starsenvied-a · 2 years
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003.  SIMPLE DREAMS is an original and free banner template by @supersources.   credit not necessary but appreciated.   if you’d like to support me,  you can donate through payhip or buy the premium version on deviantart,  though it’s the same file,  or you can buy me a coffee.    colors fully customizable.fonts used:  mistic and OCR A extended.   :     𝙳𝙰   /   𝙿𝙷   /   𝙰𝙻𝚃.  
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
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016.  COLD AS YOU is an original and free icon template by @supersources.   credit not necessary but appreciated.   if you’d like to support me,  you can donate through payhip or buy the premium version on deviantart,  though it’s the same file,  or you can buy me a coffee.   icon is 54x40px.   psd included.   colors fully customizable.   fonts used:  loverine,   sweet alice,   uncle house extra,   and fotograami shuruq.   :     𝙳𝙰   /   𝙿𝙷   /   𝙰𝙻𝚃.  
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
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#STARSENVIED .           independent original + canon multimuse    mostly canon divergent and   21+ ONLY     so minors and personals please do not follow or interact with this account. due to the nature of these characters, mature content will mostly likely be found throughout. topics exploring MURDER, DEATH, HORROR, SUPERNATURAL HORROR, CRIME, GORE, BODY HORROR  as well as PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR   will be mentioned throughout threads and bios so please be careful while perusing this blog.     written and explored by:   aggie    30+ she/her    ( muses + guidelines found on carrd click the hashtag username for deets )
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
𝘐𝘛'𝘚 𝘈𝘓𝘔𝘖𝘚𝘛 𝘏𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘈𝘐𝘙 𝘏𝘌𝘓𝘋 𝘈𝘓𝘓 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘏𝘐𝘓𝘓 𝘈𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘙𝘐𝘓𝘓       of such a season. Sophie hadn’t heard from her siblings in months but her mother said they were going to try and visit soon. Hopefully in time for the annual Cromwell reunion in Halloweentown. This time of year was practically Christmas for the Cromwells and as such Sophie was collecting some much needed new decor for her dormroom. She’d have to update the alter in her closet as well. Very much like Christmas.
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Sophie heard her name and turned to see a friend hurrying over with a costume in hand. “I think the Alice one looks better on you,” Sophie commented but her smile softened the somewhat hard critique. There was someone alongside her friend who was confused by the comment. There wasn’t an Alice costume but Sophie’s smile never faltered. “Of must have been Renee.” Damn premonitions. It was getting harder and harder to figure out the present from the future and the future from the past. 
“Do these pumpkins make my butt look big?”
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘈𝘛𝘓𝘐𝘒𝘌 𝘍𝘐𝘎𝘜𝘙𝘌 𝘔𝘖𝘝𝘌𝘋 𝘈𝘓𝘔𝘖𝘚𝘛 𝘍𝘓𝘜𝘐𝘋𝘓𝘠        through the city while smoothing a hand through carefully coiffed hair. He moved like a ghost and he might as well have been the way everyone flowed around him as if he parted the seas. Spotting who he was looking for, Aloysius Pendergast crossed the street to the cafe and smiled ever so slightly; an expression that rarely reached his piercing crystalline eyes.
He had his mother’s harsh and exacting gaze. A gaze that stripped you bare and peeled the skin from your bones if he wanted. Yes, they were his mother’s eyes.
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“I was asked to meet you as soon as I was able,” he explained before a hand flicked slowly in the direction of the cafe behind them, “I hope this is a suitable place to converse. My apologies for not having anywhere more-- private. But they have excellent coffee. I suggest a lemon square as well.”
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
𝘊𝘖𝘓𝘓𝘌𝘎𝘌 𝘞𝘈𝘚𝘕'𝘛 𝘈𝘚 𝘉𝘐𝘎 𝘈 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘕𝘎𝘌 𝘈𝘚 𝘉𝘌𝘓𝘓𝘈 𝘏𝘖𝘗𝘌𝘋 .         But her anonymity was restored here and the heat of the Arizona sun was something she would never take for granted again. The happenings in Forks had taken such a large part of her that she struggled to refamiliarize herself with this body. This life. The fact she had died still seemed so surreal. Like a bad dream. Too bad the very obvious scar on her forearm was impossible to forget. Not to mention the scarring just under the neck of her shirt.
She was on the phone with her dad, a relationship she fought harder to maintain after everything they had been through together, but she was nearing the meeting place where she was meeting someone from her study group for an extra study jam before the next exam. It meant she’d had to hang up before her dad was ready for her to.
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A hand is raised in the direction of the other, a flutter of yeahs and uhhuhs and sures as Bella indirectly tried to get off the phone. Finally, a quiet ‘i love you too’ and Bella is hanging up with a heavy sigh of relief. “Sorry, it’s-- my dad,” she explained vaguely, “he...he worries, yknow?”
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
↪  𝑴𝑶𝑶𝑵 𝑲𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 .   (   a  collection  of  sentence  starters  originating  from  season  one  of  marvel’s  moon knight .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .   )
maybe  one  day ,  right ?
i  still  wake  up  every  morning  feeling  like  i  got  hit  by  a  bus .
it’s  not  like  there’s  anything  in  there .
that  doesn’t  make  sense ,  cause  i’m  not  dead .  am i ?
are  you  asking  me  out ?
i  didn’t  know  you  had  taken  a  crack .
real  catch ,  you  are .
that’s  actually  crushing  to  hear .
get  out ,  go  …  away  from  me .
you  know  what  i  mean ,  yeah ?
i  will  see  you  on  the  flip-flop .
you’re  not  supposed  to  be  here .
don’t  just  stand  there -  RUN !
it’s  like  we’re  in  heaven .
i  strongly  encourage  you  to  return  that .
i  didn’t  do  that  on  purpose !
i  don’t  know  what  i’m  doing !
how  are  we  doing ,  [ name ] ?  you  sleep  alright ?
you’re  not  quite  right .
sorry ,  i’ve  got  a  date .
you  look  like  a  knob .
it’s  not  looking  so  good ,  is  it ?
calling  me  now ?
lose  my  number .
i’ll  tell  you  more  about  it  tomorrow .
you  can  have  some  sprinkles .
if  you’re  [ name ] ,  i’m  the  bloody  queen  of  shiva .
oh  my  god ,  you’re  alive .
i  thought  something  happened  to  you .
where  have  you  been ?
sorry ,  who  do  you  think  i  am ?
what  did  you  just  call  me ?
you  need  to  stop .
you’re  gonna  get  yourself  in  trouble .
someone’s  having  a  laugh .
stop  looking .
always the same ,  isn’t it ?
i’m  being  followed .
[ name ] ,  you’re  part  of  this ?
are  you  going  to  kill  me ?
it’s  maddening ,  isn’t  it ?
i  can’t  help  you .
i’m  trying  to  help  you .
there’s  chaos  in  you .
you  need  to  give  me  control .
this  is  real .  i’m  real .
oh ,  god .  i’m  gonna  die .
look  at  me .  you’re  not  gonna  die .
what  you’re  about  to  see  is  gonna  melt  your  brain .
that’s  not  me .
you’re  not  alone .
i  never  forget  a  face .
you  weren’t  supposed  to  see  any  of  this .
it’s  a  little  more  complicated  than  that .
i  can’t  have  you  interfering  in  what  i  have  left  to  do .
you  sure  you  want  to  know ?
oh  my  god ,  that’s  the  stupidest  thing  i’ve  ever  heard .
oh  god ,  i’m  having  a  panic  attack .
i’ve  gotta  go  to  the  hospital ,  i  think .
that’s  mental .
you’re  making  a  mistake .
stop  what  you’re  doing  right  now .
i  think  i’m  in  real  danger ,  and  i  think  you  might  be  the  only  person  who  can  help  me .
i  didn’t  do  that .
i’m  not  broken .  just  …  need  some  help ,  maybe .
just  remember ,  you  don’t  have  to  do  everything  he  asks .
i  am  real  justice .
i  can’t  help  you .
listen  to  me !  your  name  is  [ name ] .
where  the  hell  are  you ?  you  need  to  fight !
i  promise ,  you  can  do  this .
it’s  alright ,   it’s  alright ,  we’ll  find  another  way .
you  look  different .
it’s  always  been  you  eating  at  parts  of  my  life  like  a  parasite .
everything  you  touch ,  you  ruin !
i  don’t  trust  anything  you  say !
you  hurt  people .
you  know  i’ll  protect  you  with  everything  i  have .
i  don’t  steal .
not  so  innocent  anymore ,  eh ?
have  a  good  trip ,  love .
[ name ] .  [ name ] ,  that’s  enough .
what’s  the  worst  that  could  happen ?
aren’t  you  coming  with ?
is  there  somethin’  i  should  know ?
you  know  exactly  why  we’re  here .
take  action  now  before  it’s  too  late .
just  so  you  know ,  i’m  not  here  to  help  you .
you  could’ve  told  me .  you  know ?  what  it’s  been  like  for  you .
we  could’ve  handled  it  together .
never  really  been  able  to  just .  talk  about  everything .
let’s  get  our  story  straight .
i  hope  you  realize  you  need  no  excuse  to  drop  by .
do  you  really  think  i’m  an  idiot ?
buy  me  some  time .
i  remember  that  night .
you  were  right  about  [ name ] .
i’m  going  to  do  what  you  could  not .
i  owe  my  victory  to  you .
this  is  a  suicide  mission .
it’s  not  happening .  we’re  not  gonna  do  that .
we  could’ve  handled  it  together .
it’s  just  you  and  me ,  and  the  open  road .
yeah ,  i’m  not  sure  that’s  the  way  it  works .
i’ll  throw  us  off  a  cliff !
that’s  more  of  a  you  thing ,  isn’t  it ?
i  really  wish  you  hadn’t  seen  that .
oh ,  wow  …  look  at  you .
it’s  a  maze .
is  that  …  is  that  fresh  blood ?
let’s  keep  moving .
hide ,  hide !
run !  i’ll  find  you !
you  kissed  her .
no  way ,  that’s  not  right .  that  can’t  be  right .
you  handled  that  beautifully .
sorry .  i  couldn’t  be  more  sorry .
i  do  hope  you  find  closure .
i  was  supposed  to  die  that  night .
i  tried  to  tell  you  since  the  moment  we  met .
just  you ?
i’ll  share  it  with  you  this  time ,  i  promise .
you  can’t  keep  doing  this .
the  effects  will  wear  off  soon .
i  can’t  help  you  if  you  don’t  help  yourself .
you  shot  me .
you  stay  away  from  me !
i  know  what  you’re  feeling .
unlock  the  door !!
how  is  this  possible ?
what’s  the  last  thing  that  you  remember ?
we’ve  gotta  get  out  of  here .
this  is  all  your  fault .
let’s  try  it  your  way .
how  did  you  come  to  be  here  today ?
you  wanna  know  what  you  told  me ?
do  you  think  that  is  sense  …  or  nonsense ?
i  find  this  really  encouraging .
listen ,  i  am  not  your  enemy .
wow ,  these  meds  are  really  amazing .
we’re  insane .
i’m  not  crazy .
where  did  you  say  we’re  going .
so ,  how  are  we  supposed  to  do  this ?
my  memories  are  a  freakin’  mess .
you  try  taking  a  life .  see  how  quickly  you  forget .
open  the  door !   open  the  door !
[ name ] ?  get  back  here !
i  want  him  back .
i  should’ve  known  you  would’ve  done  something  like  this .
and  you  believed  that ?
what  happened  to  you ?
i  feel  the  pain  inside  of  you .
what  the  hell  are  you ?
please ,  [ name ] ,  you  have  to  help  us .
get  back  inside !
don’t  make  us  go  there  again .
you’re  about  to  lose  everything ,  do  you  understand ?
if  [ name ]  dies ,  it’ll  be  on  your  head .
no ,  i  won’t  do  it .  you  can’t  make  me .
what  you’ve  been  doing  is  so  difficult ,  i’m  so  proud  of  you .
i’m  so  proud  of  you .
there’s  only  one  way  to  know .
you’re  gonna  have  to  open  up .
[ name ] ,  i’m  sorry .
you  were  just  a  child .
it  wasn’t  your  fault .
[ name ] ,  they  don’t  look  very  friendly .
i’m  sorry  it  had  to  be  this  way ,  [ name ] .
sometimes  we  need  the  cold  light  of  death  before  we  can  see  reality .
who  wants  to  heal  the  world ?
clear  a  path .
i’ve  heard  wonderful  things  about  you .
this  doesn’t  need  to  happen .
this  was  all  so  avoidable .
do  not  let  the  pain  of  the  past  control  you .
as  you  wish .
i  don’t  care  what  you  can  offer .
[ name ]  didn’t  trust  you .  i  don’t  trust  you .
time  has  been  cruel  to  you .
i  cannot  allow  you  to  proceed .
your  journey  is  over .
it’s  so  quiet .
please ,  enjoy  your  peace .
i  need  to  go  back .
it  doesn’t  work  like  that .
i  don’t  know  if  you  can  hear  me .
i  survived  because  i  knew  i  wasn’t  alone .
i  couldn’t  protect  you .
you  didn’t  abandon  me .
there’s  no  way  in  hell  i’m  gonna  abandon  you .
tell  me  to  spare  you ,  and  i  will .
i  knew  you’d  miss  me .
[ name ] ,  i  need  your  help .
how’s  this  deal  gonna  work ?
hurry  up ,  idiots !
thank  god  you’re  okay .
what  if  we  believe  something  different ?
i  don’t  think  you  know  as  much  as  you  think  you  do .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
a wonderfully patient and creative nonnie asked for a list of prompts based on interactions between two good friends in the aftermath of a trauma that happens to one of them, and i’m nothing if not a sucker for angst and deeply emotional connections! so here we go! i’m hoping these will be up to the nonnie’s expectations! have a wonderful day, my lovelies, and DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST !!
“ i really hate seeing you like this… “
“ why don’t we hang out tonight? like we used to, you know? order in cheap take-out, watch crappy movies, go for a walk… whatever you want, right? “
“ please say something… anything. even if it’s telling me to shut up and leave you alone… just say something. “
“ i really miss you, you know. “
“ i’m here. you got that? i don’t care if you never say anything to me ever again. i don’t care. i’m not going away, and i’m not going to stop being here for you, no matter how long you glare at me or ignore me or pretend that you’re okay. because i know you’re not. i know. “
“ talk to me. i don’t care what we talk about. it doesn’t have to be anything big. we don’t need to talk about whatever happened to you, not unless you want to. i just… just talk to me, will you? “
“ you know, i talk to a lot of people every single day. i hear all their voices telling me all kinds of stuff; i hear it all. and the only voice i really wanna listen to is yours, you know? even when you’re driving me crazy. so come on. please… just drive me crazy again? “
“ …seriously? no come-back? no witty retort? no… sarcastic shot at me? come on, i… i know we never ask these things, but, honestly, i’m worried about you. what’s going on? “
“ penny for your thoughts? hell. a dollar? ten? fifty? my whole life-savings? damn, at this rate i’d give away everything i own just to hear your voice again. “
“ this is like, the ninth voicemail i’ve left, and i know you hate voicemails, so i’m thinking this might be the one that pisses you off enough to pick up the phone and talk to me. because despite the number of times i’ve told you to shut up, i’m actually begging you to say something, now. weird how things work out, isn’t it? anyway. pick up your freaking phone, moron. please. “
“ will you please talk to me? please? “
“ i have exhausted every single topic that i can think of to get you to open your mouth and say something to me. all of them. you leave me no choice… how are you? “
“ listen, we’re all really worried about you. okay? and we wanna help you, but we don’t know how. so how about you write us a note, or something? maybe just, open the door, huh? i just wanna know that you’re okay. “
“ you’re not alone, you know. you’ve got people who love you. who care about you. you’ve got me. and i’m not going anywhere. “
“ look, i don’t know what happened to you. and i don’t need you to tell me, okay? i don’t… i just want you to know that i’m here. i got you. no matter what. and if you need some space, then… then i can leave. just tell me what you need, okay? “
“ i don’t need you to say anything. you don’t even need to open the door. i’m just gonna slide this paper under the door, okay? you tell me what you want for dinner, and i’ll bring it up. “
“ i’m sending you on a list of therapists and group support meetings in the area, okay? you don’t have to go, but… promise me you’ll take a look at the list, right? “
“ listen, i know you gave me a copy of your key for emergencies, and this feels like an emergency, but… if the silent treatment is part of you trying to get some space, then i don’t wanna intrude. you know? so just text me if that’s what this is, and i’ll leave you alone. “
“ i know, i know. you asked me to leave you alone. but that was two weeks ago, okay? and i haven’t heard from you. you aren’t answering my texts, you aren’t even reading them. nobody’s seen or heard from you, and… and now i just want to know that you’re okay. so please, open your door, and let me make sure that you’re safe, will you? “
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺     (   a  collection  of  various  settings  meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts .   will be updated .   )
001.   the seaside ,  as the sun is setting .
002.   a cabin in the middle of the woods .
003.   a picket-fenced home in the suburbs .
004.   a dark bus stop lit only by street lights .
005.   a private jet miles high in the sky .
006.   a funhouse’s room of mirrors .
007.   an office building ,  bustling and busy .
008.   the back row of an empty movie theater .
009.   a run-down (or abandoned) motel room .
010.   a loud house party on a suburban street .
011.   a university lecture hall during a class .
012.   the rooftop of a very tall building .
013.   a great ballroom during an elegant party .
014.   the back of a wailing ambulance .
015.   the wine cellar of a large mansion .
016.   behind the school’s gymnasium .
017.   a bonfire in the middle of the woods .
018.   an otherwise empty parking lot .
019.   the bar of a loud ,  dark club .
020.   an empty summer camp .
021.   a large hedge maze ,  easy to get lost in .
022.   a neglected or derelict treehouse .
023.   a spacious ,  light-filled meadow .
024.   an underground / illegal fighting club .
025.   an abandoned scrapyard .
026.   a large penthouse overlooking the city .
027.   an apple orchard in the middle of spring .
028.   an empty playground with squeaky swings .
029.   an extravagant greenhouse .
030.   the base of a large waterfall .
031.   a spacious walk - in closet full of lovely clothes .
032.   a quiet hospital room .
033.   the dark depths of an abandoned mine .
034.   the deck of a fishing boat at night .
035.   the thick crowd of an audience at a show .
036.   a long ,  winding road .
037.   the site of a car accident .
038.   a hiking trail in the mountains .
039.   a cramped dressing room .
040.   a dusty antiques shop full of relics .
041.   the street of an unfamiliar city at night .
042.   between the tall shelves of a thrifted book shop .
043.   a building abandoned during construction .
044.   a house without power or running water .
045.   a mysterious trail found in the woods .
046.   the back of a taxi stuck in traffic .
047.   the inside of an elevator that won’t move .
048.   fairgrounds during a large event  (or after hours) .
049.   a garden bountiful with flowers or produce .
050.   a childhood home or bedroom .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
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#STARSENVIED .            independent original + canon multimuse    mostly canon divergent and    21+ ONLY     so minors and personals please do not follow or interact with this account. due to the nature of these characters, mature content will mostly likely be found throughout. topics exploring MURDER, DEATH, HORROR, SUPERNATURAL HORROR, CRIME, GORE, BODY HORROR  as well as PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR will be mentioned throughout threads and bios so please be careful while perusing this blog.     written and explored by:   aggie    30+ she/her    ( muses + guidelines found on carrd click the hashtag username for deets )
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°✧°     𝘔𝘌𝘔𝘌𝘚 / 𝘗𝘙𝘖𝘔𝘗𝘛𝘚 .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
tag drop answered ask .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
tag drop open starters .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
tag drop visuals .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
tag drop character study .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
tag drop aesthetic .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
tag drop headcanon .
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starsenvied-a · 2 years
tag drop: ooc.
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