stabledontfusion · 1 year
It's Not Easy Being Green and Melted
Typing in "Miss Piggy" got me Miss Piggy, exactly how you think a hentai bot would draw her. No, no pig features, just boobs for days. Sometimes she'd be surrounded by partly-melted Miss Piggy puppets, usually not.
But Kermit. Oh boy. Kermit. I'm not even going to comment, just look at this:
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Also Fozzy is an adorable sad anime girl now:
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
"Toriel" just gets you sad anime tiddy mommies which, ok, AnythingV3, fair. But other waifus of the Undertale universe generate some good weird:
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Look at this Alphyne right here. Like I feel like this is them from some weird JoJo's Bizarre Adventure crossover. Bananas.
Not as weird as what happens when I type metaton:
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I feel like the original would approve.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
The Curious Case Of The Miyazaki Tag Cat Monster Head
Just type in "miyazaki" and you get some good stuff:
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Just look at these miyazakiesque delights!
However, lurking in amongst the picturesque garden cities, there lurks a monster. I give you: The Totaro Cat Monster Thing
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All I can figure is that it starts drawing some whimsical Big Animal thing like Totaro, and then the Urge For Detail causes the engine to start painting more and more teeth and whiskers and fur tufts until you end up with basically a monster cat head sitting angrily in the landscape.
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It's not even uncommon it happens a LOT.
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Did I miss an important Miyazaki film where monster cat heads were a thing? I feel like I would have noticed.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
Big Macintosh Redeux: The Mackening
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The box, actually, might be "Macintosh" as in "Macintosh computer" and that is great. Also great is Sphinx Macintosh, DJ Kirby Macintosh, and Cat Macintosh Driving a Kirby Tank.
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Also excellent: Ditto Was Only Given The Broad Strokes Of What Big Macintosh Is Like and The AI Wanted Boobs But Just Made Chonker Legs This Time.
I also tried just saying "pinkie pie, big macintosh" to see if mixing them was good.
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It was good.
I wondered if I could get the results from "fluttershy" which are very, very normal to go crazy if I tried "fluttershy, pinkie pie" and it didn't work:
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However I will say I would watch the hell out of this yuri.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
Prompt: Interspecies Reviewers
(Yes, I watched Interspecies Reviewers, and I liked it because I'm a filthy pervert. This blog isn't me making fun of horny people as a non-horny person, this is me making fun of horny people *as a horny person* just so we're clear.)
But these results are. Not what I expected.
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Dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria.
But like, not the absolute porn-soaked fever dream that is Interspecies Reviewers like, at all. Just goes to show you, the model can surprise.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
Bonus Prompt: Chungus
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This I think proves that AnythingV3 can still "remember" the rest of its model data, not just Danbooru, because I just about guarantee you you will not find our pal Weird Round Bugs Bunny in there. Posted off-sequence because this isn't even tangentially bad. It's just like. Good round boys.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
I asked it for Renamon, because what could possibly go wrong, right? Well I may as well spoil it for you, it's basically a pile of anime girls in what appear to be Renamon hides, except for this one:
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On the left we have what it usually draws, and on the right we have what it skins and dresses her in.
Well. "Dresses" is an overstatement, what it really does is put her in skin-hugging leotards and underwear with fringes and boas made out of this honestly fairly decent anthro fox thing.
Now, full disclosure, I only know "renamon" from the furry fandom so I don't really know what's going on when I type it into SD. Same goes for Gatomon here:
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As with everything AnythingV3 does, if you do this yourself you'll probably get a lot of, y'know, THAT content along with these fairly solid Weird Cat Things. And whoever Ears McGee here is.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
First victim: Waluigi
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I had to crop this one to make sure I unambiguously stayed inside the unofficial "rating" of this madness, which is to say, let's not tempt the tumblr gods, yeah?
Now only occasionally did AnythingV3 try to turn Waluigi into a hot girl. Which is good because what it did was... AMAZING.
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Now THIS is what we are all about here on stabledontfusion!
Weird as hell, because Waluigi is weird as hell, and because tasked with drawing a weird, lanky eldrich shadow-plumber, AnythingV3 just started slapping teeth on that sucker and hoping for the best. Excellent, but not quite as good as:
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Mother Brain.
Between actual Mother Brain being totally horrific to begin with and the fact that AnythingV3 is pulling "brain" and "mother" as separate tokens as well, and you get just some wild smears of ideas like "what if brain, evil?" and "what if sad anime girl, brain?" and my personal favorite "we trained this on a lot of scary stuff from Fullmetal Alchemist too so have some limbs n shit lol"
However, Mother Brain actually like, has some cool art vibes? Like the hair done up into a brain-bun? Cool, wouldn't have thought of it, neat idea. Random limb horror? Yeah I could see that. But if you want sheer WTF then you're gonna have to ask Ridley.
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So what we're getting here is that not only is Ridley already just a mass of predator signifiers with a murder-tail, but this model just can't decide where to PUT it all!
Also sometimes it tried to make Ridley sexy, and because of the above, failed in hilarious fashion:
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There were also a few times it just tried to add boobs in random places but I can't post those. You can just imagine them. Or don't, I mean you probably don't want to.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
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The Nightmare Abacus
Interestingly, you can kind of see that it knows patterns that should be on an abacus, but it gets kinda chaotic in there. Actually it gets really wobbly because from here out, it's only getting crazier.
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Prompts like this reveal a specific kind of brittleness in the model: it hasn't been trained on a lot of actual pictures of actual abacuses, especially not the subtraining for anime aesthetic, so you get a lot of the vibes of what an abacus is, but not like, actual pictures of abacuses.
On a hunch I added "4girls" to the prompt and stable diffusion immediately threw out the abacuses entirely in favor of the girls, but it did remember that they were supposed to be the math club.
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So that's something I guess.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
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The Pachinko Zone
Ok so this is a bit of an odd episode because we're going to talk a bit about plugging random words into AnythingV3 and marveling at this waifu simulator's weird concepts of things that don't involve waifus.
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The word "pachinko" for some reason causes AnythingV3 to frantically start splatting down greeble like there's no tomorrow. I didn't look up pachinko machines on danbooru but these pics would seem to imply someone out there is drawing a LOT of detail on these (admittedly pretty crazy) parlor games.
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It also throws in some waifus because AnythingV3 gonna Anything, but what I find fascinating is the particulars here: white hair. A relationship with The Machine of some kind. Does she mean to stop it? Or does she mean to destroy us all? Mysteries~
Or maybe there's a cyberpunk anime I don't know about where Pachinko just happens to be the name of some protagonist and I sound like a total noob right now. Who can say~
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
Here's a quick one for the season. Here's something AnythingV3 came up for when I asked for a crampus:
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And here's something else:
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Then I remembered it's spelled with a K and all it would do is:
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This dumb cute idiot. Adorable. Thanks, I love/hate it.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
Sanrio, Don't Sue Me, Sue Stability AI
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"Hello Kitty"
Ok, I was trying to get AnythingV3 to generate some weird Sanrio/CLAMP hybrids and it ended up just-- drawing anime girls with bootleg Hello Kitty merch?
We need to go deeper.
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"Retsuko". Much more interesting! AnythingV3 can't bring itself to draw things in a style where hair isn't shiny, but you got cuteness, you got tanukiesque characters, this is the AI doing more or less what you asked it to, except that it doesn't QUITE want to go there in terms of duplicating the way it shows up in the merch which probably says a thing or two about the people making things that get tagged Retsuko. But the show's not called Retsuko is it?
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"Agretsuko". Wow, this is weird, fun, and makes you wonder if maybe you're missing something about partial tags getting perceived as something else, like, who is this girl? Why does she show up with the Agretsuko Gang? Don't know, but she's actually pretty cool.
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Same prompt, these are even better. Honestly this is sort of failing the "weird stuff from AI" test because I honestly just LIKE these.
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"Haida". Comes in three flavors: Good Doggo (correct), Depressed Waifu In A Jacket (also correct) and God Is Dead And I Am Melting (most correct).
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
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"Steven Universe"
So a lot of what I got when I asked for Steven Universe was just these lovely gem paintings, which I guess originate from just people's sparkly drawings *around* the characters?
And also there were some fairly... problematic... results involving Girl!Steven, but to my delight there were also these:
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The fandom's love of pastels shows through, there's a softness and a chibi aesthetic thing going on, nice!
Ok admittedly the first one does kind of make Girl!Steven look like a war criminal but... y'know... stuff happens in that show...
I also asked for "Amethyst" and "Garnet" and both results were... Dark Magical Girls? Mostly naked too, so you don't get to see those. I think it's kind of related to how those are also just names of semiprecious stones and that might be associated with some DMG energy fields or something? Unfortunately, studying the results of Stable Diffusion won't tell you *everything* about how something happened, you just sort of guess a lot of the time. But you do learn things, if you pay attention.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
Bonus Episode: Harlock
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I hesitated to post this because it didn't really go WRONG exactly, like these are definitely some solid Harlocks, but what I love about this is this:
This is an amalgam of Harlocks. A melange of what artists have thought of to draw Harlock. And it very much feels like parody, but it most likely isn't. So you kind of get this weird unconscious self-parody situation where tons of artists are trying to make Harlock look as Harlock as Harlock can look, and then Stable Diffusion extracts it and shows it to you, and because Stable Diffusion merely blindly pulls from the patterns and structures the artists used, it does so with no shame whatsoever, and so you kind of get the MOST EXTRA HARLOCKY HARLOCKS.
Not hating on Harlock fans by the way, Harlock is actually great, especially if you don't make it ONLY about being tough and cool. Just sorta noticing how AI has no shame, and so will happily show you EXACTLY what a lot of artists might have pulled back a bit from doing.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
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So I started out asking about Twilight Sparkle, but that turned out to be pretty boring, AnythingV3 just thought "oh yeah, purple-hair waifu, I got this" and turned out a bunch of fairly generic, if correctly-bang-having Twilights. But we're not here to talk about her. We're here to talk about RAINBOW DASH.
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Yes! YES!
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Magical! What we see here is kind of a lot of stuff colliding at once: first, it knows RAINBOW, and it knows "rainbow" outside of Rainbow Dash. Second, apparently just NOT THAT MANY pictures out there of hot girls with rainbow hair called "rainbow dash", and most likely ALSO not a lot of other characters with similar name elements. It DID do the occasional Conventional Waifu, but not that many and they were pretty, y'know, cute??
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And then just like. Rainbows. No Dash. Great. Just great.
Like a lot of the time Stable Diffusion makes me mad at either the model or the anime fandom or myself for even asking but this time it just made me happy. I mean look at all these great rainbows! And these weird, WEIRD takes on things! ~magical~
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
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This is the first time (but definitely won't be the last) that I had a totally non-porn prompt generate a lot of porn. (As in like, with nudity, not just lots of cleavage.) Apparently of the Mane Six "Applejack" is the one that really makes the AI think "oh, I know EXACTLY what you want, you dirty horsefucker" and I mean. Fair.
But as I said before, this isn't about the porn, it's about the NOT porn. And this right here? Not only is it not porn, but it's just beautifully weird. Is Applejack a horse? Is she a girl? Is she a girl holding a weird horse who is deeply saddened by some unknown tragedy? WHY NOT
But now we're getting to the main event: Big Macintosh.
Ok so under the hood we can deduce the following:
Big Macintosh is frequently made into a large-breasted woman by the r63 crowd, which I'm not gonna complain about, I'm nasty
There's enough pictures of the Big, Kind Clydesdale that the AI kind of wants to draw that.
The underlying bias of the model to try and "put a waifu on it" occasionally does weird things on top of that.
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Very good but not that weird. Just sorta looks like the original MLP anime from the 80's divergently-evolved into modern anime. Not bad.
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Ok nnnnow it's getting wonky. Chibification kicks in, and the anime bias tried to put a generic pale face on one of the proto-bigmacs.
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Now one of the grease traps of the experience: "Big Mac is a Cat Thing That Loves To Ride Robo Big Mac Into Battle Or Something". Love it, here for it.
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Oh yes. Yes perfect. The best of the bunch. Look at these weird lil beans. Look at them. LOOK AT THEM. These are why I made this blog. Just. LOOK AT THEMmmmm.
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IN FAIRNESS, it did also occasionally generate some good and majestic Big Macs. But I wouldn't be raving about this if that was all I got. No, I am newly fascinated with automated photobashing because I see now how it can simultaneously disrupt expectations and reveal biases, two things art really should try to do.
It also made a lot of VERY BUSTY girls with red hair, but I don't post those here because the whole point of this blog is when I can make AnythingV3 generate stuff OTHER than the vast attractor of horny that it knows how to make.
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stabledontfusion · 1 year
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Our story begins when I was trying (and as you can see, FAILING) to get AnythingV3 to spit out Anthy Himemiya and for some reason SD decided to just like. Draw Rarity in the background. It's a weird thing to do, like, Anthy has purple hair but it took that OFF her (along with whitewashing her skin, sadly not uncommon with a model trained the way this one has) and... put it on a pony?
Ok, I thought, does this thing... KNOW about Rarity?
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Yes, and it also wanted very badly for her to be some kind of anime waifu, which. Ok. No problem. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING THOUGH. Ok, what about Pinkie Pie?
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A lot of what it generated was normal. Normal, and BORING. But every few pictures it slaps down one of these gems:
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So now you know this blog's origin story. I was just minding my own business drawing waifus, but now I have been sucked down a RABBIT HOLE OF MAYHEM
And you're all coming with me because let me tell you. The real potential of AI art generation is not art laundering (although this absolutely is what is happening when Stability AI tells you it's "creating" images to use instead of a staff artist, JUST SO WE ARE CLEAR), the real potential of AI art generation is in smashing expectations by uncovering collective bias and the weird valleys and crannies in the design space of artistic expression.
Stay tuned for more weird automated photobashing. (Also, everyone start calling "AI Art" automated photobashing, because this is more accurate and frames it so art thieves can't get away with claiming their model isn't just ripping off 90% of the working artists out there.)
Oh yeah did I mention this blog is skeptical of AI Art itself? Because it is. That doesn't mean I won't have fun with it.
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