh! Before they could go to the place with all the stars!” They quickly and energetically announced, putting two and two together. I gave them a big smile, and grabbed my bookmark from the side table and placed it in the book, closing it and setting it down on the side table.
“Yep.” Thalassa seemed to have been from the stars, or at least, that’s what he could gather from some small questions from before. But that had been a day ago, before Thalassa had really been able to fully be able to talk back and forth with me. The curiosity in my my mind boggled a bit as Thalassa landed on my stomach, sitting down with their legs outstretched towards me. They trusted me a lot, or at least it felt like trust. Maybe they were naive enough to trust everything? Questions like that still eluded an answer for me though, and accumulated into a bigger pool of questions I wanted to ask.
“Thal, can I ask you a few things?” I said, while looking down at Thalassa, waiting for the usual quick reply.
“Sure!” Thalassa replied with their usual happy demeanor, excited to talk with me. They looked up with me, awaiting my questions. I hesitated for a moment, thinking that maybe, they might not have answers. But, after that moment passed, I pushed past that hesitation and asked what I wanted to ask.
“What are you?” I asked while looking down at Thal with a neutral, curious gaze. That was the first question that I had that really was eating at me. I had looked in many books that I had around, and nothing really explained what Thal is. Thalassa tilted their head, a bit confused and then gave me an answer.
“I’m me?” They said, as if I asked something that seemed obvious to them.
“I know you’re you, but I mean… what are you? I mean, you’re not like me, so...” I explained, hoping to give a little more context to them.
Thalassa though, was still looking confused, thinking about what exactly I meant. “I’m Thalassa!” They replied to me, seeming sure of their answer. That worried me a bit, seeing as that’s not what I meant at all.
“Yea. You are.” I put on a fake smile, letting Thal believe that’s what I was looking for. They smiled wide, happy to have answered me.
“Alright, next question.” They perked up, ready once more to answer what I wanted to ask. “Where do you come from?” The question was on the same level as the one from before, but I still wanted to see if they knew, because again, I couldn’t find anything on Thal or where they came from.
“I came from space!” They quickly replied to me, coming to their answer a lot quicker than the one from before. This also didn’t really tell me much, but I persisted still.
“Ok, but where did you come from, like where were you born?” I revised my question to them, hoping for a more accurate answer.
“I came from a rock!” They said, seeming just as sure of their answer as the previous two answers. I sighed, nodding.
“Right. Ok, next question.” Of course they came from a rock, so did I, and pretty much any other sentient beings. Though of course, they probably didn’t know what planet to call it, so that was to be expected.
Thalassa waited for my question, but tilted their head a little, curious at my reaction. “Was that not right?” They asked, before I could come out with my question.
I shook my head, and assured them that it was fine. “No, no, it was right. Don’t worry about it. Anyway, the next question. Do you have a gender?”
Though at this, they tilted their head in confusion once more. “Gender? What’s that?”
I was a little surprised with the answer, raising my eyebrows to show that. “You know, the difference between the ones who can have babies and the ones who give the other person the… stuff to have babies?” This though, confused Thal even more.
“But anyone can have babies?” This really got a confused reaction out of me, because that would mean that their species doesn’t have any sort of sexual organs and reproduce in an abnormal way.
“That’s… Ok, that’s fine. Thank you for answering my questions, Thal.” I say, to which Thal nods to me, with a toothy smile, replying to me.
“Yea! Of course!” They seem satisfied, happy to have helped me. Though of course, this just made me even more curious and confused about what exactly Thalassa was. Catching me off guard, Thal speaks up once more though, with a curious and determined looking face. “But um, I want to ask you something too! What’s your name?” They looked up to me, having stood up, now on their two legs looking up to me, ready for an answer.
I hadn’t expected this, but at the same time, I hadn’t really realized this would come up. “Oh, yea, that’s right. I never told you my name, did I? It’s Jordan” They smiled once they heard it, and jumped up, flying up to my face, hugging the right side of it excitedly.
“Jordan! Jordan! That’s your name!” They announced excitedly, having learned something very minor but also very major about me. I guess Thal had taken to me a lot more than I expected. I chuckled a little as they hugged my face, as if they were holding on for dear life. I nodded, confirming their announcement once more.
“Yep. That’s my name. And yours is Thalassa. Like from the Red Sea.” I said, mentioning where I got the inspiration to name them that. With that though, Thal detached from my face, and floated in front of my eyesight, now filled with curiosity.
“The Red Sea? What’s that?” Of course, they didn’t know. I didn’t really tell them about what it was after I named them, but this was the perfect time, or so it seemed. So, I opened my mouth, and told them a little bit about it.
“It’s a place on Earth. It’s got stories telling about how it used to turn red like blood, even when no one was in it. It’s really neat.” I taught with a smile, telling them some more little facts about it as they floated there, listening to my every word, and taking it in like a computer. Though, in the middle of my teaching, I was surprisingly interrupted by Thal themselves, asking another question.
“Jordan, what does your name come from?” I was speechless for a moment, not used to having such a question asked of me. Even with the people that I did talk to outside of my parents, no one really bothered to ask. Though that was normal, names usually weren’t meant to have too much of a deeper meaning. Thalassa was in luck though, because my name did in fact, have a reason for being my name. Once I gathered my thoughts, I smiled at Thal, and proceeded to answer their question.
“I was named after an astronaut that went to a lot of planets. He was considered a pioneer. My parents decided to name me after him because they usually live on frontier-like places…” I explained a bit, also telling them what an astronaut, pioneer, and a frontier was. I chuckled a bit once I finished explaining all of that, telling of something more about that name to Thal. “It’s a bit fitting that I have his name, though. One day, I want to be like him. To go about the stars, exploring other planets to live on.”
Thal seemed to enjoy the explanation and was amazed by my own dream. “Yea that sounds really cool! I hope you can do that one day too, so you can be really happy!!” Thalassa said to me, with a big toothy grin on their face. I smiled right back at them, with a kind of a smirk.
“Yea. I hope so too.”
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