starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
Things I loved about the incorrect quotes
REMUS!!! IS!!! BACK!!! I missed him lol, his voice just makes me laugh and all his incorrect quotes were amazing. We stan the trash man
Roman. The dramatic dumbass. His over-the-top voice. Sir you are incredible.
ā€œSTART THE CARā€ - hands down my fav one, had me absolutely wheezing and the fact that Pat and lo just... go out to eat together makes me so happy, anyway my love for logicality has been refuelled -
Janusā€™ sass in this video just his expressions and the way he spoke lol. He is literally So Done
The brotherly creativitwins shaving cream one!! Like they just borrow stuff from each other and have hijinks like that I love it. until we actually know their canon dynamic Iā€™m just going to assume thatā€™s what their relationship is like sgkgjfddhdhfh
We saw Demus interaction through incorrect quotes before we see it in canon. Janus is literally so done with Remus but at the same time you can see how close they are. In a similar bane to the creativitwins, until we see it in canon as far as I know thatā€™s their dynamic lol
Feel free to add on, tell me what your fav bits were!!!
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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Lo-Fi Logan!
(This is based on the original Lo-Fi Girl by Juan Pablo Machado!)
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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I messed up but I tried
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
all fanders in the us and canada enjoy yourself some crofters for me-
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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Truly I do not deserve rights
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
Roman youā€™re funny and stylish but the amount of baggage behind your little ā€œhow does it feel to wantā€ stunt could fill five airplanes
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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Idk why but this was my first thought at that scene
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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Doodled sum prinxiety šŸ’œā¤
[Click for better resolution]
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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Janus: Some people are like slinkies. Theyā€™re useless most of the time but make you smile when you push them down the stairs.
Logan: Whereā€™s Virgil?
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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And Janus asked Virgil, ā€œWould they have taken you anyways if I left you there on your own?ā€
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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Them šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ–¤šŸ’œā¤
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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Household chaos
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
So i just realisted somethingā€¦
Sanders Sides is canonically scripted right? And in the canon Roman is the one writing the scripts right? So whenever Janus compliments Roman is CLBG, SVS and even POF, even when it is shut down, Roman Himbo Sanders wrote that in! Just the mental image.
Remus: why does it seem like Janus is flirting with you in this scene?
Roman, turning red: Narrative??
I know this is probably stupid but I'm just living for this idea now. Also this means either Roman or Remus made Logan bad at insults, probably to mock him.
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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ā€œAnd when you lo- care for someone, not much hurts more than their scornā€.
Which is why I hope they can be friends. A friend you hiss at, maybe. I mean they can totally throw epic burns around but only if itā€™s in a friendly way.Ā 
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
my entire big life update i was writing just YEETED itself but henlo iā€™ve been busy!! hereā€™s a comprehensive bullet list while i mourn over the lost paragraphs that disappeared while i answered the door hsbgdfgsf
i turned 17 and got a provisional drivers license and started learning theory woahhh
iā€™m gonna schedule my test for as close to april 13th (dun dun dun) as i can because thatā€™s when my 3-month access to official theory material expires lol
in the uk it was changed recently i think, that i have to pass a theory test before i can do actual driving lessons but iā€™m still having fun at home lookin at road signs and the provisional licence is my first ever official identification which i can use also to get a passport and all-in-all i feel like an Adult
plus iā€™m super nervous to drive ahfgjskdhffkgd and my mum says driving instructors might not even be working atm so itā€™s good to have to wait
i just had a photography zoom where the teachers said that our work looks really studio-quality even though weā€™ve all been just taking photos in our bedrooms if not outside and they also really liked my fish photos!! my project for photography is centred all around water and i decided that my goldfish count
speaking of which, my macro lens is super super good and i got it last week and i been taking lots of closeups
unfortunately my cat (whom is also my best friend for lonely reasons) got diagnosed with kidney disease last friday but heā€™s still at home atm, heā€™s happy to just sit in the rocking chair with the blanket i knitted for him and weā€™re pushing through for as long as we can!
i finished readingĀ ā€˜the brief wondrous life of oscar waoā€™ by junot dĆ­az today and i recommend it as itā€™s a Very Good Book with a really interesting story that also allowed me to learn some new spanish words
for my english coursework i have to pick a theme in that book and find similarities between it andĀ ā€˜the great gatsbyā€™ and iā€™m excited but also dreading the planning process for the essay fdjgfdhd
been playing just dance 2021 as my main source of cardio and its fun!!
canā€™t wait for the swimming pools to open up again tho
uhhh yesterday i slipped on the icy road and grazed my knee so press f for my knee fhdgjfhdd
iā€™ve been doing lots of therapy and i still have a long long way to go but i already feel like i can handle my anxiety much better!!
also iā€™ve been having blood tests these past couple of months because my platelets are high (heck knows what that means-) and i got another this thursday so oof oof
limiting my social media time has been hella good too and i have my twitter notifs turned off which was maybe the best decision of my life
been playing stardew valley as well!! i love it, itā€™s like if animal crossing and minecraft had a baby and i love both of those too?? i have all 3 on switch
thatā€™s all i can think of for now
ohhh also i applied for a virtual work experience course in teaching and i find out this friday if i got in so aaaa
i hope youā€™re all doing good too out there <33
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starstruck-xavier Ā· 3 years
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It's 'Roman & Remus being good twins (that share one braincell)' hour!
I imagine they only need like, a good talk & a big hug once Remus gets accepted & they're back to being as close as they were as kids. At least in my headcannon.. Anyone else?
Should I upload more digital stuff or stick to traditional drawings?
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