spuddlespudloves · 4 days
Here's a bit of the WIP, the intro:
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The working title is "The Life & Times Of A Power Dealer"
Text under cut:
Issue Zero
I'm not a drug dealer per se… Yes, I do sell things that, to some, may be considered drugs. And yes, the selling of these items may not technically be legal but… Okay, maybe I am a drug dealer.
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spuddlespudloves · 4 days
Find the word tag
Thank you, @winterandwords! I'm glad for a chance to procrastinate writing today by hunting for these words :) why, who, while, and whole. Pulling from a marinating WIP about the royal taster...
“Well you should’ve said so then,” Sal said, but without much heat. She was learning this about Anaar—he was strange and didn’t always make sense, but he was the most interesting thing in the whole city. Maybe the whole world.
Anaar pushed her tea over. “Now half the hall thinks you’re trying to get ahead with the prince.” Sal stared at him in disbelief. “You’re the one who said to be kind to him!” “Relax,” Anaar said, and ate one of her egg rolls. “I think it’s great. Maybe you can put some muscle on those poor scrawny limbs.” “Like you’re so much better,” Sal said to be rude, and slurped her tea irritably. On her other side, Maia and Caihong whispered.
“Nobody said not to,” Sal said, smiling cheekily. “It’s not going to hurt anyone.” “Just because nobody said not to doesn’t mean they want you to.” Sal waved her off. “Yes, that’s how it works, Yuelin, but wouldn’t you rather have the experience if you’re going to be punished later?” “No,” Yuelin said, and stayed where she was while Sal walked closer.
“Anaar,” Sal muttered. “You could leave.” He knew what she meant instantly. “I won’t.” “Why not?” “I won’t leave you.” Sal closed her eyes. “We could leave together then.” “I don’t want to run from my problems,” Anaar said stubbornly. Sal sat up, dislodging both the blanket and his grip on her ankle. “You’re not running from anything, you’re saving your own life!”
Tags for @rjcopeseethemald @spuddlespud @elshells @the-stray-storyteller @avrablake @k--havok and anyone else who'd like to look for the words ocean, tear, sob, and swim 🌊
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spuddlespudloves · 5 days
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for tagging me @kaylinalexanderbooks!
My words are: refuse, beam, own, and product!
I'll tag: @melpomene-grey, @spuddlespud, @starbuds-and-rosedust, and open tag as always! New words are: true, hide, mean, and game!
Jack tried to ask him what was going on, but George hardly hesitated before squeezing right past him. He didn't look up. He didn't speak. Jack hurried after him and took him by the shoulders to stop him. 'George,' he insisted, 'what is it? What's happened?' 'I'm going home,' George said shortly. He shrugged Jack off, but still refused to meet his eye. 'My business here is done.'
'Oh, I hate you,' Jack groaned, slumping forwards and covering his eyes with his hand. 'Come, Jack!' George said, positively beaming now. 'You love a fuss—and it's your big three-oh!' Jack didn't look up, but the pillow raised itself ominously from the floor. George cringed away from it, and it fell again at once.
'Have you no idea how attractive you are?' Henry whispered, his breath tickling Jack's face. 'I nearly had us both on the run.' Jack blinked dizzily at him, at those beautiful warm dark eyes inches from his own. 'What?'
Product produce:
Jack was busy talking with a stallholder selling winter wreaths and mistletoe when Henry noticed agitated voices from the next stall. It was a produce stall displaying an arrangement of winter vegetables, and behind it stood Farmer Redgrave. He was a sturdy man with an honest warmth in his smile, and he was consistently muddy, whether it be over his boots or up his trousers or embedded under his nails. Henry liked that about him.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed!): @inkspellangel, @oh-no-another-idea, @cee-grice, @owlsandwich, @bodoramzap
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spuddlespudloves · 5 days
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He just like me frfr [literally my OC]
Text under cut
Damion slapped his hands to his ears as he ran to the microwave. He quickly pulled the door open, to stop the beeping as quickly as possible
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spuddlespudloves · 5 days
Character Voice Tag
@amaiguri tagged me in this, thank you! it looks fun! [their post]
Rules: Write a specific sentence in several characters' voices; you can also use a single action line to help, but the focus is on syntax!
My sentence is, "This morning, breakfast was bad."
Guri brought up context so I thought the context here would be the characters on the vessel in space*. It also limits the cast, since there are so many of them in my series.
Loke: "Limited food options here, huh?"
Jake: "Food this morning, what was that? I've never tasted anything like it before."
Adina: "Breakfast was shit."
Lucy: "May I inquire if the breakfast offered this morning is supposed to have that texture? I see."
Kari: "Breaking fast with food like that makes me understand why the humans are so meek."
Spacy: Throwing their hands in the air, unable to taste it, they don't concern themselves with this matter.
Tagging: @amaiguri @mysticstarlightduck @blind-the-winds @verba-writing @kaylinalexanderbooks @thebejeweledwatercat @aziz-reads @somethingclevermahogony @writingamongther0ses @illarian-rambling @toribookworm22 + open tag!
Your sentence is: Close the window.
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spuddlespudloves · 5 days
Find The Word (tag game)
Thanks for the tag, @buffythevampirelover
My words are: alright, hungry, tree(s), kiss
Alright: "What reason could you possibly have for trying to hit Shepherd?" Lennox growled. Ryo crossed his arms, "it wasn't on purpose; he's alright now, isn't he?"
Hungry: Tyrell flicked his tail and sighed, tossing his head back. He was bored out of his mind since the ghost attack fiasco. Then his stomach growled. "I just ate, how can I be hungry again?" He muttered.
Tree(s): "Oh hey! You found it!" Wally said with a grin as he jumped down from a tree branch and landed beside the ditch that Shasta was sitting in.
Kiss: Cora caressed Keagen's face and he leaned into her touch with a smile. "What did I do to deserve you?" He murmured. She chuckled before she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I ask myself that question every day," she smiled.
Tagging: @talesofsorrowandofruin @ryns-ramblings @movieexpert1978 @randomfandomtrash28 @spuddlespud @theeccentricraven @blind-the-winds @arijensineink @minutiaewriter @sleepyforestbeast
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spuddlespudloves · 5 days
Find the Word Tag
Thanks for tagging me @oh-no-another-idea!
My words are: scare, weapon, hands, and bleed!
I'll tag @aohendo, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @spuddlespud, and open tag as always! New words are: sight, sound, smell, and taste!
Unable to bear the sincerity in his eyes, Wolfe stared down into his glass, at the last mouthful of brandy sloshing around at the bottom. Jack did listen. He seemed to understand a side of Wolfe that he had thought he’d left long in the past. The side of a sensitive, scared little boy.
Jack's own hands were the best weapon he could ever wield.
'Here,' he said, passing the book into Mack's hands. 'I saw it in town, and I wanted you to have it.' 'A book?' Mack asked, sceptical. ‘You gone mad?’ Wolfe didn't need to reply. Mack looked closer at the cover, and his expression softened. He eased into a rare smile as he ran his finger over the title of his beloved book, and flicked briefly through the crisp, clean pages. He paused a moment to read a sentence near the middle, lips moving slightly with each word.
Wolfe squeezed Jack's arm. 'Jack, your eyes are bleeding,' he hissed. 'They turned white—what was that?' Jack quickly looked down at his hands. Blood had swelled around his nails and stained his fingers scarlet. More was trickling down his cheek and dripping off his chin.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed!): @inkspellangel, @oh-no-another-idea, @cee-grice
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spuddlespudloves · 5 days
Heads up seven up
Thank you to the lovely @druidx for the tag :) I'm getting some writing done as we speak--tea and tumblr and my word document are lovely companions this evening. :)
Quin watched him out of the corner of his eye. “And what do we know about Thresh Nightblood?” Jax ticked the points off on his fingers. It wasn’t hard, since there were only two. “He grew up with Aaliyah on the Nightblood ship and they were friends. Since the combustion, all Aaliyah knows is that he survived.” “So, we know nothing.”             “Yup,” Jax agreed slowly.
I'll tag @k--havok @hippiewrites @sarandipitywrites @sleepyowlwrites @spuddlespud @junypr-camus @space-writes @blind-the-winds and anyone else who'd like to share <3
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spuddlespudloves · 6 days
For reasons unknown, an immortal beast has been dropping off random trinkets at your ancestral home for generations. They’re all kept in storage; nobody dares throw them away. Today instead of a trinket, the beast leaves a note with instructions on it.
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spuddlespudloves · 8 days
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I tried to make a comic  in 10 minutes.  It shows. 
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spuddlespudloves · 15 days
PLEASE for the love of the universe read anti-colonial science fiction and fantasy written from marginalized perspectives. Y’all (you know who you are) are killing me. To see people praise books about empire written exclusively by white women and then turn around and say you don’t know who Octavia Butler is or that you haven’t read any NK Jemisin or that Babel was too heavy-handed just kills me! I’m not saying you HAVE to enjoy specific books but there is such an obvious pattern here
Some of y’all love marginalized stories but you don’t give a fuck about marginalized creators and characters, and it shows. Like damn
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spuddlespudloves · 4 months
I'm watching Smallville and they're just so...normal...and unangsty about things. Like someone wlll go through three massive traumatic experiences in the space of an hour, look a bit constipated and get over it. Where's the yearning? Where's the wailing? Where's the destructive grief and angst and rage.
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spuddlespudloves · 6 months
If you wanna be added to the general taglist for all my WIPs, current & future, interact w/ this post !!!!!
Current people on the general taglist [tell me if you wanna be taken off***]: @aeromaticace @smol-feralgremlin @educatedflame-43 @calyaer @writing-is-a-martial-art @nightmare4thebroken2 @spuddlespud @ak4santy @dreamscapenovel @jezifster
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spuddlespudloves · 9 months
Snippet Sunday Whenever
Thank you for tagging me, @nowandthane❤️
Rules: Revisit an old fic (or earlier chapters of your current WIP) and share a snip from: Your first chapter Your favorite chapter Your most challenging chapter Alternatively, if you don’t write longfic, feel free to share your one-shots. Provide as much or as little commentary as you want.
I'm choosing my first longfic for this, The Incomplete Crown of Bethmoora, based on Hellboy 2 The Golden Army. I wrote it in 2019 and originally it was not meant to be this long (a little over 60k words long) but I felt the appointed baddy of the movie, Prince Nuada Silverlance, had a strong point and deserved a fair chance so I gave him that, and tried to find a peaceful solution for the conflict between the magic folk's world and the humans.
First Chapter: Prologue
Prince Nuada took his father's decision as an act of weakness. His father, who was once a proud warrior, bent to the human will, which had caused so much destruction to their people. The truce facilitated the seizure of the remnant Elven territory on Earth, forcing them to search for refuge underground. Men continued creating machinery, factories and cities which contaminated the seas, air and forests turning nature into a mere resource at their disposal. One day, the Prince went into exile, unable to look his father in the eyes and not blame him for the precarious situation he had reduced the elves to. Millennia of life underground turned the skin and eyes of the elves sensitive to sunlight and heat. When humans discovered electricity and channeled it to produce artificial light, the elves noticed they could tolerate it because it did not emit UV radiation. However, with no sun exposure their skin stopped producing melanin, giving them a sickly pale complexion and pupils, once light blue and green as the crystal sea and lake waters, turned amber capable of seeing in the night like an owl, yet unable to stand the daylight.
Favorite Chapter: 10
The Prince collapsed hard on the floor. The impact against his naked skin made him hunch in pain as all his muscles cramped and pulled with stabs. He clenched his teeth and jaw, twisting and grumbling in pain from the back of his throat. He heard the door opening. He could hardly lift his head. Impossible. Who entered the chamber in that moment was Loreto Clair. She ran towards him carrying a big white blanket and covered him completely with it. She neared a bottle of water and carefully raised his head from the floor. Every cell of his body ached, the wound of weeks long bearing the light halos. It took him a big effort to hold his head above the floor. She held him by the nape and neared the bottle to his mouth. He drank the whole content in one sip, the water drops ran out of the corners of his mouth wetting his neck. The freshness returned some life into his body. He gasped for air as soon as he drank the last drop. "Oh my god!," Loreto Clair cried as she watched his face and attempted to approach her hand to his cheek. The brush shocked him. He felt like he had been skinned alive. He curled backwards with the little strength left. She did the same with her hand and begged him for forgiveness. He looked into her eyes. She cried. Loreto Clair desperately scanned the room with her eyes, then offered her hands to help him sit against the wall. Every single insignificant movement released a chain of spasms and stabs from the head to the tip of his toes. Finally, he supported his back against the wall. He gasped for air at the effort. Loreto Clair covered him with the blanket and hooked the corners behind his shoulders. "Tell me what you need," she said with a broken voice in a crouch facing him. "You need to recover your strength. What food can I bring you? You need to eat!" "Why do you help me, human?," the Prince mumbled, still hardly bearing the pain with his head supported against the wall. "Weren't you the one responsible for my current situation?" "No!," she cried and sobbed the nose. "I was told you were a dangerous terrorist that had to be caught at any cost. I didn't know they'd torture you like this." Her voice broke and let her head fall. Her sobbing was discreet yet clear. The Prince turned slowly his pupils towards her direction. Loreto Clair rose her face and dried her tears with the sleeve. She looked small, harmless. He felt sorry for her. She had just been a mere pawn in his capture. The mistake was his for having allowed himself to be seen climbing or descending from the theater at the days of her concerts. The rest hadn't been so difficult to infer for the agents of this place. "You can blame me later when we get out of here but first you need to recover," she said with a trembling yet firm tone. "There are guards on shift in all hallways but the rest of the staff seems to sleep. What do you need to eat?" "All that which nature freely gives and nothing that once lived and walked the Earth," the Prince uttered with effort and closed his eyes in an attempt to ease the constant burn.
Most Challenging Chapter: 27
The coordinates of the cylinder showed the location of the Golden Army in the County of Antrim in Northern Ireland. The operation required a special permission from the Townhall of New York to demolish the pavement just above the small dense Elven forest. Tom Manning justified the action to the community and the media as a deep cleaning of New York's sewers and distracted the press with similar statements during the days the excavation required. When they managed to reach the forest, B.P.R.D. special and human agents closed the perimeter to curious eyes with tall walls and a protective roof. They built an access gate for the agency's transportation and necessary machinery to begin the transplantation. Trucks came and went, transporting the delicate trees to the agency until they moved the last specimen. Each tree was between fifteen and thirty meters tall and their roots extended a few meters in diameter. The only way to move them and ensure their integrity was to use trucks with the largest and longest hopper possible. They could move the trees of middle and small size in groups by the trucks, however the large ones, only one at a time which caused the operation to take a little over two months to be completed. In the sewers, the perimeters around the druid's chamber where the forest was, was covered completely with a thick canvas of dense tissue to stop the passing of sunlight. The Prince and Princess informed the magical inhabitants of Bethmoora the origin and reason for such a procedure. The reactions were varied. The least happy with the news were the Trolls who claimed not wanting to leave an urban area so rich in missing children as New York, for that was their main diet. The royal twins argued then, that what they were agreeing with the humans would benefit the entire clan. Slowly the faces showed the hope for eons oppressed to return to the surface.
Tagging (only if you want to/have time - feel free to ignore this): @marsipanic @lilllithdraagon @oftachancer @glitchinginthegarden @newengland-shrike @spuddlespud and anyone else who wants to do this - you can say that I tagged you😉
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spuddlespudloves · 9 months
Make Me Write Tag Game
I've been tagged by the stellar @emelkae and @charlesjosephwrites! Thanks for the tags!
Rules: Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count). Whichever WIP title gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
Now onto the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @red-pen-ally, @space-writes, @mary-is-writing, @spuddlespud, and open tag!
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spuddlespudloves · 9 months
Heads Up, Seven Up
Thanks for the tag, @toribookworm22
Since I’m working on Transcendants: Skyfall, I shall be doing this for one of the chapters.
Paige clung to Harry, her shiver slowly ceasing as she used what little warmth she had to keep both her and Harry from falling deeper into the depths of the darkness. Harry had dozed off and Paige was the only one who had to keep watch- for both their sakes. It was a miracle that they were somehow alive in the unforgiving coldness of the Black Hole.
Tagging: @blind-the-winds @spuddlespud @evilwriter37 @my-cursed-prince @eli-writes-sometimes and @i-the-frenchiest-of-fries
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spuddlespudloves · 9 months
Find the Word Tag
I’ve been tagged by the spectacular @spuddlespud! Thanks for the tag! My words are  run, rain, real, and road! I’ll be sharing excerpts from To Not Falling Off Cliffs.
But first, the no pressure tags! I’ll be tagging @emelkae, @drabbleitout, @kaiusvnoir, @red-pen-ally, and open tag! Your words are seal, separate, sold, and slice!
Now, onto To Not Falling Off Cliffs!
Keep reading
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