star--huntress · 8 years
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i miss this child
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star--huntress · 9 years
requested by mimozemske
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star--huntress · 9 years
by ć‡Ș
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star--huntress · 9 years
Bold what your blog will accept! Italic what you’re willing to accept / discuss upon request!
IMs for out-of-character communication
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roleplayer’s IM psa;
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star--huntress · 9 years
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star--huntress · 9 years
Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make hell feel like home.
(via allhopedies)
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star--huntress · 9 years
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In retrospect, Kakyuu didn’t know what she’d expected to hear - but it definitely hadn’t been this. She couldn’t hold back a quiet gasp, unable to make sense of the information she’d just received. Of course, the princess had heard about the outcome of the battle at the Galaxy Cauldron, but she’d never, ever, expected a reformed Galaxia to meet her (much less actively seek her out, as the former villain’s words implied). I needed to find you again. As much as Kakyuu wanted to believe in the other’s change of heart, she felt a shiver running down her spine.
Then again, who could blame her? This was the woman responsible for the utter destruction of her planet and many others, for the death of millions, for the death of her lover. No, I was at fault - Kakyuu trembled visibly. Let’s not think about that part. She told herself, taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“Galaxia,” the princess finally broke the silence, fingers entwined in her lap. She would seem composed and polite to most, but those that knew her well wouldn’t miss the paleness of her face and the ever so slight tremor in her voice. Suddenly, she wished that the Starlights were here. “It has been a while. What, if I may ask, did you need to find me for?”
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Galaxia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew she was striking fear in Kakyuu, which was expected. After all, Galaxia did such horrible things, and just when peace settled, she returned. Galaxia was grateful Kakyuu was not hostile, but that never was part of her personality to begin with. 
“I wished to speak to you.” Galaxia replied. She looked at Kakyuu directly in the eyes when she spoke, and squared her shoulders to a proper upright position from where she sat. She realized she was fidgeting with her hands under the table nervously, so she folded them together to mask every trace of uneasiness or nervousness. 
“I ask of you to listen to me. Please. I do not request any other service from you, and you are not obligated to converse with me. I understand that you would not want to even be sitting with me now, and you have every right to leave, but would you please listen to what I have to say?”
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star--huntress · 9 years
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[ wow I actually added links to my tags page finally ]
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star--huntress · 9 years
Breathe through the fear, and walk through the fire.
espereia  (via wnq-writers)
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star--huntress · 9 years
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            “You’re supposed to be dead. How is this even possible?”
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“I could ask you the same thing, considering I was the one who killed you.”
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star--huntress · 9 years
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((i kinda did the thing and made a new rp blog y’all should check out))
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star--huntress · 9 years
Chanel, Fall/Winter 2010-2011 Couture
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star--huntress · 9 years
friend: why do you keep wearing the same clothes?
me: because my current story arc hasn't ended yet
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star--huntress · 9 years
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Galaxia put her wrists together in front of herself and released two blasts of light from her exposed bracelets. The light hit the young girl directly, causing her to shriek and writhe in pain as her Star Seed was ripped out of her. After the repeated failures of her subordinates, Galaxia went herself to find Sailor Crystals. If you want to get something done, you’re just going to have to do it yourself, Galaxia thought. 
It floated towards Galaxia in a dull glow. The girl had collapsed and fell unconscious at Galaxia’s golden boots. She had resembled the Sailor Senshi of this planet, but Galaxia knew that if this girl possessed a Sailor Crystal, she would try to fight her. Still, it was mildly amusing to corner her prey. 
Galaxia wondered how useful it would be to keep the Star Seed and add it to her garden, as ordinarily it glowed, or to transform it into a Phage. She waved her hand and the Star Seed vanished from sight, deciding to wait on summoning a Phage until later. 
Galaxia turned on her heel to leave the girl as she was, only to lock gazes with someone blocking her path.
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star--huntress · 9 years
rp pet peeve ; when writing with a villain, one continues to poke the bear but once said villain retaliates, other’s grow upset or perturbed.
always remember ; if you choose poke the bear, you will get bitten.
VILLAINS are not punching bags, they are opposition that pose a TRUE & REAL THREAT. antagonize one & you incur the wrath. do not smite the writer for their chosen direction as they are simply reacting as their muse commands. ( & believe me, if you’re writing a villain, the muse is in control ). villains are not teddy bears. villains are complex, multi-faceted. perhaps they react in one way to one & differently to another. bonds are formed different. villains can sometimes be unhinged mentally where reasoning is skewed or twisted. they are not to be underwritten as little puppies with attitude issues. they are rabid dog most tend to shy away from. they don’t need a little love or a sprinkle of fairy dust to feel better, to be good. some villains don’t want to be redeemed. some villains don’t want emotional connection. many are selfish & if an emotional connection is sought after the villain will usually ( ALWAYS ) put themselves first. always talk to the mun, get a feel for the muse, get to know the limits - what lines to cross, what lines to avoid like the plague.
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star--huntress · 9 years
What was Galaxia's home planet like?
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[ That is an excellent question! Pretty broad, but I’ll give you the basics. If you’d like more details, send them in! I had a hard time answering this question a while ago because we literally know nothing about it aside from Galaxia calling her home planet trash in the manga. 
K this turned out long so I’m just gonna slip it under a Read More
First, it is a small, distant planet. Like between the size of Mercury and Mars. I named it Seikinseki, which is the name of the Saffer Crystal (Galaxia’s Sailor Crystal) in Japanese. 
I imagine it to be a very warm planet. It radiates it’s own heat due to the surface and the core not having as great of a gap as the Earth. Don’t ask for it’s exact position because I still can’t pinpoint our Solar System in the Milky Way rip me
The Moon Kingdom, for me personally, reminds me of Ancient Greece and even a little bit of Ancient Rome. That’s just me, and I’m sure Naoko Takeuchi drew inspiration from other civilizations that are not Greco-Roman. 
I imagine Seikinseki to resemble a combination of Ancient Egypt, Crete (Knossos specifically), and Ancient Carthage. Galaxia’s fuku reminds me of like Cleopatra and Ancient Egypt itself. There’s a lot of sand and stone. But very rich in minerals, some common on Earth, like bronze and gold, but there are some minerals that are totally brand new and nothing like Earth’s. Because of this, there really isn’t much greenery. Not like Earth. But you need that for life, but the people of Galaxia’s planet were not humans and therefore do not rely on greenery. Don’t ask how because I still have to come up with a decent explanation for that...
Actually, since there isn’t a lot of plant life, I imagine Galaxia’s planet to still be full of colorful murals and paintings all around the cities. There was also a ton of fountains and sculptures everywhere. There is one big city, the central capital of the whole planet, where the royal family resided. This city is not overly crowded, but it was very maze-like and had various elevations. The palace was incredibly elaborate and maze-like as well, similar to the palace of Knossos. Although it kept thieves away, many were welcomed to the palace, sometimes hosting festivities. Festivities were very common and if not held at the palace, they were held in a large circle in the center of the city (like a town square). 
There are rivers all over the planet that all connect to each other. Some of them are absolutely huge, but they’re not quite oceans. There are really large lakes, but again, there isn’t much for ocean. These rivers are navigated by the people, connecting them across the planet. There weren’t cities as big as the central one, and everyone pretty much spread out around the planet, but everyone stayed connected thanks to the rivers. 
The planet itself is somewhat mountainous. Not as much as Earth, relatively flat which makes connection easier. There were some mountains, but they weren’t populated much. 
This was a very stable society, much like Ancient Egypt. The rivers were stable, the wealth was stable, the distribution of food was stable. Everyone spoke the same language (with some variations across the planet, but it’s just different dialects). They rarely got visitors and they rarely ventured off their planet. They had the technology to, but they weren’t interested in expanding. They were happy in their little peaceful corner of the galaxy. Thus, they didn’t really know about the planets that are out there and didn’t really care to know. They’ve heard of the Silver Millennium and perhaps communicated with them, but that was limited (Seikinseki fell like prollie a century or two before the Silver Millennium did).  
Also, similar to the kings of Egypt, many believed that the royal family were like gods, because they were the ones who controlled the power of the Saffer Crystal. Queens typically ruled, but kings popped up every once in a while. Queens and Kings can rule in union and in these cases they ruled equally. 
Life expectancy was a lot longer than a typical human, like by a couple hundred years. Women were equal to men. People wore a lot of different colorful clothing, usually red, black, and gold, but the color white was reserved only for the royal family. They had pretty good technology, only using it to advance their civilization and for peace. They had a decent army, since they were peaceful people. Like they had an incredibly rigorous program for training the army and they had many advanced technologies, so their warriors were top notch. Just the armies themselves were small in size because they didn’t need to fight. Nobody was really attacking their planet (until Chaos) and they weren’t invader people. Their army generally was used as like a police force throughout the planet with the best warriors guarding the royal family, but all were on call in case of an emergency. 
They used fire a lot. Usually as a source of light. Fire would be used a lot for decoration throughout the royal palace, similar to how water is used in the Moon Kingdom. They don’t have an official Sun, so there really isn’t much for night and day. It’s just mostly night, so they use the fire as a source of light. 
Hmm...what else is there? This is all I thought of, but if you prompt me and would like to know something else, feel free to ask and I’ll answer it for you! ] 
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star--huntress · 9 years
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“I think it would be best if you hid yourself immediately.” 
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