stardustsecret · 13 days
jake kiszka previous lives
sickly victorian child
pirate (again)
lighthouse keeper
wizard that lived in the woods in a tower that was feared by the local villagers who would hide when he came by to get supplies but would ultimately come by for his help and find out he was just some weird little guy
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stardustsecret · 23 days
this made me so ……. soft???? like yeah its raunchy but also soft pirate captain jake that always makes his way back to you because even though the sea is his first love, you have his heart whatever whatever whatever !!!!!!!
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Author’s Note: This one is for all the pirate!Jake lovers out there. I hope I did him justice. 
Word Count: 4k
Content Warnings: Strangers to lovers (maybe), oral (fem receiving), unprotected p in v sex, cursing, dirty talk. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI
:¨·.·¨:☾☆༺ 𓆩⚔︎𓆪 ༻☆☽:¨·.·¨:
You could feel his dark eyes on you from the moment he had walked through the door. They studied you – marking your every move as you wiped down the bar with a rag. They watched you closer still as you took breaks from cleaning to bring jugs of ale and rum to the other patrons. 
He hadn’t ordered anything, only sat in the far corner of the bar, and watched. You’d given yourself a long enough glance to see his long hair spilling out across his shoulders and the way he clasped his fingers – almost each of them adorned with rings, in front of him on the table. You had not been able to see his face clearly. Only a glance of a sharp nose and deep, thoughtful eyes. 
But you had seen the glint of gold at his side, the cutlass sheath hanging low on his waist. And on his other hip, three ornate revolvers. Between those, the plethora of necklaces hanging against his exposed chest, and the weathered, strong hands… It's clear enough what he is. And based on the way everyone else seems to be steering clear of him, all the other patrons know, too. 
The word carried with it a thrill down your spine. Ruthless, bloodthirsty men who take what they want and bow to no one. Dangerous, untrustworthy, and all together men that you should avoid at all costs. But yet here one is, sitting at your bar. 
As if summoned by your thoughts, that ringed hand raises in the air – two fingers curling in a ‘come hither’ motion. You place your rag down, wiping your palms on your skirts, and glide over to his corner. Finally, you meet those dark eyes of his, taking in his full features for the first time tonight.  
Brown eyes, almost black. Dark lashes that cast shadows along his cheekbones in the candlelight. Plump lips – soft and pink looking in a way that’s completely at odds with the tan, weathered face. Handsome, yes. Very handsome. Perhaps one of the handsomest men you’d ever seen. But that only makes him all the more dangerous. 
Chin held high, you stop at last in front of him. Rough fingertips tap a beat on the wood of the bar. Those lips tilt upwards in a barely-there smirk. 
“What can I do for ya?”
The smirk widens, revealing a flash of white teeth. 
“Oh,” A tilt of the head, hair swishing, “I imagine a great number of things. Or the other way ‘round.”
You narrow your eyes as he grins up at you, eyes glittering. His voice is soft – softer than you’d expect from the mouth of a pirate. 
“Presumptuous.” You say flatly, fighting a smirk of your own.
He inclines his head, the chains around his neck clinking where they rest against his exposed chest. You drop your eyes to his hands, noting the way they still tap on the wood. Then to his forearms, his white shirt rolled up to reveal the sturdiness of them, the tan skin only marred by a few thin scars crisscrossing upwards and disappearing beneath the fabric. 
He clears his throat and your cheeks warm but he saves you from having to defend your wandering gaze. 
“Just some ale. Top shelf.”
“We’ve only got the one.” You tell him, turning away to grab for a bottle from the only shelf that this little tavern has. “Hope it’s to your taste.”
“I’m sure it will be.” 
You pour the amber liquid into the glass before sliding it across the bar to him. His fingers wrap around the crystal and bring it up to his lips. He takes one sip, tongue swiping across his bottom lip before putting it down again. 
“What’s your name, lady?” He asks, just as you begin to turn away. 
“Nobe of your concern, I reckon.” He raises a brow at that.
You meet his gaze with a fiery one of your own, hoping to convey to him that you're in no mood for his attempts at flirtation. But his smile only widens. He clearly hadn't bought the lie.
“And why is that, lass? You’re a beautiful woman. I’d love to have a name that goes with it.”
“If I tell you my name, will you leave me alone?” You give him your best, sweetest smile and bat your eyelashes. 
“No promises.” 
You scowl at him but that smile of his stays fixed in place. It makes you even angrier that it’s just as beautiful as the rest of him. 
“Y/n.” You say at last, turning away. “Now I have other patrons to attend to.”
“You’re not going to ask for mine?” He asks, arching a brow and bringing his glass to his lips again. 
“I don’t care.”
This time, you don’t look back as you move away from him to the other end of the bar. You hadn’t been lying – there are other patrons that need serving so you quickly try and shove him from your mind as you continue to work. 
But you can feel his eyes on you. You can still see his smirk. And the image of his fingertips drumming on the wood, the muscles in his scarred forearm flexing with each tap, is seared into your brain. You can’t stop thinking about it. 
The night wears on, others coming and going but he stays right where he is. You fill his glass two more times, not saying a word to him either time despite the way his eyes rake up your form. But he makes no attempt at speaking again. 
At least, not until you take your apron off and hang it up on a hook behind the wall after the girl for the next shift arrives. You see him shift in his seat, pushing his glass away from him before rising. 
Heart hammering, you duck outside of the tavern, eyeing the empty streets. It’s late – most are already indoors, preparing for bed. Before you can even think of a way to escape him, the bell over the door rings and out he steps, a long, dark coat tossed over his shoulders, the ends of it just brushing the ground. 
“Good lady.” He murmurs, smiling at you as he takes pointed steps until he’s standing just a little bit away from you. “Might I ask where you’re going off to?”
“Home.” You answer blandly, shrugging your shoulders. “It’s late.”
“That it is.” Another step forward. “Too late for me to, in good conscience, allow a young woman such as yourself to walk home alone.”
“It’s not far.” You take a step of your own – this one away from him. “I’m sure I’ll be alright.”
He shakes his head, clicking his tongue. 
“There could be all manner of men out there, lurking and waiting for someone like you.” There's an edge to his tone now. He's not used to being told no so adamantly.
“And a man like you is a better alternative?” You ask, smirking a little as you cross your arms over your chest at the chilled wind that blows through. 
“Like me?” There’s that smirk again as he places a hand across his heart in mock hurt. “And what type of man am I?” 
“You know what kind.” 
At your answer, he closes the gap between you once again, pressing in so close you can smell the alcohol on his breath and the salt on his skin from the sea air. 
“Yes. But I’d like to hear you say it.” 
“Pirate.” You breathe out, the word tasting sharp on your tongue as you once again become acutely aware of the strength his body holds and of the weapons that hang on his belt. 
“Aye. A terrible, dirty, awful pirate.” He croons, before offering his arm to you. “Shall we?”
With an eye roll and a sigh, you loop your arm with his, the warmth of him instantly easing some of the chill that had begun to settle in.  
The two of you walk side by side through the dark streets, hardly a word spoken between the two of you. He hadn’t been wrong – there’s all manner of evil men that lurk out here in the night and usually you take a long way home in order to avoid all the dark, looming alleys where they like to hide. But with him at your side, you don’t have to. Indeed, any time any of them so much as glance your way, their eyes immediately fall to him instead, and then look away. His aura is powerful – a sense of danger that clings to him as you walk. His steps are casual but his hand remains lazily draped across the handle of one of his revolvers and none of the men are stupid enough to trifle with him. 
When at last the two of you arrive at the door of your small apartments, he lets his grip on your arm fall. You instantly feel the loss of warmth.
“Jacob.” He breaks the silence at last and you tilt your head. “My name.” He clarifies. 
“Thank you. Jacob.” You unlock your door, turning your back to him completely as you begin to step through the threshold. 
“Are you not going to invite me in?” He teases, a boyish smile on his face.
“What for?” You ask, giving him the most innocent face you can. You can’t help but to tease back, that damn aura of his drawing you in like a siren’s song. 
A shrug and his grin turns devilish. 
“I’m sure we could think of somethin’ to do.” 
“You don’t have important piratical matters to attend to?”
“I’m sure my crew can survive without me f’r a night. They’ll have to since I’ve got a beautiful woman standin’ in front of me.” Your cheeks warm. “And I don’t plan on lettin’ her slip through my fingers.”
You widen your door and step aside, beckoning him in to the warmth within. 
“Then I suppose I’ll allow it.”
As the door shuts behind him you make your way over to the hearth, kindling up a fire that washes the room in a warm glow. Jacob stands in the middle, watching as you slip off your shoes and place them on the rug. 
“Are you just going to stand?” You straighten and face him fully, watching the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. 
At last, he moves, shrugging off his coat and hanging it on the hook by the door like it's habit before moving to unfasten the belt that holds his weapons. As he does so, his eyes stay focused on you. 
“I was jus’ thinkin’.” He places them on the table with a thud. 
“You. All the things I’d like to do, if you’ll let me.” He doesn’t hesitate in his answer and heat floods your core. “Will you let me?”
“What’s this?” You tease, stepping towards him and grazing your fingertips against his jawline. “A pirate captain asking for permission?”
“Don’t tell anyone.” He whispers, a knowing, familiar glimmer flashing through his eyes.  “And how did you know that I’m a captain?” He's so close to laughter but he somehow manages to pull himself together and steel hie expression.
You shrug, fingers dropping down his chest and beginning to work to untuck his shirt from his black trousers, allowing you to ghost your fingers over the sensitive flesh of his stomach. 
“Just a feeling.” You can’t help the smile that tugs on your lips, fighting it the best you can. 
Jacob grins, leaning his head forward and softly bumping it with yours, nuzzling into you softly – the action, you can’t help but think, so similar to a cat brushing up against its owner. 
“So can I?” He asks into the skin of your neck, the words rumbling deep in his chest. 
A single nod from you is all it takes for him to be on you – those plush lips that you’ve been admiring all night finally crashing into yours. His tongue slips through, exploring your mouth as he moans at finally getting to taste you. It’s ravenous, the way you two devour each other, hands wandering anywhere they can to feel each other at last. When your lungs finally begin to burn with your need for air you pull away, resting your forehead against his. 
“God, I missed you.”
Jacob smiles softly, relieved that the act has finally dropped and he can speak his mind at last. 
“I have missed you every second that I have been away. Every night spent in an empty bed a reminder of how much I wished I was here instead.” 
His lips drop to the column of your throat, nipping and biting as you toss your head back and tangle your fingers in his hair. 
This is a game you play often when he returns from one of his long voyages – playing as if the two of you don’t know each other. The banter, the restraint, the teasing… It's all part of the game. It’s yours and his favorite game to play. But the need outweighs it all now – the need to feel him against you once again. To feel all of him after these long months of his absence. Months of worrying for him as you know well the dangers of his profession. Some days, you can barely stand the fear that he could meet his death out there on the seas and you would never know what happened. 
But you push that thought away, focusing instead on the fact that he is here, solid and real before you and eyeing you like he might devour you on the spot. 
Hooking your fingers around his wrist, you tug him to your bedroom, swiping a candle and lighting it from the hearth on your way. You place it on the bedside, spinning around to Jacob where he stands unbuttoning his shirt. The fabric pools at his feet on the floor and you grip your own blouse in your fingers in order to tug it off. 
“Wait.” You freeze, eyes finding him in the deep light. His lips are swollen and slick as he approaches you, his hands replacing yours where they grip the fabric. “Let me.”
You nod, hands falling limply at your sides. 
Slowly, methodically, he pulls your blouse over your head and tosses it to the floor. Then nimble fingers reach behind you, loosening the ribbon that had been tying back your hair. Then he’s sliding your skirts down your thighs, his eyes roaming every inch of skin as he slowly reveals it for himself. When at last you’re left in nothing but your undergarments, he slowly removes them as well. Bare before him at last, he drops to his knees in front of you. 
“Beautiful.” He whispers, his hands wrapping around your ankles. The cold of his rings makes you gasp a little, wetness flooding between your thighs. Dragging his palms up the length of your legs, he sweeps his eyes up to you. “I missed you, treasure.” 
You close your eyes, just enjoying the feeling of his rough hands sweeping up to cup your behind, squeezing the muscle and groaning softly to himself. 
His hands fall away and you blink open your eyes at him, taking in the breathtaking view of him on his knees before you. A pirate bows to no one… A captain especially. But Jacob always bows to you. He revels in it. Aches for it. Just as much as you ache for him – maybe even more. 
“C’mere.” He murmurs, hands sliding down to grip behind your thighs even tighter to pull you closer. 
He leaves hot, wet kisses along your inner thighs as your core begins to pulse and throb with your need. You can still remember that first time he pleasured you like this – with his hot mouth licking through your folds like a man starved. You’d been stunned at the time, having never even considered that such a thing was possible, as you’d only ever known of sex to be for the purpose of child-bearing. But he had shown you that it could be about pleasure. That sex could be an act of love, unselfish and undemanding as he’d brought you to your orgasm over and over again on his tongue until you physically couldn’t anymore. He’d admitted to you that night that he would happily die between your thighs, content to feast on you and you alone for the rest of his days. 
And now, as he hooks your leg over his shoulder and finally, finally, laps against your swollen bundle of nerves, you really do believe him. You cry out sharply, head tossing back and Jacob moaning in answer. His fingers dig in harshly to your skin as he pools all his focus on you and your pleasure, alternating between circling the tip of his tongue around your bud and slipping his tongue into your entrance. He moves slowly – unhurried, as if wanting this moment to stretch out forever. Perhaps he does. 
“Jacob.” You whine, fingers gripping his shoulders as your legs threaten to give out beneath you thanks to his hard work. 
He groans in answer, head beginning to thrash from side to side as he works you closer and closer. The heat inside you builds, overtaking every nerve ending and making you feel as if liquid fire runs through your veins. Hazily, drunk off the pleasure, you try and focus your eyes on him, on the sight of him losing himself in you. But your attention is snagged instead by the movement of his hand dropping from its place on your thigh and coming to palm himself through his trousers. He moans again, tongue working faster, as he begins to rub himself through the fabric – as if he can’t wait a moment longer for some bit of relief. 
And it's that thought – the thought that bringing you pleasure makes him ache with his own desire, that brings you to your release. The wave inside you crests before finally breaking, washing you in pleasure as your body begins to convulse and shake. Your grip on Jacob’s shoulders tighten and the hand still on your thigh slides up to your hip to steady you as you fight to stay on your feet under the onslaught of the intense pleasure. 
It feels like it goes on forever before Jacob finally pulls away, chin and lips glistening with your release. He licks his lips, wipes his chin with the back of his hand, and then licks that up too. 
“You taste even better than I remember.” His voice is gruff, wrecked with lust. He rises, hands finding your cheeks and caressing them softly. 
You are struck once again with the true paradox that Jacob is. A pirate – rough and sea-weathered, who holds you with such gentle reverence. 
“I need you inside me.” You whisper, breaths still uneven. “Now.”
“So demanding, treasure.” He smirks at you, dirty and full of wicked promises. “On the bed.”
On shaky legs, you climb onto the mattress. You settle onto your knees, arms extended out and palms on the bed. You arch, presenting yourself for him. Behind you, you hear a hiss and the sound of fabric rustling as he takes off his trousers. The bed dips and then he’s hovering above you, the cold of his medallions touching your heated skin making you jump a little bit. He laughs, low in his chest, and swipes a hand down your spine. His fingertips are so rough but the touch is gentle, just barely there, as he makes his way down to your hips. 
“I dream of this.” He murmurs, his other hand fisting his hard length and pumping himself a few times. “Of seeing you like this, of the way you feel. Of the little noises you make that slowly grow into screams and cries when you’re close.” A stuttered moan. “I dream of getting to fuck you again.” 
You squirm and whine, slick dripping down your thighs in anticipation as he speaks such dirty words. 
“Jacob, please. I want to feel you.”
He chuckles, running the velvety tip of his cock through your folds. 
“Ask nicely, my love.” 
“Captain,” You whine, not all embarrassed of how desperate you sound. “Please. Please fuck me.”
“Shit.” He hisses. “I love hearing such filthy words from such a pretty mouth.”
Finally, he spears himself into you. Your eyes water at the familiar stretch of him, at the feeling of him sliding against your walls, at the way his tip buries itself so deeply inside of you. Moans punch out of both of you and Jacob’s palms settle heavily upon your hips, rings clinking together.
He draws back, until he’s just barely inside of you, and then slams back into you again. You arch, jaw dropping open as he sets a brutal pace. His hips slap against your backside coupled with the sound of your wetness and the sounds of yours and his moans create a beautiful symphony of sin – one that never fails to set your entire body ablaze with lust. He pulls your hips back to meet him with each thrust, groaning each time that your walls clench helplessly around him. 
“Fuckin’ Christ.” He bites out, gritting his teeth. “That’s it. So good for me. Tell me how it feels, treasure.”
All you can do is moan louder, babbling nonsense that’s a mix of his name and ‘oh god’s. You can’t get your brain to focus on anything other than the pleasure, of the way he hits that special spot inside of you that makes you see stars. It’s too much, it’s not enough. You can feel him everywhere – every sense completely overtaken by him. 
A sharp crack to your behind makes you gasp and whimper, the sting of his rings a delicious and welcomed sensation.
"Tell me." He demands, driving into you even harder.
It takes every bit of focus you have left to form the words. You have no control over them, the pleasure and lust fogging your brain speaking for you.
"So good, my love. So. Fucking. Good." He growls, eyes fixed on where he's slipping in and out of you. "You feel perfect, Jacob. Don't stop. Please."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
Just as the burn of pleasure becomes almost unbearable, as the tears begin to fall in earnest down your cheeks, Jacob stops. You whine in protest but he shushes you. 
“On your back, my love. I want to see your face when you fall apart on my cock.”
You do as he says and as you settle and look up, you finally get to see him in all his glory above you. His chest and cheeks are flushed red, a sheen of sweat over his entire body that glistens in the candle light. His hair, sweaty and stuck to his face and neck, and the tremble to his shoulders. And his cock – red and leaking, where it rests against his belly. 
He guides himself into you again, driving his hips into you and once again setting a bruising pace. He presses his arms into the mattress on either side of your head, his necklaces brushing against your breasts. He attaches his mouth to your nipple, biting the flesh and making you arch your back at the sting. 
Your legs begin to tremble, toes curling and fingernails raking down his back . 
“Jacob- fuck, I’m-”
“I know. I know. Me too.” 
He brings a hand up to your mouth, fingers slipping past your lips. You swirl your tongue around the digits and he whines before pulling his fingers from your mouth and dropping it between the heated spaces between your bodies. His finger makes contact with your clit, rubbing harsh circles in time with his thrusts that grow more frantic and feverish by the second. 
“Cum for me, my love. Please.”
It’s the ‘please’ that ends it. The band in your belly snaps and your vision goes white. Your whole body shakes, thighs clamping down on his sides as you scream his name. Just a moment later he frantically pulls himself out of you, stroking himself only twice more before he’s painting his hand and your belly in white. He cries out, guttural and sounding almost in pain as he strokes himself through his orgasm. 
When the haze of lust finally begins to dissipate, Jacob rises, finding his discarded shirt on the floor to delicately wipe you clean. When he’s finished, he tosses it back to the floor and presses a kiss to your lips. It’s soft – no haste behind it as all the others had been. 
“I’m glad you’re home.” You murmur. 
His hands settle themselves on your cheeks again – an action, you’re starting to realize, is his favorite. 
“Me too.”
“You were gone for a long time. Longer than usual.” 
He frowns, noting the sadness in your eyes. 
“I know. We ran into some trouble with a French frigate. We had to stop for repairs before coming here.”
Silences lapses, and you shift to climb under the blankets. Jacob does the same, immediately pulling your back against him and nuzzling into your hair. 
Your mind wanders, back to the days when you first met him. When you really did think he was just like all the rest of the cruel, bloodthirsty pirates out there. But he proved himself better. Proved himself to be one of the most loving men you'd ever met, always returning to you no matter how far he went, no matter how much wealth and spoils he finds. Always back to you. But you worry now, laying here, that perhaps one day he won't return. Maybe the wealth of his piratical career will be enough for him and he'll slowly stop coming back.
As if somehow sensing your spiralling thoughts, Jacob pulls you tighter against him, his arm looping over your waist and remaining there.
“Y/n.” A kiss to your neck, then another. “I will always come home to you. You’re the only treasure I care about. Gold, silver, indigo, silk, sugar," his voice is a comforting rumble that threatens to soothe you to sleep, "none of it could ever compare. And one day, when I've got enough of it that you will never have to work another day in that awful tavern... Never have to worry about food on the table, I promise to never leave you again."
You believe him.
:¨·.·¨:☾☆༺ 𓆩⚔︎𓆪 ༻☆☽:¨·.·¨:
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stardustsecret · 26 days
Is it just me or does Jake look so refreshed and alive this leg??
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stardustsecret · 1 month
okay but him making sure she sees his eye contact?????? oh you’re kiddingggg
😭😭😭 this is kali!!!! the little girl jake gifted the sg to!!!!!!!! (x)
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stardustsecret · 2 months
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stardustsecret · 2 months
the love i have for dad!jake is unmatched
i’m back to be a menace about dad!jake once again 🤍
I love you. Don't ever stop sending me these 🤍
But imagine with me, shall we? Something similar to this video.
Jake makes breakfast for him and Lily (using my own oc's here). He makes her favorite Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes and mixes together strawberry milk. He wakes her up with a gentle kiss to her forehead, brings her down for breakfast.
After breakfast, he gets her in the bath and all the while she babbles on about how excited she is to have a daddy-daughter day with him and also all of her uncles.
He'll brush her hair out and pull it back into a braid so she can look just like Daddy when he has his hair braided. He'll let her pick out her outfit, which consists of pink leggings, her unicorn shirt, and a pink tutu to match.
She's in tutu phase.
Then he'll help her put her shoes before strapping into her car seat.
She hangs off of his shoulders on his back while he plays a riff that flows with Sam's bass. She'll try to sing the high notes like Uncle Joshy but it really only sounds like she's screaming. But, "Hey, she's trying." Uncle Joshy will say.
Rose, Uncle Sammy's dog, will then come into the living room and even though she's met her a million times, her size still freaks out Lily who clings to Jake and hides behind him, asking him to "keep the big doggie away." "She's very loving," He's gently speak as he pets Rose behind her ear. "She won't hurt you, she loves you."
They'll all eventually retreat out to the backyard of Uncle Sammy's house, toss around a frisbee with Rose. Kick around a soccer ball that Lily can't quite kick up with so Jake shortens his strides and kicks it soft enough that she can keep up. He'll stand in front of the goal, pretending to be goalie but lets her kick the ball into the net before cheering, "Lilian Kiszka with her first goal of the season!" All four of them will hoop and holler, making her laugh loudly and bury her face into Jake's shirt.
Soon the time comes where it's time to head home. It's oddly quiet in the back of the car as Jake drives. Usually Lily will be back excitedly talking a mile a minute about her day, recounting all of the events and making mental notes on what to do the next tome they have a daddy-daughter day. So when he looks in the rearview mirror when coming to a red light, he finds her knocked out in her carseat. He'll smile and chuckle with a little shake of his head.
And when they get home, he'll carry her inside and up to her room for a short nap before dinner. She'll flutter her eyes open as he flicks off her bedside lamp and call out to him. She'll say she had a fun day with him and wants to do it again.
He'll smile and kiss her cheek before insisting that she can get some rest before dinner, only for her to beg to lay with her until she falls asleep. He can't say no when she pouts and bats her eyes. "Alright," He sighs before carefully laying down beside her. He'll hum a little tune, a made up melody he came up with which soon turned into her song, Lily's Song.
Soon he'll find himself giving in to sleep and falling into a slumber with Lily cuddled up against him still with her tutu on.
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stardustsecret · 3 months
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nothing to see here
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stardustsecret · 3 months
Jake Taking off his jacket and singing "Rhinstone Cowboy" + Josh being a comedian
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stardustsecret · 3 months
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Sugar II (part 8)
Jake Kizska x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: adult content, language, brief illusions to sex, angst, jealousy, etc.
Only two chapters to go and an epilogue, everyone. I’m so grateful that you have taken this little journey with me. Thank you so much for all your kind words, support, and care. You’re all so wonderful ❤️
“Oh my god, Jake,” your eyes are darting around the room like a mouse with a rabid alley cat slinking, famished and cruel, into its path.
Your unease trumps his delighted gloating instantly, “What do you want me to do, sugar? Tell me and I’ll do it.”
When you steal a glance at the window, longing to climb out and disappear, he hops on the train of your thought process right away, “You want me to duck out?”
You know Jake through and through, and staring into his eyes as your heart drums paranoid vibrations into your rib cage, you’re stunned to watch him offer to give up this chance to square off with whom he has come to see as his most bitter rival. That he would do that for you? That all you would have to do is ask and he would crawl out and wander off into the golden afternoon sunshine like an afterthought…
You really do own his whole heart, you realize at the most inopportune of moments. Your grip on his soul is just as tight as his fingers have always clawed down inside yours…fierce and beautiful in their unrelenting grip.
But haven’t you always known? Hasn’t it always been written across his skin? Etched in his gaze? Sculpted into the bow of his lips when he whispers your name? Evident in his touch?
“No,” you shake your head, willing the mess inside of it to go away, rejecting the thought of him leaving. You want him near, you need him near. To let him go right now, even for a second, seems an agonizing punishment that you cannot bear to suffer. No matter the consequences.
“Stay. But please…” you rush over to him, helping him to his feet while stealing glances at the doorway, “Please just behave and follow my lead, okay? Please?”
”Normally, I like it when you use your manners,” he sighs, smoothing out his clothes, as well as a lock of your hair that has fluttered out of place, “But that’s too many pleases and you look petrified. Why?” His voice is suddenly intense yet careful, as is his grip on your arm, “Does he hurt you?”
They idea is entirely laughable, but there’s no time for that, so you brush him off with a swipe of your hand and a flippant, “Don’t be stupid, Jake.”
Without allowing yourself to think it through, you begin ushering him down the hall towards the front room, but what will you find there? Doom or salvation?
How will these pieces fall together? Something solid and heavy in your heart tells you Jake will do as you have asked and play nice, but another facet buried even deeper inside is rocked with anxiety and screaming that it’s only wishful thinking to believe such a fairytale.
”Hey hon,” jovially rings out as he steps in through the garage, “I saw your car! We’re both home early? Looks like the universe knew how much I missed you!”
Jake turns to catch your eye as you shove him along, but you refuse to meet his gaze. You're unsure of what you’ll find there and this isn’t the time for uncertainties.
Would you find sadness threatening to roll hot tears down his cheeks? Anger threatening to boil over in his fiery chocolate irises? Accusation and resentment for what you’re about to subject him to?
Oh god, you can’t do this! Suddenly, and absurdly, you wish you could fade into the gentle, lush, green paint that you had once rolled upon the hallway walls, paying meticulous attention to detail. Build this home, had been the plan…bury him away under paint and sanded cabinets. Art perched on the walls and throw pillows piled on the bed.
You’d love to disappear and leave them perplexed and confused, wondering what became of you. To vanish into nothing like a dust mote blown away upon the lightest, softest breeze.
You’re a coward.
While your thoughts are busy with that, Jake’s are grappling with each other. Tangled up and struggling. He’d very much like to stomp into the front room and shut this man up. With his booming voice calling out how much he’s missed you like he has some claim over you. Like you’re his. Like he doesn’t understand that you could never really be anyone’s because you’re much too good for this whole goddamn world. That you’re precious, like the rarest of stones and anyone who is lucky enough to hold you in their palm should fall on their knees in thanks.
He sounds so fucking common. Does he think you’re common as well? Jake can’t stomach the thought.
So, yes, he’d like to stroll into the room, casual as you please, and announce that he is taking you away from this ridiculous illusion where you play house and pretend to be satisfied. He longs to tell him how he’s made love to you, how he’s fucked you. How you’ve begged for him and swore no one could ever be him. Jake wants to tell him that the ring he put on your finger has been in his mouth, that he spat it out and you didn’t even care. That you hardly even noticed. Jake would almost kill to watch Mr. Wonderful’s face crumple in defeat and loss…
But he loves you far too much, and to say all those things would hurt you, too.
Scar your heart he will not.
He’s shrugging off his suit blazer when you both appear. It’s a mundane action, one that repeats itself nearly every evening, but you stand still and shellshocked, unable to jolt yourself into some semblance of normalcy until Jake subtly nudges you with a ginger elbow.
“Hi,” you begin, a touch too loudly, “Yeah, you’re early! I actually didn’t end up going to work today. Old friend in town. We went to the movies. And then we came here. He wanted to see the house. I…I told him about it. I was just giving him the tour.”
You sound robotic and ridiculous, but he doesn’t appear to notice. Rather, he looks delighted when his eyes land on Jake and recognition settles in.
”Ah, I know you!” He laughs, marching forward with an outstretched hand. “The almost brother in law. Good to finally meet you.”
His grasp on Jake’s hand is strong and sure as he pumps it up and down. The genuine gladness in his gesture makes you want to tear your own hair out in penance.
Or is it the ‘almost brother in law’ moniker that has made you nauseous?
Yes, that’s what you boiled Jacob down to. You had held nothing back about your relationship with Josh…but Jake? You just couldn’t. To speak of him, to share him that way…it had seemed incomprehensible. And how could you ever put it into words, anyway? How could anyone ever understand what he was to you? What he is to you? No, it had seemed best to keep him locked away, silent and safe in your memories. Tucked away in your heart. The boy in the bubble.
Jake’s face is unreadable as he sizes up this opponent before him. This rival who has just unknowingly stepped into the ring. This blissfully unaware adversary. He is a doe who has wandered idly into the path of a dangerously ravenous mountain lion, and he doesn’t even know it. Ignorance really does seem like bliss in this moment, and you long for it.
“Yes, the almost brother in law,” his tone is slightly clipped, but no one, aside from you - and perhaps his brothers - would ever notice. “That’s me. And you are?”
Here we go. He’s going to love this.
They drop hands and a friendly clap lands on Jake’s shoulder. “I’m Jake, too. What are the odds?”
A sharp, satisfied laugh bursts out of Jake, head tipped back, adam’s apple bobbing gleefully, and you long to tell the smug bastard to just shut the hell up, but it’s over quickly enough.
”Yes,” he sighs, with a shake of his head that ends in his eyes blazing holes into your soul, “What are the odds?”
”’Course this one over here calls me by my middle name, James. Says it fits me. No one else does, though, so choice is yours. Man, it’s so great to finally meet you.” He’s prattling on now, never having met a stranger, “You know we’ve got all your work over there in the case. You’re a hell of a guitar player. I tried to learn in high school, mostly to impress girls…never could get it. Anyway…”
Jake is eyeing him like he doesn’t know what to make of this man standing there, cordial and warm, tossing out compliments and bids for conversation.
His eyes are traveling over this unfamiliar being, now so tangible and real, who has had his hands all over you. Who has had his mouth pressed to your precious body, who has whispered against your skin, who has made love to you in the still of the night, and held you, and rested beside you, breathing in tandem. Who has gotten down on one knee and asked you to be his wife.
And you said yes...you said yes.
He wants to hurt him. Both physically and emotionally. He wants to level him. To crush him into nothing. And though this Jake, James, or whatever his name is, isn’t to blame, he wants it all the same. He wishes he could lure him into his palm like a revolting insect and squeeze until he was no more than something vile to be wiped away with a Kleenex.
Instead, he tilts his head in the direction of the vinyls and shrugs off the accolades, “Fuckin’ Zeppelin cover band.”
James laughs uproariously and gestures into the room welcomingly, “Why are we all standing around like this? Have a seat…please. Make yourself at home. Can I get you something to drink? Water? A beer? Whiskey? I know it’s early, but special occasions call for special circumstances, I always say.”
Eyes on you, he shrugs out a response that would be lost on anybody but you, “I’ll have what you’re having.”
Once you’re alone for a moment, he shakes his head with a gorgeous, if not self-satisfied, smirk sparking to life upon his face. “His name is Jake? Oh, sugar…” he’s laughing softly now, and sinking down into the cushions of the couch, “creature of habit, aren’t you, pretty girl?”
”Shut up!” You hiss, eyes flickering towards the kitchen doorway, “Coincidence. That’s all. Don’t be so fucking full of yourself. Now, please just be nice.”
He quiets down, drawing the back of his forefinger beneath his eye dramatically as if he has laughed himself to tears, “I’m being very nice and you know it. Don’t push it.”
You sit, as far away from him as the couch will allow, but instantly he’s leaned in close. “What do you think he would do if I got down on my knees right here and buried my face in that gorgeous little cunt of yours? Showed him how it’s really done.”
”Jacob!” You barely make a sound as you admonish him with a clipped shove to settle him.
He slinks back into his seat with another laughing shake of his head, “This is perfect.”
”I hate you.” You lie.
”Sure you do, sugar,” he winks, crossing his legs to get comfy, “Sure you do. Almost brother in law, huh? Is that what I’ve been reduced to?”
He’s still chuckling quietly to himself while a strange mix of panic and tears begins to churn around inside of you like a slow moving summer storm. He’s gearing up, you can feel it, and the thought of it all is too much, your metaphorical knees are beginning to shake. This could end so, so badly.
“Later, Jake…” you’re beseeching without shame, pleading with your watery gaze. “We’ll talk about it later. Please just stop.”
His palm cradles your cheek so softly you wonder if anyone has ever touched someone as gently as he touches you, “Settle down, baby. I won’t make trouble for you.”
How laughable that he can’t seem to recognize that you’ve brought this trouble on all by yourself. No help needed.
He has moved to create a respectable distance between the two of you by the time James is sweeping back into the room bearing a tray flush with drinks and snacks.
”Here, sweetie,” he drops a kiss upon the top of your head, presenting a glass. “Made you a mimosa…I know you like to keep it light through the week.”
You somehow manage a thank you and sip at the sweet, bubbly mix, praying it calms your frayed nerves.
”For us,” he extends the tray and you watch as Jake plucks a low ball glass from it, “bourbon. Unless you’d rather browse the bar. Plenty to choose from.”
”Bourbon is fantastic,” Jake nips at his glass. “Thank you.”
There is a palpable disdain hovering around Jake like a murky aura, but there is heartbreak there too. Aching and black. Heavy and weighing down the light that normally follows him around like a strange shadow…and you’d give anything to take it away.
For just a breath, you intend to do just that. To rise to your feet and stomp all over James’ open, trusting heart. To tell him the truth. To tell him you’re leaving. You nearly take Jake by the hand and drag him towards the door and leave everything else behind without explanation…simply to end his suffering.
Your lips nearly part to say the words when you’re cut off.
“Oh. I almost forgot,” James leans forward in his chair and grabs for your hand, absently running his thumb against your own, “Erin called. She said you guys had a great time the other day, said you’d planned something for this weekend? Wedding planning?”
Erin. His sister. You’ve grown close but it wouldn’t hurt to leave her behind. It wouldn’t even sting…not for Jake.
You squeeze his hand with a tiny smile and fight rolling nausea at the mere mention of the wedding in Jake’s presence. From the corner of your eye, you watch him tense, but he recovers quickly and drains his glass to the dredges in one pull.
”Well,” suddenly, he’s on his feet. “I’ve taken enough of your time today. It was good to see you.” His eyes are unreadable and shift quickly away from your own. “James, good to meet you and thank you for the hospitality.”
”Don’t run off on my account,” James is on his feet now as well, “We’d love to have you stay for dinner. I make a mean chicken Kiev, and…”
”No,” Jake interrupts, gaze jumping towards the door as if he can’t get away fast enough. “I’ve got a flight to catch in just a few hours, need to head back…you know how it goes.”
He sounds ineloquent and so unlike himself… and you can feel it - his heartbreak - in your bones as though you’ve crawled inside his body and curled up beside it like a clinging lover.
“Jake,” you can’t seem to move from your seat, your body uncooperative and rebellious, “Your car is still at the theater, let me drive you…”
”Drive me?” He is staring at you, white hot and desperate…the mask is finally slipping. He has played pretend all he can for the day. “And then what?”
”And then…” again, you are a coward. A fucking coward. “I don’t know. What do you mean, and then?”
The room is silent for a beat - with words unspoken crashing into the space between yourself and Jake, and James struggling to understand this strange exchange.
With the slightest nod of his head, Jacob silently encourages you. Urges you. Come with me, sugar…it seems to say, come home.
But still you sit, frozen and paralyzed. A horrified doe staring down the hunter’s muzzle.
Another nod, clipped and more obvious this time, responds to your inaction. “I’ll walk. Again, thank you for having me.”
The door closes behind him in a blink, and he is gone. For a moment, you wonder if you’ve imagined him completely…
Looking down at your shaking hands in your lap, you realize you never even made it to your feet. You sat, unmoving, and watched him go.
Hours later, you’re standing outside an unfamiliar door, anxiously clutching at the straps of the bag tossed over your shoulder.
And when that unfamiliar door swings open, your heart unclenches, for there he stands. Showered, smelling of soap and warmth, hair curled into dampened, loose ringlets, beat to hell jeans riding low on his hips.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” he smirks, leaning against the doorframe. “If it isn’t Mrs. Wonderful…”
“Hi,” it comes out meek and small, but flush full of the comfort that is being near him.
”How’d you find me?” His arms cross loosely, with a faded smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.
”Were you hiding?” Why hasn’t he turned to lead you in?
”From you, pretty girl?” He scoffs as if the very idea is preposterous. “Never.”
Yet, on he stands as though barring your entrance…as though he intends to send you on your way any moment.
”I called Josh,” you offer, wringing at your bag’s handles idly, simply for something to do with your hands. “He told me where you were staying.” Your gaze skitters over the house. “It’s nice. Cozy.”
He nods, “Airbnb. You mentioned something about us always being in hotels, before. I thought, if there was a chance I’d be hosting you, you might like something a little more…domestic. Though, I see now that you have plenty of that going for you already, right? Domesticity?”
“Do I deserve that?”
His shoulders hunch inwardly slightly, he knows you’re right, and he knows he’s being a bit of an asshole as well. “No, I suppose you don’t.”
”Are you going to invite me in? I feel a little stupid standing out here.” Vulnerability seems of such insignificance when it is Jacob in question. He knows your bare soul so well anyway.
Still, he allows you to dangle on his string, twisting languidly in the soft, evening breeze. “Why’d you call Josh to find me? Why not just call me? Missing my better half now that you’ve had a bit of fun with me?”
Now there’s a slight irritation traipsing along your nerves, and damned if you’re going to mask it. “Alright, either let me in or tell me to go to hell. I’m not going to beg for your good graces.”
”Are you coming in to stay? Or are you here to say goodbye? Because my heart has had enough for one day.”
”Oh, fuck off, Jacob.” You huff, pushing past him into the house. You slump your bag off your shoulder and onto the floor and then turn on him. “Sorry to have interrupted your pity party, but what did you think was going to happen today? Did you think it was going to be spectacular and wonderful to walk around in the life that I live with someone else? You practically fucked me in the bedroom I share with him. You lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree when you realized he was home. You wanted this, and you know what I think your problem is? I think you liked him.”
”Fuck you!” He slams the door closed and looks you over like you’ve lost your mind entirely. “You think I liked him? I couldn’t give a fuck less about him. He made my skin crawl. Do you know what it was like for me to watch him touch you? The way he looked at you…”
He falls silent and suddenly refuses to meet your eyes, and your heart breaks right alongside his.
Tentatively, you reach out and rest your palm against his cheek, “The way he looked at me doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It never really has.”
His hand floats up to meet yours, “He looked at you with so much love. Like he would give you the entire world. It made me feel not good enough. It made me feel like I should leave and let it be. Like I was wrong for showing up and rattling your whole life around.”
You’re backing him up against the door now, his gorgeous, stricken face held fast in your sure and gentle hands. “Not good enough? You? Oh, Jakey…” you pet at his face worshipfully, “We have a garden, remember? And you help me harvest, and I know you feed me those tiny tomatoes I like. You know? The little yellow ones? And they’re all gone before we even get inside.”
He’s nodding along as you pepper kisses upon his cheeks and forehead.
“And we have a porch swing, and a piano, and beautiful babies, and a cat…and you sing to us, and love us hard every single minute of every single day. And you make us so, so happy. And I wake up every morning with a smile on my face because I packed this stupid bag,” your foot darts out and kicks it, “and shoved my way inside when you refused to invite me in.”
”Don't say things you don’t mean, sugar…” his hands are in your hair now, guiding your mouth to his own so that he can lick inside it. He needs to taste you - needs to feel the silken velvet of your tongue, “I can’t take it, baby.”
You’re breathing each other's breath, lips like feathers dancing together soft and sweet, holding on to one another as if you might both just vanish into nothing in an instant, “I mean it, Jake…” you promise, “I mean it. You are everything,”
You can almost hear the pounding of his heart as the heat of his need begins to radiate and warm you, “Because I can’t stand the thought of leaving, of thinking you’ll follow, only for you to change your mind. It would kill me, sugar. So, please don’t say these things to me if you—“
You silence him with a deep, feverish kiss and then break away, forehead to forehead, “I’m not following later. I’m coming with you. This is where I am now…with you.”
Tears well in his eyes and spill over, hot and saline, as you lick and kiss them away. “I love you, pretty girl…” it chokes out of him, rasping as he swallows thickly, “I love you so fucking much. I’ve imagined this moment in so many different ways, but it was never as perfect as this. Tell me you know how much I love you.”
”I know, and I—“ it is he who interrupts with a desperate kiss this time.
And you know that later he will ask, and when he asks you will tell him what was said back at that house that broke his heart in two - how you ended things with the one who really never mattered at all…
…but for now all that matters is the taste of him on your lips. His air-drying hair looped through your searching fingers. Your hearts and lungs syncing, with his tears like brackish diamonds in your stomach because you have finally swallowed his sorrow and unburdened him from it.
He seems lighter in your arms already…closer now to the sun than he had ever been to the moon before.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake @gretavangroupie @hugorobinson @jaketlove @josh-iamyour-mama
225 notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
What the FUCK !!!! 🥲
The way I’d immediately be naked if he looked at me like that!!! 😫💦
245 notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
i constantly think ab how josh is the gold jewelry twin and jake is the silver jewelry twin
they’re never beating the sun & moon allegations
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343 notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
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Part XII
word count 7715
warnings minor dni, sir kink, praise kink, daddy kink? Unprotected sex, penetrative sex, implications of violence, sub/dom situations, drinking, alcohol
This chapter is dedicated to @jakesmustache for reasons
“Look, I know it’s probably not the best timing, but unfortunately our department is downsizing. You were the last one to be hired, and we really appreciated all you’ve done. You’re a hard worker.”
”but you‘re letting me go?” Of all the luck in the world, this shit had to be yours. No more than a week after Jake had stumbled into Semillante, drunk and questioning your entire existence in his club, you were being fired from your primary source of income. 
“You know if I could keep you on, I would. My hands are, unfortunately, tied on this matter,” Jack sighed. You really did feel bad for him, he seemed genuinely apologetic to have to let you go. 
“No, it’s fine. I understand.” And you did, which didn’t make it much easier though. You understood why you were being let go, and you knew that there was no real need to panic over finances. Sam would willingly give you as many shifts at the club as you wanted, or needed. The question was, did you want them? You weren’t even sure you wanted to return to the damn place, the vision of Jake standing before you ever present in your minds eye. Each time you closed your eyes, attempting to slip into a state of unconsciousness to escape the harsh truths of your reality, he was there. Taunting you, tormenting you, tempting you. There was little to no semblance of sense when it came to the brunette, because even in the feelings of deep betrayal that you had experienced from his discretions, the world seemed to tilt on its axis to send you tumbling toward him. The echo of his words that night at the new location played about in your mind, ever present as you tried and failed to push them away. I love you. I love you, i love you, i love you. 
But did he? 
You doubted it, not with the way he had shown himself to you. Not in the way he had disappeared day in and day out with Tiffany only to show up so completely fucked up and fucked out of his mind that you needn’t even question if he’d slept with her. The evidence was written all over his skin.  His guilt screaming through the void to you, Hey! Look at me! I’m here and you can’t deny it! Yet you wanted to. Fuck. Every molecule in your body ached to deny it. 
Thanking Jack, you gathered your things from your small office and turned in your badge and office keys before heading home. Passing the club on the way, you spontaneously whipping your vehicle into the parking lot and parked, intent on finding Sam and ensuring that you’d be able to pick up more shifts. 
”I know I told you I didn’t want to work more, I also know I may have threatened to quit when you texted me after I left the night Jake showed up…”
“If you’re asking me to work you more, I would love to Bambi,” Sam chuckled, pushing a chair back into its original position before moving on to another area to tidy up before opening time came. ”You get canned or something? Told you that smart mouth of yours would get you into trouble.”
”Yes, and no. The company is over budget or something, and I was the last one hired so i was the first to be let go. I just need something while I find another day to day job.” 
“Why not just work here? I know what you make, whatever you’re squirreling that money away for can’t be that expensive. Add another shift per week and you’ll be covering your bills in three shifts.”
”How do you even know what my bills are?” You raised an eyebrow to his back as you followed him across the club and down the hall to the poker room. 
“Because I know that you have a mortgage, not rent. And I can deduce from that based on my own bills, even if you have a high car note, you’re not struggling. You’re just paranoid to let your safety net get a little light.”
 “Fuck you Sammy,” you both giggled in unison, knowing he was correct. “So…four days a week?”
”Thats two extra shifts Bambi, are you sure you want to be here that often?”
”Five days a week. Question me again and I’ll be here every day bothering you.” 
“Okay okay,” Sam held his hands up as you grabbed the towel from his hand and quickly wiped over the wooden accents of the main poker table. 
“So. He’s in his office if you’re wanting to talk to him today.” Where the hell had that come from? You looked across the table at Sam, shaking your head no. You knew he had likely already noticed movement, or your presence, on his cameras while doing paper work or whatever. Probably already listening to your conversation as it were. 
“I’m meeting Josh for dinner actually, so I should probably go soon.” 
“Okay but…look are…I know he fucked up but.” 
“There’s no but Sam,” you crossed your arms over your chest as you stared pointedly at him. “I know he’s your brother and you want to defend him, but he told me he loved me Sam. And then ghosted me to hang out with some bitch who devastated him years ago. And then slept with her. Who knows how many times.” 
“How do you know he slept with her?” Sam swept his hair back behind his ears before pulling the length into a messy low bun at the back of his head. 
“Sorry, are you blind or do you think I am? He had like five hickeys on his neck. Unless he fell into a shop-vac, it’s pretty obvious what happened.” 
Sam sighed heavily, considering the notion that his brother had fucked up so deeply before giving a nod. “Yeah, okay you’re right. So, you’re having dinner with Josh? Or just with Josh?” 
“If you’re asking if it’s a date, no. We are friends. You know that.” You studied Sam as he studied you for a moment before giving a final nod. 
“See you Saturday night then?”
“Sam. That would only be two shifts this week.” 
“Okay see you tomorrow night then?” 
“Perfect,” you gave him a smile and bounced out of the room and headed toward the exit. 
 “Have you spoken to my less attractive twin recently?” Josh took the final sip of his wine, holding it in his mouth briefly before swallowing. A thoughtful look about him as he studied the bottle sitting on the table between the two of you. “This wine would go well with a carbonara dish I think.” 
“You’ll have to get that next time,” you agreed, not putting my thought into the sentiment. You watched him refill his glass and then yours before you decided to answer his previous question. “And no, I have not spoken to Jacob recently. Nor do I plan to.”
“Working for him Bambi, you’ll end up having to.” You rolled your eyes at Josh as he frowned at you. “I understand you’re hurt, and I will be the first to say he fucked up. He doesn’t deserve another chance. But I also know how bad he got when she left. And how much courage it took for him to tell you he loved you.” Josh raised his glass to his lips and drank as he held up a finger to you, signifying that he wasn’t done with his thought. Finally, when he’d drank enough and placed his glass back on the table near his plate, he continued. “Don’t you think he deserves at least a conversation? If you felt the same way about him?”
“Are you questioning whether I love him or not?” You couldn’t believe this, not that Josh was wrong. Simply that you wanted him to be and the more he spoke about it, the less you wanted to fight back against having a conversation with Jake. 
“No, I’m simply saying you know how hard it was for him to be open with you. You seemed adamant to want him to be open like that, I guess I just wonder why you aren’t open to hearing him out.”
“Well gee Josh, maybe because he blatantly cheated on me after letting me in like that?” You huffed, picking your glass up and gulping back the contents of it before glaring at him. 
“Okay okay I’m not trying to upset you little deer, just trying to see where you stand in all of this.” 
“Just ask me what you’re trying to get at?” You gave Josh a shrug, watching as his expression softened. You hadn’t meant to be so hard on him, really he kind of was just in the cross fire of your emotions. You knew he was only trying to help. 
“Damn Bambi, want me to be that blunt about it? I’m trying to ask if I have a shot here or if you plan to try and work things out with him. I understand if you do want to, I’d support that for you. But it’s not a secret I’m interested.” And there it was. You knew he would be a good friend if that was what you wanted, but his motives were partially rooted in selfishness. 
“Look,” you sighed, pushing the remaining food in your plate around with your fork. “I just need some time to sort my head out, and I don’t know where I’ll land with all of that but I promise you’ll be the first to know. Okay?” 
“I guess that’s all a guy can ask for.” 
You both stared across the table at one another before both of you laughed lightly. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve been in a bad mood or talked about all of this too much Josh, it’s been a rough day.” 
“Nah I get it, so you work at the club tomorrow?” You nodded and took a final bite from your pasta dish, chewing as he continued. “Is it okay if I come in and…partake?”
Partake. You had to giggle. For someone so outwardly confident with what he brought to the table, Josh could get a little awkward sometimes. 
“Are you asking for a free lap dance Joshua?”
“I would never! You know how well I…tip.” He smirked. 
“I remember.” You rushed out, remembering the brief night the two of you had spent together. 
The night had gone as follows: you had arrived at Sémillante twenty minutes before your shift, tossing Sam a look as you bustled through the building back to the ladies room. He better not think of putting you in the poker room. After changing and messing with your hair and makeup, you’d made your way out to see him. Savannah had shown up shortly after, looking a little worse for wear. If you were honest, you were a bit concerned. As much as you disliked her, you didn’t want her to be sick or anything and she was certainly looking like maybe she could puke at any moment. Savannah had been scarce since that initial sighting, doing god knows what. Probably working the poker room. For Sam’s part, he had graciously told you to pick a pole and you’d bounded off to a corner of the room occupied by a few clients who regularly visited. Midway through your shift, you’d caught sight of Jake near the bar momentarily and you couldn’t help but track his movements around the room until he disappeared back toward his office. Of course he would avoid you, nothing new there. It wasn’t long after that Josh appeared and you weren’t sure if he had been back in Jake’s office with him, or if he’d just arrived but regardless there he was finding himself pulled to where you were. He watched you dance until the end of the song, at which point you went for water and Sam informed you what you already knew. Josh would occupy the rest of your shift. Now, four privates deep and Josh had begun taunting you. 
“You’re dancing like you’re trying to make him jealous Bambi.” He smirked from where he sat with you straddling his lap. 
“Sorry, you paid for the rest of my shift did you want me to do this poorly?” You teased back, rolling your head and flipping your hair. 
“No, just wondering if you’re dancing like this for me, or for his cameras.” The damn audacity of the Kiszka twins. You growled lowly as you winded your hips and rolled your body. 
“I’ll be dancing like this for no one if you keep running your mouth Joshua,” you bit out, a playful tone lacing your words though. He knew he was successfully riling you up, the very fact evident in the way you found yourself fully seated on his lap as you grinded your ass down against him. 
“Playful tonight Bambi,” he crooned, his hands ghosting over your hips though he remained mindful not to fully touch you. You didn’t respond after that, dancing through the end of the song and then insisting you needed water. Josh was quick to walk with you, guiding you up to the bar by taking hold of your finger tips. 
“Sammy, water for Bambi. And can I get another tequila soda, please?” Josh ordered as he slid onto a bar stool.
“I can get my own water, Sam,” you padded around the bar and grabbed a glass, filling it with ice and then water from the tap as you watched Sam make Josh’s tequila soda. 
“Have you seen Jake?” Savannah rushed over, presumably from the Poker Room. 
“I think he’s in his office still,” Sam shrugged, sliding the tall glass across the bar to his older brother. 
“I really need to speak with him,” Savannah moved to make for his office but Sam stopped her. 
“You’re not allowed back there anymore, you know that.” 
“Then go get him because I need to talk to him, now.” Savannah all but stomped her foot, eliciting all three of you to roll your eyes. 
“Why don’t I go grab him,” Josh stood from the stool and eyed you momentarily before walking off toward Jake’s office. Great. He had paid for the rest of your shift, and it was nearing closing time and now you’d have to just wait until he came back with the one person you didn’t want to see. Right? If you thought about it enough, you’d have to admit to yourself that you did want to see him. You wanted him to tell you why he had done this, what you’d done to deserve that. Wanted him to beg for forgiveness. Somewhere in all of that, you wondered if you’d forgive him or if you simply wanted to see him beg. A question you didn’t have an answer to. You supposed it would be dependent on what his reasonings were, but at the end of the day those would only serve as excuses for his shitty behavior. So, no, you didn’t want to see him for anything more than closure. Whatever your time with Jake had been, it needed to be in the past. 
“I can’t believe you made him go drag Jake out of his lair, Savannah,” Sam shook his head, waving goodbye to a few of the clients on their way out. 
“Sam can you just tell Josh I’ll owe him? I think maybe I sho-,” you stopped as you heard Josh approaching with Jake hot on his heels. 
“You fucking serious Josh? I’m sure this shit could’ve waited until later. I don’t see why she needs to se-,” he stopped when they got next to the bar, his eyes falling on you as you stood between Sam and Savannah. 
“I’m gonna just go,” you cleared your throat as you passed by Savannah and rounded the bar, but stopped as Josh stepped in front of you. 
“Nights not done yet Bambi,” he fake pouted. “You owe me a final private.”
“Then let’s go,” you growled through clenched teeth, noticing the playful look on his face. 
“I wanna see what happens here first,” he shrugged pulling over toward the bar stool he had previously occupied. 
“What did you need Savannah?” Jake sighed heavily, rubbing a hand down his face as he watched Josh slide onto the stool and pull you against his side. Nothing is going on with us. You wanted to shout it, despite knowing that your time with Jake had ended. Obviously it was what he had wanted, so why was he looking at you like he was the one who had been betrayed. 
“Well I needed to talk to you, and apparently I’m not allowed in your office any longer,” she rolled her eyes as her arms came up to cross over her chest. “Did you know the insurance you offer doesn’t cover ob/gyn visits past an annual exam? There’s literally nothing in the plan saying it will either.” 
“Okkayyy…” Jake sounded as confused as the rest of you looked. Sam raised an eyebrow to Savannah, Josh did the same only he looked between his twin and Sav and you-well you stood there trying to appear as uninterested as you wished you were. “I mean I can look over what is included in the insurance plan if you need me too, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about right now Savannah?” 
“It is appropriate because you’re hardly ever here anymore so now feels like the only time I will be able to discuss this with you.” She pouted and moved closer to where he stood, the bar still separating them. “I’m pregnant and I had to pay out of pocket for my first visit Jacob. Do you know how much money they charge you for those visits?!” Wait. What? Your mind was reeling. How was she pregnant? By who? Danny seemed the most obvious choice, having been spending the last several weeks with her. 
“Savannah…wait, you’re pregnant?” Jake countered, his hands pressing against the tops of the bar to steady himself. Evidently he was doing the math too and-oh. God. No, there was no way she was implying Jake had gotten her pregnant. Right? Your eyes flicked up and darted between the two of them, suddenly very interested in what was transpiring before you. 
“Yes, Jacob, nearly four months now.” She said pointedly, a smirk on her lips. Your stare moved to him as his eyes darted from you, to Savannah, to Josh, and then back to you. You knew what it meant. He did too. You watched his throat jump as he swallowed hard, an unsure hand raking back through his hair. 
“Four months? Really? Why have you just now mentioned it?” Sam spoke through the silence, turning to look at Savannah curiously. 
“Well, Samuel, I didn’t know at first. My cycle has always been a little sporadic. But based on the due date they gave me, yes I’m four months. That makes you the daddy, Jacob. And not the kind you like to be referred to as either.” If she smirked for a second longer you were sure you’d go across the bar at her. No way he had gotten her pregnant all while making you fall in love with him. No way that’s what had happened, right? He wasn’t stupid enough to-well, you racked your brain for a single time he had even offered to use protection with you. A grand total of zero. It would stand to reason it had been the same with Savannah. And likely Tiffany. 
“Don’t fuck with me Savannah, I’ve had a long day,” Jake huffed, obviously annoyed with the situation and disbelieving what she was saying. 
“Bout to me a long eighteen years,” Josh chided, sipping his tequila soda. 
“Do you want to see the lab work results? They’re in my purse.” She was so nonchalant about it, watching you every few seconds to see what move you were going to make. 
“Fuck,” Jake huffed out again, his eyes searching first Savannahs face as he decided whether to believe her or not. And then Sam’s, Josh’s, lingering only for a few seconds on either. And then yours, holding your stare as you refused to blink or look away. Every emotion you were feeling, he was too, and they were rolling off of him in waves of anxious energy that filled the space so thick you felt you were choking. For a man who had mostly avoided you for several weeks, he was staring at you as if you were the only other being in the entire world currently-begging you to stick by him through this. 
“Unbelievable,” you mumbled, turning away from the bar and his stare as you shook your head gently. “Fucking unbelievable.” Had this been a few weeks prior, you’d not even given a second thought to being there for him. You could only imagine the plethora of emotions running through him right now. You could feel them even as you stood with your back to him, Josh’s head turning to watch you. “I can’t do this,” you sighed, stepping away from where they all still stood and walking quickly toward the hallway and then down it to the ladies room. You were torn between wanting to stay there with him, taking his hand in yours and telling him everything would be okay. He could face this the same way he had faced everything else in life, and you’d stick by his side. Had Tiffany never walked back in, you were sure that was the exact reaction you’d have had. But here now, knowing he’d been with her. Knowing he had told you he loved you, whatever that had meant to him, and then turned around and simply disposed of you. As if you’d meant nothing, and maybe you had. Maybe it had all just been a game for him. That thought alone kept you pushing toward getting the hell out of the building, at least for the night. You moved quickly to change into your casual clothes, a pair of jeans and a loose flannel you’d had for years. You were in the middle of tying up the laces on your converse when the door creaked open just a touch and Josh slid in between the thin opening he allowed. 
“Hey, are you okay?” he whispered as he moved toward you, one hand in the pocket of his jeans as the other raked back through his soft curls. 
“Yeah, take me home.” you demanded cooly, finishing up with tying your shoe and grabbing for your bag. 
“Uh, okay sure yeah. Do you want me to drive your car and uber back? That way you have it tomorrow…” Josh raised a brow in your direction as you shook your head.
“No, Josh. Take me home. To your house.” Josh seemed taken aback by your demands, his eyes widening some as he watched you near him and then pad by. 
“Are you sure?” 
“You told me the next time you took me home it would be because I wanted you…”
“I said it wouldn’t be for his attention.” He followed you toward the door, staying close but giving you enough space incase you were to turn around to look at him or stop abruptly. 
“Well. This is me telling you I want you to take me home.”
“Wait,” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him just as you were pulling the door open, his free hand reaching out and slamming it shut again. “Is this you…” he pushed you up against the door, chest pressed against the smooth wood of it as he pressed himself to your back, your arm twisted behind you as he still held your wrist in his firm grasp. “Saying you want me?” 
“Yes.” you breathed, because in that moment you did. You wanted to finish what you’d started with Josh that night at his house. You wanted to forget whatever had happened between you and Jake and you wanted to stop tiptoeing around his feelings anyway. He clearly didn’t care about how you felt or what you wanted, and rather than sitting around any longer wondering why you hadn’t been good enough for him you wanted to simply move the hell on. “I want you and I want you to take me home.”
Josh released your wrist, stepping back to give you room and watching as you shook your muscles loose from him holding you that way. 
“Well, let’s go then,” he sighed contentedly, his fingers lacing with yours as he led you by your hand back out to the open area of the club and directly past Jake and Sam. Savannah was still next to the tallest Kiszka, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched the two of you. “See ya,” he threw toward his twin, amusement dripping from the simple departure as Jake’s mouth hung slightly agape. 
“I’d ask if you want the tour first but you’ve had that,” Josh smirked as he pushed you down the hall of his home. How the two of you had made it up the stairs without separating would remain a mystery, as his lips hadn’t left yours since walking in the front door of his home. 
“Mm no I remember the place,” you confirmed, your hand lightly resting around his forearm as his hand splayed out against your chest. You moved slow enough to frustrate him, but quick enough that he knew better than mention it as he led you to his bedroom. It hadn’t changed much, bar a different bedding set from what you could tell. Once you were well inside the room, Josh kicked the door shut and rushed into your space as he backed you toward the bed. 
“Something tells me you don’t want me to pussy-foot around what I want tonight?” The backs of your legs hit the mattress as he spoke, your body dropping down to be seated at the edge of the bed. 
“No. I’m fucking over the games, Josh. With you. Your brothers. All of it. Tell me what you want.” You stared up at him as his large palm cupped your jaw.
“I want to show you what you missed out on last time you were here,” he said simply, the pad of his thumb rubbing along your bottom lip before he slid his hand slowly down around your throat. “I want to hear you scream my name and beg me for release.” His grasp around your neck tightened some. “I want you to remember when you leave here exactly how every inch of me feels in you.” You swallowed hard, eyes up on him as he spoke before giving your throat a gentle squeeze, just enough to make you acutely aware of the fact he had grasped you tighter. “That okay with you angel?” 
“Yeah. Yeah yes that’s. That’s okay,” you squeaked, suddenly nervous for the switch in Josh’s demeanor. But you always knew this was in him, so being nervous now didn’t make a lot of sense. He had shown you his hand pretty early on, that he would do anything you asked of him. That despite his gentle nature outside of the bedroom, behind that closed door he was a beast. He was the boss. 
“Perfect. Let’s start with the clothes. Lose them…please,” he shot you a toothy grin after, waiting expectantly for you to derobe. You did so, albeit slowly, as you held eye contact with him. When you were left in nothing but your bra and panties, Josh’s eyes flitted over your body carefully. 
“These too Bambi,” he hooked a finger around your bra strap and flicked it against your skin, causing you to flinch at the noise mostly. 
“You do it,” you watch a shocked expression blanket his face before he quickly went back to being in control, the corners of his mouth curling up into a slight smirk. 
“You know Bambi, my brother may have been tolerant of you demanding things of him. But I much prefer you beg in this room.” He reached behind you slowly, his fingers skating over your back until they met the clasp of your bra. “Think you can do that little deer?” You felt the pressure against your chest release as his fingers snapped the clasp of your bra open and the fabric loosen as you nodded in agreement. 
“C’mon use your mouth, like I know you can,” Josh taunted, hooking a slender finger around the material of your bra and pulling it away from your body. He let the material fall to the floor near his feet as you cleared your throat. 
“I can do that,” you confirmed, taking the time to push your underwear down over your hips until they freely slid to the floor. 
“Good girl. On your knees.” Josh waited until you knelt before him, his hand petting over your hair before he paced a few slow circles around you as he undressed himself slowly. His shirt, the crisp white cotton of it still pleated from hanging in his closet, was thrown to the foot of the bed. His light washed jeans were discard near your feet after. Lastly, as he came to stand before you again, Josh pushed his boxer briefs down over his hips slowly. Now naked, he resumed petting his hand over your hair before cupping your cheek. His thumb caressed the skin there before moving down to your lips, pushing gently between them as he watched you with rapt attention. “Suck,” he all but whispered, watching as you suctioned your lips around his thumb and sucked gingerly for a few long seconds. When he removed it, a sigh falling from his lips, he replaced it with his index and middle fingers. You flattened your tongue as the pads of his fingers slid against its wet warmth until his knuckles were grazing your teeth, his fingers pushing so far back and into your throat that you couldn’t help but gag around them. When he pulled them out, a smug and satisfied grin playing about his face, you sucked in a deep gasp of air. 
“Fuck, Josh,” you sputtered, your hands grabbing for his hips in an effort to pull him closer to you. 
“Did I say you could touch me?” His eyebrow perked as his hand slapped your cheek, not hard enough to hurt you but enough to catch you off guard and shock you. You liked it, a lot. You could feel the arousal pool at your center as you pressed your thighs tightly together, an effort to create a little friction or relieve the ache. 
“No.” You rasped, your eyes on his face as he stepped closer to you once more. 
“Atta girl, now open up.” Your mouth dropped open as Josh fisted himself at the base, pushing the tip of it past your lips and against your tongue. “I’m gonna fuck your throat like the whore you so desperately want to be for me, okay?” You let out an ‘mhmm’ as he pushed into your mouth further and then backed out. He did this a few times, teasing himself and you in the process as his length got harder and harder. Without warning, Josh splayed a hand out against the back of your head as he thrust forward harshly, causing you to gag around the thick head of his cock. Josh fell into an unrelenting pace, delivering quick harsh thrusts forward as you relinquished control to him, allowing him to move your head how he wanted to as he fucked into your mouth until you were at the very bleeding edge of desperately needing to fill your lungs with air. Your fingers dug into the supple skin of his hips and ass cheeks, a silent plea for more and less at the same time. “Take it,” he rasped, soothing you by massaging his fingertips against your scalp. Following his instructions, you did exactly as he asked and simply took it as he continued to fuck your mouth ruthlessly until he was spilling down your throat in hot spurts. When he finally released his grip on your head, his length slipping from your mouth as tears leaked from the corners of your eyes, he wore the same satisfied smirk his brother had the first time he’d punished you in his office. The stark difference of the way Josh was treating you now and how almost loving in nature Jake had been wasn’t lost on you. In fact, tonight he seemed even different from the first time you’d been to his home. Not that you minded much, you had so much pent up frustration with his twin that the rough nature in which Josh pushed you about was more than welcome. 
“You good to continue?” His tone was condescending almost, like he expected you to say no but wanted you to say yes. You smirked, your swollen lips curling up at the corners as you gave him a nod in response. His hand struck your cheek again, not sharp enough to hurt you but again just for the effect of the noise and the act of it all. “Words.” 
“Yes, please?” 
“That’s my girl, on the bed.” He helped you stand before his hands flattened against your chest and he pushed you back until you fell back against the mattress. You let out a squeak, scooting yourself back onto his bed and laying back against the pillows as he crawled after you. 
“How will you have me?” You questioned, taking note of how dark his eyes had grown and how they had a hooded appearance now. Heavy with desire, his chest reddening the more he got worked up. 
“Just like this Bambi, I wanna taste you like last time. Feel like I’ve been starved for days since I last got to have you on my tongue.” 
You squirmed beneath him, an ache so incessant at your core that you couldn’t help but whimper which seemed to please Josh as much as it annoyed you. “Please,” you whispered as he leant in and his lips connected with yours briefly. He began a trail of sloppy wet kisses down your body, his hands pushing your thighs so wide apart you felt the muscles of your thighs burn with the stretch. He gave you no warning before connecting his mouth with your cunt, his lips suctioning around your clit as he sucked and nipped at the swollen bud. You whined and squirmed, attempting to free yourself from his grip though you didn’t even want to. You simply hadn’t been touched in weeks and the immediate pleasure his mouth delivered seemed too much to bare in the moment. “Fuck Josh,” you panted, your hips rolling up into his touch as he pumped a finger into your entrance and his mouth worked your clit over until you were crying his name out like a chant, a mantra you’d memorized in a past life. The reciting of a beloved song. They all came in the form of his name just as you did on his tongue, his finger long since replaced as he licked into you feverishly and shook his head-catching the bridge of his nose on your clit with each pass until your arousal was dripping down his chin in fat beads of wet. As your body spasmed and muscles flexed with the pleasure sparking through your every nerve, Josh crawled back over your body and wrapped his hand around your throat. His thumb moved up and pressed against your chin as he pried your mouth open, spitting your release onto your waiting tongue before pushing your mouth shut roughly. 
“Swallow.” You did as you were told again, swallowing hard as he squeezed at your throat flexing and jumping beneath his palm. “That’s my fucking girl. Bet he never handled you like this did he?” You shook your head no, whispering the response to him. You didn’t want to talk about Jake, but you didn’t want to push Josh to the point of not going further. “Of course he didn’t,” his eyes flitted over your face as his knuckles brushed against your cheek, cherishing you in his own way before leaning in and pressing another kiss to your lips. “Do you want to fuck me?”
“Good,” he moved so he was lying next to you, his arms bending up and tucking under his head before he looked over at you. “Well?”
“Wh-what?” You were confused. Was he not…didn’t he want…your eyebrows raised in confusion. 
“I asked if you wanted to fuck me. So c’mon. Fuck yourself on my cock, I’m dying to know how that pretty pussy of yours feels.” You growled in response but moved and swung your leg over his hip, pushing yourself upright as you straddled him. 
“Thought you were in control Joshua?” His eyes narrowed as he watched up at you, his hands moving from behind his head to rest at your hips. 
“I am in control, which is why I’m telling you to fuck yourself on my cock. Cmon Bambi, don’t be a fucking brat.” His hand smacked against your ass cheek harshly, causing you to yelp out loudly. Lifting up on your knees, you fisted his cock and stroked your hand along his length a time or two as you held eye contact with him. 
“I’ve dreamt about this,” he whispered, clearing his throat as he watched you guide him to your entrance before slowly moving down on him. “Dreamt about watching you take my cock, about the drag and pull and the way you’d feel with me buried to the hilt.” He moaned, his hands grasping your ass tightly as he guided your movements. 
“Yeah? What else?” 
“About how you would sound crying out my name.” He thrust his hips up as he pulled you down on him in a rough manner before flipping you both, his knee bending up and pushing your leg out as he opened you up wide for him. He gave you two long, deep strokes before pulling out and flipping you so you were on your stomach. His hands curled around the curve of your hips as he yanked them up toward him, your ass in the air as you situated to find a bit of stability. You moved your lower half up onto your knees, your back in a deep arch as you pressed your chest to the mattress and then he was pushing forward back into you with such force your body jolted forward. 
“Fuck, Josh,” you whined, your hands clenching at the comforter as he fell into a grueling pace. You felt his hand smack your ass harshly, a cry yelping out of you again as he pounded into you with a force you hadn’t expected. 
“C’mon Bambi, you can do better than that,” his voice dropped into a lower octave as he growled out at you and smacked your ass again. 
“Josh! Fuck Josh baby please,” you cried, pressing your eyes shut as every nerve in your body fired on all cylinders. You felt yourself achingly being drug toward the point of release, one painful thrust at a time. You clenched around Josh’s cock, your walls fluttering as you moaned and whined his name. Josh snaked his hand around and connected the pad of his middle finger with your clit, applying slight pressure and rolling circles around it. As you clenched tightly around him, your arousal coating his thick cock, he leaned over you and groaned into your ear. 
“Fuck y/n, you take me so well baby.” Another smack to your ass, another groan as he stroked into you deep and hard-his warm release spilling into you as his hips stuttered and finally stilled against your ass. 
Sam had texted you around eleven, informing you he had put you on for the evening but only if you were okay with it. You’d happily accepted, spending the majority of the day snoozing in Josh’s bed. You’d attempted to shower with him, but you were so sore that you’d made it only a few steps before retreating back to the comfort of his bed. He’d doted over you, lovingly kissed your body in all of the tender places and then held you close as you both drifted in and out of sleep until you absolutely had to get ready to go to the club. 
The drive there was silent, Josh singing along to the radio softly as you rested in the passenger seat. Not much time had passed before he was whipping his Jeep into the parking lot of Sémillante, parking along side where your car had been left the night before. 
“So…I’m not sure where you stand, I know you probably have a lot going on in that pretty head of yours…” he began once he had killed the engine and unbuckled himself, turning his body to you as you looked over at him. “I don’t expect for what happened last night to happen again, although I’d really welcome it if it were to. You know I’m interested, Bambi…so I’ll give you space and time to think about where you want this to go. Okay?” 
You have a nod, leaning in after unbuckling your belt and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Thank you,” you sighed, feeling a lot less pressure over what had transpired between the two of you. Josh smiled against your lips, nudging his nose against yours before pulling away. “Go on, I don’t wanna make the little doe late.” You snorted as you climbed out of his car, the same jeans from the night prior on but now you wore one of his long sleeved white t-shirts. You walked slow and careful into the club, your body screaming out in pain if you tried to move too fast. Josh had…done a number on you, for sure. He fucked in all the ways you had expected Jake to when you first met him, rough and desperate for release. You both loved and hated the drastic difference between the twins. Once in the club, you tried your best to not make it completely obvious you had been pushed past the limits of your own pain but you knew based on the look Sam gave you from the bar as you passed through, that you were fully transparent in your efforts. 
“Bambi,” he smirked, shaking his head slightly as you moved as quick as you could, given your current state, toward the ladies room. It was there, in the hall between the door to the poker room and the door to the ladies room, that Jake caught you. He moved awkwardly from side to side as you did also, attempting to let one another pass by without a word only to realize you were landlocked into some weird dance until he huffed a sigh and stood still. 
“Bambi,” his voice sounded as broken as you had felt hearing Savannah tell him she was pregnant, with his child, the night before. “Can we talk?”
“Talk? There has been plenty of time to talk, Jake. And you weren’t exactly interested in that.” 
“Look, I know I’ve been distant. I can’t tell you how much I regret that. I just…please…I need to speak privately to you.” 
“Distant?” Oh boy, you were going to explode if he ever referred to what he had done as distant again. “You call telling me you love me and then ghosting me to fuck your ex, distant? Really Jake?”
“No.” He sighed heavily, and again your heart ached to just be there for him. Dammit, you hated the way he made you feel. Wanting nothing more than to help him however you could, whatever way he needed. But he hadn’t been good to you, no better than Chad really. “Please. Just five. Just five minutes.” 
“Okay,” Jake nodded, leading you back out into the main room and down the hell that led to his office. You moved as quickly as you could to keep up with him, but damn the faster your legs carried you the louder the reminder of Josh inside you had become. When the door to his office was closed, hiding you both away from the prying eyes of Savannah, or Sam, or fuck even Tiffany, Jake turned to you with worried eyes. 
“I’m scared. I fucked up and I hurt you. And I know that. I realize I have no right to even know what you did last night. I also realize knowing that won’t stop me from begging you to tell me you didn’t fuck Josh.” He swallowed hard, a hand taking back through his hair as you watched him pace the room. “I also know that I have no right to be upset if you did.” 
“Then what are you getting at Jake? You fucked up and have no right to literally any information about my life outside of this club. We have deduced that. So why am I in here?”
“Because. I just told you. I’m scared. A baby, Bambi? I never…all these years and she’s never…no scares or anything.” He stood before you then, finally allowing you a good look into his eyes. Were they watering? You couldn’t tell. “I’m fucking terrified of this. I can’t be a dad? Not right now, fuck I’m not sure ever. And especially I can’t co-parent with her. I don’t…I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this and I need you. I need you to tell me it’s okay and that you’ll be there every step of the way with me as I navigate this…” he couldn’t be serious, right? But he was, Jake was incredibly serious and that was made all the more obvious as he rubbed at his eyes, pulling his hands away to reveal the slight glossed shiny look to them. Oh, he was definitely crying. “Please. Please say you’ll stick by me and help me through this. I can’t do it alone. Please?” 
You blinked, licking your lips nervously before swallowing back the nervous spit collecting in your mouth. “Jake.” 
tag list @that-witchy-pan  @gvfpal @godly-sinsx @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @mysticalstarcatcher @shutupdevvie @takenbythemadness @wetkleenex-gvf @vanfleeter @stardustsecret @writingcold @gretavansara@sinsofstardust @idontlikelizards @gretasfallingsky @klarxtr @itsafullmoon @carlyfleet @weightofkiszka @torniturntomyarrow @jakekiszkasmommy @jaketlove @myownparadise96 @twistedmelodies @allmylovejtk @hellowgoodbye @jakesmustache @dancingcarbon
135 notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
this clip alone is enough to make me have a samdown
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I love one man
47 notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
seeing jake’s ear gives me the same energy as a victorian man seeing a woman’s ankle
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Out of everything in this shot, I focused way to hard on his ear.
103 notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
i don’t want any speeches or eulogies. just play this on a loop at my funeral and let my soul ascend🥲
68 notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
this one is being circulated by palestinian people I trust, and the cause is very important and necessary. Gazan healthcare workers continue to work with nothing to sustain them and their families.
the donations would assist healthcare workers across Gaza's hospitals, including the northern region, as they endure the challenges posed by the complete collapse of the healthcare system and the disruption of their salaries
16K notes · View notes
stardustsecret · 4 months
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36 notes · View notes