starschatbox · 4 years
FYI, nhl.pups.and.people on Instagram featured Tyler Seguin and all three of his dogs today. Stephen Johns and his dog Chief have also been featured. If you love dogs and seeing NHL players with their pups then you’ll love this fun account. I highly recommend it for smiles and happiness!
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starschatbox · 4 years
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Books you may find helpful if you want to be an ally. Highly recommend checking out @mireillecharper’s instagram and read her 10 Steps to Non-Optical Allyship. https://www.instagram.com/p/CA04VKDAyjb/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
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starschatbox · 4 years
One of the Best ways you can make a difference is by voting! If you are not already registered you can follow the link for help. PLEASE VOTE!!
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starschatbox · 4 years
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Tyler Seguin and Marty Turco at a Black Lives Matter protest at the City Hall in Dallas. Tyler is putting his words into action ❤️
*Pictures from Jeff Toates Twitter account- @Toates1
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starschatbox · 4 years
Tyler Seguin at a Black Lives Matter Protest in Dallas
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starschatbox · 4 years
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Noticed we’ve been getting a lot of new members on the Stars Chatbox lately, so we want to welcome everyone and let you know how happy we are to have you join the site!
Also, want to let all of our newbies know there is a book club that is reading hockey themed romance novels and discussing the books. Anyone is welcome to join the book club. For more information and ideas for new books to read check out the book club forum. Please don't hesitate to send a DM if you have any questions about the site. Hope you make some new friends and enjoy chatting here!
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starschatbox · 4 years
Book Club
If anyone is interested in a way to pass some time while quarantined, there is a book club that meets on Sunday afternoons on the Stars Chatbox to discuss hockey romance novels. They are starting a new book by Sarina Bowen, The Year We Fell Down: A Hockey Romance (The Ivy Years Book 1). Everyone is welcome to join. If you have any questions, please ask the members in the book club forum. https://starschatbox.proboards.com/board/53/book-club
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starschatbox · 4 years
Tyler’s birthday post for Kate and Mother’s Day message for his mom.
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starschatbox · 4 years
Fact Check Time
It’s been brought to our attention that false information is being spread about our site.
1. We do not have access to anyone’s passwords on the free pro board forum we created.
2. Yes, we can see the email addresses of members if we want, but we don’t even look at them and we certainly don’t share them. Your email basically has no meaning to us. What would we do with it anyways?
3. Yes, we can also see your IP address, but again it is meaningless and doesn’t give us any information, nor do we look at them.
4. We do not ban people for having an opposing opinion to ours that doesn’t fit our narrative and have only banned a few people and it was because they violated board rules which are clearly posted on the site.
5. We rarely post, so our members basically run the board and can post anything they want as long as they follow the board rules. Unlike Tumblr, where the blogger has 100% control over what comments they post, and they absolutely pick the ones that fit their narrative, our members have the freedom to post their opinions in real time. Not everyone shares the same opinions on our site either and if you go there, then you know that.
6. Yes, we can edit and delete posts but we don’t unless it violates board rules. If that happens the member will receive a DM to let them know what we did and why. In general this doesn’t happen, because most of our members are respectful of each other and different opinions and simply follow the site rules.
7. We are not the CIA or FBI and we are not out to get anyone. We don’t use or share any personal information on our site. You create a username of your choice, so you are still anonymous on our site. The reason you have to register is because that is what pro boards recommends to prevent the type of spam and bots that Talk Sports had non-stop.
If you have any questions about our site please don’t hesitate to ask us.
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starschatbox · 4 years
@Dallsstarstea, You called us out for blocking you when we replied to one of your lying posts about us. Well in all honesty we forgot we blocked you during all your previous harrassment directed towards us. We even unblocked you today so we could talk, but in typical form, you blocked us and according to some of our members you also turned off the reply feature. Unlike you, we don’t pick and choose what gets posted; if a member has something to say they have the freedom to express their opinions directly on a forum on our site.
Your posts about S are more lies in your patheic and desperate attempt to bring us down. We know the real S never contacted you until she sent that anonymous request after we reached out to her to tell her what your latest lies about her were. Her ask was to see how you would respond with the “proof” you have. And for the record you can send anonymous asks on Tumblr without having an account.  Your claim about her sending you pics is just another fanfic and perfect example of how your stories change frequently on your blog. If you had ever been contacted by her and had legitimate proof like pictures and not the fake screenshots you and your buddies have produced in the past, you would have shared that information long before now considering how often you like to trash talk about our site. It probably was a mistake to engage with you today to defend our site, but what’s done is done. You and your fellow hater(s) who visit our site will never change your behavior, so it is what it is.
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starschatbox · 4 years
FYI, our site is still alive and well and isn’t going anywhere! There never was nor will there be any legal action taken against us; all the claims stating otherwise were blatant lies from people trying to start drama! We are still a Stars fansite where there are game day and player discussions. We are not a Tyler Seguin fansite, but our tea section still exists and we still post Kate’s stories and pics.
All opinions are welcome and encouraged on our site! We don’t censor your posts and you make them in real time. All we ask is that you follow the board rules and don’t get nasty with each other. Our site is a safe place to share any and all opinions on all things Stars.
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starschatbox · 4 years
Cyberbullying is the electronic posting of mean-spirited or harassing messages about someone often done anonymously. It is a repeated behavior with intent to hurt or harm, frustrate, anger, scare, or depress the victim. We believe this definition fits what is happening to us, S, and all members on our website due to a different Tumblr blog right now. We have received all of your concerned messages, and we are listening. We appreciate your support and hear your frustration; it is why after considerable thought, we feel the need to speak up, not so much for us, but for all of you who are being attacked for having different opinions. As you know, we do not want to engage in the drama, and we have asked each of you not to engage in it either. We appreciate that you have respected our wishes and have not brought the mess to our site. We know that because we have not engaged with the blog, we must be in her head, and that is why she has become obsessed with our site and apparently has absolutely nothing better to do with her time then to talk about this site and all of you. She must not have any real tea, or that would be the focus of her blog instead of us! Just take a step back and think logically for only a few minutes about all the crap she has posted and the conversations y'all have had on our website. She claimed we share IPs and email addresses and use them to hunt people down on Instagram to find their real identity. Do you realize how asinine that sounds? An IP address is not your social security number or your Instagram username. It is related to your browser and can be seen by every web server you visit and to everyone you email. It really is not related to your privacy and can be pretty easily found if you have been online for a while. As many of you know, people on Talk-Sports posted IPs of posters all the time, yet it doesn’t tell you anything more than a general country or city that person may be online in, but if they use a VPN or another router, that’s not even accurate. It does not tell us or anyone else who you really are. It’s even hard for the FBI and police to use that info to find out who you are. All that being said, we don’t even look at your IPs, and we only posted 1 IP address and that Tumblr blog and all her haters know it. We only did it to prove we didn’t knowingly ban a particular person and only found out she was inadvertently banned when her fake friend account got banned after violating board rules after she was warned. We also almost immediately deleted the post with that IP too, but of course, that won’t fit their narrative and web of lies. You are still 100% anonymous on our site unless you choose to tell people who you are! We do not pick and choose what gets posted in each thread, that is entirely up to each of you as long as you follow board rules and stay on each thread’s topic. You are the ones that drive the discussion in the threads, not us. We do not ban people or delete comments that disagree with us. Just take a look at all the pages, and you will see that. We’ve only banned a few people after a warning for violating board rules, and some of them had multiple accounts. Also, there are still several members on here who outright said they don’t believe S and guess what they are still members unless they requested to have their accounts deleted or chose to delete it themselves. Unlike Tumblr, where the blogger has sole control over which comments and asks, they want to post and can and primarily do only post things to fit their narrative, we can’t do that here. You don’t have to wait for someone else’s decision to express your opinions because it happens in real-time.  Yes, we did ask you not to talk about the Tumblr hate anymore because when it was discussed, it took the board entirely off topic and started unnecessary drama on our site that we don’t want any part of, and that was our right. If you honestly think that Tumblr blog posts every ask, she gets and isn’t picking and choosing and probably even making fake asks to suit her narrative, you are incredibly naïve. As you can tell, the blogs who said legal action was being taken against us were lying or we would have taken the site down. We told you we have nothing to hide and aren’t going anywhere, so we don’t know why this new blog thinks the things she says might make us shut this site down or make everyone leave. In fact, she is giving us a lot of free advertisement as our membership level increases every day. The screenshots allegedly from Tyler on a different blog were 100% fake, and if you have followed Tyler for any amount of time, you know this. If you think their follow up screenshot of Tyler telling someone else, they are real, when he gets thousands of messages a day, but just so happened to see those and replied, you are not thinking clearly. Have we gotten things wrong sometimes, of course, we have, we are human, and sometimes we jumped the gun on things and misspoke. But you know what is different about us is we are not afraid to admit that and we own our mistakes. We can also admit there are still some things we posted that may not be true because our source was lied to, and we don’t know the full extent of those lies. We know some of you don’t believe our source was legit, and we respect your opinion and understand why you feel that way. We know our source, have more information than most of you, and we not only believe her, we stand by her. That being said, we will never try to force anyone to conform to our opinions. We believe in free speech and want everyone to feel this is a safe place to share their views. That being said, we continue to expect everyone to be respectful and follow the board rules. Now, we know this post will not change the attacks, and hate that blog will continue to post because there is no rationalizing with her or her fellow haters. The funny thing in all of this is they could all easily delete their accounts and ignore us completely since they think our site is so awful, but notice they never do. In fact, they take some pictures and videos that are posted here as well as conversations started here over there. They do find value in our site, and those of you who continue to post there or that wouldn’t occur. We don’t own the Stars or Seguin discussions, and we never created the site to compete with any Tumblr blog. We still feel both platforms are valuable and meet different needs, and we know people have different preferences. Why that seems to be such a hard concept for some is beyond us. We would like to say this is the last time we will ever have to make a statement like this, but that is entirely up to all of you. Again, if you have a problem with anything on our site, you should be a mature adult and talk to us directly. If you have ideas to improve our website or any concerns, please share them with us directly. If you hate us and our site, that is fine too; we just ask you to delete your membership, and if you can’t figure out how, then message us because we would be more than happy to do it for you!! *As always, we ask that you do not send asks to that blog to defend us or on our behalf, in any way, because that only makes things worse. We ask that you ignore them, just like we ask that that blog ignore us.
*One last thing that we feel is extremely important. We absolutely hate the Stars fan base is starting to get a bad reputation due to drama. We want to apologize to all Stars fans for any role we have played in that!
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starschatbox · 4 years
So how is everything going? I deleted my account but I think my posts would still be there cuz I forgot to delete them beforehand is there anyway you guys can delete them for me? I don't have tumblr but can send my username through another anon ask if you are able to :). Sorry that all of this is happening. I deleted my account not because of all of this but for personal reasons.
Send it and I’ll do it right now while I’m cleaning house : D 
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starschatbox · 4 years
You guys are fake as FUCK and should be ashamed of yourselves
Awe! You’re so sweet! Thanks for stopping by! : D 
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starschatbox · 4 years
Tyler talking about the new Shooting Stars skills event tomorrow.
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starschatbox · 4 years
Tyler Seguin will be competing in the new shooting stars competition tomorrow. Click the link to learn more about that contest and who he is competing against. Tyler’s Dude Perfect gives him a little bit of an edge in this one.
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starschatbox · 4 years
Hi! How do we delete our account on the chatbox?
Send us a message with your username and we can do it for you. 
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