stabbed-monster · 1 day
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stabbed-monster · 1 day
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stabbed-monster · 1 day
before the poll, a quick definition of terms:
"mutual" - you found this post from a mutual (on their blog or your dash) "following" - you found this post from someone you're following, but who isn't following you "random" - you found this by scrolling through someone's blog, who you don't follow. this includes people following you "For You" - you found this on the For You page "recommended" - you found this in a "Check out these blogs" popup, or a "recommended" post when looking at a different post "other" - you found this post some other way. comment how? "reblog ✅" - you're going to reblog, queue, or schedule this post "reblog ❌" - you're NOT going to reblog, queue, or schedule this post
with that out of the way:
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stabbed-monster · 1 day
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stabbed-monster · 2 days
So we all know that Tumblr is US-centric. But to what degree? (and can we skew the results of this poll by posting it at a time where they should be asleep?)
Reblog to increase sample size!
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stabbed-monster · 2 days
hey if you’re in the U.S. and use food stamps or know somebody who does i found this online cookbook that has recipes for eating well on approximately $4/day :o) 
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stabbed-monster · 2 days
I wanna try this poll again. Native English speakers, stay out of this one for a sec.
If your native language is widely spoken by many ethnic groups, and you come across someone who speaks it on the internet and you don't know who they are yet, do you assume that they're from the majority/source ethnic group of that language or not? For instance, if you speak Russian do you assume they're an ethnic Russian or do you allow that they might be, say, Chukchi? Or if you speak Mandarin Chinese do you assume they're Han or do you allow that they might be Uyghur or something? I mean this in the "Americans automatically assume every English speaker on the internet is also American" way.
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stabbed-monster · 3 days
April 25th 1707 is one of the most important days in our history, and is commemorated annually as a day of fight for national liberation of the Valencian Country.
The Valencian band Al Tall perfectly summed up in a song the events that led to this date. Here’s the lyrics in Valencian-Catalan and the translation to English.
Va ser a la tardor de 1705, que a Altea desembarca Baptista Basset com a general de l'exèrcit de Carles el d'Àustria. Entra en la Marina i passeja per pobles i viles i en moltes comarques als maulets va distribuint armes i donant raons, convencent a tots els llauradors que l'Àrxiduc Carles ha promès suspendre tributs i gravàmens i tot el país li va plantar cara al borbó Felip V.
It was in autumn 1705 when Baptista Basset disimbarked in Altea as a general in the army of Charles of Austria. He entered la Marina area and walked in all towns and cities and in many shires, he distributed weapons to the maulets [armed groups of lower class agricultural workers who fought against Castilles’s rule on Valencia and for the rights of commoners against the nobility] and giving reasons, convinving all the farm workers that Archduke Charles had promised to eliminate all tributes and taxes and the whole country confronted the Bourbon Philip V.
Els reis i governants de tota Europa es posen a l'aguait i al ple s'aboquen, que està en discussió la corona dels regnes d'Espanya i els dos aspirants una guerra van a provocar, buscant aliances amb altres estats dos exèrcits preparen, Felip de Borbó i Carles d'Àustria, tals són els seus noms.
The kings and governors of all Europe start to keep watch and completely pour themselves into it, for the crown of the kingdoms of Spain is in discussion and the two candidates are about to provoke a war, looking for alliances with other states, they prepate two armies. Philip of Bourbon and Charles of Austria: these are their names.
Als pobles van renàixer les esperances d'arrancar el poder als nobles senyors i en poques setmanes el camí de València aplanaren; maulets i aliats dominaren pobles i ciutats; d'una punta a l'altra el país va tornar a obrir les arques per traure al carrer les senyeres contra el botifler i l'Arxiduc Carles a la porta de Quart aclamaren i ell feu jurament d'obeir i defendre las lleis.
In the villages, the hopes were reborn of striping away the power from the noble lords and in few weeks, they left the road to València flat maulets and allies dominated towns and cities; from one side to the other, the country again opened the chests to bring out the senyeres to the streets against the botifler [Philip V and his supporters]. And the Archduke Charles was acclaimed in the gates of Quart and he swore to obey and defend the laws [one of the reasons for the war was that the people from the Aragonese kingdoms -Valencia, Catalonia, Mallorca and Aragon- wanted to preserve their laws, and Castille wanted to impose its absolutist laws and customs on everyone else, which was a huge step back for the rights and living conditions of the lower classes, as well as of the whole countries, who would become invaded territory of Castile]
Del dia que ara esmente guardeu memòria: el 25 d'Abril de 1707 que trista batalla va somoure la terra d'Almansa; l'exèrcit borbó al de l'Àustria va vèncer d'un colp i sense defenses ocuparen comarques senceres. Mal dia va nàixer qui ordenà destruccions i matances. Si el mal ve d'Almansa amb raó diuen que a tots alcança: no es pot oblidar que en la boca del poble ha quedat.
Remember the day that I now say: the 25th of April of 1707 when the sad battle agitated the land of Almansa; the Bourbonic army defeated the Austriacist one and without defenses left, they [Bourbonics] occupied whole shires. May he be cursed [literally “Bad day was he born”] he who ordered destructions and massacres! If evil/pain comes from Almansa, they are right to say that it reaches everyone: it can’t be forgotten that it has remained in the mouth of the people. [“When evil/pain comes from Almansa, it reaches everyone” is a popular saying in Valencian. Almansa was the first defeat of the Valencians and it served as the entrance door for the Bourbonic armies to occupy all the Kingdom of València]
Després que va sotmetre tot el país i va tractar els hòmens amb gran crueltat, pensà que era l'hora d'augmentar el poder de la seua corona i sense tardança promulgà el Decret de Nova Planta, pel qual suprimia les lleis i costums de la pràctica antiga i ens va prohibir que parlàrem la llengua d'ací.
After he forced into submission the whole country and treated men with great cruelty he thought it was time to increase the power of his crown and without delay promulgated the Decrete of Nova Planta which suppressed the laws and customs of the old practise [banned the traditional laws of Valencia and the other kingdoms it occupied and forced everyone to have the Castillian ones, which gave the king absolute power] and he forbid us to speak the language from here.
Senyors i senyores, de la història us hem fet el reconte; si voleu seguir, en els llibres està tot escrit.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have told the history; if you wish to continue, it’s all written in the books.
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stabbed-monster · 3 days
The song “Lladres” by the Valencian band Al Tall, explains the results of the Battle of Almansa, fought on the 25th of April, 1707, during the War of Spanish Succession. This battle was won by Castile and lost by the Valencian-Catalan-Aragonese forces, and meant the beginning of the Spanish invasion of the Valencian Country.
For this reason, April 25th is commemorated in the Valencian Country as a national day. Even after the defeat in 1707 and 1939 and all the impositions and persecutions, the Valencian people and language still live and resist.
Here are the lyrics in Valencian/Catalan and my translation to English:
Lladres que entreu per Almansa Thieves who come in through Almansa
no sou lladres de saqueig, you are not plundering thieves,
que ens poseu la cova en casa you place your den in our home
i des d'ella governeu. and from there you govern us.
Governeu de lladrocini You govern in a thieve’s way
i rapinyeu governant; And prey governing
sou fartons de vida llarga You are gluttons with a long life
que mai voleu acabar. that you never want to end.
El nostre plat cada dia Our everyday meal
ens el torneu a llevar; again you take away from us;
l'aparteu amb elegància you push it aside with elegance
com si no tinguérem fam. as if we were not hungry.
I amb rabosera elegància And with astute elegance
ens heu forçat a oblidar you have forced us to forget
que si sentim buit el ventre that if we feel our stomachs empty
és per manca de menjar. it’s for lack of food.
No s'ensenya en les escoles It is not taught in schools
com van esclafar un país, how they crushed a country
perquè d'aquella sembrada because from that sowing
continuen collint fruits. they still harvest the fruits.
Hi ha un licor en la resina there’s a liquor in the resin
dels antics oliverars of the ancient olive trees
que fa tendra la memòria that softens the memory
i aclareix la veritat. and clarifies the truth.
Lladres que entreu per Almansa Thieves who come in through Almansa
no sou lladres de saqueig, you are not plundering thieves,
que ens poseu la cova en casa you place your den in our home
i des d'ella governeu. and from there you govern us.
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stabbed-monster · 3 days
Enguany, la Diada Nacional del País Valencià se celebra en un context especialment hostil, en un País Valencià governat per aquells qui odien profundament el valencià i tot el què té a veure amb la cultura i el poble valencians. Però hi plantem cara.
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stabbed-monster · 3 days
My sleep deprivation has made me understand tboy as the binding of isaac and was genuinely confused
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stabbed-monster · 3 days
In 1946, referendums were held in Saxony, in the Soviet zone, as well as in Hesse, in the US zone of occupation. In Saxony, voters were asked to approve or reject a proposal to expropriate large landowners and those big industrialists who had been active Nazi supporters and war criminals. It was proposed that these large industries be taken into public ownership. Over 77 per cent of votes cast were in favour of these proposals. Two referendums were held in Hesse, one on a new constitution - the most progressive proposal to be voted on in the US zone – in which voters were asked whether they supported Article 41 on the nationalisation of essential industries and banks. Over 62 per cent voted in favour. The US occupying forces then organised a further referendum on Article 41 (clearly in the hope that it would be defeated), but 72 per cent then voted in favour. Article 41 stated that, ‘the mining industry (coal, ore and potash), iron and steel industry, energy companies and railways should be placed under public control; large banks and insurance companies should be regulated or administered by the state.’ In contrast to what happened in the Soviet zone, the western occupying forces chose to ignore these demands carried by overwhelming majorities. Similar referendums were also held in Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia), in the British zone, both of which also gave majorities for expropriation. However, with the immediate onset of the Cold War and the West’s fear of the spread of socialist thinking, these democratic decisions were vetoed by the western occupying powers. [...]
The GDR was created, almost as a historical accident, in October 1949, out of the former Soviet zone of occupation in Germany. It came about as a response to the introduction of a separate currency in the Western sectors in the summer of 1949, followed by the go-it-alone creation of the Federal Republic in September of that same year. It is another one of those ‘forgotten’ historical facts that it was the Western allies’ surprise introduction of a new currency in the three zones occupied by the Western allies and West Berlin which led the Soviet Union to close transit routes to West Berlin (an island within the centre of the Soviet zone), because the now superfluous old currency would have undermined the economic stability of the East. It was this unilateral action that led directly to the Soviet blockade and the resultant Berlin Airlift.
Even after it came about, the Soviet Union saw the creation of the GDR as a temporary measure with eventual re-unification still the logical outcome. It actually put forward proposals for unification in 1952 but received a hefty ‘no’ for an answer from the West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. He was an adamant opponent of unification under any circumstances other than under a capitalist system.
Stasi State or Socialist Paradise? The German Democratic Republic and What Became of It by Bruni de la Motte & John Green with Seumas Milne (Contributor), 2015.
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stabbed-monster · 3 days
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While we wait for a second printing of my book, here's a new comic l've been working on in between other projects that I finally finished. This is actually my longest comic ever, at just under 40 pages. 😵‍💫 I'll be sharing more parts of it this week but of course you can read the whole thing early for just a buck! Here!
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stabbed-monster · 3 days
Here in spain hot dogs aren't that common. Since i live alone i usually cook random vegetables and meat and then use them for burritos/pasta/rice
so I started drinking vegetable broth instead of tea from time to time and just putting a hot dog in there to heat it up.
like I'll drink some broth and take a bite out of the now warm hot dog.
and the broth will even be slightly hot dog infused.
it's kinda awesome you should try it :3
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stabbed-monster · 4 days
rb to give prev head
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stabbed-monster · 4 days
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stabbed-monster · 4 days
god i love the blue catfish so much. kind of a terrifying superpredator honestly. they like living in muddy water so their eyesight is dogshit, but they've got these huge barbels around their face to feel around, and their whole body is covered in almost two hundred thousand tastebuds to figure out exactly where their prey is, and they've got a special adipose fin to be extra tuned-in to water currents/pressure, and they have super keen senses of hearing at really low AND high frequencies, and they ALSO have a deeply forked tail to decrease drag so they can just cruise around and gulp down literally whatever they want, including other catfish, even in like zero-visibility water where every other animal is basically blind. and they get so fucking stupid huge with this technique that nothing can grab them because they're as big as a person. and if an eagle or something does grab one before it's gotten big enough to be eagle-proof, the catfish has fucking POISON KNIVES on its fins to not only stab things but also envenomate them in the process
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you may not like it, but THIS is what peak performance looks like
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