stalinsociety · 3 years
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stalinsociety · 3 years
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stalinsociety · 3 years
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stalinsociety · 3 years
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stalinsociety · 4 years
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stalinsociety · 4 years
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stalinsociety · 4 years
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stalinsociety · 6 years
5 марта 1953 года умер Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин
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stalinsociety · 6 years
“The death of Comrade Stalin has caused the labouring people of the whole world to feel unparalleled and profound grief; it has stirred the hearts of just people throughout the world. This demonstrates that Comrade Stalin’s cause and his thought have gripped the broad masses of the people throughout the world and have already become an invincible force, a force that will guide those people who have already achieved victory in achieving still more fresh victories, one after another, and, at the same time, will guide all those people who are still groaning under the oppression of the evil old world of capitalism so that they can strike courageously at the enemies of the people[…]
Long live the teaching of Marx, Lenin and Stalin!
Immortal glory to the heroic name of the great Stalin!”
– Mao Zedong
⚑☭★ — Rest in Peace, Comrade Stalin!  — ★☭⚑
Although history is driven by the hands of the workers, Stalin (18th December 1878 - 5th March 1953) stands out as an exemplary figure for his fidelity to the people while at the helm of the emerging proletarian state surrounded by hostility and uncertainty. His participation in the Great October Socialist Revolution, his leadership throughout times of internal strife, his acute theoretical ability to derive lessons from history and to popularize them, and his leadership in fighting off the wretched and decrepit, blood-stained forces of Fascism throughout the Great Patriotic War are among the contributions to the science and spirit of emancipation which are invaluable.
No matter how far the bourgeoisie and its allies are willing to obscure the past, history will preserve him as the son of humble origins who held stalwartly to the revolutionary spirit, to a world without chains. And, while he is still missed, so long as there remains a worker fighting under the red banner for Peace, Land, and Bread — Stalin lives on.
Comiform (Communist Information Bureau) newspaper on Stalin’s death and the reactions of communist parties worldwide
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stalinsociety · 6 years
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"10 of Spades" by Antonio Arias Bernal (1945, Carral y Carral, Mexico City)
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stalinsociety · 6 years
The attention with which he followed my explanations about our new economy and its course of development made a very deep impression on us. Both during the talk about these problems, and in all the other talks with him, one wonderful feature of his, among others, made an indelible impression on my mind: he never gave orders or sought to impose his opinion. He spoke, gave advice, made various proposals, but always added: This is my opinion, this is what we think. You, comrades, must judge and decide for yourselves, according to the concrete situation on the basis of your conditions.. His interest extended to every problem.
Hoxha, Enver. With Stalin: Memoirs. Tirana: 8 N‘ntori Pub. House, 1979.
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stalinsociety · 6 years
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1952 ☭ – Mural Design for Kievskaya Railway Station (Moscow) “Stalin is Peace” by Boris Vyacheslavovich Iordansky.
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stalinsociety · 6 years
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From the book “Thirty Years of the Soviet State: Calendar 1917-1947“ ☭
18th December 1879 (officially 21st), Birth of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ★
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stalinsociety · 6 years
If Stalin had accomplished for the world bourgeoisie what he did for the world proletariat, he would have long been hailed in bourgeois circles as one of the “greats” of all time, not only of the present century. The same general criteria should apply to Stalin’s reputation from the Marxist point of view. Stalin advanced the position of the world proletariat further than any person in history with the exception of Lenin. True, without the base Lenin laid, Stalin could not have built, but using this base he moved about as far as was possible in the existing situation. In short a new class of world leader has emerged, and Stalin is in its highest rank.
Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Stalin, Man of Contradiction. Toronto: NC Press, c1987, p. 120
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stalinsociety · 6 years
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stalinsociety · 6 years
But it is a fact, the opportunists will say, that Stalin was for a long period the all-powerful leader of the Soviet State and of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and that people were singing praises to him. We by no means intend to deny this. But how is it possible that people claiming to be Marxists assert that this was fortuitous, that it was in contradiction with the will of the Party and of the people, that the Party and the people were building socialism in opposition to Stalin and without him? How can they reconcile themselves with the thought that a man who was not relying on any social group, who was not representing any class, only due to the strength of his mind and character could lead for 30 years in succession a party and a whole state? The critics of the «personality cult» who believe in the possibility of such an extraordinary and unpunishable arbitrariness are themselves raising Stalin to the level of the superman, they themselves are turning away from Marxism and reconciling themselves with the «personality cult» in theory. The limpid history of the Soviet people's 30-year class struggle for socialism loses, under the pen of these traitors to Marxism, all its grandiose social meaning and turns into a mystery of the Madrid palace, into an obscure, vile and disgusting piece of gossip, in which calumny engenders calumny. The picture presented by the opportunists can be forced upon the imagination of a petty-bourgeois, it must be tasteful to the appetite of the bourgeois intellectual who always goes about with his personality and, therefore, he is ready to attribute everything in this world to the personal will. The Marxists, however, cannot be content with the tales of «personal will» of the petty-bourgeois and, of course, they must analyze the social reasons of such a situation.
Programmatic Proclamation of the Soviet Revolutionary Communists (Bolsheviks), 1966 (pp. 7-8).
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stalinsociety · 6 years
In other words, Rittersporn is saying: “Look, I can prove that most of the current ideas about Stalin are absolutely false.’ But to say this requires a giant hurdle. If you state, even timidly, certain undeniable truths about the Soviet Union in the thirties, you are immediately labelled 'Stalinist'. Bourgeois propaganda has spread a false but very powerful image of Stalin, an image that is almost impossible to correct, since emotions run so high as soon as the subject is broached. The books about the purges written by great Western specialists, such as Conquest, Deutscher, Schapiro and Fainsod, are worthless, superficial, and written with the utmost contempt for the most elementary rules learnt by a first-year history student. In fact, these works are written to give an academic and scientific cover for the anti-Communist policies of the Western leaders. They present under a scientific cover the defence of capitalist interests and values and the ideological preconceptions of the big bourgeoisie.
Ludo Martens,  Another View of Stalin. Antwerp, Belgium: EPO, Lange Pastoorstraat 25-27 2600, p. 127.
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